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New BattlEye features for server admins

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@TOnic-_- feel free to propose what all and exactly You would want covered :)

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I have noticed that this is strictly only to script based code, it's really a shame because it would be nice if this could work on Dialogs as well. If the attacker is using scripts to 'fill' their dialog options it works fine but if not then it's really a cat and mouse game.

It should work on anything that is executed and as dialogs provide a way to execute scripts, you can still detect those. Remember that dialogs are not the actual hacks themselves, but the script code behind them. Or are you saying scripts that are executed via dialogs are not picked up?

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scripts.txt doesn't work without arma server restart.

If I add some new option to scripts.txt, should I restart the server too?

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I have noticed that this is strictly only to script based code, it's really a shame because it would be nice if this could work on Dialogs as well. If the attacker is using scripts to 'fill' their dialog options it works fine but if not then it's really a cat and mouse game.

It works on dialogs too, there are no reason it should not.

during my earlyer development of Bec i tested out some of thise stuff thats already included into BE.

here you can see i do execute and broadcast a script from a dialog. Pic

if your talking about locality. im not sure how BE does that or if its even possible to check for script execute there.. as i not tested this myself.

but then again. thats not a real issue compared to someone broadcasting and executing scripts on other clients that does example Disableuserinput. which is far more seriouse in my opinion

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Many thanks for the additions

reading through the posts, you really need to make things a bit clearer, as players will just rent servers not knowing a great lot regarding admin features or generally how to do anything

so i hope i have this correct

in your folder where you have BE Server.dll (generally called Battleye folder )

Make a new txt file called scripts.txt

In that folder your suggesting it could be populated with

1 createVehicle

1 setVehicleInit

3 serverCommand

4 godmode

3 Bo_Mk82

3 #shutdown

7 disableUserInput true

Now reading in the posts some have different views on what should be here for various gametypes domi,warfare etc

it would help from the more experienced admins if they could give some better examples on what should be in the sripts.txt file, as someone has already highlighted people will use the first post and take it as what it should be

The following types exist:

1 - Log detections to "scripts.log"

2 - Log detections to server console

4 - Kick for detections ("Script Restriction #X")

the scripts log will this be generated when a detection occurs ? or do you have to generate the file yourself ? where is it located ?

This is a fantastic addition to arma and i hope it continues, but as i have said above things need to made a bit clearer for admins that have very little understanding, remember we were all there was upon a time

Edited by ballou

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in your folder where you have BE Server.dll (generally called Battleye folder )

Make a new txt file called scripts.txt

It should be placed in the BE working directory, which is usually different from the install directory. It's where the BEServer.cfg and bans.txt are located as well. I added some more details in the first post regarding this.

it would help from the more experienced admins if they could give some better examples on what should be in the sripts.txt file, as someone has already highlighted people will use the first post and take it as what it should be

A good starting point is to download public scripts hacks and analyze what they are doing. For example, very often hackers spawn all sorts of things (vehicles which also include bombs, buildings, etc.) on the map and the command they use is "createVehicle", so it makes sense to log them. You could as well log or kick for a certain type of vehicle (like in my example, "Bo_Mk82" which is a bomb), if you know what is used in attacks on your server.

the scripts log will this be generated when a detection occurs ? or do you have to generate the file yourself ? where is it located ?

Naturally it will be created by the BE Server, you don't need to create it yourself. It's located in the same place as scripts.txt (BE working directory).

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scripts.txt doesn't work without arma server restart.

If I add some new option to scripts.txt, should I restart the server too?

A command to reload scripts.txt will be added in the next version.

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If player # is -1, the message is sent to all players. Otherwise the message is sent privately to the specific player. Note that player # is the one shown when entering "players", not the one used by the game itself. Also, keep in mind that only in-game players can be messaged, not those that are still in the lobby

is there a way of finding ou what slot which player is on ?

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is there a way of finding ou what slot which player is on ?

no. thats not possible with battleye.

all you can is list up players with command: players or ingame command: #beclient players

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You could, if you were to put code to identify a slot in the mission.

By that you could in return send that info over network and log it.

However you can do this already even without this new BE feature.

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Awesome. Thanks for the update, these features will definitely help us server admins. :cool:

Any idea when the DAO ArmA 2 Rcon tool will be updated so we can make use of these features?

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It seems that doesn't work on arma 2 vanilla server.

I have scripts.txt in BattlEye folder where is bans.txt placed.

The server restarted yesterday.



1 serverCommand

1 #login


and etc.

About 2 hours ago I got hacker on the server with this:

&serverCommand format["#kick %1 ",hkickbandata];
&serverCommand "#reassign";

And scripts.log still not created! One fully day without any line of log.

I got 3 A2 Vanilla server and nothing.

On A2 CO servers it works fine - 35mb log per day with things like that:

if (serverCommandAvailable "#vote") then {
_votingAllowed =

BTW - can you make some possibility to exclude things like that: logging serverCommand, but not serverCommandAvailable or line with serverCommand and not with #vote.

I know about "space after serverCommand", but it's can be not for all situation..

Edited by MiBF

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It seems that doesn't work on arma 2 vanilla server.

Confirmed. I'm sorry, I will make sure this is fixed in the next patch. Unfortunately there isn't much that can be done about it right now.

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thanks... will turn on. Should be handy when dealing out bans.. :)...

Edited by gonk

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one more reason to move on Operation Arrowhead 1.60 or newer :)

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Found this in the scripts.log

is it a hack?


Edited by mousetrap
not a hack

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i dont think this thread is meant to discuss which code is a hack or not. but rather the new funtions implemented in BE

is it a hack?

no idea.

you could depbo the mission and check if such code exsist in the mission scripts. if not. most likely a exploit.

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this feature is great. allows for a greater scope of security post signature checks.

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At first great work!

I made some tests and in the case that you move the vehicle- and unit creation serversided in missions (Like the USP Respawning does it) your mission is will be better protectet as before, because you can instand kick all cheater who are tryign to broadcast/execute their code over the "createUnit" oder "setVehicleInit" command.

In all other cases where these commands are requiered by the missions itself. It should worth the try to add the classnames of all unused ammoboxes,weapons and vehicles to this list to detect weapon and vehicle spawner.

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$able can you please add the ability to define an exclude list along the lines of MiBF suggestion.

By this I mean it would first try to detect a defined statement.

However if found, it would check the whitelist before applying the defined effect.

This would help tweaking the filter list to specific game modes.

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$able can you please add the ability to define an exclude list along the lines of MiBF suggestion.

By this I mean it would first try to detect a defined statement.

However if found, it would check the whitelist before applying the defined effect.

This would help tweaking the filter list to specific game modes.

I will think about it some more, but it's not so easily possible. The problem is that often BE sees the whole script being executed, not just a single line. So if you had a certain exclude string, it would cause the whole script to be skipped even if that string was at a completely unrelated position.

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Is this even true if you apply the whitelist strings on the exclude items only?

Especially if you could parse the text and identify statements (from newline/semicolon to semicolon "basically").

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I love the new say command. but it can be hard to read sometimes and easly overlooked. espesialy if there is much chatter going on..

since its basicly the same color as Global and Direct.

This is a as much request to BIS as it is to $able.

would it be possible to for Bis to define a own channel for BE's Say command in it's own color.

In example red. this would catch the players eyes much more and the infomation sent isnt that easly overlooked anymore.

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I love the new say command. but it can be hard to read sometimes and easly overlooked. espesialy if there is much chatter going on..

since its basicly the same color as Global and Direct.

This is a as much request to BIS as it is to $able.

would it be possible to for Bis to define a own channel for BE's Say command in it's own color.

In example red. this would catch the players eyes much more and the infomation sent isnt that easly overlooked anymore.

I agree with you. I'm sure we can add a new color for all BE messages in the next game patch. :)

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