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I know ArmA 3 won't come close to anything like this - SAMs Simulator gone mad: https://sites.google.com/site/samsimulator1972/home at all but having some more direct control over more technical aspects of vehicles/equipment (not relying on mods/addons) would be cool:

Having been around since OFP (my Join Date is almost embarrassing), I've seen some incredible mods/addons but I would like to see more technically demanding options available from a vanilla version - be it tanks, trucks, tripods or whatever - I would like to see the option for more than "TAB, left click, BOOM."

So, while SAMs is the title of the thread, I guess it should have been "Options for More Technically Demanding Interactions with Weapons, Vehicles and Equipment."

Looking forward to ArmA 3 regardless of what is done with the game..

Edited by phaeden

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I don't think your join date is embarrassing :D

As to adding more simulator-like aspects to stuff like this - well, I think of that in the same way as I think of adding a more complex flight model. I haven't got a joystick or pedals or any of that stuff, and I'm unlikely to get Take On Helicopters because I'm just not a pilot-sim enthusiast. But I've always been able to fly in OFP/ArmA/Arma 2.

Having to learn all the parts of shooting a gun or driving a vehicle is a) time-consuming, b) does not fit into the simulation model of the RV engine (how would it be implemented? Keyboard shortcuts? action menu?), c) might not be fAIr, and d) takes a ton of time to develop.

However, if there's some practicable gameplay applications aside from just "it's realistic!", I could totally be in on that. Like for instance having an active and a passive radar system that'd somehow be player/AI activated and could impact on how soon or how easily a, say, SAM site is discovered from the air - that could be totally useable. But yes. Not just for the sake of it.



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I think for proper/"realistic" modern air combat and SAM simulation we would need bigger islands and maps and much better and AI pilots for planes and choppers. Guess we wont see working long range SAM systems like the MIM-104 Patriot or S-300MPU2/S-400 from BIS. ;)

Maybe BIS is developing an Anti-Air and Artillery radar feature for their warfare buildings and AA vehicles/Arty (static) eg adding 2-3 laptops with working screens and some input/ouput for players?

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i think some bigger anti air capability would be nice. Im just not sure how it would be implemented.

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I think moving away from the tab and shoot is deffinately a way forward... The only problem is implementing one thats more realistic could be difficult to plan for all the different units and targeting modes...

In regards to sams.. I hope radars now have a cone sweep and can be turned on/off...

For aircraft they can normally be slewed a few degree's to either side.. and some have a rearward facing radar too... I think the radar elements can be implenmented pretty easily...

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BIS has depended on the mod and mission community to carry their water for almost a decade now. Let's be candid here: They are working on ArmA 3 and we still do not have any stock in game representation of an air defense system (setting a Shilka on a hill top is not an ADS), AWACS, mobile artillery pieces, or any semblance of integrated support.

All you have to do is fire up DCS: Black Shark and take a look at the encyclopedia, fly a few missions and play around in the sand box editor to find out how it is done.

I am not asking for each piece to be a sim version of the real life version, simply representation at the tonka-toy level we have now.

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You know it's quite possible BIS will improve this in ArmA 3. It's too early to know for sure, but I'm hoping anyways.

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From the video's tab-lock-shoot-boom sequences, I doubt it. But I think SAMsim would be too over the top :D Even for ACE.

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BIS has depended on the mod and mission community to carry their water for almost a decade now. Let's be candid here: They are working on ArmA 3 and we still do not have any stock in game representation of an air defense system (setting a Shilka on a hill top is not an ADS), AWACS, mobile artillery pieces, or any semblance of integrated support.

All you have to do is fire up DCS: Black Shark and take a look at the encyclopedia, fly a few missions and play around in the sand box editor to find out how it is done.

I am not asking for each piece to be a sim version of the real life version, simply representation at the tonka-toy level we have now.

Yes. Maybe they should sack mod support and work on an air defence system. Great line of argument! If only they hadn't taken away the 'thanks' button.

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From the video's tab-lock-shoot-boom sequences, I doubt it. But I think SAMsim would be too over the top :D Even for ACE.

The video also had the old animationation system and the game is still more than a year away. That's plenty of time for things to change...

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I think that level (from SAMsim) is too high but I would like to see something more in that direction. Of course, I think that it should be an option to turn on and off (server side or for SP).

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If they eliminate unit warping as they have been talking about a properly simulated RBS70 type system would be quite fun i think.

Other then that it depends on what happens with the radars in the game.

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Planes should be reduced to ground attack airctraft only, with a damage model that would force a pilot to abort after he's hit by a MANPADS. I fly LockOn and DCS Blackshark a lot with main focus on Su-25 and Ka-50. In this aircraft SAMs don't play a big role. At your operational altitude of 50-150m MANPADS and ZSU are the main threat. This is not reflected in ArmA because the devastating effect of only few 23mm or a single nearby stinger blast is not depicted...you wil not get shot down, but the fight is usually over after such a hit with a lot of lights blinking on the panels. In ArmA the choppers and airplanes simply are granted too much Hitpoints.

Edited by Beagle

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Maybe a good compromise would be something with AAA where the operator sees a screen that displays radar return information, from which he can select and lock on. Adding a few additional steps beyond "Tab, Click, Boom."

The same thing could be applied to all other technical equipment. Tank drivers start a tank via several knobs/dials/switches/etc. Tank gunners have a few more options (imagine like ACE 2 +). Helicopter pilots have a few start up procedures and configurations for loadout. TOW gunners have a few more steps in order to get things ready to go.

Again, I think all of these should be an option! There should still be a simple, standard version for those that want to have the simple technical details.

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Yes. Maybe they should sack mod support and work on an air defence system. Great line of argument! If only they hadn't taken away the 'thanks' button.

Once again you prove yourself a forum troll. Not one place have I suggested to "sack mod support".

Here is a great line of argument for you - read, then think, before you post.


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This is not refelctesin ArmA as to noe because the devastatign effect of only few 23mm or a single nearby stinger blast is not depicted...you wil not get shot down, but the fight is usually over after such a hit with a lot of lights blinking on the panels. In ArmA the choppers and airplanes simply are granted too much Hitpoints.

Armaverse aircraft need extra hitpoints because of the arcade-like ease of getting hits with MANPAD or Zsu... it's a chicken and egg situation. To rectify this, there first needs to be more skill required in deploying/aiming SA weapons... but then again this is unlikely given BIS's commercial need to attract casual gamers to the product. Ho hum.

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Once again you prove yourself a forum troll. Not one place have I suggested to "sack mod support".

Here is a great line of argument for you - read, then think, before you post.


No, I suggested that in sarcastic response to your supposition that BIS uses the community like a crutch. Since it's so outrageous to you, perhaps if they spent less time on that infrastructure and support and more time on manpads you would be happier.

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Arma 3 should have accurate air defense. Just as it should have accurate aircraft...

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