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Gunter Severloh

How to build a Loading screen with logo Tutorial

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How to build a Loading screen with logo Tutorial

For all those who would like their own loading screen, with logo on main menu of the game, heres how to do it:

Step 1. Create a folder and name it for example I will use what I have warmod_loading
Step 2. Create a text document and post the config below in it (just highlight copy and paste).
Step 3. Name the text doc config.cpp

Step 4. You will need a picture that is at least 512x512, no less or it wont work and then convert to paa.


QUESTION: How do I convert a jpg picture to paa?

ANSWER: If you have Photshop you can convert from Jpg to paa. But if you dont have photshop you will have to

first convert the jpg to tga, you can do this with Gimp2:http://gofree.com/download/Windows-Software/Graphic-Design/gimp.php

Once you have converted the jpg to tga, then you will need textview2

to convert to paa.



Run down:

1. Convert jpg to tga with this tool:


2. Convert the tga with this tool to paa:



textview2 manual


Step 5. Place your picture (paa) and config.cpp (text document) you created in the folder you created in step 1
Step 6. Go into the config you made (config.cpp) change the 2nd line in the config seen in the

config below with your folder name (mine is warmod_loading).

1st line looks like this:

class WarMod_loading
Step 7. In the config after each line that says:

text = "\[color="green"]WarMod_loading[/color]\[color="Blue"]CoWarMod.paa[/color]";

change the word: warmod_loading (green word) with the title of your folder

change the word: CoWarMod.paa (blue word) with the name of your paa (your picture).


Step 8. Create a pbo, and throw into addons folder of a mod folder of choice.


Note: If you have nothing to create a pbo with then you will need a tool that you can use to extract and create pbos, go here:


these 2 tools are good for this, I personally use extract.pbo







Below is the config.cpp:

warmod_loading.pbo <---- Title of your folder (of course you will have your own title), and when you convert the

folder to pbo,the title of the pbo will be the same as the folder.

class CfgPatches
class WarMod_loading
	units[] = {};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 0.1;
	requiredAddons[] = {"CAUI"};
	version = "2011-07-03";
	fileName = "WarMod_loading.pbo";
	author = "Gunter Severloh";
class RscStandardDisplay;
class RscPicture;
class RscPictureKeepAspect;
class RscDisplayStart: RscStandardDisplay
class controls
	class LoadingPic: RscPictureKeepAspect
		text = "\WarMod_loading\CoWarMod.paa";
class RscDisplayLoading
class Variants
	class LoadingOne
		class controls
			class LoadingPic: RscPictureKeepAspect
				text = "\WarMod_loading\CoWarMod.paa";
class RscDisplayMain: RscStandardDisplay
class controlsBackground
	class CA_ARMA2: RscPicture
		text = "\WarMod_loading\CoWarMod.paa";


I spent about 4-5 days trying to figure this out as i was building one for my project for warmod, and I figured out

what worked and what didn't, Instead of keeping this information or knowledge to myself I like to share, do what you

will with this tutorial, and surely theres probably better ways, or more ways to do this, but this is what worked for me.


As you can see in reference to this thread:


I had started here with trying to figure this out, The config actually comes from Optical Snare's config from

his Blastcore file, I just had separated the Blastcore stuff from the loading screen aspect of his config, in no way will

i accept credit for his work, maybe for this tutorial, i personally hate to see people struggle and not get help

where needed as I had only so much insight in this.



  • Optical Snare for his configs, and insight
  • PVPscene for his help
  • T_D for his insights
  • Kylania for his insights

and for all those that I had Pmed and annoyed trying to figure this out.

Hope this helps whomever may find this useful.

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Thanks, the community needs more easy to follow tutorials like this. :)

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Best loading screen is a scenario being played in the background like Tupolev's island.

Now how is this going tom work with all the other mods that want their work acknowledged too?

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Better config: http://pastebin.jonasscholz.de/1478

Nice guide Günter Severloh.

You should explain/provide a link also how people convert to paa.

Another advice:

Put the extracted addon up for download as a template

rather to have people start with empty hands.

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Thanks for the replies and feedback, I didn't expect really a response from anyone on this as it was just something

I learned the hard way and I figured why not give back to the community if someone needs a loading screen and logo

heres how to do it, or at least one way.

Now how is this going tom work with all the other mods that want their work acknowledged too?

TBH with you I really dont know, I'm new to config.cpp's, i was ascking this myself in my other post about how to have

my loading screen and logo override anothers, I'd like to say it would be the same concept, but surely there is

something else you must add to the config to enable the config to overide, Im thinking it may

have to be like an addon requirement thing.

A more simpler, or cleaner one?

Sorta of missing what your trying to tell me here

Nice guide Günter Severloh.

You should explain/provide a link also how people convert to paa.

Thank you.

Shit I totally forgot that part about PAA conversion, i will add it in the tutorial,

thanks for the heads up.

Another advice:

Put the extracted addon up for download as a template

rather to have people start with empty hands.

It would be a good idea, but I really dont think there is anything to figure out in terms of the

framework of the loading screen in terms of the addon.

I mean the addon if you know how to create pbos, the basic layout of what you get is 3 things:

1. you have a folder titled, the title of the folder when you convert it to pbo will be the title of the pbo

2. inside the folder you have your config.cpp (text document)

3. paa file which is your picture

Folder with config.cpp, and paa inside the folder, once you have that, then pbo it and throw

into a folder (addons folder not the main game addons folder either) and it will run.

But maybe a physical example if you will would maybe make that more concrete as they can see it for themselves,

as some folks are visually oriented versus others.

---------- Post added at 06:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:50 AM ----------

Ok updated the tutorial for step number 4, this is what i had added:

Step 4. You will need a picture that is at least 512x512, no less or it wont work and then convert to paa.

QUESTION: How do I convert a jpg picture to paa?

ANSWER: If you have Photshop you can convert from Jpg to paa. But if you dont have photshop you will have to first convert the jpg to tga, you can do this with Gimp2:http://gofree.com/download/Windows-S...esign/gimp.php Once you have converted the jpg to tga, then you will need textview2 to convert to paa.


Run down:

1. Convert jpg to tga with this tool:


2. Convert the tga with this tool to paa:



textview2 manual


Heres what I did initally back in january when i figured out a basic loading screen.


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Thanks Gunter, these kinds of tutorials are very much appreciated... and bookmarked for future reference.

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Hey Mosh!


I had updated the config with this one as suggested by PvPscene

class CfgPatches
class WarMod_loading
	units[] = {};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 0.1;
	requiredAddons[] = {"CAUI"};
	version = "2011-07-03";
	fileName = "WarMod_loading.pbo";
	author = "Gunter Severloh";
class RscStandardDisplay;
class RscPicture;
class RscPictureKeepAspect;
class RscDisplayStart: RscStandardDisplay
class controls
	class LoadingPic: RscPictureKeepAspect
		text = "\WarMod_loading\CoWarMod.paa";
class RscDisplayLoading
class Variants
	class LoadingOne
		class controls
			class LoadingPic: RscPictureKeepAspect
				text = "\WarMod_loading\CoWarMod.paa";
class RscDisplayMain: RscStandardDisplay
class controlsBackground
	class CA_ARMA2: RscPicture
		text = "\WarMod_loading\CoWarMod.paa";

This works without problems.

If some are having a hard time understand how to setup this config, think of it this way, in the config for every word that says:

warmod_loading replace this with the title of your folder (this is basically your pbo) when you convert the folder to a pbo.

CoWarMod.paa this is your picture that you want to use for a loading screen and logo, of course the name of your

paa formally a jpg picture will have a different name.



Heres a tip if you want a loading screen on picture and then the logo on the main menu another picture then for

the loading screens you only need to change these codes they are bolded below:

class CfgPatches
class WarMod_loading
	units[] = {};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 0.1;
	requiredAddons[] = {"CAUI"};
	version = "2011-07-03";
	fileName = "WarMod_loading.pbo";
	author = "Gunter Severloh";
class RscStandardDisplay;
class RscPicture;
class RscPictureKeepAspect;
class RscDisplayStart: RscStandardDisplay
class controls
	class LoadingPic: RscPictureKeepAspect
		text = "\WarMod_loading\[b]CoWarMod.paa[/b]";
class RscDisplayLoading
class Variants
	class LoadingOne
		class controls
			class LoadingPic: RscPictureKeepAspect
				text = "\WarMod_loading\[b]CoWarMod.paa[/b]";
class RscDisplayMain: RscStandardDisplay
class controlsBackground
	class CA_ARMA2: RscPicture
		text = "\WarMod_loading\CoWarMod.paa";

If you want just a logo a different picture then change the last line of code in the config seen here:

class RscDisplayMain: RscStandardDisplay
class controlsBackground
	class CA_ARMA2: RscPicture
		text = "\WarMod_loading\[b]CoWarMod.paa[/b]";

For the Logo change this:

where it says RscDisplayMain under class above that means "Main" being the Main Menu of the game,

well at least for me thats how I recognize it :) Change what is bolded for your picture, just replace the name CoWarMod.paa with your name.

Any questions let me know.

Edited by Gnter Severloh

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Your welcome, I'm glad my discoveries can help another with a similar need.

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What about multiple loading screens? Can I use more than one picture and have the game show them randomly?

PS: Thanks a lot BTW :D. You've provided something unique to this forum. I had this idea a little while ago, if I had searched for it then, I would've ended empty handed. Maybe my subconscious was giving you the time to complete the tutorial? :j:

Edited by seba1976

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Just seen this:

What about multiple loading screens? Can I use more than one picture and have the game show them randomly?

PS: Thanks a lot BTW . You've provided something unique to this forum. I had this idea a little while ago, if I had searched for it then, I would've ended empty handed. Maybe my subconscious was giving you the time to complete the tutorial?

TBH I not 100% sure, the config I have is for one pic, I have an idea on how to do it but am confused on the defining of the classes for loading another pic.

But I know this config works for that as I had used this one before initially

just replace the paa's with yours, and then pbo it:


Thanks for the compliments, just doing my part for the community, hope it helps.

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Right, I'd like a definitive "No" from someone who had already dealt with this, so I can forget the thing once and for all. I guess that's also what you would like. And it is a little surprising how little attention this topic is getting, so either it is so obvious and we're both like idiots ;), or nobody really knows. The third possibility is that those who knows don't care about sharing (again: ;)).

The only definition we have so far includes this three pictures:

	class Variants {
	class LoadingOne {
		class controls {
			class LoadingPic : RscPicture {
				text = "\HA_loading\ha_screen.paa";

	class Loading_West2 : LoadingOne {
		class controls : controls {
			class LoadingPic : LoadingPic {
				text = "\HA_loading\ha_screen_2.paa";

	class Loading_East1 : LoadingOne {
		class controls : controls {
			class LoadingPic : LoadingPic {
				text = "\HA_loading\ha_screen_btv.paa";


I wonder if one can add additional classes to that block, but I believe that's most likely not possible. If someone has some more info please feel free to share the groove :). Even specially if you know this can't be done.

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Im sure you can add additional classes, even with my config, you can add the lines of code,

just copy n paste works, but you have to define whats being loaded in terms of class, that I dont know.

But for that link I posted, just add your 3 PAA's and change the titles of the paa's in the config and then

pbo put into an addons folder and the pics will come up.

Or use this add as your example which is the same as the config:


unpbo that and look at their setup, they have multiple pics they used, all you got to do is replace

their pics with yours, and then repbo.

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Im sure you can add additional classes, even with my config, its just that what defines the class, I mean you can add the lines of code,

just copy n paste that works, but you have to define whats being loaded in terms of class, that I dont know.

But for that link I posted, just add your 3 PAA's and change the titles of the paa's in the config and then

pbo put into an addons folder and the pics will come up.

Or use this add as your example which is the same as the config:


unpbo that and look at their setup, they have multiple pics they used, all you got to do is replace

their pics with yours, and then repbo.

I know that mate :). What's yet to know is the name of the classes to add, that will actually mean something to the engine, at the moment of deciding what picture to load. My take is that that is it, there are no more classes to redefine or add, that will make any difference. OFP and IIRC Armed Assault, both allowed multiple loading pics, but to my knowledge there are no such thing in Arma 2.

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How many pics do you want to load?

that ha loading has 5 pics that load up at random, thats why i suggested it.

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Thanks Günter for insist on that. To be honest, I had dismissed HA Loading because I had the false memory of having tried that one and not having the random loading effect. I've tried it now and indeed the effect is there. I guess the thing I've found misleading was the class names they were using, 'cos they sounded like specific screens they were replacing ("Loading_West2", "Loading_East1"), but as it turns out, the names were completely arbitrary. So I fiddle with it, and found out that you can declare as many "RscPicture" classes as you want, and the engine will use them randomly.

So I ended up with something like this:

class RscDisplayLoading {
class Variants {
	class LoadingOne {
		class controls {
			class LoadingPic : RscPictureKeepAspect {
				text = "\sac_loading\picture_0.paa";

	class loading_2 : LoadingOne {
		class controls : controls {
			class LoadingPic : LoadingPic {
				text = "\sac_loading\picture_1.paa";

	class loading_3 : LoadingOne {
		class controls : controls {
			class LoadingPic : LoadingPic {
				text = "\sac_loading\picture_2.paa";

	class loading_4 : LoadingOne {
		class controls : controls {
			class LoadingPic : LoadingPic {
				text = "\sac_loading\picture_3.paa";
	class loading_5 : LoadingOne {
		class controls : controls {
			class LoadingPic : LoadingPic {
				text = "\sac_loading\picture_4.paa";
	class loading_6 : LoadingOne {
		class controls : controls {
			class LoadingPic : LoadingPic {
				text = "\sac_loading\picture_5.paa";
	class loading_7 : LoadingOne {
		class controls : controls {
			class LoadingPic : LoadingPic {
				text = "\sac_loading\picture_6.paa";
	class loading_8 : LoadingOne {
		class controls : controls {
			class LoadingPic : LoadingPic {
				text = "\sac_loading\picture_7.paa";

And it was completely valid and worked like a charm.

Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction (despite my foolishness :smile_o:).

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Glad I an help, were all learning and bettering our abilities here, if I can help i will.

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