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can't install this one? couldn't find community preview installed?!?

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Finally managed to get it installed, when I restarted OA I got the following error:

Error compililing pixel shader PSSSSMSpecularAlpha:1 Any idea how to fix this?

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failed RFTM :) ...

please use the shortcut for starting up the game, don't start the TOHcp binary directly

it's exactly the same rule as with public A2 and OA beta builds

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and that's why they cant use the easiest of things, readme's are essential for new things whether its a mod or info on a mission, you cant beat a good readme (unless you have a gf) :D

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Initial feelings:

i must say im kindof disapointed after the tryout, i know its very early beta, but it seems to me that helis are just made heavier and the auto trim is optionable now and you have a adjustable speed up/down lever instead of speed on/off.

and ofc the new animations in cockpit and the mirror ofc.

I have the feeling its just another arma heli, just with tweaks, not another game... maybe a sellable dlc.

ofc final product can change all that.

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Well demonized, what did you expect? Give BIS some constructive feedback :)

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yeah, well as i said, it was initial feeling, not a in debth review.

Also everything i said is based upon 1 helicopter available flown in bubblegum pink air. :)

im well aware of that this is most likely FAR from the final product.

I was under the impression of TOH to be a uber heli sim, not arma2 flying with tweaks.

I was kindof expecting at least to manually push one button in the cockpit view to start it, not simple addactions...

I myself is no hardcore flying sim player, nor have i operated helis as pilot myself in RL, but after a few minutes, with auto trim on it felt like flying any other Huey (or something in betweeen mh-6 and blackhawk) in Arma2 without having to constantly push my nose down a little and hold down the rise key to gain speed and lift.

but i liked the added viewdistance option of 20km, (i will never use it ofc, lack of PC power atm), also the object distance slider was a very welcome option, along with the new setShadowdistance something commands.

anywho, looking forward to see and learn more about TOH´s final product, but not impressed sofar.

still its to early to say anything specific, other than the above.

everything is just feelings now.

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;1965879']Alas' date=' seems people dont read the readme anymore :cool:[/quote']

Actually, I did read the readme. Something is wrong with my install because there IS no shortcut to start the TOH mod. So I just fired it up from the regular shortcut, it worked fine, I went to the expansion page, clicked TOH addon, it told me that I needed to restart the game for changes to take effect, then, when I restarted, it gave me that error. So I am reinstalling EVERYTHING from scratch. Maybe this time I will have a shortcut.

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3 simple checks to make sure the community preview is loading properly:

1. Your target line points to takeonhpreview.exe.


"C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\tkoh_preview\takeonhpreview.exe"

2. Your target line includes -mod=tkoh_preview after the exe path.


"C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\tkoh_preview\takeonhpreview.exe" -mod=tkoh_preview

3. Your start in line points to your Arma 2 root installation folder.


"C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2"

All of this is outlined in the readme but I'll admit I even missed it the first time around. Always read the readme, folks! Don't go reinstalling stuff!

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Finally managed to get it installed, when I restarted OA I got the following error:

Error compililing pixel shader PSSSSMSpecularAlpha:1 Any idea how to fix this?

Same problem here. Starting OA with the latest Beta-Patch works. But all efforts to start the arma2oa.exe with the retail 1.59 Patch failed.

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guys you need outline exactly what you starting and how :)

you say after installing TOH:CP via installer your A2:OA ceased to work ?

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guys you need outline exactly what you starting and how :)

you say after installing TOH:CP via installer your A2:OA ceased to work ?

Exactly. Before installing TOH everything works fine. After Installation the mentioned error message appeared when I tried to open Operation Arrowhead. Much guys in german Arma Forums have the same problem.

Edited by Lino_Germany

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Will this engine update be introduced in Arma2 aswell ;) :D

Looks like alot subtle changes in the graphics department.

Or will that update be called Arma3 ;)

ToH looks/feels very nice.... maybe serve as a warmup to Arma3

Edited by ozzbik

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Exactly. Before installing TOH everything works fine. After Installation the mentioned error message appeared when I tried to open Operation Arrowhead. Much guys in german Arma Forums have the same problem.

You are the first to report this afaik, have you got a link to the so called german Arma Forums?

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i have sprocket install on win 7 64 bit ultimate, no issues, i found a TOH shortcut in my arma install folder, copied that to my desktop and ran as administrator.

all working fine, no issues with starting regular Arma2 CO after.

do not try to configure arma launchers or anything fancy to launch TOH.

and btw if you guys say its a steam version im gonna cry laughing.


edit: thought i should maybe mention that i have not yet installed the patch 1.10 yet

Edited by Demonized

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I had the same Problems after installing ToH, I then deinstalled the preview (made sure everything is deleted) and then started Toh with the Preview shortcut in my Arma main directory

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I have 1.10 installed and have no issues at all after installing the ToH preview...

Discovered the Air rotor brake now, still bounces like a basketball on landing though... :p


Edited by VIPER[CWW]

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Something I'd like clarification on...

the readme says DirextX 10 needed, which I don't have, still running DX9.

1. Is DX10 absolutely necessary?

2. Is there any downside to me installing DX10 (example I hear it's bloated and mostly unnecessary, and also that DX is near impossible to roll back)?

3. Should I maybe go straight to DX11? (As I hear it's more efficient, but I don't know whether I'll lose older-title functionality.)

My vid card is nVidia GTX 280 BTW.


I'm guessing DX11 is not an option for that vid card?

Edited by DMarkwick

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Something I'd like clarification on...

the readme says DirextX 10 needed, which I don't have, still running DX9.

1. Is DX10 absolutely necessary?


If you have Windows Vista/7 you already have dx10/11 and Windows XP doesn't have dx10/11. I think that dx10 requirement is mistake, game is only dx9. Only what you need is last DX package, which you probably already have.

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If you have Windows Vista/7 you already have dx10/11 and Windows XP doesn't have dx10/11. I think that dx10 requirement is mistake, game is only dx9. Only what you need is last DX package, which you probably already have.

Ah, OK I do have Windows 7. I will try it and see :)

Thanks for the info.

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