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Magic radar, plz fix.

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I would like to see the Radar Warning Receiver (magic radar) made a bit more realistic. It should only track radar emitters and only be available to units that would actually have them. This would be extremely easy for BIS to do as the current RWR has all the functionality right now, being locked is displayed along with direction and approximate range and missile launch and missile tracking is also displayed. Just needs the magic eye part removed, it's called a receiver for a reason, it does not emit.

Displaying everything from statics to tanks to jets on the magic radar for the way too many vehicles that have it is just ridiculous.

For the few that have active seeking radar it would be great to have them modeled in a realistic and accessible way, perhaps a simple on/off radar that sweeps forward on a 60 degree (maybe more for the most advanced radar) search cone allowing tab locking of units (land & air) located by radar and bore sight locking for those that are not (e.g. sneaking up on an enemy jet with radar off and get behind it to lock it with a sidewinder), of course radar tracking other units that have an RWR (attack aircraft & modern MBTs) would have you displayed on their RWR.

It does not have to be ultra realistic but more realistic than the current system, please.:o

Edited by Trauma.au

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I would assume this is going to be improved on since the Commanche has a stealth aspect.

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I too would like to see the radar reworked or even removed from ground vehicles, for the sake of gameplay.Currently, players are rather off to hunt M1's with bradley's than support their ground troops, ( form my experience in PvP and many diff servers ) simply becouse thay can,the radar tell them all treath and all that with powerfull TAB/Lock the game/play becoming rather silly. Being unable to turn the turret without switching on the engine doesn't help too at all.

CAS assets should have only (clear ;) warning tone indicating that the aircraft has been locked and as of lasing targets, that should be done with help by infantry (GTLD) or by UAV's.

Pitty that armor is not feared anymore, it's a bounty target as it is :(

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Armour is a joke in ArmAverse. Not only to magic radar but also to RPG-line weapons with 1000m range and Instakill on second hit. IN fact it's a jole to cinsider ArmA I a milsim...its just aniother arcade shooter, just with more units and a bigger map.

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360-degree radar is too unrealistic in the game. It should have a blind angle for different vehicle.

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Edited by NodUnit

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Armour is a joke in ArmAverse. Not only to magic radar but also to RPG-line weapons with 1000m range and Instakill on second hit. IN fact it's a jole to cinsider ArmA I a milsim...its just aniother arcade shooter, just with more units and a bigger map.

Do you even play BIS' games anymore, Beagle? You seem to be doing nothing other than bitching and moaning about them as of late.

"More units and a bigger map." Yeah, right. Talk about over-simplification to falsely make your argument seem more dramatic than it is.

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Do you even play BIS' games anymore, Beagle? You seem to be doing nothing other than bitching and moaning about them as of late.

"More units and a bigger map." Yeah, right. Talk about over-simplification to falsely make your argument seem more dramatic than it is.

I can stil enjoy arcade shooters like ArmA II, but only in the infanrty role and in SP. The more I get into Steel Beasts and DCS and from my own service experience in the late 90's with Leopard II A4 and Luchs ARV the more I have to laught about people using the term REALISM in ArmA X.

Especially MP with arcade featuring Custom missions is pure arcade this times. Still waiting for Heartbeat trackers to show up.

Edited by Beagle

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BIS' games are the best simulators of large-scale, combined arms warfare, with what seems to be a specific concentration on the infantry aspect. Everything else is secondary and works well enough to accomplish said simulation goal. You are expecting BIS to have equally detailed simulation in every aspect that they give you? Why do you think you have to buy one simulator for tank warfare, one for helicopter warfare, one for planes, one for naval, etc.? Because it's probably virtually impossible to achieve the attention to detail in each of those all within one game, and that's what you're expecting?

Arma 2 is not arcade. It is the toughest infantry simulation on the market, and as I said, the best combined arms simulator. Play the games you mentioned if you want 100% detailed experiences of the other aspects, and don't expect any single game to be able to encompass them all in one.

As for custom mission design, they are not part of Arma 2 in vanilla state, so direct your complaints at their authors if you must.

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Simple removel of the magic radar would change a lot but obvioulsy BIS has no intention to changre the arcade style gaming in their GAMES to make them true simulations.

Edited by Beagle

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it's a fucking game, you like it or not. And so is DCS, Falcon etc...get used to it

Edited by PuFu

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I too think the easy TAB/LOCK feature should be changed. I also think the javelin missile should be improved, The ACE mod did a wonderfull job bringing more realism to the game. I think Bohemia should stop relying on game modders to fix the rest and bring to the community the realism we're all looking for, that is why I play this game.

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Infantry units being able to 'see' other infantry units dozens of kilometers away must be removed.

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Infantry units being able to 'see' other infantry units dozens of kilometers away must be removed.

I find this is typically because units are linked, if one sees you from 100m away and tells some other guy who is 800m from you he may start firing at you. Well this is how I manage my AI at least, spotting for those morons is really effective.

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