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Will we get to see this presentation or is it BCD?

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"The challenging art of freedom

» Bohemia Interactive: Stepan Kment, Ivan Buchta

The presentation deals with the development challenges associated with creating an openly structured gameplay in a military simulation game. It provides overview and assessment of general requirements, technological limitations and design solutions employed in the development of the Bohemia Interactive’s past titles. Animations and environment are discussed in greater detail.

An insight to real time animation presentation subsystem in Arma engine is provided. Attendees will be given various examples and case analyses of real in-game situations, which may help them either to design gameplay to avoid possible issues or to design animation subsystem of their real-time engine in order to handle such issues acceptably.

The overview of the terrain creation method is provided as another example of the unique approach to Bohemia Interactive’s gaming projects. The requirements of game design and relationships of the gameplay and terrain are widely discussed, with the in-game examples of the resulting virtual landscapes. Also, the AI-related aspects of the terrain design are brought to attention of the attendees.

The speech is concluded by the examples of the discussed areas in the development in Arma 3. The acceptable level of abstraction in a game presentation is discussed as a viable approach in a large-scale simulation."

Cause this sound really interesting!

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Alright guys, break out them puppy eyes, we gon' have to beg the shit out of BIS for this lol.

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:butbut::butbut::butbut::butbut::butbut::butbut::butbut::butbut::butbut: :butbut:PLEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZEE?????????

Edited by BobcatBob

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Please BIS I want to see this so badly.

Rolling around on floor begging fervently

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