Icarus 12 Posted June 11, 2012 (edited) Sorry for the bump. I think I have something that might still interest some off you :p Giant - Midget animating made easier All credit goes to vektorboson! Thanks to a friend of mine, who is good at programing, it is now possible to resize existing animations for non-standard size soldier in OFP without remaking all animations from scratch. Anyone who is not familiar with programing at all can use these 2 files to resize animations by simple drop and drag technique. :) Requirements: File number 1: original created by vektorboson # This script requires Python 3.x # It will convert a RTM-file (Operation Flashpoint animation) to a JSON-file # and back. # # Examples: # python rtm.py cesnapilot.rtm # this creates a "cesnapilot.js" # # python rtm.py cesnapilot.js # this creates a "cesnapilot.rtm" import struct import json def clean_string(s): return s[:s.find(b"\0")] class RtmLoadException(Exception): pass class RTM: def __init__(self): self.move = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] self.bones = [] self.frames = [] def readFromPath(self, path): with open(path, "rb") as file: self.readFromFile(file) def readFromFile(self, file): magic = struct.unpack("8s", file.read(8))[0] if magic != b"RTM_0101": raise RtmLoadException("Unexpected magic value %s" % magic) self.move = [x*2.5 for x in struct.unpack("fff", file.read(4*3))] number_of_frames = struct.unpack("i", file.read(4))[0] number_of_bones = struct.unpack("i", file.read(4))[0] for i in range(number_of_bones): name = clean_string(struct.unpack("32s", file.read(32))[0]).decode("cp1252") self.bones.append(name) for i in range(number_of_frames): frame_time = struct.unpack("f", file.read(4))[0] bone_transform = {} for ib in range(number_of_bones): bone = clean_string(struct.unpack("32s", file.read(32))[0]).decode("cp1252") transform = [x for x in struct.unpack("ffffffffffff", file.read(12*4))] ######################################################################################### ## Giant-Midget converions below. ## Replace 2.0 by your desired number. ## 1.0 does nothing, above 1.0 increases, below 1.0 decreases the size of animations ######################################################################################### transform[9] = transform[9]*2.0 # Replace 2.0 by your own transform[10] = transform[10]*2.0 # Replace 2.0 by your own transform[11] = transform[11]*2.0 # Replace 2.0 by your own bone_transform[bone] = transform self.frames.append({"frame_time": frame_time, "transforms": bone_transform}) def writeToPath(self, path): with open(path, "wb") as file: self.writeToFile(file) def writeToFile(self, file): file.write(b"RTM_0101") file.write(struct.pack("fff", self.move)) file.write(struct.pack("i", len(self.frames))) file.write(struct.pack("i", len(self.bones))) for b in self.bones: file.write(struct.pack("32s", b.encode("cp1252"))) for frame in self.frames: file.write(struct.pack("f", frame["frame_time"])) for bone, transform in frame["transforms"].items(): file.write(struct.pack("32s", bone.encode("cp1252"))) file.write(struct.pack("ffffffffffff", *transform)) def to_json(self): return json.dumps({ "move": self.move, "bones": self.bones, "frames": self.frames }, sort_keys=True, indent=4) def from_json(self, json_string): data = json.loads(json_string) self.move = data["move"] self.bones = data["bones"] self.frames = data["frames"] if __name__ == '__main__': import sys if len(sys.argv) <= 1: print("USAGE:") print("python rtm.py INPUT.rtm") print("\tConverts to JSON, creates INPUT.js\n") print("python rtm.py INPUT.js") print("\tConverts to RTM, creates INPUT.rtm") else: import os.path import_path = sys.argv[1] root, ext = os.path.splitext(import_path) ext = ext.lower() rtm = RTM() if ext == ".rtm": export_path = "{}.js".format(root) rtm.readFromPath(import_path) with open(export_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file: file.write(rtm.to_json()) print("Exported {} successfully to {}".format(import_path, export_path)) elif ext == ".js": export_path = "{}.rtm".format(root) rtm.from_json(open(import_path,"r",encoding="utf-8").read()) rtm.writeToPath(export_path) print("Exported {} successfully to {}".format(import_path, export_path)) File number 2: created by vektorboson # This script requires Python 3.x # It will convert a RTM-file (Operation Flashpoint animation) to a JSON-file # and back. # # Examples: # python rtm.py cesnapilot.rtm # this creates a "cesnapilot.js" # # python rtm.py cesnapilot.js # this creates a "cesnapilot.rtm" import struct import json def clean_string(s): return s[:s.find(b"\0")] class RtmLoadException(Exception): pass class RTM: def __init__(self): self.move = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] self.bones = [] self.frames = [] def readFromPath(self, path): with open(path, "rb") as file: self.readFromFile(file) def readFromFile(self, file): magic = struct.unpack("8s", file.read(8))[0] if magic != b"RTM_0101": raise RtmLoadException("Unexpected magic value %s" % magic) self.move = struct.unpack("fff", file.read(4*3)) number_of_frames = struct.unpack("i", file.read(4))[0] number_of_bones = struct.unpack("i", file.read(4))[0] for i in range(number_of_bones): name = clean_string(struct.unpack("32s", file.read(32))[0]).decode("cp1252") self.bones.append(name) for i in range(number_of_frames): frame_time = struct.unpack("f", file.read(4))[0] bone_transform = {} for ib in range(number_of_bones): bone = clean_string(struct.unpack("32s", file.read(32))[0]).decode("cp1252") transform = struct.unpack("ffffffffffff", file.read(12*4)) bone_transform[bone] = transform self.frames.append({"frame_time": frame_time, "transforms": bone_transform}) def writeToPath(self, path): with open(path, "wb") as file: self.writeToFile(file) def writeToFile(self, file): file.write(b"RTM_0101") file.write(struct.pack("fff", *self.move)) file.write(struct.pack("i", len(self.frames))) file.write(struct.pack("i", len(self.bones))) for b in self.bones: file.write(struct.pack("32s", b.encode("cp1252"))) for frame in self.frames: file.write(struct.pack("f", frame["frame_time"])) for bone, transform in frame["transforms"].items(): file.write(struct.pack("32s", bone.encode("cp1252"))) file.write(struct.pack("ffffffffffff", *transform)) def to_json(self): return json.dumps({ "move": self.move, "bones": self.bones, "frames": self.frames }, sort_keys=True, indent=4) def from_json(self, json_string): data = json.loads(json_string) self.move = data["move"] self.bones = data["bones"] self.frames = data["frames"] if __name__ == '__main__': import sys if len(sys.argv) <= 1: print("USAGE:") print("python rtm.py INPUT.rtm") print("\tConverts to JSON, creates INPUT.js\n") print("python rtm.py INPUT.js") print("\tConverts to RTM, creates INPUT.rtm") else: import os.path import_path = sys.argv[1] root, ext = os.path.splitext(import_path) ext = ext.lower() rtm = RTM() if ext == ".rtm": export_path = "{}.js".format(root) rtm.readFromPath(import_path) with open(export_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file: file.write(rtm.to_json()) print("Exported {} successfully to {}".format(import_path, export_path)) elif ext == ".js": export_path = "{}.rtm".format(root) rtm.from_json(open(import_path,"r",encoding="utf-8").read()) rtm.writeToPath(export_path) print("Exported {} successfully to {}".format(import_path, export_path)) Python version 3.xhttp://www.python.org/download/ These scripts can e used to animate any non standard size soldier. For example open a standard size soldier in O2 editor and scale it up by 2 times. Instructions: Download and install Python version 3.x. Save file_nr1 as for e.g. Anim_resize.py Save file_nr2 as for e.g. Anim_converter.py Animation resize is based on python script written by vektorboson. The script converts animation.RTM file into animation.JSON file and backwards. I had an idea to refit particular parts of animation file during conversion to make those animations fit nonstandard size soldier models. In order to resize the animation file, you take a copy of your animation.RTM file and drag it onto file_nr1.py (File number 1). This file resizes and converts your animation into animation.JSON file. To make your animation useable in OFP, drag animation.JSON onto file_nr2.py (File number 2), it will produce an animation.RTM file and overwrite the original animation.RTM file so be sure to make a backup. Dear OFP/Arma:CWA veterans,At first I want to thank to anyone who helped me multiple previous times. :notworthy: Question: Is it possible to open and edit animation.rtm files as a text file in a human readable form? I know I can open any .rtm file in notepad (for example) but in that case I can not understand what that bunch of symbols mean. Example: RTM_0101 zbran ÿÿÂÃ…HvAÆHvX J roura ÿÿÂÃ…HvAÆHvX J bricho ÿÂÃ…HvAÆHvX J zebra ÿÂÃ…HvAÆHvX J hrudnik ÂÃ…HvAÆHvX J pbiceps ÂÃ…HvAÆHvX J ploket ÂÃ…HvAÆHvX J pruka ÂÃ…HvAÆHvX J lbiceps ÂÃ…HvAÆHvX J lloket ÂÃ…HvAÆHvX J lruka ÂÃ…HvAÆHvX J prameno ÂÃ…HvAÆHvX J lrameno ÂÃ…HvAÆHvX J krk eno ÂÃ…HvAÆHvX J hlava o ÂÃ…HvAÆHvX J pzadek ÂÃ…HvAÆHvX J pstehno ÂÃ…HvAÆHvX J pholen ÂÃ…HvAÆHvX J pchodidlo HvAÆHvX J pprsty lo HvAÆHvX J lzadek lo HvAÆHvX J lstehno o HvAÆHvX J lholen o HvAÆHvX J lchodidlo HvAÆHvX J lprsty lo HvAÆHvX J zbran lo HvAÆHvX J ÃŽk(?‰@?¹h = * >l…†½–"}¿Ù¸=¿á'?i¾ÉSœ¾_Û? ´¿roura lo HvAÆHvX J HïD¿Ù°Â½€"%¿|Àt½[Ó?pM½&?}¶Ž:ZÃ…E¿ûø½„!q?D£½bricho lo HvAÆHvX J %×)¿24 ¾²g<¿îÃi½rg}?q3¾+ý>?q5½*¿õ¯m»j¢y?€Y½zebra lo HvAÆHvX J %×)¿24 ¾²g<¿îÃi½rg}?q3¾+ý>?q5½*¿õ¯m»j¢y?€Y½hrudnik o HvAÆHvX J ÃŽ#¿+µª¾Ã@1¿¸|¾***Dp?ȳ¾y¦@?šÆ¶½X'¿ÂÀ<c©z?1™‡»pbiceps o HvAÆHvX J R!'?J~?=ë‹A¿{âê>E?3ã>·N?~ô"¿Wö>‚N|¾œ“€?€‹½ploket o HvAÆHvX J ud¾“ec?¤â>2¿žYܾÚ;4?ã¿P?¡Y$¾¼`?<¾‰*–?²t\½pruka o HvAÆHvX J °#k¿% E>3Ü°>.è¡>n+¾ o? 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I appreciate any answer. Take care, Icarus Edited August 13, 2013 by Icarus Added some usefull info Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Macser_old 0 Posted June 11, 2012 I don't like to be the bearer of bad tidings but......... Even if you could.What would you do?You'd still be looking at a sea of text. None of which is likely to make any sense to the majority of the people here. Probably lots of references to selections and rotational data. Trying to edit it to achieve anything would likely be a nightmare.Unfortunately no-one has the time or interest to write something more "interactive" than OFPanim. Preferably,for something like Blender.So we're stuck with what we have . :( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Icarus 12 Posted June 11, 2012 (edited) Macser, I agree with you that creating new animations from a text file is impossible. I do not want to do that. I want to edit existing .rtm animations in their text form. For personal reasons :) Please if you know any program that would open .rtm file as a readable text tell me. If you know that is impossible, please also share information. Icarus :j: Edited June 11, 2012 by Icarus Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Macser_old 0 Posted June 12, 2012 Macser, I agree with you that creating new animations from a text file is impossible. I understood what you were saying.I was also referring to editing an existing file.Rather than generating a new one. :) Please if you know any program that would open .rtm file as a readable text tell me.If you know that is impossible, please also share information. I don't know to be honest.But I imagine the resulting file would look very similar to a BVH(BioVisionHierarchy). A file type commonly used for motion capture.Not something I'd like to edit manually past the actual joint hierarchy in the header section.Here's an example: HIERARCHY ROOT Hips { OFFSET -9.81459 37.9956 3.0488 CHANNELS 6 Xposition Yposition Zposition Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation JOINT LeftHip { OFFSET 3.43 0 0 CHANNELS 6 Xposition Yposition Zposition Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation JOINT LeftKnee { OFFSET 0 -18.47 0 CHANNELS 6 Xposition Yposition Zposition Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation JOINT LeftAnkle { OFFSET 0 -17.95 0 CHANNELS 6 Xposition Yposition Zposition Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation End Site { OFFSET 0 -3.12 0 } } } } JOINT RightHip { OFFSET -3.43 0 0 CHANNELS 6 Xposition Yposition Zposition Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation JOINT RightKnee { OFFSET 0 -18.47 0 CHANNELS 6 Xposition Yposition Zposition Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation JOINT RightAnkle { OFFSET 0 -17.95 0 CHANNELS 6 Xposition Yposition Zposition Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation End Site { OFFSET 0 -3.12 0 } } } } JOINT Chest { OFFSET 0 4.57 0 CHANNELS 6 Xposition Yposition Zposition Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation JOINT CS_BVH { OFFSET 0 6.57 0 CHANNELS 6 Xposition Yposition Zposition Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation JOINT LeftCollar { OFFSET 1.06 4.19 1.76 CHANNELS 6 Xposition Yposition Zposition Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation JOINT LeftShoulder { OFFSET 5.81 0 0 CHANNELS 6 Xposition Yposition Zposition Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation JOINT LeftElbow { OFFSET 0 -12.08 0 CHANNELS 6 Xposition Yposition Zposition Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation JOINT LeftWrist { OFFSET 0 -9.82 0 CHANNELS 6 Xposition Yposition Zposition Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation End Site { OFFSET 0 -7.37 0 } } } } } JOINT RightCollar { OFFSET -1.06 4.19 1.76 CHANNELS 6 Xposition Yposition Zposition Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation JOINT RightShoulder { OFFSET -6.06 0 0 CHANNELS 6 Xposition Yposition Zposition Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation JOINT RightElbow { OFFSET 0 -11.08 0 CHANNELS 6 Xposition Yposition Zposition Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation JOINT RightWrist { OFFSET 0 -9.82 0 CHANNELS 6 Xposition Yposition Zposition Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation End Site { OFFSET 0 -7.14001 0 } } } } } JOINT Neck { OFFSET 0 4.05 0 CHANNELS 6 Xposition Yposition Zposition Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation JOINT Head { OFFSET 0 5.19 0 CHANNELS 6 Xposition Yposition Zposition Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation End Site { OFFSET 0 4.14001 0 } } } } } } MOTION Frames: 187 Frame Time: 0.0333333 2.32364 42.6717 -12.1284 18.5528 0.814044 1.3637 3.43 -7.10543e-015 -3.55271e-015 -19.257 -35.2396 7.73566 1.35003e-013 -18.47 5.38236e-013 0.664086 66.0702 -5.67056 -2.30926e-012 -17.95 3.82805e-012 8.74251 -30.7157 1.07431 -3.43 -7.10543e-015 -7.10543e-015 -19.7234 -9.56343 -1.54006 -1.1724e-013 -18.47 6.39488e-014 0.0408548 5.82447 0.463589 -2.33591e-012 -17.95 5.86198e-013 0.898133 3.4133 -0.552158 1.42109e-014 4.57 -2.13163e-014 -23.6911 1.34363 -0.703091 -3.55271e-015 6.57 -1.42109e-014 -4.50682 1.43244 0.748298 1.06 4.19 1.76 11.7849 -0.195357 -0.186783 5.81 -2.13163e-014 2.20268e-013 9.46114 19.4113 -4.89148 -2.06839e-011 -12.08 -4.09273e-012 -22.027 -52.7611 -7.18026 2.81561e-010 -9.82 3.47882e-011 -0.310162 -0.00151408 0.182501 -1.06 4.19 1.76 -11.478 -0.0803907 -0.320025 -6.06 -2.13163e-014 -2.70006e-013 1.97998 17.8661 1.2033 1.97957e-011 -11.08 5.81935e-012 1.04227 -22.6283 -1.07815 -2.68081e-010 -9.82 6.861e-011 -1.3353e-009 1.73541e-009 4.68764e-009 3.55271e-015 4.05 -3.90799e-014 -0.115498 -0.132767 -0.22226 2.45137e-013 5.19 2.13163e-014 -6.67221e-013 1.85148e-012 -2.12898e-013 2.3167 42.6391 -12.1187 18.2086 0.868888 1.36645 3.43 -7.10543e-015 -3.55271e-015 -19.2453 -34.9383 7.16921 1.35003e-013 -18.47 5.38236e-013 0.713404 65.2958 -5.38755 -2.30926e-012 -17.95 3.82805e-012 8.40944 -30.2741 0.991849 -3.43 -7.10543e-015 -7.10543e-015 -19.3266 -9.57226 -1.52492 -1.1724e-013 -18.47 6.39488e-014 -0.00476599 5.75154 0.503876 -2.33591e-012 -17.95 5.86198e-013 0.760409 3.4188 -0.529549 1.42109e-014 4.57 -2.13163e-014 -23.2498 1.30815 -0.702996 -3.55271e-015 6.57 -1.42109e-014 -4.62824 1.37954 0.724161 1.06 4.19 1.76 12.0207 -0.217012 -0.206406 5.81 -2.13163e-014 2.20268e-013 9.36397 19.4456 -4.78066 -2.06839e-011 -12.08 -4.09273e-012 -21.9155 -52.8285 -7.09785 2.81561e-010 -9.82 3.47882e-011 -0.3376 -0.00281785 -0.117764 -1.06 4.19 1.76 -11.1988 -0.104237 -0.37576 -6.06 -2.13163e-014 -2.70006e-013 1.90998 17.8919 1.26217 1.97957e-011 -11.08 5.81935e-012 1.04058 -22.6953 -1.2282 -2.68081e-010 -9.82 6.861e-011 -0.305561 0.0642995 0.322487 3.55271e-015 4.05 -3.90799e-014 -0.0628844 -0.0164234 -0.179401 2.45137e-013 5.19 2.13163e-014 0.258504 -0.0774799 -0.0805049 2.31869 42.6441 -12.1147 18.1612 0.869909 1.38283 3.43 -7.10543e-015 -3.55271e-015 -19.2662 -34.8251 7.11218 1.35003e-013 -18.47 5.38236e-013 0.629889 65.0927 -5.3399 -2.30926e-012 -17.95 3.82805e-012 8.46808 -30.1587 1.03761 -3.43 -7.10543e-015 -7.10543e-015 -19.3005 -9.47282 -1.56281 -1.1724e-013 -18.47 6.39488e-014 0.065147 5.58666 0.658288 -2.33591e-012 -17.95 5.86198e-013 0.238697 3.52326 -0.413594 1.42109e-014 4.57 -2.13163e-014 -23.1049 1.40818 -0.708671 -3.55271e-015 6.57 -1.42109e-014 -4.73657 1.57185 0.662427 1.06 4.19 1.76 11.9625 -0.467561 -0.0846629 5.81 -2.13163e-014 2.20268e-013 9.73304 19.5926 -5.10867 -2.06839e-011 -12.08 -4.09273e-012 -22.3387 -52.7816 -7.41576 2.81561e-010 -9.82 3.47882e-011 -0.664206 0.0361724 -0.310474 -1.06 4.19 1.76 -11.1435 -0.435739 -0.488041 -6.06 -2.13163e-014 -2.70006e-013 1.69158 17.7695 2.62753 1.97957e-011 -11.08 5.81935e-012 1.39041 -22.9653 -1.68841 -2.68081e-010 -9.82 6.861e-011 -1.754 0.366372 1.80115 3.55271e-015 4.05 -3.90799e-014 0.0514823 -0.139979 -0.152664 2.45137e-013 5.19 2.13163e-014 0.0231456 -0.273009 0.100239 2.33596 42.6909 -12.1099 18.5059 0.93196 1.57543 3.43 -7.10543e-015 -3.55271e-015 -19.4797 -35.2238 7.57649 1.35003e-013 -18.47 5.38236e-013 0.729499 65.9266 -5.92861 -2.30926e-012 -17.95 3.82805e-012 8.95578 -30.4841 1.15954 -3.43 -7.10543e-015 -7.10543e-015 -19.7549 -9.50051 -1.62289 -1.1724e-013 -18.47 6.39488e-014 0.0805132 5.65567 0.238653 -2.33591e-012 -17.95 5.86198e-013 0.443682 3.83015 -0.442583 1.42109e-014 4.57 -2.13163e-014 -23.6247 1.43899 -0.760485 -3.55271e-015 6.57 -1.42109e-014 -4.72542 1.59687 0.642623 1.06 4.19 1.76 11.8861 -0.409103 -0.139596 5.81 -2.13163e-014 2.20268e-013 9.94923 19.5043 -5.29388 -2.06839e-011 -12.08 -4.09273e-012 -22.8319 -52.7347 -7.80487 2.81561e-010 -9.82 3.47882e-011 -0.239127 -0.0339844 -0.63646 -1.06 4.19 1.76 -11.0932 -0.377513 -0.54747 -6.06 -2.13163e-014 -2.70006e-013 1.55182 17.7352 3.05149 1.97957e-011 -11.08 5.81935e-012 1.42914 -22.9435 -1.84659 -2.68081e-010 -9.82 6.861e-011 -1.7393 0.351698 1.63554 3.55271e-015 4.05 -3.90799e-014 0.312516 -0.454789 -0.482929 2.45137e-013 5.19 2.13163e-014 -0.814872 -0.459023 0.210118 2.31633 42.6056 -12.111 17.6787 0.878835 1.41819 3.43 -7.10543e-015 -3.55271e-015 -19.035 -34.4606 6.65241 1.35003e-013 -18.47 5.38236e-013 0.669695 64.27 -5.02904 -2.30926e-012 -17.95 3.82805e-012 8.19279 -29.8131 0.922082 -3.43 -7.10543e-015 -7.10543e-015 -18.7992 -9.44955 -1.51218 -1.1724e-013 -18.47 6.39488e-014 0.0410044 5.53144 0.550317 -2.33591e-012 -17.95 5.86198e-013 0.199355 3.42281 -0.406707 1.42109e-014 4.57 -2.13163e-014 -22.5015 1.36991 -0.692353 -3.55271e-015 6.57 -1.42109e-014 -4.53873 1.53195 0.627634 1.06 4.19 1.76 11.824 -0.273643 -0.102165 5.81 -2.13163e-014 2.20268e-013 9.83602 19.5744 -5.24126 -2.06839e-011 -12.08 -4.09273e-012 -22.7517 -52.722 -7.7456 2.81561e-010 -9.82 3.47882e-011 -0.340687 -0.0182956 -0.596965 -1.06 4.19 1.76 -11.274 -0.232873 -0.528157 -6.06 -2.13163e-014 -2.70006e-013 1.47889 17.6091 3.57631 1.97957e-011 -11.08 5.81935e-012 1.64622 -23.0113 -1.85735 -2.68081e-010 -9.82 6.861e-011 -1.99308 0.37696 1.54158 3.55271e-015 4.05 -3.90799e-014 0.361359 -0.483746 -0.552218 2.45137e-013 5.19 2.13163e-014 -1.23218 -0.571281 0.311062 2.32493 42.6471 -12.1023 17.8102 1.06927 1.38337 3.43 -7.10543e-015 -3.55271e-015 -19.0834 -34.8069 6.90454 1.35003e-013 -18.47 5.38236e-013 0.675606 64.6738 -5.25505 -2.30926e-012 -17.95 3.82805e-012 8.3647 -30.0331 0.989733 -3.43 -7.10543e-015 -7.10543e-015 -18.9183 -9.55087 -1.38733 -1.1724e-013 -18.47 6.39488e-014 0.00223158 5.37281 0.475984 -2.33591e-012 -17.95 5.86198e-013 0.262881 3.42685 -0.415499 1.42109e-014 4.57 -2.13163e-014 -22.6495 1.24948 -0.749595 -3.55271e-015 6.57 -1.42109e-014 -4.40527 1.25254 0.6637 1.06 4.19 1.76 11.4432 0.0115424 -0.185297 5.81 -2.13163e-014 2.20268e-013 10.1594 19.6313 -5.36768 -2.06839e-011 -12.08 -4.09273e-012 -22.9424 -52.8976 -7.88567 2.81561e-010 -9.82 3.47882e-011 -0.65757 0.0237902 -0.674936 -1.06 4.19 1.76 -11.6126 0.0431068 -0.454361 -6.06 -2.13163e-014 -2.70006e-013 1.79872 17.5667 2.85495 1.97957e-011 -11.08 5.81935e-012 1.34444 -22.6408 -1.83348 -2.68081e-010 -9.82 6.861e-011 -1.30067 0.308161 1.78559 3.55271e-015 4.05 -3.90799e-014 0.188346 -0.247925 -0.576966 2.45137e-013 5.19 2.13163e-014 -1.25004 -0.502144 0.272995 2.3335 42.678 -12.1006 18.0342 1.11035 1.42063 3.43 -7.10543e-015 -3.55271e-015 -19.2192 -35.039 7.07998 1.35003e-013 -18.47 5.38236e-013 0.746774 65.1161 -5.39322 -2.30926e-012 -17.95 3.82805e-012 8.43592 -30.2416 1.02812 -3.43 -7.10543e-015 -7.10543e-015 -19.1458 -9.56265 -1.34756 -1.1724e-013 -18.47 6.39488e-014 -0.0694782 5.33916 0.36377 -2.33591e-012 -17.95 5.86198e-013 0.407586 3.5065 -0.4459 1.42109e-014 4.57 -2.13163e-014 -22.9249 1.25087 -0.764794 -3.55271e-015 6.57 -1.42109e-014 -4.43282 1.23418 0.686584 1.06 4.19 1.76 11.5383 0.0224761 -0.178238 5.81 -2.13163e-014 2.20268e-013 9.93783 19.6884 -5.21457 -2.06839e-011 -12.08 -4.09273e-012 -22.7092 -52.8974 -7.70424 2.81561e-010 -9.82 3.47882e-011 -1.09036 0.086723 -0.625696 -1.06 4.19 1.76 -11.6205 0.0706318 -0.43469 -6.06 -2.13163e-014 -2.70006e-013 1.93781 17.5812 2.3386 1.97957e-011 -11.08 5.81935e-012 1.27438 -22.504 -1.73931 -2.68081e-010 -9.82 6.861e-011 -1.30175 0.297775 1.69814 3.55271e-015 4.05 -3.90799e-014 0.321291 0.0144723 -0.6005 2.45137e-013 5.19 2.13163e-014 -1.42482 -0.90822 0.33033 2.32142 42.607 -12.0997 17.4712 1.02079 1.3611 3.43 -7.10543e-015 -3.55271e-015 -18.9088 -34.478 6.55217 1.35003e-013 -18.47 5.38236e-013 0.659329 64.04 -4.93381 -2.30926e-012 -17.95 3.82805e-012 8.14086 -29.7666 0.898677 -3.43 -7.10543e-015 -7.10543e-015 -18.5652 -9.55028 -1.37333 -1.1724e-013 -18.47 6.39488e-014 -0.026511 5.422 0.466308 -2.33591e-012 -17.95 5.86198e-013 0.312679 3.32955 -0.427995 1.42109e-014 4.57 -2.13163e-014 -22.2295 1.26099 -0.715402 -3.55271e-015 6.57 -1.42109e-014 -4.31475 1.31081 0.651244 1.06 4.19 1.76 11.5129 -0.0616233 -0.119448 5.81 -2.13163e-014 2.20268e-013 9.92571 19.7003 -5.12397 -2.06839e-011 -12.08 -4.09273e-012 -22.6296 -52.9459 -7.64328 2.81561e-010 -9.82 3.47882e-011 -1.08764 0.0902239 -0.477256 -1.06 4.19 1.76 -11.7792 -0.0369187 -0.480975 -6.06 -2.13163e-014 -2.70006e-013 2.11063 17.4147 2.27987 1.97957e-011 -11.08 5.81935e-012 1.297 -22.1822 -1.76549 -2.68081e-010 -9.82 6.861e-011 -1.14746 0.290753 1.78089 3.55271e-015 4.05 -3.90799e-014 -0.0188866 -0.358539 -0.592133 2.45137e-013 5.19 2.13163e-014 -1.12887 -0.496365 0.116258 2.32302 42.6217 -12.0909 17.4057 1.09151 1.43928 3.43 -7.10543e-015 -3.55271e-015 -18.8457 -34.4894 6.65908 1.35003e-013 -18.47 5.38236e-013 0.515815 63.9818 -5.05748 -2.30926e-012 -17.95 3.82805e-012 8.33804 -29.6607 0.936375 -3.43 -7.10543e-015 -7.10543e-015 -18.508 -9.49779 -1.34992 -1.1724e-013 -18.47 6.39488e-014 -0.0269944 5.2591 0.286473 -2.33591e-012 -17.95 5.86198e-013 0.182171 3.41498 -0.395509 1.42109e-014 4.57 -2.13163e-014 -22.1444 1.235 -0.736053 -3.55271e-015 6.57 -1.42109e-014 -4.30943 1.24869 0.628718 1.06 4.19 1.76 11.4625 0.00782593 -0.23015 5.81 -2.13163e-014 2.20268e-013 10.064 19.7373 -5.12767 -2.06839e-011 -12.08 -4.09273e-012 -22.6825 -52.9933 -7.68134 2.81561e-010 -9.82 3.47882e-011 -1.27732 0.116614 -0.483627 -1.06 4.19 1.76 -11.7235 0.0598006 -0.511043 -6.06 -2.13163e-014 -2.70006e-013 2.21023 17.3798 1.99991 1.97957e-011 -11.08 5.81935e-012 1.28205 -22.0247 -1.66823 -2.68081e-010 -9.82 6.861e-011 -1.40282 0.325847 1.72881 3.55271e-015 4.05 -3.90799e-014 0.17579 -0.158252 -0.576136 2.45137e-013 5.19 2.13163e-014 -1.22038 -0.591778 0.262184 2.32064 42.6281 -12.0918 17.5355 1.02098 1.39643 3.43 -7.10543e-015 -3.55271e-015 -18.89 -34.5376 6.71478 1.35003e-013 -18.47 5.38236e-013 0.638135 64.1992 -5.02982 -2.30926e-012 -17.95 3.82805e-012 8.17616 -29.8008 0.915513 -3.43 -7.10543e-015 -7.10543e-015 -18.6289 -9.46655 -1.37017 -1.1724e-013 -18.47 6.39488e-014 0.00937902 5.31927 0.478181 -2.33591e-012 -17.95 5.86198e-013 0.22264 3.49236 -0.408763 1.42109e-014 4.57 -2.13163e-014 -22.3259 1.23886 -0.709894 -3.55271e-015 6.57 -1.42109e-014 -4.34685 1.26081 0.664087 1.06 4.19 1.76 11.5413 0.0821966 -0.213458 5.81 -2.13163e-014 2.20268e-013 10.0288 19.7394 -5.17852 -2.06839e-011 -12.08 -4.09273e-012 -22.7125 -52.8884 -7.70476 2.81561e-010 -9.82 3.47882e-011 -1.4872 0.147623 -0.419536 -1.06 4.19 1.76 -11.6734 0.130515 -0.461726 -6.06 -2.13163e-014 -2.70006e-013 2.13941 17.3482 2.16515 1.97957e-011 -11.08 5.81935e-012 1.29675 -22.0913 -1.67306 -2.68081e-010 -9.82 6.861e-011 -1.44154 0.324634 1.67039 3.55271e-015 4.05 -3.90799e-014 0.327372 -0.00491419 -0.499167 2.45137e-013 5.19 2.13163e-014 -1.2949 -0.823581 0.369733 2.32421 42.6458 -12.093 17.6164 1.02262 1.40538 3.43 -7.10543e-015 -3.55271e-015 -18.8874 -34.6333 6.89284 1.35003e-013 -18.47 5.38236e-013 0.605653 64.4003 -5.13013 -2.30926e-012 -17.95 3.82805e-012 8.30431 -29.8835 0.95285 -3.43 -7.10543e-015 -7.10543e-015 -18.7116 -9.46531 -1.3384 -1.1724e-013 -18.47 6.39488e-014 -0.00945328 5.29876 0.43684 -2.33591e-012 -17.95 5.86198e-013 0.336124 3.41531 -0.427214 1.42109e-014 4.57 -2.13163e-014 -22.4423 1.27951 -0.731093 -3.55271e-015 6.57 -1.42109e-014 -4.33908 1.32812 0.638591 1.06 4.19 1.76 11.5222 0.0267913 -0.151964 5.81 -2.13163e-014 2.20268e-013 9.873 19.7691 -4.95317 -2.06839e-011 -12.08 -4.09273e-012 -22.4411 -52.9114 -7.50022 2.81561e-010 -9.82 3.47882e-011 -1.40183 0.128652 -0.697177 -1.06 4.19 1.76 -11.7261 0.0601325 -0.500122 -6.06 -2.13163e-014 -2.70006e-013 2.22459 17.3354 2.13246 1.97957e-011 -11.08 5.81935e-012 1.24963 -22.1178 -1.79207 -2.68081e-010 -9.82 6.861e-011 -1.30515 0.31832 1.74844 3.55271e-015 4.05 -3.90799e-014 0.0678432 -0.415193 -0.613881 2.45137e-013 5.19 2.13163e-014 -1.18165 -0.363532 0.192879 2.32795 42.694 -12.0933 18.0187 1.04626 1.43516 3.43 -7.10543e-015 -3.55271e-015 -19.1191 -34.9619 7.21074 1.35003e-013 -18.47 5.38236e-013 0.673426 65.1016 -5.39634 -2.30926e-012 -17.95 3.82805e-012 8.5157 -30.2001 1.03396 -3.43 -7.10543e-015 -7.10543e-015 -19.1441 -9.41743 -1.36494 -1.1724e-013 -18.47 6.39488e-014 -0.0186887 5.22637 0.364005 -2.33591e-012 -17.95 5.86198e-013 0.355898 3.39537 -0.431512 1.42109e-014 4.57 -2.13163e-014 -22.9248 1.30684 -0.742834 -3.55271e-015 6.57 -1.42109e-014 -4.50092 1.34592 0.669881 1.06 4.19 1.76 11.7344 0.0254152 -0.149736 5.81 -2.13163e-014 2.20268e-013 9.76892 19.7154 -4.99681 -2.06839e-011 -12.08 -4.09273e-012 -22.4763 -52.802 -7.52943 2.81561e-010 -9.82 3.47882e-011 -0.887544 0.0622714 -0.479214 -1.06 4.19 1.76 -11.5888 0.0830138 -0.49575 -6.06 -2.13163e-014 -2.70006e-013 2.19674 17.3429 2.12684 1.97957e-011 -11.08 5.81935e-012 1.23611 -22.1089 -1.75582 -2.68081e-010 -9.82 6.861e-011 -1.35715 0.314163 1.66081 3.55271e-015 4.05 -3.90799e-014 0.152371 -0.322272 -0.597329 2.45137e-013 5.19 2.13163e-014 -1.08861 -0.452192 0.165399 2.3124 42.6174 -12.0907 17.5644 1.01253 1.38233 3.43 -7.10543e-015 -3.55271e-015 -18.8812 -34.5577 6.72086 1.35003e-013 -18.47 5.38236e-013 0.67448 64.2659 -5.03319 -2.30926e-012 -17.95 3.82805e-012 8.153 -29.8588 0.911428 -3.43 -7.10543e-015 -7.10543e-015 -18.6659 -9.53959 -1.41287 -1.1724e-013 -18.47 6.39488e-014 0.0355195 5.46636 0.536763 -2.33591e-012 -17.95 5.86198e-013 0.467077 3.38514 -0.464967 1.42109e-014 4.57 -2.13163e-014 -22.4308 1.24266 -0.714618 -3.55271e-015 6.57 -1.42109e-014 -4.38012 1.27183 0.662902 1.06 4.19 1.76 11.7037 0.027498 -0.173143 5.81 -2.13163e-014 2.20268e-013 9.85107 19.7581 -5.05099 -2.06839e-011 -12.08 -4.09273e-012 -22.5791 -52.8463 -7.60826 2.81561e-010 -9.82 3.47882e-011 -0.666595 0.0349996 -0.359881 -1.06 4.19 1.76 -11.6241 0.0776511 -0.463243 -6.06 -2.13163e-014 -2.70006e-013 2.31672 17.3952 2.00169 1.97957e-011 -11.08 5.81935e-012 1.20313 -22.127 -1.79398 -2.68081e-010 -9.82 6.861e-011 -1.36513 0.311176 1.64418 3.55271e-015 4.05 -3.90799e-014 0.21358 -0.165449 -0.548528 2.45137e-013 5.19 2.13163e-014 -1.10854 -0.599963 0.199049 2.32743 42.6469 -12.0917 17.6525 1.06769 1.43574 3.43 -7.10543e-015 -3.55271e-015 -19.0349 -34.7 6.76897 1.35003e-013 -18.47 5.38236e-013 0.779214 64.461 -5.25086 -2.30926e-012 -17.95 3.82805e-012 8.27197 -29.919 0.955564 -3.43 -7.10543e-015 -7.10543e-015 -18.7928 -9.49163 -1.38811 -1.1724e-013 -18.47 6.39488e-014 0.0120329 5.30457 0.333418 -2.33591e-012 -17.95 5.86198e-013 0.298465 3.45838 -0.422654 1.42109e-014 4.57 -2.13163e-014 -22.5032 1.28275 -0.741058 -3.55271e-015 6.57 -1.42109e-014 -4.39083 1.32508 0.641221 1.06 4.19 1.76 11.6669 -0.0154046 -0.176937 5.81 -2.13163e-014 2.20268e-013 9.95699 19.7317 -5.12993 -2.06839e-011 -12.08 -4.09273e-012 -22.705 -52.7916 -7.70637 2.81561e-010 -9.82 3.47882e-011 -0.609013 0.0242045 -0.498877 -1.06 4.19 1.76 -11.6699 0.0409488 -0.507891 -6.06 -2.13163e-014 -2.70006e-013 2.36435 17.3063 1.78518 1.97957e-011 -11.08 5.81935e-012 1.22764 -21.9973 -1.65215 -2.68081e-010 -9.82 6.861e-011 -1.38648 0.313629 1.68906 3.55271e-015 4.05 -3.90799e-014 0.187585 -0.337438 -0.643765 2.45137e-013 5.19 2.13163e-014 -1.11609 -0.37526 0.16666 2.30982 42.6244 -12.0946 17.5332 1.03281 1.33487 3.43 -7.10543e-015 -3.55271e-015 -18.8685 -34.5552 6.65391 1.35003e-013 -18.47 5.38236e-013 0.703422 64.1872 -4.95926 -2.30926e-012 -17.95 3.82805e-012 8.00845 -29.8072 0.889382 -3.43 -7.10543e-015 -7.10543e-015 -18.591 -9.52537 -1.33988 -1.1724e-013 -18.47 6.39488e-014 -0.0231088 5.35178 0.483913 -2.33591e-012 -17.95 5.86198e-013 0.279393 3.4016 -0.422937 1.42109e-014 4.57 -2.13163e-014 -22.3802 1.23645 -0.721155 -3.55271e-015 6.57 -1.42109e-014 -4.43215 1.25099 0.66576 1.06 4.19 1.76 11.7556 0.104823 -0.131248 5.81 -2.13163e-014 2.20268e-013 9.94134 19.6716 -5.11571 -2.06839e-011 -12.08 -4.09273e-012 -22.6378 -52.781 -7.65485 2.81561e-010 -9.82 3.47882e-011 -0.61102 0.0245483 -0.298552 -1.06 4.19 1.76 -11.5434 0.140631 -0.461459 -6.06 -2.13163e-014 -2.70006e-013 2.28063 17.3544 2.03471 1.97957e-011 -11.08 5.81935e-012 1.20822 -22.1968 -1.67073 -2.68081e-010 -9.82 6.861e-011 -1.49174 0.329816 1.76055 3.55271e-015 4.05 -3.90799e-014 0.265124 -0.16208 -0.566967 The numbers listed under the MOTION keyword are the motion data. And what I pasted is only a fraction of that data. Assuming it was possible to edit,without introducing errors,it would be a horrible process. I'm open to correction on anything I just posted.But I don't think I'm very far off track. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Icarus 12 Posted July 4, 2012 (edited) Assuming it was possible to edit,without introducing errors,it would be a horrible process. I'm open to correction on anything I just posted.But I don't think I'm very far off track. Hello I recently received a .rtm/.js converting script created by vektorboson. Link for script: http://pastebin.com/HHnR1jJm This script converts .rtm file to .js files (human readable from) and vice versa. As a proof I show an example: This is Sstanistat.rtm animation from vanilla OFP/Arma:CWA converted to Sstanistat.js: { "bones": [ "pchodidlo", "lchodidlo", "pprsty", "lprsty", "lholen", "pholen", "pstehno", "lstehno", "pzadek", "lzadek", "bricho", "zebra", "hrudnik", "krk", "prameno", "lrameno", "hlava", "pbiceps", "lbiceps", "ploket", "lloket", "roura", "zbran", "pruka", "lruka" ], "frames": [ { "frame_time": 0.0, "transforms": { "bricho": [ -0.7728115916252136, -0.49467918276786804, -0.397550106048584, -0.4267047643661499, 0.8686976432800293, -0.25146329402923584, 0.46977362036705017, -0.02469114400446415, -0.8824122548103333, 0.034469813108444214, 0.8824722170829773, 0.03605370968580246 ], "hlava": [ -0.3768714666366577, -0.7771090269088745, -0.5039815902709961, -0.6879860758781433, 0.5991989374160767, -0.40946418046951294, 0.6202018857002258, 0.19240593910217285, -0.760438084602356, 0.09378758072853088, 0.9604469537734985, 0.08582397550344467 ], "hrudnik": [ -0.4847305119037628, -0.7973178625106812, -0.35941460728645325, -0.6841678023338318, 0.601744532585144, -0.41159185767173767, 0.5444758534431458, 0.04633834958076477, -0.8371714949607849, 0.09286487847566605, 0.9613822102546692, 0.08941011130809784 ], "krk": [ -0.3768600821495056, -0.7771791219711304, -0.503976047039032, -0.6879757046699524, 0.5991761088371277, -0.40946143865585327, 0.6202009320259094, 0.19239769876003265, -0.760434627532959, 0.09378416836261749, 0.9604461789131165, 0.08582437038421631 ], "lbiceps": [ -0.7739831209182739, 0.4770815670490265, -0.41623160243034363, 0.17527903616428375, 0.7931417226791382, 0.5832071304321289, 0.6084465980529785, 0.37840741872787476, -0.6975004076957703, -0.27023449540138245, 0.8678075075149536, -0.34077852964401245 ], "lchodidlo": [ -0.4705375134944916, 0.06098340451717377, -0.8802673816680908, 0.0601794496178627, 0.9974971413612366, 0.03694438189268112, 0.8803198933601379, -0.03559698536992073, -0.47303909063339233, -0.12174694240093231, 1.0955839157104492, -0.07483389973640442 ], "lholen": [ -0.4556507170200348, -0.4109651446342468, -0.7896137237548828, -0.14923526346683502, 0.9097585082054138, -0.3873908519744873, 0.8775737881660461, -0.05870964005589485, -0.4758453369140625, -0.3297992944717407, 1.01121187210083, -0.49675703048706055 ], "lloket": [ 0.18449237942695618, 0.6340156197547913, 0.7509271502494812, 0.8525307774543762, -0.4833991527557373, 0.19872348010540009, 0.48902562260627747, 0.6035017967224121, -0.6297032237052917, -0.2709540128707886, 0.8779777884483337, -0.3326878249645233 ], "lprsty": [ -0.42061033844947815, -0.23901189863681793, -0.8751824498176575, -0.07443109899759293, 0.9705122113227844, -0.22927743196487427, 0.9041841626167297, -0.031292982399463654, -0.426000714302063, -0.2764175832271576, 1.1048047542572021, -0.3685673177242279 ], "lrameno": [ -0.66253662109375, -0.7375376224517822, -0.1303597241640091, -0.7488129138946533, 0.6562891602516174, 0.09284375607967377, 0.0170647744089365, 0.15916189551353455, -0.9870657920837402, 0.12421293556690216, 0.9363518357276917, -0.13333293795585632 ], "lruka": [ 0.3869533836841583, -0.7202637195587158, -0.5757209658622742, 0.705397367477417, -0.17091171443462372, 0.6878507137298584, -0.5938631892204285, -0.6722676157951355, 0.4419107139110565, -0.06463968753814697, 1.2235429286956787, -0.4643777906894684 ], "lstehno": [ -0.3301672637462616, 0.8044571876525879, -0.49381306767463684, 0.5670467019081116, 0.5872642397880554, 0.5775639414787292, 0.7546156644821167, -0.08930633962154388, -0.6500607132911682, 0.09700183570384979, 0.8414363861083984, 0.07865627855062485 ], "lzadek": [ -0.8882866501808167, -0.41247883439064026, -0.20200298726558685, -0.39075806736946106, 0.9098514318466187, -0.139578178524971, 0.24136534333229065, -0.04505932703614235, -0.9693858623504639, 0.02079186774790287, 0.8709205389022827, 0.019668204709887505 ], "pbiceps": [ -0.129747673869133, 0.012421644292771816, -0.9914284348487854, 0.527472198009491, 0.8475292921066284, -0.05842127650976181, 0.8395707607269287, -0.5304742455482483, -0.11648980528116226, -0.3181903660297394, 0.8462851047515869, 0.06002214178442955 ], "pchodidlo": [ -0.9951385855674744, -0.09546465426683426, 0.02417120710015297, -0.0979461669921875, 0.9849516153335571, -0.14238665997982025, -0.010217190720140934, -0.14405444264411926, -0.9895172119140625, -0.2800288796424866, 1.0590827465057373, -0.04155034199357033 ], "pholen": [ -0.9551916718482971, -0.2911791503429413, 0.05310610309243202, -0.2957465648651123, 0.9461150169372559, -0.13198962807655334, -0.011805611662566662, -0.14179998636245728, -0.9898208379745483, -0.47713056206703186, 1.0199226140975952, -0.031122587621212006 ], "ploket": [ 0.6568843722343445, 0.6659607291221619, 0.35346075892448425, -0.292193204164505, -0.20730671286582947, 0.9335788488388062, 0.6950750946998596, -0.7165433168411255, 0.058422405272722244, -0.3170546591281891, 0.8501891493797302, 0.04293117672204971 ], "pprsty": [ -0.9499775767326355, -0.2986261546611786, 0.09149929136037827, -0.30873191356658936, 0.9422025084495544, -0.13022442162036896, -0.04732348024845123, -0.1519559919834137, -0.9872475266456604, -0.5182478427886963, 1.0375087261199951, -0.03660834580659866 ], "prameno": [ -0.7555482983589172, -0.6327962279319763, -0.16938841342926025, -0.45223647356033325, 0.6908621191978455, -0.563973069190979, 0.47393426299095154, -0.34948110580444336, -0.8081853985786438, -0.010872640646994114, 0.9241691827774048, 0.15823355317115784 ], "pruka": [ -0.7176986336708069, 0.2785900831222534, 0.6381325721740723, 0.49847811460494995, -0.4342186450958252, 0.7502275109291077, 0.4861668646335602, 0.856591522693634, 0.17278216779232025, -0.17064379155635834, 1.1252321004867554, 0.02279418148100376 ], "pstehno": [ -0.6071372628211975, 0.7456161379814148, -0.2746206223964691, 0.7789388298988342, 0.6267624497413635, -0.02035525068640709, 0.1569482386112213, -0.22627566754817963, -0.9613404870033264, 0.15818668901920319, 0.8289612531661987, 0.03439195454120636 ], "pzadek": [ -0.8882855176925659, -0.4124957025051117, -0.20200183987617493, -0.3907589018344879, 0.9098550081253052, -0.1395777016878128, 0.24136513471603394, -0.04503908380866051, -0.9693897366523743, 0.020792003720998764, 0.870922863483429, 0.01966814137995243 ], "roura": [ -0.7699519991874695, -0.5872827172279358, -0.24945124983787537, -0.5158926248550415, 0.8030127882957458, -0.2982689440250397, 0.37551069259643555, -0.10098996758460999, -0.9212560057640076, 0.010861623100936413, 0.938575804233551, 0.06535046547651291 ], "zbran": [ 0.65342116355896, 0.7559187412261963, 0.03914942592382431, 0.1343548595905304, -0.0649360939860344, -0.9887592196464539, -0.7449647784233093, 0.6513673067092896, -0.1439978927373886, -0.528253972530365, 1.4649956226348877, -0.35101017355918884 ], "zebra": [ -0.6342861652374268, -0.6871840357780457, -0.35323986411094666, -0.6370542645454407, 0.7240897417068481, -0.26288461685180664, 0.43645554780960083, 0.058224692940711975, -0.8970602750778198, 0.08009663224220276, 0.9185044765472412, 0.03730517253279686 ] } }, { "frame_time": 0.5, "transforms": { "bricho": [ -0.7728115916252136, -0.49467918276786804, -0.397550106048584, -0.4267047643661499, 0.8686976432800293, -0.25146329402923584, 0.46977362036705017, -0.02469114400446415, -0.8824122548103333, 0.034469813108444214, 0.8824722170829773, 0.03605370968580246 ], "hlava": [ -0.3768714666366577, -0.7771090269088745, -0.5039815902709961, -0.6879860758781433, 0.5991989374160767, -0.40946418046951294, 0.6202018857002258, 0.19240593910217285, -0.760438084602356, 0.09378758072853088, 0.9604469537734985, 0.08582397550344467 ], "hrudnik": [ -0.4847305119037628, -0.7973178625106812, -0.35941460728645325, -0.6841678023338318, 0.601744532585144, -0.41159185767173767, 0.5444758534431458, 0.04633834958076477, -0.8371714949607849, 0.09286487847566605, 0.9613822102546692, 0.08941011130809784 ], "krk": [ -0.3768600821495056, -0.7771791219711304, -0.503976047039032, -0.6879757046699524, 0.5991761088371277, -0.40946143865585327, 0.6202009320259094, 0.19239769876003265, -0.760434627532959, 0.09378416836261749, 0.9604461789131165, 0.08582437038421631 ], "lbiceps": [ -0.7739831209182739, 0.4770815670490265, -0.41623160243034363, 0.17527903616428375, 0.7931417226791382, 0.5832071304321289, 0.6084465980529785, 0.37840741872787476, -0.6975004076957703, -0.27023449540138245, 0.8678075075149536, -0.34077852964401245 ], "lchodidlo": [ -0.4705375134944916, 0.06098340451717377, -0.8802673816680908, 0.0601794496178627, 0.9974971413612366, 0.03694438189268112, 0.8803198933601379, -0.03559698536992073, -0.47303909063339233, -0.12174694240093231, 1.0955839157104492, -0.07483389973640442 ], "lholen": [ -0.4556507170200348, -0.4109651446342468, -0.7896137237548828, -0.14923526346683502, 0.9097585082054138, -0.3873908519744873, 0.8775737881660461, -0.05870964005589485, -0.4758453369140625, -0.3297992944717407, 1.01121187210083, -0.49675703048706055 ], "lloket": [ 0.18449237942695618, 0.6340156197547913, 0.7509271502494812, 0.8525307774543762, -0.4833991527557373, 0.19872348010540009, 0.48902562260627747, 0.6035017967224121, -0.6297032237052917, -0.2709540128707886, 0.8779777884483337, -0.3326878249645233 ], "lprsty": [ -0.42061033844947815, -0.23901189863681793, -0.8751824498176575, -0.07443109899759293, 0.9705122113227844, -0.22927743196487427, 0.9041841626167297, -0.031292982399463654, -0.426000714302063, -0.2764175832271576, 1.1048047542572021, -0.3685673177242279 ], "lrameno": [ -0.66253662109375, -0.7375376224517822, -0.1303597241640091, -0.7488129138946533, 0.6562891602516174, 0.09284375607967377, 0.0170647744089365, 0.15916189551353455, -0.9870657920837402, 0.12421293556690216, 0.9363518357276917, -0.13333293795585632 ], "lruka": [ 0.3869533836841583, -0.7202637195587158, -0.5757209658622742, 0.705397367477417, -0.17091171443462372, 0.6878507137298584, -0.5938631892204285, -0.6722676157951355, 0.4419107139110565, -0.06463968753814697, 1.2235429286956787, -0.4643777906894684 ], "lstehno": [ -0.3301672637462616, 0.8044571876525879, -0.49381306767463684, 0.5670467019081116, 0.5872642397880554, 0.5775639414787292, 0.7546156644821167, -0.08930633962154388, -0.6500607132911682, 0.09700183570384979, 0.8414363861083984, 0.07865627855062485 ], "lzadek": [ -0.8882866501808167, -0.41247883439064026, -0.20200298726558685, -0.39075806736946106, 0.9098514318466187, -0.139578178524971, 0.24136534333229065, -0.04505932703614235, -0.9693858623504639, 0.02079186774790287, 0.8709205389022827, 0.019668204709887505 ], "pbiceps": [ -0.129747673869133, 0.012421644292771816, -0.9914284348487854, 0.527472198009491, 0.8475292921066284, -0.05842127650976181, 0.8395707607269287, -0.5304742455482483, -0.11648980528116226, -0.3181903660297394, 0.8462851047515869, 0.06002214178442955 ], "pchodidlo": [ -0.9951385855674744, -0.09546465426683426, 0.02417120710015297, -0.0979461669921875, 0.9849516153335571, -0.14238665997982025, -0.010217190720140934, -0.14405444264411926, -0.9895172119140625, -0.2800288796424866, 1.0590827465057373, -0.04155034199357033 ], "pholen": [ -0.9551916718482971, -0.2911791503429413, 0.05310610309243202, -0.2957465648651123, 0.9461150169372559, -0.13198962807655334, -0.011805611662566662, -0.14179998636245728, -0.9898208379745483, -0.47713056206703186, 1.0199226140975952, -0.031122587621212006 ], "ploket": [ 0.6568843722343445, 0.6659607291221619, 0.35346075892448425, -0.292193204164505, -0.20730671286582947, 0.9335788488388062, 0.6950750946998596, -0.7165433168411255, 0.058422405272722244, -0.3170546591281891, 0.8501891493797302, 0.04293117672204971 ], "pprsty": [ -0.9499775767326355, -0.2986261546611786, 0.09149929136037827, -0.30873191356658936, 0.9422025084495544, -0.13022442162036896, -0.04732348024845123, -0.1519559919834137, -0.9872475266456604, -0.5182478427886963, 1.0375087261199951, -0.03660834580659866 ], "prameno": [ -0.7555482983589172, -0.6327962279319763, -0.16938841342926025, -0.45223647356033325, 0.6908621191978455, -0.563973069190979, 0.47393426299095154, -0.34948110580444336, -0.8081853985786438, -0.010872640646994114, 0.9241691827774048, 0.15823355317115784 ], "pruka": [ -0.7176986336708069, 0.2785900831222534, 0.6381325721740723, 0.49847811460494995, -0.4342186450958252, 0.7502275109291077, 0.4861668646335602, 0.856591522693634, 0.17278216779232025, -0.17064379155635834, 1.1252321004867554, 0.02279418148100376 ], "pstehno": [ -0.6071372628211975, 0.7456161379814148, -0.2746206223964691, 0.7789388298988342, 0.6267624497413635, -0.02035525068640709, 0.1569482386112213, -0.22627566754817963, -0.9613404870033264, 0.15818668901920319, 0.8289612531661987, 0.03439195454120636 ], "pzadek": [ -0.8882855176925659, -0.4124957025051117, -0.20200183987617493, -0.3907589018344879, 0.9098550081253052, -0.1395777016878128, 0.24136513471603394, -0.04503908380866051, -0.9693897366523743, 0.020792003720998764, 0.870922863483429, 0.01966814137995243 ], "roura": [ -0.7699519991874695, -0.5872827172279358, -0.24945124983787537, -0.5158926248550415, 0.8030127882957458, -0.2982689440250397, 0.37551069259643555, -0.10098996758460999, -0.9212560057640076, 0.010861623100936413, 0.938575804233551, 0.06535046547651291 ], "zbran": [ 0.65342116355896, 0.7559187412261963, 0.03914942592382431, 0.1343548595905304, -0.0649360939860344, -0.9887592196464539, -0.7449647784233093, 0.6513673067092896, -0.1439978927373886, -0.528253972530365, 1.4649956226348877, -0.35101017355918884 ], "zebra": [ -0.6342861652374268, -0.6871840357780457, -0.35323986411094666, -0.6370542645454407, 0.7240897417068481, -0.26288461685180664, 0.43645554780960083, 0.058224692940711975, -0.8970602750778198, 0.08009663224220276, 0.9185044765472412, 0.03730517253279686 ] } }, { "frame_time": 1.0, "transforms": { "bricho": [ -0.7728115916252136, -0.49467918276786804, -0.397550106048584, -0.4267047643661499, 0.8686976432800293, -0.25146329402923584, 0.46977362036705017, -0.02469114400446415, -0.8824122548103333, 0.034469813108444214, 0.8824722170829773, 0.03605370968580246 ], "hlava": [ -0.3768714666366577, -0.7771090269088745, -0.5039815902709961, -0.6879860758781433, 0.5991989374160767, -0.40946418046951294, 0.6202018857002258, 0.19240593910217285, -0.760438084602356, 0.09378758072853088, 0.9604469537734985, 0.08582397550344467 ], "hrudnik": [ -0.4847305119037628, -0.7973178625106812, -0.35941460728645325, -0.6841678023338318, 0.601744532585144, -0.41159185767173767, 0.5444758534431458, 0.04633834958076477, -0.8371714949607849, 0.09286487847566605, 0.9613822102546692, 0.08941011130809784 ], "krk": [ -0.3768600821495056, -0.7771791219711304, -0.503976047039032, -0.6879757046699524, 0.5991761088371277, -0.40946143865585327, 0.6202009320259094, 0.19239769876003265, -0.760434627532959, 0.09378416836261749, 0.9604461789131165, 0.08582437038421631 ], "lbiceps": [ -0.7739831209182739, 0.4770815670490265, -0.41623160243034363, 0.17527903616428375, 0.7931417226791382, 0.5832071304321289, 0.6084465980529785, 0.37840741872787476, -0.6975004076957703, -0.27023449540138245, 0.8678075075149536, -0.34077852964401245 ], "lchodidlo": [ -0.4705375134944916, 0.06098340451717377, -0.8802673816680908, 0.0601794496178627, 0.9974971413612366, 0.03694438189268112, 0.8803198933601379, -0.03559698536992073, -0.47303909063339233, -0.12174694240093231, 1.0955839157104492, -0.07483389973640442 ], "lholen": [ -0.4556507170200348, -0.4109651446342468, -0.7896137237548828, -0.14923526346683502, 0.9097585082054138, -0.3873908519744873, 0.8775737881660461, -0.05870964005589485, -0.4758453369140625, -0.3297992944717407, 1.01121187210083, -0.49675703048706055 ], "lloket": [ 0.18449237942695618, 0.6340156197547913, 0.7509271502494812, 0.8525307774543762, -0.4833991527557373, 0.19872348010540009, 0.48902562260627747, 0.6035017967224121, -0.6297032237052917, -0.2709540128707886, 0.8779777884483337, -0.3326878249645233 ], "lprsty": [ -0.42061033844947815, -0.23901189863681793, -0.8751824498176575, -0.07443109899759293, 0.9705122113227844, -0.22927743196487427, 0.9041841626167297, -0.031292982399463654, -0.426000714302063, -0.2764175832271576, 1.1048047542572021, -0.3685673177242279 ], "lrameno": [ -0.66253662109375, -0.7375376224517822, -0.1303597241640091, -0.7488129138946533, 0.6562891602516174, 0.09284375607967377, 0.0170647744089365, 0.15916189551353455, -0.9870657920837402, 0.12421293556690216, 0.9363518357276917, -0.13333293795585632 ], "lruka": [ 0.3869533836841583, -0.7202637195587158, -0.5757209658622742, 0.705397367477417, -0.17091171443462372, 0.6878507137298584, -0.5938631892204285, -0.6722676157951355, 0.4419107139110565, -0.06463968753814697, 1.2235429286956787, -0.4643777906894684 ], "lstehno": [ -0.3301672637462616, 0.8044571876525879, -0.49381306767463684, 0.5670467019081116, 0.5872642397880554, 0.5775639414787292, 0.7546156644821167, -0.08930633962154388, -0.6500607132911682, 0.09700183570384979, 0.8414363861083984, 0.07865627855062485 ], "lzadek": [ -0.8882866501808167, -0.41247883439064026, -0.20200298726558685, -0.39075806736946106, 0.9098514318466187, -0.139578178524971, 0.24136534333229065, -0.04505932703614235, -0.9693858623504639, 0.02079186774790287, 0.8709205389022827, 0.019668204709887505 ], "pbiceps": [ -0.129747673869133, 0.012421644292771816, -0.9914284348487854, 0.527472198009491, 0.8475292921066284, -0.05842127650976181, 0.8395707607269287, -0.5304742455482483, -0.11648980528116226, -0.3181903660297394, 0.8462851047515869, 0.06002214178442955 ], "pchodidlo": [ -0.9951385855674744, -0.09546465426683426, 0.02417120710015297, -0.0979461669921875, 0.9849516153335571, -0.14238665997982025, -0.010217190720140934, -0.14405444264411926, -0.9895172119140625, -0.2800288796424866, 1.0590827465057373, -0.04155034199357033 ], "pholen": [ -0.9551916718482971, -0.2911791503429413, 0.05310610309243202, -0.2957465648651123, 0.9461150169372559, -0.13198962807655334, -0.011805611662566662, -0.14179998636245728, -0.9898208379745483, -0.47713056206703186, 1.0199226140975952, -0.031122587621212006 ], "ploket": [ 0.6568843722343445, 0.6659607291221619, 0.35346075892448425, -0.292193204164505, -0.20730671286582947, 0.9335788488388062, 0.6950750946998596, -0.7165433168411255, 0.058422405272722244, -0.3170546591281891, 0.8501891493797302, 0.04293117672204971 ], "pprsty": [ -0.9499775767326355, -0.2986261546611786, 0.09149929136037827, -0.30873191356658936, 0.9422025084495544, -0.13022442162036896, -0.04732348024845123, -0.1519559919834137, -0.9872475266456604, -0.5182478427886963, 1.0375087261199951, -0.03660834580659866 ], "prameno": [ -0.7555482983589172, -0.6327962279319763, -0.16938841342926025, -0.45223647356033325, 0.6908621191978455, -0.563973069190979, 0.47393426299095154, -0.34948110580444336, -0.8081853985786438, -0.010872640646994114, 0.9241691827774048, 0.15823355317115784 ], "pruka": [ -0.7176986336708069, 0.2785900831222534, 0.6381325721740723, 0.49847811460494995, -0.4342186450958252, 0.7502275109291077, 0.4861668646335602, 0.856591522693634, 0.17278216779232025, -0.17064379155635834, 1.1252321004867554, 0.02279418148100376 ], "pstehno": [ -0.6071372628211975, 0.7456161379814148, -0.2746206223964691, 0.7789388298988342, 0.6267624497413635, -0.02035525068640709, 0.1569482386112213, -0.22627566754817963, -0.9613404870033264, 0.15818668901920319, 0.8289612531661987, 0.03439195454120636 ], "pzadek": [ -0.8882855176925659, -0.4124957025051117, -0.20200183987617493, -0.3907589018344879, 0.9098550081253052, -0.1395777016878128, 0.24136513471603394, -0.04503908380866051, -0.9693897366523743, 0.020792003720998764, 0.870922863483429, 0.01966814137995243 ], "roura": [ -0.7699519991874695, -0.5872827172279358, -0.24945124983787537, -0.5158926248550415, 0.8030127882957458, -0.2982689440250397, 0.37551069259643555, -0.10098996758460999, -0.9212560057640076, 0.010861623100936413, 0.938575804233551, 0.06535046547651291 ], "zbran": [ 0.65342116355896, 0.7559187412261963, 0.03914942592382431, 0.1343548595905304, -0.0649360939860344, -0.9887592196464539, -0.7449647784233093, 0.6513673067092896, -0.1439978927373886, -0.528253972530365, 1.4649956226348877, -0.35101017355918884 ], "zebra": [ -0.6342861652374268, -0.6871840357780457, -0.35323986411094666, -0.6370542645454407, 0.7240897417068481, -0.26288461685180664, 0.43645554780960083, 0.058224692940711975, -0.8970602750778198, 0.08009663224220276, 0.9185044765472412, 0.03730517253279686 ] } } ], "move": [ 5.921189641132699e-16, 0.0, 0.0 ] } If you pay attention you can see its potential. Now you can take any body part from any frame and copy it to any frame of any animation file. Or maybe more :) Take care, Icarus P.S. Not too horrible process at least for me :p Edit: I added download link for script. Save script as rtm-json_conversion_script.js, you can do that with Python Shell 3.x (e.g. Python 3.2 IDLE (Python GUI)). After you save this as rtm-json_conversion_script.js you drag and drop Animation.rtm file on this script and it produces Animation.js witch you can edit with any text editor. After editing you drag and drop this new Animation_new.js file on script and it creates a Animation_new.rtm file. Edited August 12, 2013 by Icarus Added Link for script Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nikiller 18 Posted July 9, 2012 hi, Nice find Icarus. cya. Nikiller. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Macser_old 0 Posted July 9, 2012 P.S. Not too horrible process at least for me :p Ok. Given your recent interest in Gmax,I wrongly assumed you wanted to do something a little more dynamic. I wasn't attempting to dampen your curiosity. I'd be as interested as anyone else to see what you come up with. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Icarus 12 Posted July 9, 2012 (edited) @Nikiller: Thank you! I owe everything to vektorboson here... :notworthy: @Macser I am working on a little enhancement mod :p Edited July 16, 2012 by Icarus Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ww2weasel 10 Posted September 8, 2012 Working in Parallel on another approach - good to see this data. Other info converted from rtm is unicode - machine language. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Icarus 12 Posted August 12, 2013 Sorry for the bump. I think I have something that might still interest some off you :p Giant - Midget animating made easier Thanks to a friend of mine, who is good at programing, it is now possible to resize existing animations for non-standard size soldier in OFP without remaking all animations from scratch. Anyone who is not familiar with programing at all can use these 2 files to resize animations by simple drop and drag technique. :) Requirements: File number 1: original created by vektorboson # This script requires Python 3.x # It will convert a RTM-file (Operation Flashpoint animation) to a JSON-file # and back. # # Examples: # python rtm.py cesnapilot.rtm # this creates a "cesnapilot.js" # # python rtm.py cesnapilot.js # this creates a "cesnapilot.rtm" import struct import json def clean_string(s): return s[:s.find(b"\0")] class RtmLoadException(Exception): pass class RTM: def __init__(self): self.move = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] self.bones = [] self.frames = [] def readFromPath(self, path): with open(path, "rb") as file: self.readFromFile(file) def readFromFile(self, file): magic = struct.unpack("8s", file.read(8))[0] if magic != b"RTM_0101": raise RtmLoadException("Unexpected magic value %s" % magic) self.move = [x*2.5 for x in struct.unpack("fff", file.read(4*3))] number_of_frames = struct.unpack("i", file.read(4))[0] number_of_bones = struct.unpack("i", file.read(4))[0] for i in range(number_of_bones): name = clean_string(struct.unpack("32s", file.read(32))[0]).decode("cp1252") self.bones.append(name) for i in range(number_of_frames): frame_time = struct.unpack("f", file.read(4))[0] bone_transform = {} for ib in range(number_of_bones): bone = clean_string(struct.unpack("32s", file.read(32))[0]).decode("cp1252") transform = [x for x in struct.unpack("ffffffffffff", file.read(12*4))] ######################################################################################### ## Giant-Midget converions below. ## Replace 2.0 by your desired number. ## 1.0 does nothing, above 1.0 increases, below 1.0 decreases the size of animations ######################################################################################### transform[9] = transform[9]*2.0 # Replace 2.0 by your own transform[10] = transform[10]*2.0 # Replace 2.0 by your own transform[11] = transform[11]*2.0 # Replace 2.0 by your own bone_transform[bone] = transform self.frames.append({"frame_time": frame_time, "transforms": bone_transform}) def writeToPath(self, path): with open(path, "wb") as file: self.writeToFile(file) def writeToFile(self, file): file.write(b"RTM_0101") file.write(struct.pack("fff", self.move)) file.write(struct.pack("i", len(self.frames))) file.write(struct.pack("i", len(self.bones))) for b in self.bones: file.write(struct.pack("32s", b.encode("cp1252"))) for frame in self.frames: file.write(struct.pack("f", frame["frame_time"])) for bone, transform in frame["transforms"].items(): file.write(struct.pack("32s", bone.encode("cp1252"))) file.write(struct.pack("ffffffffffff", *transform)) def to_json(self): return json.dumps({ "move": self.move, "bones": self.bones, "frames": self.frames }, sort_keys=True, indent=4) def from_json(self, json_string): data = json.loads(json_string) self.move = data["move"] self.bones = data["bones"] self.frames = data["frames"] if __name__ == '__main__': import sys if len(sys.argv) <= 1: print("USAGE:") print("python rtm.py INPUT.rtm") print("\tConverts to JSON, creates INPUT.js\n") print("python rtm.py INPUT.js") print("\tConverts to RTM, creates INPUT.rtm") else: import os.path import_path = sys.argv[1] root, ext = os.path.splitext(import_path) ext = ext.lower() rtm = RTM() if ext == ".rtm": export_path = "{}.js".format(root) rtm.readFromPath(import_path) with open(export_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file: file.write(rtm.to_json()) print("Exported {} successfully to {}".format(import_path, export_path)) elif ext == ".js": export_path = "{}.rtm".format(root) rtm.from_json(open(import_path,"r",encoding="utf-8").read()) rtm.writeToPath(export_path) print("Exported {} successfully to {}".format(import_path, export_path)) File number 2: created by vektorboson # This script requires Python 3.x # It will convert a RTM-file (Operation Flashpoint animation) to a JSON-file # and back. # # Examples: # python rtm.py cesnapilot.rtm # this creates a "cesnapilot.js" # # python rtm.py cesnapilot.js # this creates a "cesnapilot.rtm" import struct import json def clean_string(s): return s[:s.find(b"\0")] class RtmLoadException(Exception): pass class RTM: def __init__(self): self.move = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] self.bones = [] self.frames = [] def readFromPath(self, path): with open(path, "rb") as file: self.readFromFile(file) def readFromFile(self, file): magic = struct.unpack("8s", file.read(8))[0] if magic != b"RTM_0101": raise RtmLoadException("Unexpected magic value %s" % magic) self.move = struct.unpack("fff", file.read(4*3)) number_of_frames = struct.unpack("i", file.read(4))[0] number_of_bones = struct.unpack("i", file.read(4))[0] for i in range(number_of_bones): name = clean_string(struct.unpack("32s", file.read(32))[0]).decode("cp1252") self.bones.append(name) for i in range(number_of_frames): frame_time = struct.unpack("f", file.read(4))[0] bone_transform = {} for ib in range(number_of_bones): bone = clean_string(struct.unpack("32s", file.read(32))[0]).decode("cp1252") transform = struct.unpack("ffffffffffff", file.read(12*4)) bone_transform[bone] = transform self.frames.append({"frame_time": frame_time, "transforms": bone_transform}) def writeToPath(self, path): with open(path, "wb") as file: self.writeToFile(file) def writeToFile(self, file): file.write(b"RTM_0101") file.write(struct.pack("fff", *self.move)) file.write(struct.pack("i", len(self.frames))) file.write(struct.pack("i", len(self.bones))) for b in self.bones: file.write(struct.pack("32s", b.encode("cp1252"))) for frame in self.frames: file.write(struct.pack("f", frame["frame_time"])) for bone, transform in frame["transforms"].items(): file.write(struct.pack("32s", bone.encode("cp1252"))) file.write(struct.pack("ffffffffffff", *transform)) def to_json(self): return json.dumps({ "move": self.move, "bones": self.bones, "frames": self.frames }, sort_keys=True, indent=4) def from_json(self, json_string): data = json.loads(json_string) self.move = data["move"] self.bones = data["bones"] self.frames = data["frames"] if __name__ == '__main__': import sys if len(sys.argv) <= 1: print("USAGE:") print("python rtm.py INPUT.rtm") print("\tConverts to JSON, creates INPUT.js\n") print("python rtm.py INPUT.js") print("\tConverts to RTM, creates INPUT.rtm") else: import os.path import_path = sys.argv[1] root, ext = os.path.splitext(import_path) ext = ext.lower() rtm = RTM() if ext == ".rtm": export_path = "{}.js".format(root) rtm.readFromPath(import_path) with open(export_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file: file.write(rtm.to_json()) print("Exported {} successfully to {}".format(import_path, export_path)) elif ext == ".js": export_path = "{}.rtm".format(root) rtm.from_json(open(import_path,"r",encoding="utf-8").read()) rtm.writeToPath(export_path) print("Exported {} successfully to {}".format(import_path, export_path)) Python version 3.xhttp://www.python.org/download/ These scripts can e used to animate any non standard size soldier. For example open a standard size soldier in O2 editor and scale it up by 2 times. Instructions: Download and install Python version 3.x. Save file_nr1 as for e.g. Anim_resize.py Save file_nr2 as for e.g. Anim_converter.py Animation resize is based on python script written by vektorboson. The script converts animation.RTM file into animation.JSON file and backwards. I had an idea to refit particular parts of animation file during conversion to make those animations fit nonstandard size soldier models. In order to resize the animation file, you take a copy of your animation.RTM file and drag it onto file_nr1.py (File number 1). This file resizes and converts your animation into animation.JSON file. To make your animation useable in OFP, drag animation.JSON onto file_nr2.py (File number 2), it will produce an animation.RTM file and overwrite the original animation.RTM file so be sure to make a backup. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lenyoga 326 Posted August 13, 2013 Wow, I didn't think that was possible - thanks for sharing, that might come in handy at some point. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RozekPoland 591 Posted August 13, 2013 Well done Icarus! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JdB 151 Posted August 13, 2013 Where were you ten years ago! :butbut: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Macser 776 Posted August 14, 2013 Nice work Icarus/Vektor.Sounds like a very quick way of getting the job done. :) Wow, I didn't think that was possible It's been possible since 2008. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ProfTournesol 956 Posted August 14, 2013 It's been possible since 2008. I didn't know....i could have had some use for that... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
littledemon 0 Posted October 10, 2015 Hi Sorry for bringing up old topics... But something made me crazy... How can I use this jason data to create bvh or bip files from it ? want to reuse this anims in 3ds max and export again. is it possible at all ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Macser 776 Posted October 10, 2015 Those files were written for a specific task. Scaling. They can't be used for anything else. There was an old (Max version 6 or 7 I think) maxscript file that could import rtms directly. But the process was very fiddly. It was based on Teacup's script for Maya. I don't know if they're still around. But I know you might have problems getting the maxscript to work on newer versions. As for the original Maya version, I couldn't tell you much about that. I won't mention the program I use myself, as I'm getting a bit tired of being told how rubbish it is. :D 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
littledemon 0 Posted October 10, 2015 You mean there is a tool working correct , already ? so how could you say :"I couldn't tell you much about that." while you've encouraged me before that dude? I'm confused !!! please let me know more ! Thank you Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Macser 776 Posted October 10, 2015 I meant the Maya version. I know the maxscript file might have problems with newer versions of max. But I don't know if Teacup's Maya script will work with newer versions of Maya. I'm not familiar with Maya. So I couldn't tell you more about it. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites