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Squad movement practice under fire

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Searched the net but couldn't find anything.

Is there an easy way or mod to do this:

- Bullets aren't fatal

- Bullets cause some effect on you so you can tell when you were hit

- All this is fired by either AI or other palyers

- Works in multiplayer

Idea is to practice movement but without reviving people too much.

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1. bullet damage can be changed (to a very low value, close to 0), or player resistance increased.

2. using event handlers you can easily simulate MILES (i guess this is what you actually want to achieve) or BFA weapons

3. there is no problem there.

4. as above, should work either way.

what i don't get from your post is if this is a request (in which case it should be posted in addon request thread) or you want to do it yourself



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UKF weapons pack has BFA weapons. Does all of that.

Doesn't do all of that I'm afraid.

The main drawback is that AI wont bother shooting at you with our blank mags - they don't seem to consider it worth their effort if the bullets don't do any damage. Not sure if there's a way to encourage them to do it without some sort of scripting.

Still, they are useful for training scenarios with players as OPFOR, and the rounds have the same audio and visual clues as live rounds; so you can readily tell that you've taken a bullet or hit somebody.

You also have the benefit that the models are conspicuous in being blank-firing weapons: with big, yellow BFAs and blank mags. At a glance, you can make sure nobody's fucking about with live rounds in a scenario where they shouldn't be, and have confidence that they don't have the ability to load a live mag by mistake from a re-arming box.

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what i don't get from your post is if this is a request (in which case it should be posted in addon request thread) or you want to do it yourself

Sorry if it's a wrong thread. I checked descriptions and it says:

"This forum is for discussing addons or mods that are currently work in progress, as well as for discussing ideas or requests for addons."

Seems to be okay to discuss ideas.

I don't mind working on it but it seems there is one already.

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1. bullet damage can be changed (to a very low value, close to 0), or player resistance increased.

Hi, are you referring to AllowDamage False? That pretty much makes them invincible and was wondering if there existed a command to increase their armor but not make them Godlike -would be great for certain important NPCs.

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Have a look at cal.68 implemenation, paintballs do enough damage for AI to use them, EH´s catch all damage and trigger desired effects. Mixed with UKF BFA weapons that should do the trick for your training scenarios.

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Actually made a real simple script for this for use in my campaign. Maybe you can adapt that. Uses the "handleDamage" eventhandler. Description in header:

/* Use: add to units by using addeventhandler. Suggest pre-compiling script first, like so: TrainingArmor = compile preprocessfilelinenumbers "trainingArmor.sqf"; Then simply add the script to any units you want: unit1 addeventhandler ["handleDamage", {_this spawn TrainingArmor}];

When unit1 hits unit2, then unit1 will exclaim "I got him" or something like that, and unit2 will say something like "Motherfucker!". The one hit is then forced to sit down, is set to captive, and removed from his/her group (so that he can no longer spot enemies). Captive units can't cheat and shoot anyone (although player units can still stand up and run around after getting 'shot'). AI units will be unable to stand up, and will need their "ANIM" AI to be re-enabled before.

Finally, by setting the variable "TrainingFight" to false, all bullets fired at the person will have no effect.

By Wolfrug

_unit = _this select 0;
_selectionName = _this select 1;
_damage = _this select 2;
_source = _this select 3;
_projectile = _this select 4;

if (isNil "TrainingFight") then {TrainingFight = true};

if (_source !=_unit && !(captive _unit) && _damage > 0.1 && TrainingFight && !(captive _source)) then 

_source groupradio "SentObjectDestroyed";
_source addRating 100;
_unit groupRadio "SentCombatGeneric";
_unit setcaptive true;
_unit playaction "sitdown";
_unit setbehaviour "careless";
sleep 2;
[_unit] joinSilent GrpNull;

_unit switchmove "amovpsitmstpsraswrfldnon_weaponcheck1";
_unit disableAI "ANIM";

Mind that this is completely untested in MP, so use at your own risk :)



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Thanks! Trying to figure out how to make mods for ARMA. It would have been awesome if BI made a couple of tutorials. Oh well...

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Thanks! Trying to figure out how to make mods for ARMA. It would have been awesome if BI made a couple of tutorials. Oh well...

No need, there are plenty of members of the community who will help you, just ask in the mission editing forums

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