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Take on Helicopters: Addon Request Thread

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give me nooooooooooooooow!!!!!!!!!!


Haha! Have tryed playing around with it.. But OMG! The config work for it... So much change from ArmA2 its unreal.. She flys real nice though :P.... Sorta :j:

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I have to agree with the Vietnam addon, Vietnam was the helicopter war and this is just perfect for it.

How much of the Arma 2 Unsung mod works in Take-On Helicopters?

Obviously I don't expect the helicopters to work without the config work, but do the units/environments transfer to Take-On?


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As far as I know it works quite fine. But I haven't fire it up for some time so sth could have changed.

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would be interesting to see missions randomly generated during freeflight and would certainly add to the feel of the game where upon receiving certain contracts (such as Police and SAR) that those tasks then appear, this would make managing fuel much more vital as it would play directly into the game and would allow for a wider range of methods for earning currency after the campaign has finished.

certainly though; fire, transport, medivac and police missions in lieu of "Sim Copter" would add to the dynamic of the game.

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Hello guys. Does anybody know if there is anyone working on improving the Seattle graphics map??? If not i think that would be really good..

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Is there any chance of an MV-22 Osprey showing up in ToH? I love flying it in A2, and it'd be nice to be able to do missions in it that don't involve being shot at. =P

That said, since it has such a different flight model from a normal helicopter (Is it even classified as a helicopter in the game engine? Or is it considered a fixed-wing aircraft?) because of the tilt-rotors, my hopes are not high.

Still, this would be about my favorite thing ever, in this game. So is it even likely/possible/etc?

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should be possible, yes. is it likely: by the amount of content released for tkoh (as in very little) i'd say it isn't.

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In a bout of desperate curiosity, I found the MV22 in the A2free pbo files and copied some of them over to ToH's addons folder. Among other things, I'm now able to fly around in an osprey in the editor.

Sort of.

It seems to be using the default A2/ToH control schemes even though I have my own custom ones set, and the physics are nothing short of wonky. The model and animations and landing gear and hover mode (that is, locking the nacelles in the vertical position when auto-hover is engaged) all work properly, though!

Unfortunately I have no earthly idea how to go about tweaking it to work better with ToH's flight model and get it to plug into non-default controls.

Oh, and there's no sound. Though I don't much care about that right now. =P

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AlloyRabbit, do you know that the latest patch contains "Take on Helicopters: Rearmed" which lets you combine Arma 2:CO with TOH so you can use Arma content and maps in the TOH engine with the new clouds etc. ?

It makes all the units playable in TOH with almost no errors :)

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I wasn't aware. That sounds promising, though. How might one go about doing that (with the Osprey specifically), exactly? I'm kind of a noob =P

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It's actually nothing more than installing the patch which includes the TOH:Rearmed modifications :)

You can then use all the Arma content and units (including the Osprey) in the TOH engine and maps. Though it will still use the Arma 2 flightmodel.

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Thanks, guys. I've been messing about with it for a little bit, and there's just one problem I've encountered so far: The Arma 2 vehicles refuse to gain or lose altitude without increase/decrease thrust inputs (which only work as long as you hold them down; let go and your altitude stops changing. This only works with the key/button ones; analog inputs for thrust don't do anything.). Any idea what might cause this? Auto hover on or off, helicopters can remain quite perfectly stationary. I can even go get a sandwich with the osprey in the air (in auto hover mode of course), come back, and still be flying.

Is this a bug with the physics engine or something? Or maybe my controls need tweaking?

Edit: If it's any use in diagnosing my problem: the A2/OA helicopters' controls are affected by the "aircraft" control sets rather than the helicopter ones, and inputs for flaps on aircraft that don't have them cause the game to crash.

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Is it possible create mod with crew chief or second pilot functions? I want see text message with distance and height to waypoint or cargo.

Like "next waypoint 1 km" "cargo 2 mm left 3 m down" or something like that.

First to correct slow down. Second to slingload missons. It is hard to fly alone in expert without navigation help. I know that in real slingload missons crew chief helps pilot to orientate.

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Is it possible create mod with crew chief or second pilot functions? I want see text message with distance and height to waypoint or cargo.

Like "next waypoint 1 km" "cargo 2 mm left 3 m down" or something like that.

First to correct slow down. Second to slingload missons. It is hard to fly alone in expert without navigation help. I know that in real slingload missons crew chief helps pilot to orientate.

It is! :)

Are you asking for someone to create a 'MOD' for WP in single player missions? Or are you asking how you would go about making one? :confused:

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I ask for someone to create a 'MOD' for WP in single player missions. And possibility to use it in original campaign if it possible.

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