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Black Shark 2 Upgrade/Patch is out!

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The rise of flight guys are charging $8-15 for a plane and $5 for a compass.

They gave in an made a free version of ROF because of the people refusing to buy into their greed.

The ROF patches are mostly just an excuse to slip in another overpriced plane.

Check the train sims on steam, those guys are pumping out the overpriced crap so often you'll need a terabyte drive just to hold the DLC.

1. They do very cut price sales every so often, so you can get a lot for a little money.

2. The patches are FREE , if you want to fly the plane released with it , thats

your CHOICE you still get the improvements none the less.

Just because other companies act terribly toward their customers and treat them

as cash cows to be milked does not mean its ok for ED to do it.

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The problem with BS2 is not that they want money for it, the probem is that as it looks now you have to pay to stay in online gaming when ever theres is a new module out.. Pay or loose your compatibility. So, what will happen when DCS:F/A18 is ready...? Pay 59€ for new game and 20€ for DCS:A10 II and DCS:Ka50 III ?

Pay to play?

Right now the FC2/BS1 servers start to run dry ... nobody there anymore with an exeption of the russian and chinese servers where you do not undertand a single word.

Edited by Beagle

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anyone else notice that their website and master server for multiplayer

went offline for several hours yesterday ?

I wonder if some hackers decided to "Ubisoft" them ?

Like when Ubisoft released silent hunter 5 / assassins creed , they screwed their

paying customers over and then hackers decided to teach them a lesson

by taking their servers offline for several days.... hmm I wonder

It could also be the hundreds of thousands of people clammering to buy their sim software

Edited by shadowze

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While I agree with most of the comments here, you guys have to remember the first "real" DCS module was DCS:A10C.

Black Shark was some sort of "proof of concept". They wanted to know if such a hi-fi sim would find its audience.

If indeed we have to pay to upgrade every module everytime a new one is release I think it wont take long before the community shrinks dramaticaly.

To me it seems unbelievable. It just doesn't fit at all with the serie/module concept.

Edited by Macadam Cow

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If this is an isolated incident, it will blow over and things will return to the status quo.

If they try it again, I won't be buying anything else from them.

Purely on setting a bad precedent, I won't support a company that misleads customers (using a name that implies a new game) and/or charges for patches.

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Some o' you lot need to chill tf out. Have some sex now n then? Go outside and breath some fresh air or summit.

$20 is worth it, if you don't think so then just don't buy it and stfu.

Support these devs. Don't criticise them with your bitter, tight-arse drivel.

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Freedom of speech is a wonderful thing. I can criticise all I want. Too many sheeple these days, and not enough people willing to stand up and say they don't agree with something.

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Some o' you lot need to chill tf out. Have some sex now n then? Go outside and breath some fresh air or summit.

$20 is worth it, if you don't think so then just don't buy it and stfu.

Support these devs. Don't criticise them with your bitter, tight-arse drivel.

Nope, I won't be supporting them at all if this behaviour continues.

You of course are free to do what you want with your money as I am with mine :)

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I think the biggest problem for everyone is the MP compatibility.

So one option could be to make 2 different patches.

One, optional, with eye candy engine improvements (€20)

and a second with MP compatibility. This one should be free or at a really small cost (say €5).

I wouldn't be really happy with this method but I could live with it.

Edited by Macadam Cow

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I have another idea

On the ED forums there are loads of morons going

"I would gladly pay $100 for this, its so awesome etc etc etc slurp gobble swallow"

There were several vocal people proclaiming this

Maybe they could put their money where their mouth is ?

Go and buy 5 copies of this PATCH and give them away to others ?

Sound fair ?

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Kinda funny that I see the same comments about ArmA on these forums...

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Really, because I wasn't aware that BIS had ever charged for patches :rolleyes:

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I think he means the realism comments....

But I would be very dissapointed if Bi started to charge for Patches

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Really, because I wasn't aware that BIS had ever charged for patches :rolleyes:
No, in fact quite the contrary and that's why I was never eargerly to give a lot of money into the Series. And they never simply sold the same stuff all over again (o.k. some models are still the same since Armed Assault) The "light" DLC strategy was the best choice of all. And nobody had to rebuy ArmA II to make it work in OA.

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I doubt it since they didn´t even fix the "you can fly through the forest if you wish" issue

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I was talking about the "I would gladly pay $100 for this, its so awesome etc etc etc slurp gobble swallow" comments.

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Well, that's a double edged sword. I feel that ED are justified in so far as charging $60.00 for their games because they are so good, but I do not feel they are justified in charging more money for slight graphics updates, MP compatibility and fixes.

I do understand your point though :)

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ED is doing it right, their games are so complex and so fun, but really unknown, they need money to make better versions of the game so i dont see whats the problem in charging a few extra $$$, ive wished for LOMAC all of my life, (well like 4 years ago) and probably next year im buying ALL their realeases.

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I think you misunderstand, it has nothing to do with the graphical updates and so forth, most of the anger is due to them not having released a patch that allowed BOTH air units to be flown together.

From their point they spent $120 ish for two games but have to pay another $60 just to use them together so the gripe is understandable, the best move would be to release a patch for free that did that and ONLY that, and leave the rest of the upgrades to BS2.

Edited by NodUnit

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No. the main anger is that they refuse to fix the bugs in BS1 and FC2 for almost a year now and instead sell the fixes in form of an upgrade.

And FC3 is in the making meanign they wi, asel the sme game a third time, just making it compatible with A-10 and BS-2 but leaving FC unchanged except some visual changes that you have to deactivate to get decent frames.

See A-10 fps drop threads in ED forum...version is unplayable out of the sudden for a lot of users and a plethora iof new bugs is introduced...well...looks like DCS A-10 II and DCS BS III will fix that with the release of DCS F/A 18.

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No. the main anger is that they refuse to fix the bugs in BS1 and FC2 for almost a year now and instead sell the fixes in form of an upgrade.

And FC3 is in the making meanign they wi, asel the sme game a third time, just making it compatible with A-10 and BS-2 but leaving FC unchanged except some visual changes that you have to deactivate to get decent frames.

See A-10 fps drop threads in ED forum...version is unplayable out of the sudden for a lot of users and a plethora iof new bugs is introduced...well...looks like DCS A-10 II and DCS BS III will fix that with the release of DCS F/A 18.


There are so many annoying bugs in BS1 that should have been fixed for free!

Example: Left engine Sound isn´t played when right engine Sound plays.

Search light and other Lights don´t illuminate the terrain above a certain heigh, and many more

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