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Gamespot Awards, vote Carrier Command as Best Strategy Game of E3!

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Carrier Command has beaten off three other games, including Jagged Alliance (which I believe is being develped by the guys behind Tropico 3 and 4) to win Gamepot's Best Strategy Game of E3 Award.

This might not have happened had their live roaming camera not being directed towards the BIS booth by the forum members! Hopefully this award will bring some well deserved attention to this title.


* stickied for time of the voting

Edited by Dwarden

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Yeah it was noticing the similar thread in the ARMA 3 section and then seeing CC on the list to that prompted me to make this post. Unfortunate that ARMA 3 didn't win in its category but I beleive the debate about that is already quite lively in the other thread.

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Yeah it was noticing the similar thread in the ARMA 3 section and then seeing CC on the list to that prompted me to make this post. Unfortunate that ARMA 3 didn't win in its category but I beleive the debate about that is already quite lively in the other thread.

Not really as it is very early for ArmA3.

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I knew Arma wouldn't have a chance as what was shown would really only impress us, the diehard long time followers. Ragdoll, diving, bouncing boxes etc... on it's own ain't going to impress the kids expecting to see a soldier surfing an apocolyptic wave above the New York skyline while shooting enemies out of windows to the backbeat of Eminem.

Edited by froggyluv

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I don't think MW3 did very well, it was BF3 that carried the day, but please, this isn't an ARMA 3 thread, much as I love the series.

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This years E3 was not a very good one for strategy games(as you can see by looking at what it was competing with),

but its nonetheless a good accomplishment.

Edited by sparks50

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I’m actually feeling a lot better after I’ve seen the clips and interviews. Seems the FPS is just single player kind of thing to follow a story line. I just thought it was going to be a FPS fest and that was not what CC was all about. :D

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Congrats, guys! Well deserved. I'm quite looking forward to Carrier Command after E3. :)

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Nice, well deserved after all the effort.

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keep voting :) also ARMA 3 is there in other categories

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I think CC:GM can win more awards. Its a good choice of a remake.

I also heard of a remake about Syndicate (very old game) from starbreeze, if its not true, i wish Bohemia gets the job.

Its hard to win a award with a shooter who are out there thousend of thousends. I dont think any company can harm dice in that case.

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I'll admit at first I was a bit sceptical on this reboot given what happened to Syndicate and UFO - Enemy Unknown but after seeing the E3 coverage and various trailers I'm sold... I'm sure you guys are more than capable of doing justice to my memories of the original and this could be my most eagerly awaited game this year!

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There are tons of issues that need to be addressed before it should be considered the 'best of' anything. AI, pathfinding, controls, mouse acceleration, scout drone breaks after save, cruise missile is garbage, manta hooking is terrible, manta control is worse... you get the idea. The gameplay, storyline, and graphics are good, but not nearly good enough to overcome the problems. Fix them, though, and you will not only get votes, but players will enthusiastically recommend the game, rather than saying "its good, but...."

The concept is FANTASTIC!!!! And that makes me want to play it... its just... too frustrating to continue playing.

I apologize if I come off as an ass, I just hate it when a developer creates a great game concept, and makes half of it really great, and then totally botches the rest of it. It kills franchises that should have been great.

But congrats on the win, though. Just don't use it as an excuse to say "See? It's good enough. We're done!" Because you aren't.

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I'm pretty disappointed with myself for that comment. It's too easy to hurtful when you're anonymous. The game has issues that, at times, are frustrating, just like any other piece of software. It's inevitable. However, it's really awesome to see the dev team being this involved with the community to find/fix the bugs, and even actively taking suggestions on improvements. I can't begin to imagine the amount of work that went into developing this game. Since we only see the end result, it's easy to ignore and forget about how much work you guys put in. CCGM is - bugs aside - a fantastic game. The visuals are stunning, the scope is immense, the level detail is astonishing, and it provides an unusual and exciting blend of gameplay styles.

Congratulations again on the win! You earned it. I'm sorry for being an ass.

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Carrier Command GM, simply the best fresh baked bread you can buy.

Call me crazy mad nuts, but I put CCGM as the game of the century. Well it will be once the patch magic happens.

The game should have received at least 9.5/10 from every review unless they were crazy mad nuts. :crazy:

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