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British Heavy Metal: Ridgeback PPV

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You can do a Polish version too?

I think I've answered this once dembol! Have you forgotten me already?

I'm quite upset.:)

I did Google for some pictures of the Polish version actually - just out of interest - didn't find much to show how different it is...

EDIT: Sorry forgot to reply to SV - any references would do even if it's the interior view of a submarine!

Edited by cleggy

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Cleggy mate have a look at JCOVE lite its good for refrences if you cant get pictures.

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I did Google for some pictures of the Polish version actually - just out of interest - didn't find much to show how different it is..

Actually it comes down to armament only. Polish Cougars are equipped with:

- 7.62mm PKM mg

- 12.7mm NSWT hmg


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I think I've answered this once dembol! Have you forgotten me already?

I'm quite upset.:)

I did Google for some pictures of the Polish version actually - just out of interest - didn't find much to show how different it is...

EDIT: Sorry forgot to reply to SV - any references would do even if it's the interior view of a submarine!

Oh sorry i must forgot, i write this immediately after sleep, i've been sleepy. Thx and very sorry.

PS: PKM, NSWT and crew for vehicle, you can get from Vilas Modern Polish army and police addon. ;)

Edited by dembol754

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This would create a dependency on 3rd party addons, and not every author wishes it. Plus, if there was a polish crew required for one of the vehicles in the pack, one would need to download the whole addon by vilas (sever hundred MBs), for just the crew.

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This all seems rather offtopic?

The Ridgeback is quite different from the normal Cougar, and Cleggy already said:

A lot of countries use the Cougar, unfortunately I cannot do them all!

When it's finished (and if you like it) I'll include the editable model and you can do the Polish version yourself:)

So the point is moot...

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Was just having a peek around the web to find out more about these and came across this photo of the cougar interior:


This video seems to corroborate that this the seat design is roughly similar in the mastiff (so ergo we can assume its similar in ridgback)

(albeit with a lot more shit all over the place)

-And then it all changes again. Mastiff 3 has much more race-style seating

..I understand your confusion :p

Edited by DaveP

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Cougar is on duty in 9 countries. Most are used in Us army, Uk army, Iraqi army, Canadian army and Polish army. ;)

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I did Google for some pictures of the Polish version actually - just out of interest - didn't find much to show how different it is...

Don't be too hard on Topas, DM, I think I'm guilty of starting the Polish angle myself!

@DaveP: thanks for the references - tho' I don't really expect you to do all the research for me ...:)

Now here's a picture of a roof. It's a very boring roof. It's a 'does it need a ring mount (even if it's blanked off to fit the RWS)' sort of roof.

Strikes me they would only manufacture one basic hull?

Any thoughts?


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Looks bloody amazing, great model, excellent damage-textures aswell! looking forward to this.

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Thanks McNools.

I'm quite pleased with the way the damage model works.

50% damage textures by BIS (that just happen to fall in the right place).

Destroyable wheels thanks to Soul Assassin's excellent tutorial.

Switching good/damaged armour proxies using the same technique as the destroyable wheels ...

Hold on a minute - I can't take any credit for this at all!:(

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@Cleggy- Obviously I'm an American, but I am eagerly awaiting more WIP shots on your work. This has awoken me to more British armour. Great, great job, keep up the work.

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Thanks for the comments (you too dembol - though I'm still not doing a Polish version)!

This has awoken me to more British armour.

Don't forget this vehicle is American - though it's dressed up as 'Monty' not 'Patton'!:)

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Cleggy, have you a rough idea of when you'll be ready to release this mod?

Sorry to sound impatient... It just looks so damn tasty!!! :o

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Cleggy, have you a rough idea of when you'll be ready to release this mod?

Jester mate, I don't want you to get told off for spamming!

I'm as keen to get this 'off my chest' as you are, but there's still a ton of work to do ...

I've started on the interior and had hoped to be able to show some more WIP, but I've hit a problem with some strange artifacts appearing in the cargo view:mad: ... I may have to visit the O2 modelling section again if I can't pin the problem down on me own...

Thanks for the interest anyway!

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Thanks for the reply, Cleggy.

I don't fancy getting told off either, so my apologies if I broke a forum rule there.

Good luck with the work mate. Hope you get an easy solution to your problems. Wish I could help but I'm worse than useless at this type of modelling.

I consider your Bulldogs amongst the best community made models I've seen so far, and judging from the screenshots you've posted, the Ridgeback is going to be right up there with them.

Many thanks for sharing your great work!

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Thanks to those who asked how this project is progressing.

Just to let you know it's not 'dead in the water' just yet.

Here's a WIP of how the interior is going ...


Some of it is reeeeasonably accurate, some of it is guesswork and some of it is nicked from pics of a Mastiff.

All of it is open to comment/critique/disgust or just plain apathy.:)

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Mate, bloody fantastic. Please keep up the good work. More Brit kit is deffo the way forward!

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