HyperU2 11 Posted October 6, 2011 Ill admit execution was poor -but if feds show up on my property to arrest a Pedo -heres the fuckin key. You have to consider the people he was with, they sent a cattle car full of catalysts. One person knocking would have stood a better chance. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kernriver 4 Posted October 6, 2011 (edited) Because of this ;)http://www.geniesserhotels.com/images/content/big/schweiz.jpg ... Is that Gstaad? Beautiful. What about this? Zweisimmen, ~15 km from Gstaad. :) Hey, if you don't like guns, don't buy them. But don't tell other people what to do. As simple as that. If it's not prohibited by law, buy all the guns you like (allowed to). Simple. Irregular Warfare is the main doctrine in the swiss army and it was the main doctrine in the yugoslawian army. Even bad equiped partisans could do a lot of trouble to a regular army. Ofcourse mainly in the logistic sector and moral. No it wasn't. I don't know about Swiss army, but Yugoslav Peoples Army had good old soviet doctrine: Chaaarge! :D I know, I served. Unfortunately. I think you are talking about "territorial defence" that existed in Yugoslavia, that was similar to Swiss model, but no one had a rifle at home, rifles were in "territorial defence" caches, meant to be distributed to civilians in case of war. Edited October 6, 2011 by Kernriver Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Minutemen 10 Posted October 6, 2011 Tim McVeigh, Hate Group type - Militia boys knew about him, Timothy McVeigh worked together with people like Andreas Strassmeir, a german agent and son of Gunter Strassmeir. And does anyone here think it is possible to blow up a massive ferroconcrete with a explosive made of fertilizer? Do you know anything what the government does and why we should protect us from it? Yeah, Militia boys knew about him because that hole OKC thing was a setup to demonize Gunowners, Militias, Christians(Rightwing stereotypes) and everyone else who thinks the Waco massacre was a massacre. Resist thievery however you like mate -I have my way and you have yours. As long as you don't try to cross my way that will be fine. But you said enough Bulll about gunownership in this thread, "We already had that -it was called the Wild West" Hutaree, their another Hate group. No, their are weak minded Rednecks which get caught because a federal agent set them up. Happens all the time because most militia groups don't know a sh!t about counterintelligence. I think you are talking about "territorial defence" that existed in Yugoslavia, that was similar to Swiss model, but no one had a rifle at home, rifles were in "territorial defence" caches, meant to be distributed to civilians in case of war. Ofcourse in a socialist system no one will be alowed to store weapons at home, where the government couldn't controll them. And the hole mindfuck about armorys is, that an armory is one single strategic target. If the enemy could blow up the armory, many men would be unable to fight. Thats why the swiss store them at home. And if you served as a conscript in the military, ofcourse they wouldn't teach Joe.Everymen the art of guerilla warfare because such knowledge is always a threat on Government, especialy criminal Government. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
froggyluv 2136 Posted October 6, 2011 Oh yeah, there all Gov't setups meant to takedown the evil gunowners of America -watch out! Black Helos are comin for ya :rolleyes: Bad is bad -better for legit gunowners to distance themselves from such nuts then defend them. As long as you don't try to cross my way that will be fine Or what tuff guy? I'll be damned if Im going to let some netz gun jockey try to silence my opinion on a public forum -don't like it? Tough cookies. "We already had that -it was called the Wild West" That was in reference to a civil debate about all citizens carrying guns at all time -learn context. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Minutemen 10 Posted October 6, 2011 Bad is bad -better for legit gunowners to distance themselves from such nuts then defend them. Did i? Nooo, i didn't. You make things up again. McVeigh was no "hate group" rightwing terrorist, this hole thing was theater. You don't even know about the OKC bombing up wanna declare that false stereotype as "hate group"? What you don't know about OKC. -don't like it? No, i don't like it when people wanna license rights and property, which means it would be generally forbidden, based on wrong conclusions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
st_dux 26 Posted October 6, 2011 What you don't know about OKC. You can't be serious with this shit... can you? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mosh 0 Posted October 6, 2011 That was in reference to a civil debate about all citizens carrying guns at all time Kind of like Missouri during deer season.... :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
froggyluv 2136 Posted October 6, 2011 I watched your video but wasn't all that convinced by the "secondary" explosion theory. Besides, dude already fessed up and is proud of what he did. Being a sci-fi nut, he thought "everyone would cheer when the Death Star blew up" -nobody worried about secretaries and children on the Death Star :j: I find these series far more interesting - seems like a lot of racism in those gun club circles eh? Aryan boys really took to McVeigh as well and condemned Waco and of course the Whiite Seperatist at Ruby Ridge. Funny they never stand up for the MOVE bombing :rolleyes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAbjZR0VsuE&NR=1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ralphwiggum 6 Posted October 6, 2011 No need for conspiracy theory or discussion thereof. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GRS 10 Posted October 6, 2011 Funny how people make assumptions about everything then argue their side, treating those assumptions as facts. :rolleyes: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HyperU2 11 Posted October 6, 2011 I watched your video but wasn't all that convinced by the "secondary" explosion theory. Besides, dude already fessed up and is proud of what he did. Being a sci-fi nut, he thought "everyone would cheer when the Death Star blew up" -nobody worried about secretaries and children on the Death Star :j: I find these series far more interesting - seems like a lot of racism in those gun club circles eh? Aryan boys really took to McVeigh as well and condemned Waco and of course the Whiite Seperatist at Ruby Ridge. Funny they never stand up for the MOVE bombing :rolleyes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAbjZR0VsuE&NR=1 You should maybe look up how many victims at Waco were black. http://www.boogieonline.com/revolution/firearms/enforce/waco/victims.html Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Beagle 684 Posted October 7, 2011 Timothy McVeigh worked together with people like Andreas Strassmeir, a german agent and son of Gunter Strassmeir.Starssmeier is not and never was a german agent...hes just one of the still to much old fashioned Nazis here that infect other by their writings. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
froggyluv 2136 Posted October 7, 2011 You should maybe look up how many victims at Waco were black. Yes I kind of knew that because I saw a documentary about the people living there under the "prophet". I guess the gun issue is large enough to let Aryan Bros types kind of sidestep that issue - I saw an Israeli on that list as well. I would doubt that those types were truly in mourning over the deaths but rather saw it as another Anti-Gov't rally cry. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kernriver 4 Posted October 7, 2011 Ofcourse in a socialist system no one will be alowed to store weapons at home, where the government couldn't controll them. And the hole mindfuck about armorys is, that an armory is one single strategic target. If the enemy could blow up the armory, many men would be unable to fight. Thats why the swiss store them at home. And if you served as a conscript in the military, ofcourse they wouldn't teach Joe.Everymen the art of guerilla warfare because such knowledge is always a threat on Government, especialy criminal Government. They would be crazy to allow that, especially (former) Yugoslavia. There would be a bloodbath. Oh, wait... Then again, I don't know of any country, other then Switzerland, that allows conscript soldiers to bring their weapons home once released from sevice. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[aps]gnat 29 Posted October 7, 2011 .... I agree about the culture thing. Yes it's in my culture. It's the way I was raised. It's a daily part of my life. But I don't see that as a bad thing people need to keep bringing up. I'm proud of my culture.It is not the wild west here.... What?! Where were those US statistics again !! :rolleyes: .....Yeah, Militia boys knew about him because that hole OKC thing was a setup to demonize Gunowners, Militias, Christians(Rightwing stereotypes) and everyone else who thinks the Waco massacre was a massacre. ..... No, their are weak minded Rednecks which get caught because a federal agent set them up. Happens all the time because most militia groups don't know a sh!t about counterintelligence. ..... Jesus! ...... I swear with "the Feds" paranoia and tolerance of that sort "castle" shit your country is going to implode into civil disorder from the inside. You won't have to worry about external terrorists bringing your way of life down ..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dm 9 Posted October 7, 2011 Gnat;2034187']What?! Where were those US statistics again !! :rolleyes: Said it before' date=' will say it again. Cars kill 2-3 times as many people in the US as guns do, and then if you consider the [b']accidental[/b] statistics, its more like 50 times. Lets ban cars shall we? Heart disease kills 32 times the number of firearm "victims", lets ban fast food too? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[aps]gnat 29 Posted October 7, 2011 Sorry DM, lame comparison again .... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_firearm-related_death_rate http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/cri_mur_wit_fir_percap-crime-murders-firearms-per-capita Gun Deaths: Look at the nations with the US in the top 10 ! US is a "3rd world" country for this perspective ! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_traffic-related_death_rate Traffic deaths: US is not "3rd world" there, but US obviously has a lot of bad drivers. Death rate is on average twice that of most other Western nations. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dm 9 Posted October 7, 2011 Gnat;2034214']Sorry DM' date=' lame comparison again ....Gun Deaths: Look at the nations with the US in the top 10 ! US is a "3rd world" country for this perspective ![/quote'] I fail to see how its lame. Your entire argument is based on "guns kill people, so guns are bad, so they should be banned". No matter how you want to twist the statistics to your advantage, cars kill more than guns, fast food kills more than both combined, yet somehow we're not trying to ban or regulate either of them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Minutemen 10 Posted October 7, 2011 (edited) Starssmeier is not and never was a german agent...hes just one of the still to much old fashioned Nazis here that infect other by their writings. Yeah, son of state secretary and military officer was a neonazi who hadn't anything better to do. Why do you saying he was never an agent, you couldn't know that. They had a hearing in the german parliament and when the question "was he an agent?" came up, they said "we can't talk about such things in public." So what does that mean? No need for conspiracy theory or discussion thereof. Seriosly, this "thats a conspiracy theory" mindset is a mayor reason why i don't buy BI Products anymore. Yes I kind of knew that because I saw a documentary about the people living there under the "prophet". Yeah, yeah. I know that white wash documentaries where the ATF would be declared as heroes which fought heroicly against this weirdos and the hole inferno thing was a tragical accident. The Davidians were strange, but not dangerous at all. And to store and sell guns is totaly legal under the constitution, so there was no reason for the ATF to show up. And by the way. Did they show you in that documentary ? I Guess not.And to make that connection is same less persuasive than the militia connection. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAbjZR0VsuE&NR=1 God, if i just hear that british accent i know already this will be a hitpeace. No word about how many of these people in elohim city where agents. Hell, not just this young woman Carol Howe worked for the FBI and once was fondle by Strassmeir. But he was more into seeking wiretaps on her. As far as i know. And she warned the FBI about OKC before it happend, as she said in the "Sunday Telegraph" and even a german TV Magazine reported about that. So that would mean they knewd about and let it happend I guess the gun issue is large enough to let Aryan Bros types kind of sidestep that issue That comment is so dumb i don't realy know what you were thinking when you wrote that garbage. Wanna discredit people or it is just your weak minded thinking from the tin can? Aryan Bros, no one talked about Aryan Bros. First you asked catch questions in try to bring up oppinions against the rights of "muslim communities", then you brought up that "Hate group" thing and now its the "Aryan brotherhood"? Whats wrong with you? Even those People have rights and selfdefence is one of that. Buhuhu, crazies everywhere please protect me by laws and bans. By the way. The AB is an jail gang, what does a jail gang has to do in that debate? Need some impressive Notions to strengthen your weak arguments? Why are you following such dirty tactics? Are so so full of hate against the rights of other people? Was it not allowed for you as a child to play with the others cops and robbers? Why the heck should the aryan brotherhood be pro Gun??? Why should criminals insecure their everyday work? Criminals love gun controll. ngsKzdKNAmo Seriosly, are you a child? If you would be a child i wouldn't be angry about that lack of knowledge, because its just a child which can still grow up and learn about the world. Yeaaaay, Gnat]I swear with "the Feds" paranoia and tolerance of that sort "castle" shit your country is going to implode into civil disorder from the inside. Nope, this is what protect us from civil disorder. My Gun protects my familie and myself from these Aryan Brotherhood types and the awerness of F(ED)rauds protects me from their dupery. "blawblawblaw your country will implode"... Yeaah, sure. Whatever. :rolleyes: Gnat]You won't have to worry about external terrorists bringing your way of life down ..... I'm not worried about external terrorists. Gnat]Sorry DM, lame comparison again ....http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of...ted_death_rate http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/cr...rms-per-capita Gun Deaths: Look at the nations with the US in the top 10 ! US is a "3rd world" country for this perspective ! For the deaths by car accidents better look at the national safety council. There are 42.000 deaths per year. Thats a little town whiped out every year by cars, not by guns. And hey, as it was said before, many of these killings by guns are done by criminal which killed other criminals about drug trading and such things. And even worse, they count people untill 21 as children. So if a 18 years old Gangmember gets shoot, the statistic will say it was a child. Edited October 7, 2011 by Minutemen Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
froggyluv 2136 Posted October 7, 2011 Well Minutemen, I guess guns are your bliss so enjoy :) It's really not worth getting into tit for tat with you -especially on all of the conspiricist stuff. The Ayran Bros was in reference to the Ayran Resistence who were featured in the video I linked -not the prison gang. The sidestep was in reference to them caring about Waco despite the minority casualties -surely your not naive enough to think they care about them -I hope. As for the rest, believe as you want in your theories - nothing anyone says here is going to change your views. Seriosly, this "thats a conspiracy theory" mindset is a mayor reason why i don't buy BI Products anymore. :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HyperU2 11 Posted October 7, 2011 Gnat;2034187']What?! Where were those US statistics again !! :rolleyes: Not to hop on the Aryan side but the US statistics were, white gun culture is pretty safe. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Minutemen 10 Posted October 7, 2011 Well Minutemen, I guess guns are your bliss so enjoy Right on selfdefence is my bliss! Everyones right is my bliss! If there would Lightsabers instead of guns, i wouldn't care about the difference! Which part of "shall not be infringed" do you not understand?! - nothing anyone says here is going to change your views. Yeah, yeah. Plough your garden. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[aps]gnat 29 Posted October 7, 2011 Not to hop on the Aryan side but the US statistics were, white gun culture is pretty safe. ok? So if we dive a little deeper into the data set and find that group X are much safer users of guns ..... then that makes all the other dead people somewhat unrelated to the discussion? ......... hmmmmm :rolleyes: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ralphwiggum 6 Posted October 7, 2011 Seriosly, this "thats a conspiracy theory" mindset is a mayor reason why i don't buy BI Products anymore. Then you are more than welcome to leave. I'm closing this thread since some of you are starting to show signs of going into off topic. This is why we don't like such discussions here. 1. It usually (and in this case eventually) ends up getting overheated 2. followed by topic derailment Share this post Link to post Share on other sites