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ACE for OA 1.12

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Run Convert action in Six Updater, and then Install or Update again.

You can remove @ACE_A2 as it's for A2 standalone and outdated.

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Thx for the help. Sorry I haven't had alot of time to really research this great mod, but I have another question. Is there a helicopter for dummies/ tutorial for the ah64 and ah1. There has got to be an easier way to command your gunner to for other than using the command ~

Menu. And I can't target anything with the cobra.

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I've got a question - how to drag some wounded guys or bodies in ace2? I use dapman first aid support and I'm not sure if that changes something with that because I can't find this option in ace2 action menus and I see some AI's can drag some injured guys.

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Since this relates to Six Updater, how do I make one of those links that allows someone to click on it and automatically update/download my modset for my clan in Six updater?

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Since this relates to Six Updater, how do I make one of those links that allows someone to click on it and automatically update/download my modset for my clan in Six updater?
ACE has little to do with Six Updater other than that ACE ongoing dev is only distributed over Six Updater (and that im the author of SU, and a lead of ACE).

Answered @ http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?p=2056874#post2056874

---------- Post added at 14:39 ---------- Previous post was at 14:38 ----------

Thx for the help. Sorry I haven't had alot of time to really research this great mod, but I have another question. Is there a helicopter for dummies/ tutorial for the ah64 and ah1. There has got to be an easier way to command your gunner to for other than using the command ~

Menu. And I can't target anything with the cobra.

Commanding AI -> Perhaps write your question over at the ARMA2 general forums.

For ACE specific features, find the HowTo in the ACE documentation for the feature.

In this case: http://ace.dev-heaven.net/wagn/Missile_Guidance_Improvements

---------- Post added at 14:41 ---------- Previous post was at 14:39 ----------

I've got a question - how to drag some wounded guys or bodies in ace2? I use dapman first aid support and I'm not sure if that changes something with that because I can't find this option in ace2 action menus and I see some AI's can drag some injured guys.

Check the HowTo in the ACE documentation for the feature; http://ace.dev-heaven.net/wagn/Wounding_System

Re DAPMan; You can answer the question yourself by disabling DAPMAN and retrying.

Edited by Sickboy

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Ok so the problem depends on dapman first aid support I think because devheaven documentation says all ace first aid features are avalible in ace interaction menu and ace self interaction menu.

Also I found this video:

and I think maaws reload time is way too much unrealistic so maybe ace mod should change it? I'm talking about something like slower reload animation.

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A had a thought today, can I make this suggestion here? since its directly related to ACE. Would it be possible to make the A-frame boom in the M88A2 animate (for "simplicity" purposes i guess all that it would be necessary would be the boom and the pulley on it, no ropes or rigging), with some added scripting to do something like this?



(check the description, it's pretty much explainatory) :D

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Not sure this is the right place to ask such a question but the "ACE Question and Answer" site seems to be dead (goes to directory listing rather than a website).

This question should probably be directed to Sickboy:

Is it possible to separate the Mapping Tools functionality from ACE? I realize this was a separate tool and has been incorporated into ACE at some point. The separate tool is old and isn't suitable for use anymore as far as I'm concerned. At least not compared to what is available in ACE today.

The reason being is that I'm developing Orienteering/Navigation type missions that really require the great Mapping Tool functions but having to include all of ACE seems overkill. As great as ACE is, for this type of mission/project it is overkill and will likely prevent a lot of people from getting into Orienteering I would think.

A link to my orienteering thread is here

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Not sure this is the right place to ask such a question but the "ACE Question and Answer" site seems to be dead (goes to directory listing rather than a website).

This question should probably be directed to Sickboy:

Is it possible to separate the Mapping Tools functionality from ACE? I realize this was a separate tool and has been incorporated into ACE at some point. The separate tool is old and isn't suitable for use anymore as far as I'm concerned. At least not compared to what is available in ACE today.

The reason being is that I'm developing Orienteering/Navigation type missions that really require the great Mapping Tool functions but having to include all of ACE seems overkill. As great as ACE is, for this type of mission/project it is overkill and will likely prevent a lot of people from getting into Orienteering I would think.

A link to my orienteering thread is here

Sickboy is not whole ACE if you ask this way.

Check the documentation you can see who is the author of the maptools:



Go and contact him. Not sure if you are fine by just "taking it out", since I am sure it won't do what you hope for, this way. ;)


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but having to include all of ACE seems overkill
ACE Core is under 100 MB though and easily accessible through Six Updater.

In any case as Rocko pointed out, please contact the author of the component :) Otherwise use the Issue Tracker http://ace.dev-heaven.net/wagn/Bug_Reporting

---------- Post added at 11:34 ---------- Previous post was at 11:30 ----------

Sickboy, author AEK pack (yAndrey) wants to include it in the ACE mod. As this issue can be resolved? Thank you and sorry for my english.

Feel free to create a ticket for request; http://ace.dev-heaven.net/wagn/Bug_Reporting

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Honestly guys, does any one of you think that AI is now a little bit too tough?

We had been playing Arma at an expert level for about half a year when we downloaded patch 1.59 and the latest ACE update (1.12) and some of the missions we had already completed a few times became simply unplayable. Now the AI spots and engages us even with iron sights at a distance of at least 600m and shoots at us more precisely than we shoot at them with thermal sights.

Good AI is always welcome but I think it is now a bit unrealistic. I don't know if it is because the official patch or the latest ACE update but something has definitely changed.

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Honestly guys, does any one of you think that AI is now a little bit too tough?

We had been playing Arma at an expert level for about half a year when we downloaded patch 1.59 and the latest ACE update (1.12) and some of the missions we had already completed a few times became simply unplayable. Now the AI spots and engages us even with iron sights at a distance of at least 600m and shoots at us more precisely than we shoot at them with thermal sights.

Good AI is always welcome but I think it is now a bit unrealistic. I don't know if it is because the official patch or the latest ACE update but something has definitely changed.

I guarantee you are still better at spotting the AI in most situations. Before they were blind as bats until they were alerted.

As for accuracy, look at how many shots it takes for a sniper to hit you at 300m on a runway, then complain. They are still far below the level of even a novice FPS player, unable to handle recoil and take sufficient advantage of scopes. They don't have to worry about wind and are really good at estimating bullet drop, but the reality is that ACE has not made them better marksmen. You can define how accurate they are with a simple config change.

If missions are proving too difficult, it is probably because you are playing one of the many missions that puts a handful of special forces up against scores of enemies with armor support, and everyone has to run around with M107s and Javelins to even stand a chance. Try a mission designed for ACE or at least on with realism in mind.

Just make sure SuperAI isn't on, and turn down the enemy Skill and Precision as needed.

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@b1944: the AI were tweaked for current BIS beta patches, please try playing with them.


Beware that now with these betapatches BIS improved AI tactics significantly. It finally prefers to shoot rather than to run around in open field. You may need to take that change in account when planning your missions and tactics anyway.

Besides, the beta patch should give you better overall control over AI difficulty.

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Honestly guys, does any one of you think that AI is now a little bit too tough?

We had been playing Arma at an expert level for about half a year when we downloaded patch 1.59 and the latest ACE update (1.12) and some of the missions we had already completed a few times became simply unplayable. Now the AI spots and engages us even with iron sights at a distance of at least 600m and shoots at us more precisely than we shoot at them with thermal sights.

Good AI is always welcome but I think it is now a bit unrealistic. I don't know if it is because the official patch or the latest ACE update but something has definitely changed.

AI shooting with iron sights with precision at 600m is definitely not an ACE feature. Please open a support ticket and post your details, server settings and .RPT:


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You guys have a howto guide somewhere, Im trying to look up how to add WOB in a SP campaign BRIEFING SCREEN and I cant find anything on it. I know you have to have the stamina system on and all the ACE modules and such in the mission, which I have. I have all robalos RH configs and all the weapons show up in the briefing, yet still no weapononback option. Has this ever been figured out. Ive read every card in Wagn and searched all over the place..

Do I need to #define ACE in the mission file or some other script magic? I thought just having the addons in the mission file was enough.

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Apparently ACR medic backpacks are slightly bullet resistant?

If I shoot at one with a Makarov PM, I will get impacts like it was made of concrete, and the wearer is unharmed. The effects seem to wear off after a magazine or so, and the bullets start penetrating.

Strangely, all other packs of that type lose their bullet resistance at that time as well.

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This is because when the secondary-slot backpacks are treated as weapons, like ACE does, they stop bullets like AT launchers do. I think it's a tolerable issue.

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This is because when the secondary-slot backpacks are treated as weapons, like ACE does, they stop bullets like AT launchers do. I think it's a tolerable issue.

Well they only stop pistol bullets on occasion, so that's not a problem.

Don't launchers stop .50 rounds? That's annoying.

I posted because I couldn't figure out whether the rucksacks had hitpoint that were being degraded, if all rucksacks of the same type shared one hitpoint pool, or if it was just random.

Edit: Yes, it really does seem like secondary weapons have hitpoints. If you shoot them enough times, the bullets start passing through.

Since a SMAW absorbs .50BMG yet a backpack only stops 9mm, it stands to reason that the ACE devs could config SMAWs and other launchers and perhaps even primary weapons to not stop bullets! Yet it really does appear that once you have put a bullet through one backpack or SMAW, all other items of that type can also be penetrated.

Edited by maturin

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You guys have a howto guide somewhere, Im trying to look up how to add WOB in a SP campaign BRIEFING SCREEN and I cant find anything on it. I know you have to have the stamina system on and all the ACE modules and such in the mission, which I have. I have all robalos RH configs and all the weapons show up in the briefing, yet still no weapononback option. Has this ever been figured out. Ive read every card in Wagn and searched all over the place..

Here you go:


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Let me rephrase.

The link you gave me only works when used in script. I know how to implement stuff like that in MP and initially equipping a unit in the init line. Thats not what Im asking though.

Basically when you load an SP mission with ACE running and you click on unit and go to gear it shows you the ACE gear screen. As the RscAceGear Menu has already been overwritten when you started the game. In this initial screen, you may have all the weapons in the description, or another holder file like in Benny's WF, but for some reason the WOB button is never active.

How do you make the WOB button active in a single player mission briefing screen? Simply assigning an item to weapon on back will work, but means the player has no choice.

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