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Games spoiled by team killers

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Since playing arma 2 I've found that there are certain people who enjoy to shoot friendly players. This tends to happen for a number of reasons, if you kill one of their ai team by mistake, if they want to get into a helicopter before you, or just out of boredom or frustration. Other times while playing a CTI they will start to destroy the base so no one else in the game can continue fighting.

I really dont understand why there is no real solution to quickly deal with this. Games like counter strike have a very good system to deal with this, after a certain amount of friendly fire the offending player is banned from the server for 24 hours. This means that most players try hard not to kill team mates even by mistake. Counterstrike also gives the player who was killed the ability to penalize the player who killed them by freezing them for 10 seconds or putting a marker on them so others know which player it was. I know that people who run servers want them to be accessible to everyone but these types of people seem to run out of control with no way to deal with them unless there is an admin in the server 24/7. I'm sure that a friendly fire limit could be set up so this doesnt happen..

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In Arma2 this sort of thing has to be done by the mission maker.

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If there's no anti-TK in the mission, then you need to outwit the TKer. What you need to remember is that the average TKer isn't very smart. Back when A2 first came out, I managed to shut one in the control tower on the main Chernarus airbase because the muppet couldn't figure out how to open doors. He disconnected after a couple of minutes. I'll never forget that. :p

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Or just stay away from servers allowing TKs to operate. Bad server admin, if you ask me...

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Its true that admin can lock aircraft in domination servers so team killers cant get into them and start bombing the base or you can try other tricks to fool them your self. If your not the one running the server then all that is left to do is kill the person before they start blowing stuff up. This means loosing cash in CTI servers, I've noticed a trick that people use is to aim on the ground near your character and try to spook you into shooting them. I guess the best thing is to try to run my own server but usually the servers with most players have about a 2% team killer population in those servers. Their really should be some ai admin that will boot players when there is a vote kick or something because the current system just doesn't work!

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A solution that will be 100% effective and will always work: don't play on public servers.

BIS will do nothing about TK because that will mean enforcing anti-TK on everyone.

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COOP is the best I do agree, but as Tankbuster said the mission maker can set it up in their mission to kick players who TK.

Even shooting in the base area, a message would/could pop up like in Domination stating no shooting in base or you will be kicked.

So in other words if you are getting on a server that hosts a certain mission, and you know about how that mission runs, then what you should do

is find the thread for that mission and let the author of that mission know to add to the scripts that they need to include some TK,

or shooting in base, something along those lines to the mission.

Like in SP you shoot enough of your own AI side and the AI will consider you hostile or enemy and take you down, lol since OFP ;)

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One problem with that Domination example ... the "no shooting in base" thing doesn't actually work. People can get "kicked" ten or twenty times but nothing actually happens to them.

It's up to good admins to deal with TKing. If a TKer is ruining your game and there's no admin around, usually only other players will be able to stop him. Really though, just find a well-run server and you shouldn't have any problems.

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You are playing the wrong type of missions in the wrong type of environment

Most "Public" servers run 24/7, unfortunately as human beings the admins need to sleep and get on with rl at some point, so find a server/community that is either semi public or passworded and stick with them.

Teamwork doesn't really exist in the public environment, well at least not the type of teamwork you see on semi public and private clan servers and unfortunately the Public flavour of missions, domination/evolution etc are the only types of missions you will find there

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