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Gunter Severloh

COSLX - An updated version of the original SLX Mod

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I still have a problem with slx.hpp not being found. I use withSIX. I have downloaded the 2.5 and 2.6 patches respectively. I have all 3 cba's needed.

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I still have a problem with slx.hpp not being found. I use withSIX. I have downloaded the 2.5 and 2.6 patches respectively. I have all 3 cba's needed.

If you remove slx_ace_fixes which requires slx.hpp and calls the location from here "@COSLX\addons\SLX.hpp" the error will disappear or put the slx.hpp in the location in quotes. The older slx_ace_fixes had the slx.hpp in "@SLX\addons\SLX.hpp" folder if i remember rightly. I think it's the only addon that requires it ;)

Edited by Law-Giver

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I still have a problem with slx.hpp not being found. I use withSIX. I have downloaded the 2.5 and 2.6 patches respectively. I have all 3 cba's needed.

the slx.hpp should be in the COSLX addons folder, i changed the configuration addresses in 3 files that require the hpp, but those files imo are rather usesless in terms of adding any features worth playing with, so if you want just remove the following files:

As per the 1st page:

Note: without this patch if you have these files:




in your @COSLX addons folder you will get the following error and the game will not start.

ErrorMessage: Include file @SLX\SLX.hpp not found.

The patch changes the configs in all 3 of these files so that if you are using these 3 files then the game will load normal.

So idk why the patch is not working for you but I wouldn't release something that didn't work but as i was saying above remove those 3 files and the hpp and you wont have to worry about the error message.

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So idk why the patch is not working for you but I wouldn't release something that didn't work but as i was saying above remove those 3 files and the hpp and you wont have to worry about the error message.

I noticed he said he's using withSIX, maybe it's updating/overwriting with the original slx files and pointing to the original slx.hpp instead of yours or vice versa. It did that to my slx files that i have although some of my slx files have my own modified keys for my server and fortunately i had them backed up on a backup partition. But i don't use the slx.hpp anyway plus it's easy enough to edit. I also have your slx fixes Günter, so thanks for that mate. ;)

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Sorry if this has been answered already but I couldn't find anywhere in the previous post my problem. Im using this and ACE but when I use ACE with this there is no radio response chat when I give out orders.Is there anything I can do?

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Hi, tbh i dont recall anyone ever asking about the radios while using ACE.

What you can do is remove the following files in @COSLX/addons folder:

SLX_Dialogue: Fixes missing words and adds larger voice pitch variations.

Dependencies: None.

SLX_Shout: Makes people say stuff.

Dependencies: SLX_NetCode.

remove the following if you have them in the addons folder:

SLX_GL3_GiveRadios: Gives SINCGARS radios to groups at mission start.

Dependencies: SLX_GL3.


Dependencies: None.


there is a readme in the @COSLX/readmes/All SLX Features Readme

or refer to the listing on the 1st page for files and descriptions. But remove those files I listed and see if that fixes the issue for you.

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I can not get the extra blood effects from this mod to work. Everything else seems to be working but when I shoot someone there are no drops or pools of blood on the ground next to the bodies and bodies don't seem to explode from rockets either ... Any idea why everything else would work but not that stuff? Wounded enemies don't seem to be screaming as they lie on the ground either ...

Edited by haints

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Do you have the 3 cba's running?

what version of the mod do you have?

are you running anything else other then COSLX?

Is the file slx_wounds.pbo in the addons folder?

You are trying to run the mod in Arma2CO right? not just arma2, or Arma3?

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Do you have the 3 cba's running?

what version of the mod do you have?

are you running anything else other then COSLX?

Is the file slx_wounds.pbo in the addons folder?

You are trying to run the mod in Arma2CO right? not just arma2, or Arma3?

Hey, thanks for responding so quickly!

I actually managed to get it working through a combination of steps ... I was missing part of the "expansion" shortcut that CBA requires, then when I got that running I got a DX9 error, then finally fixed that and now the blood is there ...

But having struggled to get it to show up, I now find myself distracted by the fact that some of the blood splatters can appear overly bright in certain lighting conditions. They look really cool, they're just a little too bright ... I'm guessing there isn't simply a file I can edit in photoshop or whatever to darken them, so ... is there anyway to remove the blood splats on the ground and keep the other gore effects?

Love your mod by the way. Just the little things I notice right off the bat, like the vastly improved field of view and the way the area around your iron sites goes slightly out of focus ... it really makes me feel more like I'm "there," for lack of a better term. The weapon sounds (you did change some of the weapon sounds, didn't you?) also seem improved. So thanks for all your hard work!

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Good deal.

Just to note COSLX is my version of the original SLX mod (hence the title of the thread) who was built by a well known modder named Solus

who had started SLX in OFP if i recall correctly, all I did was alot of research on the WIP thread for SLX created a bug list of all the issues reported, then

recompiled the mod without the bug files, and then was able to fix some things too, so the name "COSLX" is the name of the SLX recompiled for Arma2CO.

The only files I actually physically changed and or updated was a few, the main one which was in my last update was slx_wounds where I was working with

Rydygier a known scripter/coder and we updated the file for the bleeding. What you mentioned about the color of the blood was said before, it does seem brighter,

you would have to open the file slx_wounds and locate the folder for the blood, take the p3d and change them to format that can be read then edit them in photoshop or another program.

As for the blood splats you are referring to, that would have to be done by turning that feature off in the slx_wounds file in a script called SLX_Bleeding.sqf or the blood splash

which i can look into but I would need to ask someone to look at, the amount of code, and scripts and files in slx_wounds itself is massive, ive looked at it many times.

Some things are really nothing I can do about, its beyond my expertise which is more compiling then anything, which including this mod I have done I had put together a compilation mod series I call warmod, in my latest version COWarMod CoSLX is in, you should check it out when you get the chance, it has about 230+ addons and mods in one mod, all dealing with gameplay and new features.

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We are on the same page here--before I read your last post I had found that blood pbo and opened it and located the correct .paa file and used tex editor to convert it to jpg then darkened it with Paint ... but tex editor would not let me re-save it as a .paa file to put back into the pbo ... I'll try again and if I can get it working I'll send it your way in case you want to offer a "darker blood" option.

By the way I knew that you were not the original creator of this mod but you still have done a lot of work to make it usable for us here so I very much appreciate that.

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Your welcome.

As for the paa issue, convert it to a tga and then edit it.

the usual process for converting paa's or to a paa from a jpg for example is to convert the jpg to a tga through gimp2 or another and then take that tga and convert to paa through textview2.

See the thread here for more info about paa:


most of the answers can be found last 2 pages.

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Porting COSLX to Arma3

Currently the only thing that is working from what i can tell if you use the existing mod is the bleeding, the bandaging somewhat, the wound cries, I've yet to test anything else,

porting this to Arma3 to me is somewhat pointless as theres already mods out that can do a better job of wounding, medical, ect,. as far as that aspect,

for the dismemberment thats a whole nother ballgame out of my skills.

If you review the list on the first post, and see what each of those features do, and then compare that to whats out for Arma3 already, and what arma3 already has,

then as I said its not worth the time to port something thats going to do something to a lesser degree then whats already available.

The thing is the mod is a modular mod, each feature listed on the first page may or may not have a dependency, each feature/function can most likely be used on its own, so this means that each one is not tied to one config, only thing I think would be worth porting over is the slx_actions where you can move object, ammo boxes, static weapons, ect,. and then maybe the bleeding from the SLX_wounds, other then that theres nothing there that is really worth bringing to Arma3 as said theres already mods and vanilla features that do a better job, so the answer is no, its not worth the time, your not missing really anything.

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The bleeding is the best part...just release that!!!

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IMO, bleeding and pistol safety/holstering would be the two I would see the most use from.

Can't recall suppression and surrender from use though with A2 if it was worth it, though suppression has already been done with a flashing screen/breathing.

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COSLX had to be my favorite immersive mod for A2. The bleeding and medical system, as when an AI would get shot someone would try to revive them. Also I think surrendering used to be in this mod.

Was really fond of this. Even if some features are ported, I would be happy.

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use this for your wounding system:

http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?170975-A3-Wounding-System alot better then COSLX's, plus the drag wounded is fully seen unlike in arma2Co where the camera is messed up,

also same medical/healing animation is used, although no blood, if anything I will look into the blood aspect, already gibs in the game if that can happen then we need blood too ;)

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Gibs would be more fun with PhysX. Glad you're on the case Gunter!!

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Currently Im looking into the blood, bleeding, bloodsplats, and possibly something else, this will be a new endeavor for me to learn how to separate the scripts

and required files and put them in one place as well as get them to work In Arma3, but I have asked for some help for this from a friend and hopefully he can

shed some more light on how i can do this, in the meantime I will keep you guys posted on the progress.

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Gunter the current blood decals that it uses now look pretty decent...but very small...and your wall sprays were awesome...I'd think with the particle effects it would be possible to make them even crazier.

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What is the addon that drives the bleeding and other gore related effects ? I want to use COSLX just for that, i'm not really interested in the other addons coming in the pack.

Thanjks !

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First post has all the info. But SLX_Wounds would be the file you want, it has dependent files as well, such as SLX_netcode, SLX_shout.

If your trying to use it in Arma3 you will get some oddities, dismember dont work, bleeding works, but when you shoot a soldier its like with every shot he gets hit with grenades,

currently Im working with one of the guys on my IFR team on the blood aspect for COSLX we may just put an addon together that enables bleeding, and bloodsplashes for Arma3.

As for Arma2Co COSLX as the name implies is specifically for Arma2CO.

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