DAP 619 Posted October 13, 2011 (edited) REALISTIC PARADROP SCRIPT VERSION 2.15 Ispr3Kxmj9YThis script allows the player (and AI) to make a parachute jump, like it happens in real life. SUPPORTED PLANES: C-130 AN-72 IL-76 DOWNLOADARMAHOLIC MIRROR Edited November 9, 2012 by DAP Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Z.agge 10 Posted October 13, 2011 Wow! If it really works with the AI, this is something totally awesome! Downloading the example mission now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DAP 619 Posted October 13, 2011 Wow! If it really works with the AI, this is something totally awesome! Downloading the example mission now. Also you can use your weapon and move through plane ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted October 13, 2011 DAP once again you have broken the rules and made something wonderful ..... thanks mate ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Z.agge 10 Posted October 13, 2011 I tried the script and it works wonderfully! It would be cool to have some kind of tutorial, how to use this for our own missions (if it's okay to you of course). By the way, I have no idea if this has anything to do with the script or not, but I noticed that if you open the parachute too late and the character ends up upside down to the ground, the parachute mysteriously explodes killing everyone around you. This happened to me once and was really weird because I have seen nothing like this happening before. Not a big problem though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DAP 619 Posted October 13, 2011 DAP once again you have broken the rules and made something wonderful ..... thanks mate ! You are welcome :) I tried the script and it works wonderfully! It would be cool to have some kind of tutorial, how to use this for our own missions (if it's okay to you of course). By the way, I have no idea if this has anything to do with the script or not, but I noticed that if you open the parachute too late and the character ends up upside down to the ground, the parachute mysteriously explodes killing everyone around you. This happened to me once and was really weird because I have seen nothing like this happening before. Not a big problem though. Ok :) Here is simple instructions about using this script: 1. Loading in plane: You can load whole group in plane cargo. For that run this script: [Plane,Unit] execVM "Daponboard\Scripts\Onboard\Loadgroup.sqf"; Where: Plane - plane which will be used as transport. Unit - leader of this group. Here is some limitations: C-130 - 10 units max AN-72 - 12 units max IL-76 - 16 units max If number of units in group more than these values, then group will not be loaded in plane. 2. Plane: You can set direct path and fly height for plane. For this you need add this string in plane init: [Plane,Height] execVM "Daponboard\Scripts\Onboard\AIPilot.sqf"; Where: Plane - transport plane. Height - fly height for plane (plane will be automatically set to this height) Notes: You can manually set direction for plane in editor. After running this script pane will fly in selected direction. 3. Paradrop control: For paradrop you need open plane's ramp. For that jsut run this script (via another script or trigger): [Plane] execVM "Daponboard\Scripts\Onboard\PlaneRamp.sqf" This script automatically open plane's ramp in postion for paradrop. Where: Plane - transport plane If AI loaded in plane, then you need give them "green light" for jump. You can set it via variable: Plane setVariable ["DAP_GreenLight_GetOutAI",1,true]; Where: Plane - transport plane Note: You must be shure that plane's ramp already opened. So add small timeout after opening plane's ramp. Player can jump out without this variable (when ramp is open - you can jump out) About "exploding parachute": I'm using default parachutes from BIS, so all questions to them :) In ARMA2 parachutes is vehicles too, so they can explode is some kind of situations :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Z.agge 10 Posted October 13, 2011 Amazing! Thank you DAp. Your instructions seem quite straight forward. I'm sure we'll find use for your scripts. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted October 13, 2011 Thanks for informing us about the release :cool: Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage. Realistic Paradrop v1.0 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Hebrew Hammer 10 Posted October 14, 2011 Whenever I run this the player is never in the plane itself. I'm grouped to the leader, or when I'm the leader I'm not in the plane. Somewhere in your script there's something that says "player" that shouldn't, or I'm out of ideas. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DAP 619 Posted October 14, 2011 Whenever I run this the player is never in the plane itself. I'm grouped to the leader, or when I'm the leader I'm not in the plane. Somewhere in your script there's something that says "player" that shouldn't, or I'm out of ideas. Example mission works correct? If yes, then you have mistake somewhere. Try check all steps. And don't forget about limitations for each planes. I sure in all scripts (tested them just now again - all works). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
twirly 11 Posted October 14, 2011 The example mission works for me...no worries. Cool script! Thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Walker001 0 Posted October 14, 2011 Wow, what an awesome script. Just what I need! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Hebrew Hammer 10 Posted October 14, 2011 I see the problem, I wanted to have the plane actually take off from an airstrip so I didn't have the AI pilot script running. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gedis 0 Posted October 14, 2011 very nice script! but how you managed to make paratroopers walk inside flying cargo plane? why they don't fell off (the plane is moving...)? I'm just thinking about walkable interiors/insides/decks as a whole, maybe it's possible with similar script? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DAP 619 Posted October 15, 2011 I see the problem, I wanted to have the plane actually take off from an airstrip so I didn't have the AI pilot script running. Problem not in AIPilot.sqf. In current state this script works only for planes, which already in air. If plane have speed equal 0, then script will be automatically disabled. This "feature" removed from last version. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4084 Posted October 15, 2011 Nice work DAP, this looks awesome. Looking forward to when you can do this in MP. I'd like to create a mission where you can respawn on the plane itself and do a halo drop, and the plane could loop around the area, and basically you would jump when your over the position you would like to drop at. Maybe for now Ill try this with the SP Respawn Script. Thanks for your work! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DAP 619 Posted October 15, 2011 (edited) UPDATE REALISTIC PARADROP SCRIPTVersion: 1.1 Changelog: Added: Full ACE support (AI Paradrop impossible without parachutes. Player can jump out, but this is suicide) Added: "From cargo seat to jump position" (now Loadgroup.sqf work correct if group loaded in plane as cargo) Added: Altitude and Speed indicator now disappear after parachute opening Added: Second example mission (Take off from airstrip, changing course, preparing for jump, and jump) Changed: Group can be loaded in plane with Loadgroup.sqf even if plane stay on airstrip and has zero speed. Changed: PlaneRamp.sqf now works "in both sides"(First run - ramp will be opened. Second run - ramp will be closed. Third run - will be opened again, etc.) Full instructions included in archive. Edited October 21, 2011 by DAP Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted October 16, 2011 Thanks for informing us about the updated release mate :cool: Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage. Realistic Paradrop v1.1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrcash2009 0 Posted October 16, 2011 Thanks for this DAP brings some more elements to missions and start ideas. I know it was very basic but I found myself replaying that demo mission a few times :) Im wanting a situation where the plane will spawn randomly with random ingress value and also a controlled jump trigger so the para-drop lands randomly as well (so the drop can be any where you want over the map). I know that's a mission thing, I must learn this! EDIT: Second example mission (Take off from airstrip, changing course, preparing for jump, and jump) oops, I didn't see the update post :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
giallustio 770 Posted October 16, 2011 About the attachto and setdir...To get it works in MP you have to change the object dir with the command "setVehicleInit". Here an example: Relative code: _arty attachTo [_truck, [0,-7,-1.3]]; _arty setDir 180; _arty setvehicleinit "this setDir 180"; processinitcommands; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DAP 619 Posted October 17, 2011 About the attachto and setdir...To get it works in MP you have to change the object dir with the command "setVehicleInit".Here an example: Relative code: _arty attachTo [_truck, [0,-7,-1.3]]; _arty setDir 180; _arty setvehicleinit "this setDir 180"; processinitcommands; Thanks :) It works :) When all tweaks will be finished, then script will be released. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
giallustio 770 Posted October 17, 2011 @DAP You're welcome :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Z.agge 10 Posted October 17, 2011 Great work DAP! Your script is nearly perfect. After you get it working in MP there are only a couple of thinngs you could give a look at. First, the moving in the plane is quite strange. I know there's not much to do about it in addition to tweak the moving speeds or something and it's not a big deal, but something I have noticed. Also it would be cool to see a red light turning on when the ramp opens and a green light when the soldiers jump. Maybe you could use the attachTo command to attach a red/green light or flare to the cargo hold of the plane? I'm sorry to ask things like that, but these are some things I thought that could improve your script even more. Besides, I'm horrible at scripting 8D Awesome work! Absolutely great. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DAP 619 Posted October 20, 2011 (edited) Great work DAP! Your script is nearly perfect. After you get it working in MP there are only a couple of thinngs you could give a look at. First, the moving in the plane is quite strange. I know there's not much to do about it in addition to tweak the moving speeds or something and it's not a big deal, but something I have noticed. Also it would be cool to see a red light turning on when the ramp opens and a green light when the soldiers jump. Maybe you could use the attachTo command to attach a red/green light or flare to the cargo hold of the plane? I'm sorry to ask things like that, but these are some things I thought that could improve your script even more. Besides, I'm horrible at scripting 8D Awesome work! Absolutely great. Attached lights looks terrible(blinking, jerking, especially in MP) :) Also they not works in daylight. So I decide not add them for now. Maybe later. Edited October 21, 2011 by DAP Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DAP 619 Posted October 21, 2011 (edited) UPDATE REALISTIC PARADROP SCRIPTVersion: 1.5 Changelog: Changed: Script works in MP. Changed: Altimeter can be disabled. GENERAL MP NOTE: Option "From Cargo to Jump Position" works ONLY in SP. Full instructions included in archive. Edited October 22, 2011 by DAP Share this post Link to post Share on other sites