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RELEASED Evolution for Invasion1944

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Evolution Crete
for Invasion1944 mod
For combined ops


Isola di capraia v2a3

invasion 1944 v2.5 mod


rug_dsai_ger (german enemy)


Edited by eggbeast

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Great work mate !

Will get this onto my server :)

EDIT: Hmmm doesn't seem to like my dedi server. Wierd. Keeps spooling the loading information on the mission. 'Mission read from bank' over and over on dedi but I can play it on local client machine.

Edited by Kremator

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updated file - hope itworks

didn't add that headerfix in yet but a lot of other stuff fixed.

seriously consideringputting a gau12 with 30 percent ammo onto the I44 planes - 8 hits on a stuka last night and no kill...

hint: this mission is not for the faint ofheart - it requires a solid fire team to play it. no lone gunners need apply...

Edited by eggbeast

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thanks for the effort once again mate, going to give it a go. :)

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updated file today - still same version number, but a few fixes including uparming the planes in a reasonably realistic but much more usable fashion

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Thank you for this conversion to I44 Eggbeast.

tried it out and it is pretty cool.

Couple of questions:

Can you make a version where you play as the Germans?

Can you put this on other islands?

I like the island its on but for tanking in some parts its a terrain climbing nightmare.

Maybe a small version of Evolution on omaha, using the 3-4 towns it has as objectives would be cool.

thanks again.

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Oh yeah,Sahrani would be nice.1+

Edited by TeilX

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Can you make a version where you play as the Germans?

Can you put this on other islands?

Maybe a small version of Evolution on omaha, using the 3-4 towns it has as objectives would be cool.

yes wanted to make it work on allies first then port to germans - still have couple of major bugs

- vehicles don't respawn

- rug_dsai doesn't work well

- rifle grenades cause server crash

we fixed the MG42/M1919/MG34 ammo - here


enable by turning gits mod to ENABLED in server parameters menu

mission suggestions I made are here


as well as this was thinking of omaha going round a few times as you suggest. it is a laggy map though from a few km square...

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Just a note to say there are certain issues with some of the US rifle grenades but its been so long since I took a look at them I can't remember which were the cause of the crash, we did disable them by default IIRC so I'd guess you're using the bugged ones, I'll try and find out which ones and post if I remember, if not remind in a few days on our topic, cheers!

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thanks PAC - I tried the M9 with the garand or springfield - both rifles have working alt muzzles - it let me take the ammo and load it but when i clicked fire it CTD'd.

The German ones i don't think it even let me take the ammo

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Hey Eggbeast,

How goes it with I44 evolution

Wondering if you had made or are making a German version of Evo I44?

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hiya - we have shelved this for a while as the other guys lost all hope playing with abolt action rifles - me being an ex coduo player had no problem, but some of the guys are just big auto scope jessies.

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hi Eggbeast,

Use this uptated version of RUG_DSAI (complete signed addon with german voices now) ,works well on I44 dominations chernarus :)

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