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ArmAverse | The community fan fiction thread

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No, it means territory enemy has captured. And I'm still including Russia as OPFOR, based on the fanfic. Basically, England, Canada, and US are all that remain. Europe is overrun. Allied forces aren't defeated, they are fighting, just that SCO has forces that far up. Either way, by BIS's story, Iran has pushed to the English Channel. Judging by the arrows showing the movement of the Iranian Armed Forces. And the numbers are division/brigade/company designations, I assume. So like 317th Airborne Brigade.

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Another video has popped up, this time from a place called Sahrani. Somebody in the military blogged about it in the first decade of the 21st century. Back then it was a flashpoint, but the details on what actually happened there are fuzzy. The only known reporters on there were from the spanish speaking world, mostly south american, and one international news channel, ANN, actually lost a reporter in the combat there.

I cannot post the video here because my damn converter keeps screwing it up. It has been passed around a lot already, and I can only get my hands on a variant with a dubious chinese file format. This suggests that this may be footage captured by SCO forces, leaked from their military circles back on their homefront. Lisa has managed to get a screenshot of the video, though, and I´ll post her pic here for your viewing pleasure (as pleasant as what seems to be a fully blown war can be anyway.)


Lisa writes that the footage seems to be of a helmet cam of a local soldier. Everybody speaks spanish, and everybody looks pretty high speed, suggesting these are special forces of some sort. The date and name of the operator have been blacked out: Because of this I´m getting a feeling that this may be an intentional leak. While the net is still open, stuff like this going around can nibble away at our own populaces morale, especially with as little info from the front (even if the pentagon still refuses to call it that way) getting to official media channels as is now.

As you all likely know, the government has been getting pretty tense lately. China, Russia, and some other SCO nations have withdrawn their ambassadors from a few NATO head-countries, namely germany, great britain, france and the US. Meanwhile, reliable sources dated thursday last week indicate that the fleet yards at Murmansk and Pacific Fleet headquarters at Vladivostok, as well as the big submarine base at Vilyuchinsk, Kamchatka are pretty much deserted. Ditto for the big Chinese navy bases along their coast. Something -large- is going down, and apart from what´s left of the independent media, nobody seems to notice.

It might interest you that bases such as Vilyuchinsk house the major components of SCO´s pacific strategic nuclear offensive firepower. Most of that is housed in brand new Borei and Borei II class subs, the old leftover Akulas and also leftover refurbished Deltas. I am pretty sure our navy is keeping tabs on those, but I for one get nervous knowing that these things are prowling around out there while the world is at the brink of global conflict.

As for the video, I will try and get it to work. I´ll keep you updated.

Edited by InstaGoat

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Here's a tidbit from the AAN network:

CIS Countries Pass National Defense Doctrine Law

7 August 2019

By A. P.

Earlier this week, a meeting of the Commonwealth of Independent States leaders at the Kremlin resulted in a passing of the Civil National Defense law. This law, most likely a response to ever-growing tension in the Middle and Far East, states that any civilian who resists foreign aggression is a member of the Armed Forces. While hardly a new doctrine, it is an alarming indicator of what the diplomatic conflict between the Western world and countries in the Arab and Persian world could grow into. In a public press release, the leaders stated that their "position put them in great risk should a war between the East and West break out."

Read full article at AAN website

Edited by OnlyRazor

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AAN Global News


Hazar-kot Valley, Takistan

Sunday 27 December 2020 08:45

Images from Takistan






Edited by antoineflemming

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Thought I'd liven up the place a bit :) Although the article is nothing but sombre :(

AAN World News



San Jose, California, USA

Sunday 3 February 2019

Homeland Now representative Raymond Miles found shot in own house

American pacifist movement Homeland Now took a huge blow today, as their main public figuer, Raymond Miles, was found shot in his own house. The body of the former Republican Congresman turned pacifist was found by his son and San Jose city counselor, Theodor Miles inside the house study.

AAN managed to get a brief statement from Crime Scene Investigator Antonia Casanera as to what caused Mr. Miles death.

"The cause of death of Mr. Raymond T. Miles was a single gunshot wound to the head. The entry point of the bullet was through his lower Parietal Bone and there was no exit point as the bullet recovered remaind lodge within the skull. The bullet was a 5.56 mm subsonic. This type of bullet is specially designed for rifles that make use of sound supressors or silencers as they are commonly known. This, coupled with the hole found in the study's window and the fact that the private security contractors hired by Mr. and Mrs. Miles heard no gunshots, nor spotted anyone suspicious around the house, leads us to believe that this was the work of a profesional marksman, probably with former military training. That is all for now. Thank you."

Mr. Theodor Milles and his mother said that they do not wish to make any coments until further details are avaiable from the police.

AAN will keep you informed on the case as more details arise.

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From: B. Wilson

Posted in: General Global Militaries

Picked this up from a friend, who also posted the recent pictures from europe and this sahrani place. By now, the cat´s pretty much out of the bag: I´ve just watched TV, which is now saying that we´re pretty much at war with the SCO. Obviously the diplomatic channels are running red hot right now, and there´s to hope that something will come out of it.

Even as someone who´s seen a lot of things in his time, I am pretty intimidated by this. My friend says he has live-video feeds from Units fighting in south-eastern europe, which show british, german and american troops fighting over a village. He also has two pictures taken by handycam, which I am going to post here, and leave them to be discussed while I and my friend review the rest of the footy and prepare it for you.

I am afraid these channels aren´t safe, and we´re probably gonna be cut off real soon, so download everything you can and spread it around so we can put an end to the government disinfo campaign that´s obviously been run until now. The truth needs to get out, and people need to get out into the street before this madness gets out of hand.

Two attachments WARNING EXPLICIT:



First picture seems to show an US Army casualty and a burning, russian made jeep, and what is presumeably an OPFOR soldier. With the pictures from czechoslovakia, from the Iwo Jima incident and northern Ukraine, this is the seventh picture of supposed western casualties that is going around. I also have a report on my desk that filtered out from the frontlines, which seems to indicate heavy contact with large enemy forces. It´s not big, it´s not much, and not very relevant so I´m not going to post it here.

The soldier on the second picture I´ve identified as a PFC Joshua Brunn, of Dallas, TX, who is part of an airborne unit that is supposedly deployed to Iraq, but of whom cannot be found a trace there. From what I can tell, this Unit is actually deployed in Europe right now. All military post traffic is heavily screened right now, and the news coming in from the troops are very potholed and mushy. As far as PFC Brunn is concerned, you can see that his face is pretty badly burned. No official news from his unit or his family about this, but I think it´s safe to say that this is a combat injury.

I will keep you posted if I learn more about the pictures, and when I get more of them online.

End of Post.

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I recently posted in a Thread where someone requested his idea for a promotional video for BIS to make.

I have a similar idea but it is in fact not a request for BIS, nor does it require Arma 3. It is more of a "community made teaser" which introduces the story and especially authenticity of Arma 3.

I guess this thread would be the most fitting one to post in since it's not a request for Arma 3 nor does it deserve its own thread ^^

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Enter ZSS

AAN Global News


St. Petersburg, Rusia

Monday 6 May 2019

Zenit Security Solutions becomes world 2'nd largest PMC

The St. Petersburg based PMC has climbed to the nr. 2 spot after securing 3 large contracts in S-E Europe and East Africa. The following is a brief statement from ZSS CEO Ivomir Borolov at a press conference today at ZSS HQ:

" ZSS is proud to announce that it has secured 3 long term contracts with the following clients:

Greece. This will come as a surprise to few as our intention of entering the Greek market was clear by our purchase of ANC Security and GS Logistics last month. ZSS Field Security Contractors will be deployed in all previous areas under ANC supervision as well as on the islands of Lesbos, Chios and Lemnos. Furthermore, ZSS Global Logistics will handle a third of the logistical requirements of the Greek islands as stipulated in the contract.

Moving on to East Africa:

The Somali gouvernament has contracted us to provide Active Combat Zone Field Security and Active Combat Zone Logistical Support. ZSS will dispatch ACZ Groups "Kilo" and "Lada" as well as ACZ Motorized Group "Kalinka" and ACZ Air Wing "Kornet". ACZ Naval Air Wing "Alfa" will provide Martime Patrol Support. Placement of ACZ Groups is clasiffied for now.

Kenya has contracted us to provide additional border security due to the increased attacks by somali raiding parties. ACZ Motorized Groups "Misha" and "Yankee" have been assigned this duty.

That is all for now. If you wish to ask questions I will answer them gladly"

ZSS overtook Talon-Vanator in the...

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based on real events :)

In the flickering light of a broken street lantern a truck is being loaded with furniture and boxes. A lot of boxes. Two men secure some of the heavy equipment before closing and boarding the truck, and drove away. ‘So that was all?’ the driver said? “There is nothing more left now i said†i answered. ‘a whole new life ahead, When is the marriage?- the driver joked’ i smiled but didn't said a word.

It’s january 2010 and about time i got settled. After the death of my father, it felt right to be at home close to my family. Something that i neglected most during the Sahrani conflict. The life of a reporter can be hard on your relations. As a reporter for SahraniRadio i traveled to places and met different people - including my girlfriend. And today i moving in with her. A few days later only a few boxes old work stuff and equipment are left unopened when i put them on storage. just boxes with stuff waiting for the day to be opened.

A few years later during the economic crisis i lost my job as a full time programmer. it’s at that time when i thought back my day’s as reporter, where i sold my stories to the highest bidder. While i was desperately seeking for my Rolodex, i remembered about the unopened boxes on storage and unpacked them.

I've set up my old radio-workstation, installed my low-wave radio transmitter and dusted off my equipment. it’s a wonder that my laptop still boots after all these years, although the list of updates seemed endless. i informed at several news-agencies about my freelance return, and started to check out which today’s front lines are left to be reported.

Back in December 2011, i went to several defense fairs across Europe. If there is one thing i learned in the past, is that all conflict’s start with guns. loads of guns. And what is a better place to meet people that need arms/contacts ? indeed, an arms fair. And this is where i met Harry Larkin from Larkin aviation, who could provide me the service of far intercontinental flights, and provide me of valuable information about the conflict hot spots in the middle east. With this information i narrowed my area of news-coverage work area down to the The Arabic spring, Syria , Greece, Nato and Iran. Through Harry, i got in touch with a valuable informant ‘Raven’ who want’s to keep his identity private. Its an ex-military that has a lot of valuable contacts in the hot spots of the middle east. After a injury caused by a IED , he left the army and started flying for Larkin aviation.

Today, 6 years after the Sahrani conflict and my retirement as a reporter, the same task is lying ahead of me. Inform the world with background information of the worlds most explosive area’s and it’s dictators by any means possible. With the resources at hand, there is only one thing to conclude : Be on the lookout for detailed news and background information in your favorite news reporter, and watch the social media channels because world’s most insane reporter will be back with new adventures.

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TO: [redacted] <[redacted]@secure.aan.news>

FROM: [redacted] <[redacted]@[redacted].anon

SUBJ: Re:ChDKZ and foreign involvement, again

Hi [redacted],

If you remember our discussion about foreign under-the-table arms supply to ChDKZ before the 2009 events, my contact recently confirmed our suspicions. He sent me a bunch of cellphone photos taken on september 2009, showing "decomissioned" russian tanks in an abandoned CDF base in Chernarus. Some show ChDKZ personnel working on them. He was also able to provide me with some of their data. Through my contact at our M of D, I managed to get their official destination - dismantling facility in South Urals, moved by ship through the Green Sea. Needless to say, they never got there, and were decomissioned only on paper - from the detailed photos, although worn, they look very operational.

That ChDKZ had so much firepower so early in the civil war always seemed strange. We thought some CDF units might have defected to them but this clearly indicates foreign involvement. Seems to me like some group in the RA had quite close ties ChDKZ.

My contact is pretty disgruntled about the whole affair, and indicated to me that few high-ranking RA officers had close ties with Bardak and Lopotev. And even hinted that they might have been involved in the 10/16/2009 bombing. Link that with several strange fatal "accidents" and "suicides" in the high ranks of our military following the 2010 Chernarus ceasefire, and a really ugly picture emerges. If some of our own were involved in the bombing, the matter must be brought out. Army would just hush it in fear of scandal. Our media is too afraid to look into the matter, so I am forwarding everything to you.

Hope to get you more information soon, but I must work very carefully. It's still a pretty sensitive matter.

Attached photos:





And documents:


Still hope to meet you again for a drink!


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Well, there's no more Iran invading Europe. Iran takes over the Mid East, Turkey, and part of Greece with Russian and Chinese support.

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Well we know they have stopped in Greece under ceasefire by the time Arma 3 starts, though who knows what will have happened by the end of the campaign.

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One of the pictures in the ARG (the first one, I believe) showed what appeared to be plans for invading Europe. Perhaps the Arma3 campaign is just the beginning. :D

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One of the pictures in the ARG (the first one, I believe) showed what appeared to be plans for invading Europe. Perhaps the Arma3 campaign is just the beginning. :D

What IF... just, what if... at the end of ArmA3, the "good guys" don't win... and Iran invades more of Europe? That'd be awesome. And it would really open up the door for DLC that could explore any sort of possible scenarios and/or possible locations and/or possible factions. An ArmA game that ends on a sort of cliffhanger...

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Just read the updated info on the website. OH WELL. Time to retcon ALL my things... :D

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Well, there's no more Iran invading Europe. Iran takes over the Mid East, Turkey, and part of Greece with Russian and Chinese support.

Well, it doesn't say anything about conquering the middle-east, just Turkey. So I assume Iran just conquered Turkey and very small parts of Greece before they could get to a cease-fire.

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Well, it doesn't say anything about conquering the middle-east, just Turkey. So I assume Iran just conquered Turkey and very small parts of Greece before they could get to a cease-fire.

So, when Iran expands, that just means invading Turkey... right? No.

Deployed under the auspices of a swift humanitarian response, Turkey – decimated by a series of devastating and unprecedented natural disasters – fell within months to ruthless Iranian Armed Forces. Iran’s aggressive expansion – spilling over into Greek sovereign territory – was brought to a halt in Rhodope Prefecture with the ratification of the Jerusalem Peace Accord of 2034, which crystallised a new strategic front along the shorelines of the Aegean Sea.

There's invasion, and there's expansion. What the case probably is is that they have support of Middle Eastern Nations. That's the only way I'd expect them NOT to expand in the Mid East.

Now, if the "war" or expansion still starts in 2021 or even 2025, and Turkey falls within months, then you're telling me that it takes Iran longer to take over Limnos (2 years) than it takes them to take over the entire country of Turkey? So what then are they doing before 2033 (the now updated year that Limnos is invaded)? Their target is Turkey when they are potentially bigger rivals with Saudi Arabia?

It'd be nice if BIS would also update the ArmAverse timeline...

Edited by antoineflemming

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So, when Iran expands, that just means invading Turkey... right? No.

Now, if the "war" or expansion still starts in 2021 or even 2025, and Turkey falls within months, then you're telling me that it takes Iran longer to take over Limnos (2 years) than it takes them to take over the entire country of Turkey? So what then are they doing before 2033 (the now updated year that Limnos is invaded)? Their target is Turkey when they are potentially bigger rivals with Saudi Arabia?

Well, I would assume that if they take over Turkey in a few months, and one of the new playable character is deployed to Turkey in 2031, then I'd assume that's around when the conflict started. Also, what do you mean by (2 years) to take Limnos? They invaded Limnos in 2033, and the cease-fire was in 2034.

Anyway, I only meant that the only thing we actually know is that Iran invaded Turkey and parts of Greece. I'm only going by what BIS has released. For all any of us know, Iran also expanded in the 'stan nations north-east of it.

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Well, I would assume that if they take over Turkey in a few months, and one of the new playable character is deployed to Turkey in 2031, then I'd assume that's around when the conflict started. Also, what do you mean by (2 years) to take Limnos? They invaded Limnos in 2033, and the cease-fire was in 2034.

Anyway, I only meant that the only thing we actually know is that Iran invaded Turkey and parts of Greece. I'm only going by what BIS has released. For all any of us know, Iran also expanded in the 'stan nations north-east of it.

Yeah, I'm definitely still thinking 2035... :p

EDIT: So, here's how I'm hoping the world of 2035 is divided:


The gold island is Limnos

Oh, and now I have a question: Given that the world actually looks like the real world now, where are Chernarus and Takistan?

Edited by antoineflemming

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There's no way in hell Russia could gain influence over Eastern European countries in the EU while losing out in the Caucasus. The former assumes their return to superpower status, while the latter would require the final decline of Russian power. And Iranian influence in Armenia?

And I'd be willing to be a lot that Israel is now neutral, after signing an unfavorable treaty.

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There's no way in hell Russia could gain influence over Eastern European countries in the EU while losing out in the Caucasus. The former assumes their return to superpower status, while the latter would require the final decline of Russian power. And Iranian influence in Armenia?

And I'd be willing to be a lot that Israel is now neutral, after signing an unfavorable treaty.

1) this is based on BIS's map of Europe. 2) i'm sure the treaty is unfavorable to alot of nations. Doesn't mean neutrality. Iranian influence in Armenia because they have good relations. And Azerbaijan, Armenia's rival, supports sanctions on Iran. So Armenia is pro-Iran.

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And because BIS' map shows increased Russian influence in Europe, it is virtually impossible that they would have lost their hold on the Caucasus, which they controlled for 200 years. Armenia is completely dependent on Russia today.

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And because BIS' map shows increased Russian influence in Europe, it is virtually impossible that they would have lost their hold on the Caucasus, which they controlled for 200 years. Armenia is completely dependent on Russia today.

oh. Ok. Well, I only did that because Iran and Turkey actually touch Armenia. I updated the map.

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If you want to get really crazy, you could go for shaded colors and shared influence. Because isn't Iran rather friendly with Russia? Or just with East Asian countries?

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If you want to get really crazy, you could go for shaded colors and shared influence. Because isn't Iran rather friendly with Russia? Or just with East Asian countries?

Well, yeah. And, honestly, there should be some Chinese color in there too. But, I'm just following BIS's map. And I added Iranian allies because, well, they'd have allies. But I think that their map specifically showed Russian Influence because they were talking about nations which were exclusively influenced by Russia. And, in my map, there's only one area with Iranian influence (in the context of the war) and there are nations that are almost exclusively Iran's allies (the Mid eastern nations). The West Bank is the area that is considered under Iran's influence, because of Hezbollah and Hamas (which would both be attacking Israel). And, if I were to do what I wanted, I'd have Jordan and Saudi Arabia also invaded by Iran.

By the way, do you think Chernarus would take the place of Georgia or something? I'm still trying to wrap my head around how ArmA2 and Operation Arrowhead fit into ArmA 3.

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