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FSM Support Systems

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I am having an issue here. I am trying to implement this script into my mission. The test mission provided works fine and it works fine in my mission as well. However it will only allow me to call in any type of support once and then the entire support menu will disappear and is rendered unusable.

I know that even when there is support in use the menu should still be there as it is in the test mission.

Could you offer any help?

More info: I am also running LKScripts, DAC, a recruitment script and a cargo script named BTK but as a user above said that they are running other scripts fine.

Update - After writing my post I decided to remove the other scripts to see if it was a conflict and it works fine now. I will put the scripts back one by one to find out which it is.

Update2: Added back all of the scripts one by one and found out it was LKScripts. Which is rather annoying because I like having an deployable FOB but I also love the range of support that I get with your mod. Hmmmm. (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=9023 is LK Scripts)

Edited by Parasanti

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Update2: Added back all of the scripts one by one and found out it was LKScripts.

good to know

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At last a simple to implement, simple to use Air & Arty Support script.

Please don`t over complicate this one !

Would like -

1. Single Round Smoke for adjustments.

2. Attack Heading input and direction for start of CAS runs.

3. Ability to turn of sidechat

Great Stuff mate keep up the good work

EDIT: Realized looking in the FSM you have used the default BIS fire missions. Can you add adjust fire in ?

Edited by UGLY58

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I have used this a couple of times in Multi-Player on a dedicated server.

It seems to work well on single player but on a dedicated server it locks up after the map click

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Should have I`ll try and dig out the relevant time and points

---------- Post added at 08:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:26 AM ----------


The only thing I can find that is possibly relevant is from My arma.rpt rather than the servers which has nothing. These are

[422050,9512.29,2662.21,"x\ace\addons\sys_rocket_ballistics\fnc_apply_dispersion.sqf:9","WARNING: Null Bullet"]

No shape for ammo type ARTY_Sh_105_NET

Both seem to have repeated a few times.

The issue is only when on a dedicated server. After the first time of trying to use the FSM it locks at the map click stage with no fire applied. Then subsequently leaves the mark on the map and on subsequent attempts tells you that a mission is in progress and it cannot help.

Single player this works very well.

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Hi , thanks a lot for your script it work great and is very good thanks

i have some questions :

1/it is possible and how for add a "state" in fsm ? i want put sound in my language (fr) with subtitles "HQ i need a support" wait 10 seconde and respond "this is HQ , support is available " and after that i select the support i want .

in your script the hq respond at the same time of the player ask support and my sound are played at the same time too

i need the hq respond after the end of my sound played .

i have testing edit the FSM file but nothing work , can you telle me how can i do that please ?

thanks a lot man .

Edited by kakarot
many error

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i want put sound in my language (fr) with subtitles "HQ i need a support" wait 10 seconde and respond "this is HQ , support is available " and after that i select the support i want .

in your script the hq respond at the same time of the player ask support and my sound are played at the same time too

Look in the "SupInit.sqf" file and check the "support.fsm" state by state and look for any reference to "fnc_net_message" replacing the text with your own responses. As for adding sounds look at the "sideRadio" and "cfgRadio".

I don't have much time for gaming and/or ArmA so can't give ya an exact answer but if I ever get round to finishing v2 I'll add a proper system to handle multiple languages.

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thanks for you'r reply , i have already do that , the sound work but if i put //_timeout = [] spawn


sleep 10;

}; and // scriptdone _timeout // the HQ doesn't ask me selec the target .

if i put this code one time it's ok but if i put more one time , nothing happend after requesting support .

how can i fix that ?

thanks a lot for you'r reply .

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The code you posted just spawns a new thread in parallel it doesn't force any delay within the currently running thread so I'm not sure what you though it would achieve.

However to add a 10 second delay to HQ's initial response open the FSM and edit the "Start" state adding the following at the bottom

_timenow = time;

then you need to change various conditions.

Firstly change "InProgress" to

IPAS and (time - _timenow) >= 10;

change "fixed" to

_type == "Fixed" and (time - _timenow) >= 10;

change "Rotor" to

_type == "Rotor" and (time - _timenow) >= 10;

and finally "Artillery" to

_type == "Arty" and (time - _timenow) >= 10;

Edited by Desrat

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i have try this is exactly why i want thanks a lot man .

it work great thanks

Edited by kakarot

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sorry man i have another bug , if i ask for heli transport and he dead , i have a respond "helicoptere is RTB" .

he cannot RTB because he die .

i dont know how can i fix that problem .

can you help me ?

thanks a lot and sorry for my bad english .

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Not tested but this should fix that issue..

Edit the "End Transport" state and replace the whole thing with the following code...

if(!alive _AShelo1)then
   [headquarters,"we lost communication with the pilot, bird could be down, over."]  call fnc_net_message;
   [headquarters,"Transport has RTB"]  call fnc_net_message;

if(alive _AShelo1)then{deleteVehicle _AShelo1;};

IPAS = false;
if(alive _pilot1)then{deleteVehicle _pilot1};
if(alive _pilot2)then{deleteVehicle _pilot2};
deleteMarker "asloc";
deleteMarker "asloc2";
deleteVehicle _lz1;
deleteVehicle _lz2;

landed = false;
pickup_avail = true;

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I have tried the two testmissions, but I have a problem. When I order fixed air support, then the plane arrives, drops the bomb and then fly away. All fine, but it doesnt return to base. It keeps comming back. Its just like the known issue with drapers air support, which I think is also a good script, but it has the same issue with the planes wanting to circle around instead of returning to base.

If I would to suggest some additional features that would be nice to have, it would be the ability to cancel the request and to be able to limit what kinds of support a unit could use.

Else I think its a very nice script, but its a bit annoying with those planes.

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Great script! I'm just having one problem that I cannot wrap my head around.

I can't get my custom loadouts to be in the crate for the ammo drop. I have the variable set to true and I have my script pointed to the right spot but the items never show up in the box.

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Love your script!

Just one little thing, could you please add support for real artillery with custom amount of gun please?

Thank you very much!!

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Niice script, really love it... :-) - However, I can only make A10 do CAS, I cannot make AV8B, F35, SU25/39 of SU34 do CAS, only Bombruns... - any ideas why...?:confused:

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Found yet another bug:

When I put additionals gunners in any transport choppers

"_pilot1 = _grp1 createUnit [airSupPIL, _spwn, [], 0, ""FORM""];" \n

"_pilot2 = _grp1 createUnit [airSupPIL, _spwn, [], 0, ""FORM""];" \n

"_pilot3 = _grp1 createUnit [airSupPIL, _spwn, [], 0, ""FORM""];" \n

"" \n

"_pilot1 moveindriver _AShelo1;" \n

"_pilot2 moveingunner _AShelo1;" \n

"_pilot3 moveingunner _AShelo1;" \n

"_pilot3 moveInTurret [_AShelo1 ,[1]];" \n

the chopper won't RTB after disembark... :confused:

Nevermind... - it turned out that I had to defined the pilots elsewhere:

class command_land2


name = "command_land2";

init = /*%FSM<STATEINIT""">*/"_AShelo1 land ""get out"";"/*%FSM</STATEINIT""">*/;


class Links


/*%FSM<LINK "wait_for__soldiers">*/

class wait_for__soldiers


priority = 0.000000;


precondition = /*%FSM<CONDPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</CONDPRECONDITION""">*/;

condition=/*%FSM<CONDITION""">*/"(!IPAS) or (0 >= count ((crew _AShelo1)-[_pilot1,_pilot2,_pilot3]));"/*%FSM</CONDITION""">*/;






and here:

class end_transport


name = "end_transport";

init = /*%FSM<STATEINIT""">*/"if(!IPAS)then" \n

"{" \n

" [headquarters,""Transport has RTB""] call fnc_net_message;" \n

"}" \n

"else" \n

"{ " \n

" [headquarters,""we lost communication with the pilot, bird could be down, over.""] call fnc_net_message;" \n

"};" \n

"" \n

"if(alive _AShelo1)then{deleteVehicle _AShelo1;};" \n

"" \n

"IPAS = false;" \n

"if(alive _pilot1)then{deleteVehicle _pilot1};" \n

"if(alive _pilot2)then{deleteVehicle _pilot2};" \n

"if(alive _pilot3)then{deleteVehicle _pilot3};" \n

"deleteMarker ""asloc"";" \n

"deleteMarker ""asloc2"";" \n

"deleteVehicle _lz1;" \n

"deleteVehicle _lz2;" \n

"" \n

"landed = false;" \n

"pickup_avail = true;"/*%FSM</STATEINIT""">*/;


class Links




Edited by Major Woody
Sovled it myself

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This would all be done by the AI thus not allowing for a player to use the cargo drop side with a player controlled vehicle I take it?

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its currently set to only allow one type of vehicle which you set in the SupInit.sqf file

// type of vehicle for air drop
AirDropVeh = "HMMWV_M1151_M2_DES_EP1";

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Nice script package though would there be a way to implement only having selected people use it? It runs great but would be nice to say only have group/team leaders use it or define certain players/player slots so people don't spam the functions and getting messages all the time from people trying to use it but can't because another support mission is underway.

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