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Arma 3: Interview with Ivan Buchta, Creative Director of Bohemia Interactive

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Plenty of new games have coop modes nowadays, don't they?

Now what makes you play/prefer arma, are same and similar aspects the PvP people do.

So your argument to go play other games is very poor.

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Everyeye:About the Multiplayer, are you planning any new modes?

Ivan Buchta:We would like to focus mainly on cooperative gameplay, but it is too early to reveal any details. I can safely say we will make sure to use the unique possibilities Arma games have over the competitors: huge environments, simulation of large numbers of AI entities, various vehicle types including aircraft, capable AI or scenario parametrization.

more focus on coop? this game is only for coop.....:-) i believe that ARMA 3 will be a great failure in MP( team vs team) like Arma 2

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They did say they have a new animation system, which seems to be the chief complaint from PvP people.

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Actually they can't enter buildings now unless told so by a human or UPSMon (which is more of a hack instead of a solution)

_unit = _this select 0;
_build = nearestBuilding _unit;
_unit doMove (_build buildingPos 0);

Did you figure they just did it by magic in UPSMon?

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They did say they have a new animation system, which seems to be the chief complaint from PvP people.

IMHO at E3 I would show the new animations, not the crappy old,

if the developers of this game don't want to make a "FPS military shooter game " for competitive multiplayer, but a weird hybrid unplayable on MP, at least they say. isn't it?

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IMHO at E3 I would show the new animations, not the crappy old,

if the developers of this game don't want to make a "FPS military shooter game " for competitive multiplayer, but a weird hybrid unplayable on MP, at least they say. isn't it?

This was a very early version of the game, more than one year before the release. I really hope they'll rework those anims so that PvP whiners give us a break.

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Its time to let go of coop as the main driving force of the game

And what would you suggest they did?

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This was a very early version of the game, more than one year before the release. I really hope they'll rework those anims so that PvP whiners give us a break.

the PvP whiners are the longevity for all games, the, poor, sales figures of OF Red River (only in coop) should be a early warning for BIS

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No, they can enter whenever they like (unscripted), they just don't seek cover/fortification inside of buildings.

Are you sure? Cause AI must love me when i go inside of a building and they know i'm there, and if i get out of the building they shoot me like there's no tomorrow.

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Plenty of new games have coop modes nowadays, don't they?

Now what makes you play/prefer arma, are same and similar aspects the PvP people do.

So your argument to go play other games is very poor.

sorry I fuck up the quote:p

more focus on coop? this game is only for coop.....:-) i believe that ARMA 3 will be a great failure in MP( team vs team) like Arma 2


Funny enough that some people forgot(I feel like I should have used "uninformative" through) that CWC and OFP:R was the game that have the strongest COOP gameplay back in the time where almost every other game are PVP based, and people thinks that BI should "drop it" when in fact all BI needs is to improve some of the aspect in game to make PvP more streamline(which in term could improve coop gameplay as well), let alone that its actually easier to make standard(non-warfare/CTI) PVP mission in any RV engine game then COOP mission because you don't actually have to handle AIs in PVP mission

Edited by 4 IN 1

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Funny enough that some people forgot(I feel like I should have used "uninformative" through) that CWC and OFP:R was the game that have the strongest COOP gameplay back in the time where almost every other game are PVP based, and people thinks that BI should "drop it" when in fact all BI needs is to improve some of the aspect in game to make PvP more streamline(which in term could improve coop gameplay as well), let alone that its actually easier to make standard(non-warfare/CTI) PVP mission in any RV engine game then COOP mission because you don't actually have to handle AIs in PVP mission

The reason why improving coop is impossible now is because AI has reached a physical limit in complexity (processing power). When OFP first created real AI, it was rather ground breaking compared to most scripted games. Now its more of a money pit for BIS, because unless spintronics and quantum computing pop in anytime soon, AI will only really be as smart as they are now. If BIS proves me wrong, then they need a nobel prize because they will be the first to create virtual consciousness.

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The majority in OFP server population were PvP players, especially DM, CTF, C&H, A&D and of course CTI.

The vast majority of servers were also hosted by clans.

And let's not forgot OFP still had simple COOP, while arma nowadays has that only in closed communities.

To make it clear again:

OFP and arma offer a great base for COOP _AND_ PvP play _AND_ many other custom gameplay like RPG.

That said what Ivan says sounds more like they focus on the SP content again.

No more COOP campaign (good decision to reduce complexity to be able to provide a working campaign this time).

Or where do you read any specifics for a focus on COOP - what could that even be? Especially COOP "only".

Improvements in interface, netcode, VOIP and all similar topics would help ANY MP play.

Edited by .kju [PvPscene]

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Wasn't I just reading this in another thread?

Meh. I don't know why PvP players are upset. All of the tools are there to make an enjoyable PvP experience; the fact that nobody does it isn't necessarily BI's fault.

There were also a lot of great PvP missions for OFP that I remember playing. These can easily be reproduced for ArmA so there aren't any limiting technical factors. IMO it's just the (lack of) players...

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@PvPscene actually i fuck up my quote, it should be someone below you:p

---------- Post added at 11:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:41 PM ----------

The reason why improving coop is impossible now is because AI has reached a physical limit in complexity (processing power). When OFP first created real AI, it was rather ground breaking compared to most scripted games. Now its more of a money pit for BIS, because unless spintronics and quantum computing pop in anytime soon, AI will only really be as smart as they are now. If BIS proves me wrong, then they need a nobel prize because they will be the first to create virtual consciousness.
Nothing is so dangerous to the progress of the human mind than to assume that our views of science are ultimate, that there are no mysteries in nature, that our triumphs are complete and that there are no new worlds to conquer.

— Humphrey Davy

And thats all I am going to say.

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Wasn't I just reading this in another thread?

Meh. I don't know why PvP players are upset. All of the tools are there to make an enjoyable PvP experience; the fact that nobody does it isn't necessarily BI's fault.

There were also a lot of great PvP missions for OFP that I remember playing. These can easily be reproduced for ArmA so there aren't any limiting technical factors. IMO it's just the (lack of) players...

because, seems that to developers don't care multiplayer, for now the only hope is Project Reality but to transform this RTS/FPS hybrid in a shooter is a pain in the a... and the the problem of animations is still there

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because, seems that to developers don't care multiplayer,

Sure they do, they just have a different vision on it than you. ;)

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because, seems that to developers don't care multiplayer, for now the only hope is Project Reality but to transform this RTS/FPS hybrid in a shooter is a pain in the a... and the the problem of animations is still there

1. They said they are working on improving the net code .

2.They said they are making a new animation system . ( that will help PvP players the most , from my point of view )

3. Your idea of a good FPS is one with good PvP ? I'm just curious , what makes a good PvP FPS ?

P.S. I have nothing against the PvP being improved in Arma , in fact , I encourage it . That way more PvP players will buy it and BIS will have more funds to work on both COOP and PvP .

Let's keep this civil ;)

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IMHO at E3 I would show the new animations, not the crappy old,

They said straight up in the e3 video that the new animations weren't ready yet. WTF do you want?

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the PvP whiners are the longevity for all games, the, poor, sales figures of OF Red River (only in coop) should be a early warning for BIS

Coop was always the core multiplayer gaming of BIS series. If the voting in AA2/OA forums is anything to go by - it still is.

Saying that nobody stops anyone from playing BIS games in PvP mode which was possible for 10 years now so I don't get you complaints.

Red River is shit because it's a shitty game and you can't even create your own missions, not because it's coop only.

Edited by metalcraze

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3. Your idea of a good FPS is one with good PvP ? I'm just curious , what makes a good PvP FPS ?

P.S. I have nothing against the PvP being improved in Arma , in fact , I encourage it . That way more PvP players will buy it and BIS will have more funds to work on both COOP and PvP .

Let's keep this civil ;)

simply "NO AI", remove all the useless command for AI, good characters, good animations and the normal modes conquest, assault and ctf into the ARMA Realism

and last but not least, netcode and a deep attention to the LAG, i prefer minor details that huge island, with lag

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simply "NO AI", remove all the useless command for AI, good characters, good animations and the normal modes conquest, assault and ctf into the ARMA Realism

and last but not least, netcode and a deep attention to the LAG, i prefer minor details that huge island, with lag

How about I point you towards BF3 or RO2? Clearly you're not looking for a game like ArmA/OFP...

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I don't understand what stops the guy from launching a PvP mission without AI and making/downloading the missions he wants which are in hundreds?

Why PvP players always seem to complain about "BIS cut stuff out of the game please" when nothing stops them from not using that stuff themselves?

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How about I point you towards BF3 or RO2? Clearly you're not looking for a game like ArmA/OFP.

i like Arma for the veichles, i'm fan for put the all types of realistic veichles on MP in right scenario. If you merge this, with a good characters with good animation you have a perfect game (IMHO)

Edited by Zukov

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i like Arma for the veichles, i'm fan for put the all types of realistic veichles on MP in right scenario. If you merge this, with a good characters with good animation you have a perfect game (IMHO)

Well... BF seems to be in your alley. It has relatively large servers, the same range of vehicles as ArmA2 (Though less variants), and very smooth gameplay.

And i dont mean anything bad by it, i really enjoyed BF1942 when it came out and probably played it more often than OFP for a couple of years. I just dont see the need to push ArmA in that direction since we already have something that resembles what you want.

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