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Faysh khabur beta release

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Faysh khabur Iraq Beta_04





Situated in Iraq’s far north, the province of Dahuk is famous for its snowy winters.

The border crossing near the town of Zakho is Iraq’s primary border crossing with Turkey.

dahuk has also a border gate with Syria known as the Faysh Khabur border gate.

The main trading route from Iraq to Turkey runs through Dahuk,

this could bring economic gain as cross-border trade increases.

Some villages were destroyed or evacuated since 1988 due to insecurity and other problems like poverty and loss of essential resource,

for these reasons people migrated from their villages to sub-district centres,

living in public buildings or sharing houses with other families.

In general, roads are in good condition except some far located villages that are hard to access, especially in winter.




The terrain is based on actual hight and satalite data.

and depicts the southern part of dahuk and its main trade route with turkije and sirya.

Its a pretty deserted area with some small village's, three bigger towns.

At the moment there is a border crossing with sirya.

most villages are placed pretty much where they would be in real life some are changed in to industrial area's or

Underground factory's, the city's have a fictional layout.

The terrain lends itself perfectly for longrange sniper mission's,

escape and evade wich would be a hell of a challenge, convoy missions,tank battle's etc etc.

The terrain is divided in two, the river Tigris is crossing the entire map.

There are two bridges to cross it but u can find your way trough shallow water,

even with armored vehicles or Make use of amvibious vehicles for troop transport.

its up to u.





Added: Alice compatibility.

Added: more nature objects.

Added: City's/location's Named.

Added: city "Gerbalat" (Syrië).

Added: village "Shirk" (Syrië).

Changed: Satalite complete redo.

Changed: Mask complete redo.

Changed: Terrain texture colours tweaked.

CHanged: Back to OA aircraft shelters.

Changed: Mushorah AirBase.

Expanded: city "Misharah".

Expanded: Indestrial Area.

Expanded: city "Fayshkhabur".

Fixed: Satallite Grid.


future Plans/Changes:


More signs.

More scenery.

Nature objects.

Terrain tweaks.
















Included in this download:







Shezan74 (buildings/tools) ty m8.


Bohemia interactive for making this wonderful simulation.

www.armaholic.com for hosting it.

Sickboy and miller for the same reason.

Bushlurker for technical info.

Downloadlink: http://www.filefactory.com/file/24bls2jtjdvh/n/_Fayshkhabur_RC1_rar

Edited by =KCT=BlackMamba
added download link

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Ahhwww lookin good, will try this out right now.

*zooming out of the map causes huge lag, its related to

those very strange black/red lines on the map borders i guess

*Out of memory after 10 mins

Edited by Due._.

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Really awesome, tried in the morning. Perfect for my tank combat missions... :D

Thanx a lot 'Mamba !!!

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thnx sick :)

i have changed the clutter to the one used on proving grounds, looks fantastic.

still need to know how the terrain performs as im working with two terrains at the moment the other one's cellsize is 10 instead of 5

so if this one is a resource hog ill go on with the other one.

Edited by =KCT=BlackMamba

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I'll be keeping my eyes on this map! Got loads of potential!

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The game is awfully slow sometimes when i am playing tank combat. Just a few (8-10) vehicles are in my test mission, and 2500 meters visibility. Display quality is on "low". I got a middle config pc. Isn't it those lots and lots of roads around the map that can lower the fps ?

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great foxhound thank u m8

@vilman no its propably the terrain cell size.

i started building at a cell size of 10 and it run fluind, i could fly 1200 kph? in a typhoon without issue's.

now this terrain technically haves twice the detail, but its hardly noticeable cause of the open structure.

and most of those hills and mountain's are pretty shallow anyway.

im binarizing the next beta richt now wich should run much smoother for u.

Edited by =KCT=BlackMamba

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Just a few things I noticed in game, I do understand this is a Beta and please dont take my post the wrong way, I'd just like to see map used for future missions :)

You have what looks like SATIMG for terrain ingame:


This is showing up on the Map ingame and dropping my FPS to 1:


This is showing up in the editor and also dropping my FPS to 1, also takes about 3 minutes to zoom back in to where the editor is movable again:


Also flying to the Northern top edge of the map the land kind of just drops off, and once I flew into the "Ocean" my Aircraft was blown up.

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@porter if u read the first post it was to see wat the terrain did, exactly for the reason u mention.

while i allready have one with bigger cell sizes means better performing ive painted the last city's out u wont even notice they where there

in the first place.

give me a few hours and it is up so u can fly full speed without fps drops.

@ armarific the terrain is pretty big i think atleast 1.5 times takistan maybe bigger

from the northern airport to the middle of the map is +- 7 km so i think the entire map would be 16x16 km ?

Edited by =KCT=BlackMamba

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ok beta02 is up

Change Log

increased terrain cell size from 5 to 10 for bether performance.

changed clutter type.

road to second bridge leads to somewhere.

edited the Satalite image, all city's are painted off now.

this one must be a hell of a lot smoother

Edited by =KCT=BlackMamba

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Nice, thanks! Downloading :)

PS, you might wanna upload to http://www.multiupload.com instead - 8 or so mirrors at once, and even direct-download available without wait / loads of advertisement.

FileFactory (free) download speeds of ~130 KB/sec also are painful :P

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@Sick ill keep that in mind for the future updates.

in general

ive tested this version, while being a gunner on the chinook highest was 160 lowest 68 fps so i think most of u can play this without fps dropping to zero.

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Yes. No trouble but what if you remove the editor lowering road network ? I mean those around the map.

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u mean delete all the roads ?,

the roads do not cause these issue's

mostly the water and the tree's ask's the most from your gpu

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Updated on Six Updater Network.

28.95 MB delta.

sent 28.95M bytes received 142.68K bytes 488.93K bytes/sec

total size is 359.38M speedup is 12.35

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u mean delete all the roads ?,

the roads do not cause these issue's

mostly the water and the tree's ask's the most from your gpu

Not the road network IN the map. I mean all the road lines in the editor AROUND the terrain.


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i could paint them out but i think when some dirt roads only seen from air stay in it gives the terrain a sort of used look

in iraq are loads of ofraod vehicles and they like to make shortcuts if they can

im going to make a pretty long road at the northern part from the second bridge to the right all the way up to the airport

and southern side from the bridge to the right all the way around the hill/mountain so that bridge becomes a more and important part,

im looking for a third spot east side of the map to build a bridge somewhere there cause its a long drive if u want to avoid a bridge and go for the second.

+ it leads to some villages/city's in the future.

Edited by =KCT=BlackMamba

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Hey .

I tested beta 2. Looks good, and mainly RUNS FANTASTIC ! :)

Thanks a lot !

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