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Tanks & rocks

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I really hope that BIS will make the tanks less jumpy when it bump against rocks. Even the smallest rocks will flip over tanks. Especially when you're going down hill you can not see well whats in front of you so it is hard to avoid all the rocks. I just flipped over again after a 10 minutes drive to the ao. I stand next to the rock and it could not have been more then 10cm high, how could that flip over a tank that ways tons?

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It can be irritating. The few times it does happen to me though (even if I do curse the rock), I know that if I had driven a bit slower or gone a bit more cautiously over that crest, I probably wouldn't of hit it. If your careful it's not that hard avoid. 9 times out ten that I do hit a rock I don't get flipped. When think about it, you could compare that to ramming another tank (you know the way the repel each other). I'm not sure there is much bis can do about that kind of physics atm. Its just the way collisions are with this engine. Maybe we will see an improvement In Arma3 with the new physics.

But real tanks can't just go rallying over boulders and rocks either, so for now just drive a bit more cautiously, at least that's what I do :)

Edited by -=seany=-

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I could slow down more indeed, down hill you do go very fast quickly... but still you can't always avoid them specially when they are behind vegetation and at slow speeds you sometimes do a triple flip with the tank too when you hit a rock lol. Well it is just a suggestion, hope they can improve that in the future :)

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It's not just rocks, it's sometimes a hill, I did a loop in a Stryker a few days back on Duala. Gravity isn't the same in the Armaverse.

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Physics don't work properly. I had to make a 1000kg helicopter 10 times its weight in order to achieve reallife speeds. So I doubt very heavy tanks can have a proper physics set? Bouncy, bouncy.

Edited by IceBreakr

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Nothing does, lol, I'm sure I'm not the only one who's had a grenade bounce over a house.

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It's not just rocks, it's sometimes a hill, I did a loop in a Stryker a few days back on Duala. Gravity isn't the same in the Armaverse.

Don't bring user made island in to this, they are full of glitches.

Try keep it to official content.

I hate that I flip BTR90s/LAVs etc on small bushes at full speed.

Though -=seany=- is right, if you slow down abit its very very rare,

its the samre as the Golden rule on ATVs.... slow down just abit

and you wont be walking for ages. (god I sound like a dumb pig *police*)

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It's not just rocks, it's sometimes a hill, I did a loop in a Stryker a few days back on Duala. Gravity isn't the same in the Armaverse.

Sir Isaac Newton was never born in the Armaverse.

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Don't bring user made island in to this, they are full of glitches.

Try keep it to official content.

I hate that I flip BTR90s/LAVs etc on small bushes at full speed.

Though -=seany=- is right, if you slow down abit its very very rare,

its the samre as the Golden rule on ATVs.... slow down just abit

and you wont be walking for ages. (god I sound like a dumb pig *police*)

Look at the big mod pants on you. :)

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76 yeah I agree, we have glitches in units, but not in the objects. Official islands use the same objects and configs as we do. Go to Chernarus and drive a tank into a famous sunflower ;)

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Yeah. It's really annoying when your Stryker hits a tiny rock and proceeds to barrel roll several times while flying into the air....

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Since the start, I have flipped the Stryker Medic (Domination MHQ) about five times, damaged the HMMWV Ambulance (Domino MHQ) quite easily on sharp rocks, but I have not yet flipped a tank. That being said, I'm also a careful driver - well, at least in the game :p

Doesn't take too much imagination to imagine how physics work in a game; nothing wrong with gravity, it's the samplerate and delta velocity changes that causes this. Knowing that, I slow down, and avoid accidents. And to be frank, you won't see much of the gamers driving going on in real life (although we flipped on its side a tracked BV202 and destroyed parts of it - only for driving in a Leopards snow tracks which were slightly broader than ours :D).

So, adapt more responsible driving and enjoy the vehicle longer. With a HIND on your tail, you're excused though :p

Edit: And personally, with lack of simulation of parts of vehicle going bust for reckless driving, I'm happy there are some reminders in the game. Even if they were not planned for.

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