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Let me tip toe thru the landmines here.............

PRACS is not intended to be ace compatable. It is more intended to be compatable with everything else including the stock BIS stuff. With that said PRACS is also not intended to be ace incompatable either. Several of my beta testers ran it with ace and only came up with a couple small cosmetic problems mostly centered around the M1A1 abrams in ace uses a different model and the driver proxy of the t-72.

The reason for the language in the readme is i specifically do not want ANYONE and i meant ANYONE modifying the files in anyway whatsoever.

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tiny bit of feedback:

the M266 57mm AA cannon - set it to HE and you can take out a house with 2 shells, I just shot a BMP2 with it and it blew up with 1 HE shell and killed a group of soldiers spread out about 30m either side of it, and took out every tree in 40m and several walls to boot...

i think it may be a little overpowered? (btw we LOVE it lol)

also try towing the RACS vehicles with R3F logistics - we make a column of vehicles and:

the trucks raise in the air 1 truck height

the scorpion and scimitar go through the ground

the AA guns go so high you need a skyscraper to get high enough to untow them

the M113's and LAVs bunch up so close that when you untow them they spring off several hundred metres, killing all in their path lol

they seem to have strange tags (where the tow point links to i guess) that are quite different to stock vehicles, which all tow fine.

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Well ....... i have always said that its not my job to make sure some other third party addon works with my stuff........... but!!! there is always a big ole but in there isn't there...... if anyone has any feedback as to how to fix this i would gladly make that update.

can you please clarify "strange tags"?

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sure - thecolumn of vehicles linkedtogether - not sure how R3F works but each vehicles has radically different towbar hitch point, although they are all at sam height in stock vehicles. need to look into R3F and see how it works out the towpoint i reckon

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sure - thecolumn of vehicles linkedtogether - not sure how R3F works but each vehicles has radically different towbar hitch point, although they are all at sam height in stock vehicles. need to look into R3F and see how it works out the towpoint i reckon

I will be completely honest..... Im not going to hack apart anyones stuff trying to figure it out, but if anyone knows what needs to be done or where to set that hitchpoint on each vehicle i will add it.

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R3F script remorquer_deplace is the key

* Remorque l'objet déplacé par le joueur avec un remorqueur
* Copyright (C) 2010 madbull ~R3F~
* This program is free software under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

if (R3F_LOG_mutex_local_verrou) then
player globalChat STR_R3F_LOG_mutex_action_en_cours;
R3F_LOG_mutex_local_verrou = true;

private ["_objet", "_remorqueur"];

_objet = R3F_LOG_joueur_deplace_objet;

_remorqueur = nearestObjects [_objet, R3F_LOG_CFG_remorqueurs, 22];
// Parce que le remorqueur peut être un objet remorquable
_remorqueur = _remorqueur - [_objet];

if (count _remorqueur > 0) then
	_remorqueur = _remorqueur select 0;

	if (alive _remorqueur && isNull (_remorqueur getVariable "R3F_LOG_remorque") && ([0,0,0] distance velocity _remorqueur < 6) && (getPos _remorqueur select 2 < 2) && !(_remorqueur getVariable "R3F_LOG_disabled")) then
		// On mémorise sur le réseau que le véhicule remorque quelque chose
		_remorqueur setVariable ["R3F_LOG_remorque", _objet, true];
		// On mémorise aussi sur le réseau que le canon est attaché en remorque
		_objet setVariable ["R3F_LOG_est_transporte_par", _remorqueur, true];

		// On place le joueur sur le côté du véhicule, ce qui permet d'éviter les blessure et rend l'animation plus réaliste
		player attachTo [_remorqueur, [
			(boundingBox _remorqueur select 1 select 0),
			(boundingBox _remorqueur select 0 select 1) + 1,
			(boundingBox _remorqueur select 0 select 2) - (boundingBox player select 0 select 2)

		player setDir 270;
		player setPos (getPos player);

		// Faire relacher l'objet au joueur (si il l'a dans "les mains")
		R3F_LOG_joueur_deplace_objet = objNull;
		player playMove "AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon_medic";
		sleep 2;

		// Attacher à l'arrière du véhicule au ras du sol
		_objet attachTo [_remorqueur, [
			(boundingBox _remorqueur select 0 select 1) + (boundingBox _objet select 0 select 1) + 3,
			(boundingBox _remorqueur select 0 select 2) - (boundingBox _objet select 0 select 2)

		detach player;

		// Si l'objet est une arme statique, on corrige l'orientation en fonction de la direction du canon
		if (_objet isKindOf "StaticWeapon") then
			private ["_azimut_canon"];

			_azimut_canon = ((_objet weaponDirection (weapons _objet select 0)) select 0) atan2 ((_objet weaponDirection (weapons _objet select 0)) select 1);

			// Seul le D30 a le canon pointant vers le véhicule
			if !(_objet isKindOf "D30_Base") then
				_azimut_canon = _azimut_canon + 180;

			// On est obligé de demander au serveur de tourner l'objet pour nous
			R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG_PUBVAR_setDir = [_objet, (getDir _objet)-_azimut_canon];
			if (isServer) then
				publicVariable "R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG_PUBVAR_setDir";

		sleep 5;

R3F_LOG_mutex_local_verrou = false;

in exssence it is this bit

// Attacher à l'arrière du véhicule au ras du sol

_objet attachTo [_remorqueur, [


(boundingBox _remorqueur select 0 select 1) + (boundingBox _objet select 0 select 1) + 3,

(boundingBox _remorqueur select 0 select 2) - (boundingBox _objet select 0 select 2)


so I guess it uses something from the boundingbox? sorry to bug you with this it's not really on i know mate.

I just figured there must be something in your mod that makes this fail - we could probably instiogate a work around, a bit like the one they have for the D30 to rotate the cannon, but with RACS_truck or RACS_FV101 etc then setting the values differently in the R3F script. probably best we have a go at this, but if you can shed any light on how the bounding boxes differ for say a FV101 c.w. a stock warrior and a RACS_repair c.w. a mtvr_repair, that would be great.

here is a screenshot of the issue


and here


once the AA gun is towed you can never get cloe enough to it to un-tow it so it is lost

Edited by eggbeast

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More weapons of war for the glorious nation of Takistan!

Nice job wld, it's purdy

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M901 Hammerhead ITV for RACS

note: The Su-22 is completed. Be aware that it is heavily armed with a wide range of munitions and is intended to completely close the gap between the western air power and that of the opfor side. I have just had a strange affection for working on the Sahrani Navy lately so alot of the ground stuff has been sidelined. All known bugs in PRACS have been taken care of and I jsut picked up some really neat new models to include.


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R3F script remorquer_deplace is the key

* Remorque l'objet déplacé par le joueur avec un remorqueur
* Copyright (C) 2010 madbull ~R3F~
* This program is free software under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

if (R3F_LOG_mutex_local_verrou) then
player globalChat STR_R3F_LOG_mutex_action_en_cours;
R3F_LOG_mutex_local_verrou = true;

private ["_objet", "_remorqueur"];

_objet = R3F_LOG_joueur_deplace_objet;

_remorqueur = nearestObjects [_objet, R3F_LOG_CFG_remorqueurs, 22];
// Parce que le remorqueur peut être un objet remorquable
_remorqueur = _remorqueur - [_objet];

if (count _remorqueur > 0) then
	_remorqueur = _remorqueur select 0;

	if (alive _remorqueur && isNull (_remorqueur getVariable "R3F_LOG_remorque") && ([0,0,0] distance velocity _remorqueur < 6) && (getPos _remorqueur select 2 < 2) && !(_remorqueur getVariable "R3F_LOG_disabled")) then
		// On mémorise sur le réseau que le véhicule remorque quelque chose
		_remorqueur setVariable ["R3F_LOG_remorque", _objet, true];
		// On mémorise aussi sur le réseau que le canon est attaché en remorque
		_objet setVariable ["R3F_LOG_est_transporte_par", _remorqueur, true];

		// On place le joueur sur le côté du véhicule, ce qui permet d'éviter les blessure et rend l'animation plus réaliste
		player attachTo [_remorqueur, [
			(boundingBox _remorqueur select 1 select 0),
			(boundingBox _remorqueur select 0 select 1) + 1,
			(boundingBox _remorqueur select 0 select 2) - (boundingBox player select 0 select 2)

		player setDir 270;
		player setPos (getPos player);

		// Faire relacher l'objet au joueur (si il l'a dans "les mains")
		R3F_LOG_joueur_deplace_objet = objNull;
		player playMove "AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon_medic";
		sleep 2;

		// Attacher à l'arrière du véhicule au ras du sol
		_objet attachTo [_remorqueur, [
			(boundingBox _remorqueur select 0 select 1) + (boundingBox _objet select 0 select 1) + 3,
			(boundingBox _remorqueur select 0 select 2) - (boundingBox _objet select 0 select 2)

		detach player;

		// Si l'objet est une arme statique, on corrige l'orientation en fonction de la direction du canon
		if (_objet isKindOf "StaticWeapon") then
			private ["_azimut_canon"];

			_azimut_canon = ((_objet weaponDirection (weapons _objet select 0)) select 0) atan2 ((_objet weaponDirection (weapons _objet select 0)) select 1);

			// Seul le D30 a le canon pointant vers le véhicule
			if !(_objet isKindOf "D30_Base") then
				_azimut_canon = _azimut_canon + 180;

			// On est obligé de demander au serveur de tourner l'objet pour nous
			R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG_PUBVAR_setDir = [_objet, (getDir _objet)-_azimut_canon];
			if (isServer) then
				publicVariable "R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG_PUBVAR_setDir";

		sleep 5;

R3F_LOG_mutex_local_verrou = false;

in exssence it is this bit

// Attacher à l'arrière du véhicule au ras du sol

_objet attachTo [_remorqueur, [


(boundingBox _remorqueur select 0 select 1) + (boundingBox _objet select 0 select 1) + 3,

(boundingBox _remorqueur select 0 select 2) - (boundingBox _objet select 0 select 2)


so I guess it uses something from the boundingbox? sorry to bug you with this it's not really on i know mate.

I just figured there must be something in your mod that makes this fail - we could probably instiogate a work around, a bit like the one they have for the D30 to rotate the cannon, but with RACS_truck or RACS_FV101 etc then setting the values differently in the R3F script. probably best we have a go at this, but if you can shed any light on how the bounding boxes differ for say a FV101 c.w. a stock warrior and a RACS_repair c.w. a mtvr_repair, that would be great.

here is a screenshot of the issue


and here


once the AA gun is towed you can never get cloe enough to it to un-tow it so it is lost

all i can tell you is the "bounding box" is definately not part of the model. I dont read French and have no idea how the scripting works.

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all i can tell you is the "bounding box" is definately not part of the model.

It definately is. "BoundingBox" is not any named selection but the overall size of the model, ignoring if it's a solid part or just a antenna. The scripting command "boundingBox" (duh) can be used to get the points of the respective models bBox.

What i can't say is which LOD is used to determine this.

As far as i can tell, the script uses the boundingBox to determine the "correct" attachTo offset for attaching it to a tow vehicle.

Seems like the boundingBox is out of proportion vertically (some points way down below the object itself?) which causes this strange attach.

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note: The Su-22 is completed. Be aware that it is heavily armed with a wide range of munitions and is intended to completely close the gap between the western air power and that of the opfor side. I have just had a strange affection for working on the Sahrani Navy lately so alot of the ground stuff has been sidelined. All known bugs in PRACS have been taken care of and I jsut picked up some really neat new models to include.

I have really enjoyed the PRACS genre, and have worked actively on building a solid MTOE around the various units, with 2x full Corps w/logistical support has been completed as of date, in-which 1 Division has been set against a full MTOE and mobilized Takistani Army (TA), for use in a CPX (command post exercise,) run in a turn based environment through email.

With this in mind, and with future works in progress, I would like to point out a few items. The Sea Skua and Barak MkII missiles do not function properly, and I've had to replace them with standard Hellfire and Sidewinder missiles; a dedicated Landing Craft would be a very nice addition, for coastal operations. For large scale naval engagements though, I admit I am using Haproon CE, using a mix of EU vessels for Indian ocean engagements, even though Takistan is land-locked.

For ground vehicles, the tow missiles were going erratic immediately after launch and had to be replaced. The aim-points for the sights on many vehicles (tanks, lav, m113) were not bore-sighted, though the AI seems to make due accurately enough. The backpacks for the ground units is not functional, though for the purpose of spectator it really does not matter, simply pointing it out.

I do not know immediately if these errors had been reported for Arma2Co or not? If so, please disregard.

You are doing very excellent work, keep it up!

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I have really enjoyed the PRACS genre, and have worked actively on building a solid MTOE around the various units, with 2x full Corps w/logistical support has been completed as of date, in-which 1 Division has been set against a full MTOE and mobilized Takistani Army (TA), for use in a CPX (command post exercise,) run in a turn based environment through email.

With this in mind, and with future works in progress, I would like to point out a few items. The Sea Skua and Barak MkII missiles do not function properly, and I've had to replace them with standard Hellfire and Sidewinder missiles; a dedicated Landing Craft would be a very nice addition, for coastal operations. For large scale naval engagements though, I admit I am using Haproon CE, using a mix of EU vessels for Indian ocean engagements, even though Takistan is land-locked.

For ground vehicles, the tow missiles were going erratic immediately after launch and had to be replaced. The aim-points for the sights on many vehicles (tanks, lav, m113) were not bore-sighted, though the AI seems to make due accurately enough. The backpacks for the ground units is not functional, though for the purpose of spectator it really does not matter, simply pointing it out.

I do not know immediately if these errors had been reported for Arma2Co or not? If so, please disregard.

You are doing very excellent work, keep it up!

are you using any other mod besides PRACS? My testers nor I have any of the issues you report.

all backpacks are 100% functional and sights aligned.

Myke;2142582']It definately is. "BoundingBox" is not any named selection but the overall size of the model' date=' ignoring if it's a solid part or just a antenna. The scripting command "boundingBox" (duh) can be used to get the points of the respective models bBox.

What i can't say is which LOD is used to determine this.

As far as i can tell, the script uses the boundingBox to determine the "correct" attachTo offset for attaching it to a tow vehicle.

Seems like the boundingBox is out of proportion vertically (some points way down below the object itself?) which causes this strange attach.

Well in the end i know nothing fo scripting therefore i cannto help. All i can tell you is the model is actually the BIS M113 base so i really don't know how to fix it.

If someone would be so kind as to tell me how i will impliment it, but i will spend no time chaisng this issue down.

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I have tested these units both in Arma 2 and TOH:Rearmed, even in large operations involving battalion scale units all live on one map, and the RACS Units all seem to behave properly: I have not found any problems, aside from the missles on the jets being extremely susceptible to decoys. Otherwise, no problems.

Really great mod, I am enjoying it greatly. Once my net is back up, I will download the most recent iteration (I currently am still on the initial release). I will also try and get some screenshots from SE asia ops on the Takistan/Ardistan border. Finally a big terrain for the tanks and missles to exploit. Arma 2 feels like serious CQB, compared to this.

Thanks again for all the effort put into this, it´s a great enhancement to the armaverse and arma toybox in general. :>



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That's totally cool to see another MBT for Takis and RHS model (I assume it's theirs) is pretty neat, but myself would love to see something more matching the modern era and the threat that is M1A2. Something like variant of T-80U called T-80UD, hunderds of them were sold to Pakistan, maybe you heard about that.

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That's totally cool to see another MBT for Takis and RHS model (I assume it's theirs) is pretty neat, but myself would love to see something more matching the modern era and the threat that is M1A2. Something like variant of T-80U called T-80UD, hunderds of them were sold to Pakistan, maybe you heard about that.

I think thats vilas' T80.

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That's totally cool to see another MBT for Takis and RHS model (I assume it's theirs) is pretty neat, but myself would love to see something more matching the modern era and the threat that is M1A2. Something like variant of T-80U called T-80UD, hunderds of them were sold to Pakistan, maybe you heard about that.

Maybee you heard about this being my mod so my choices........

Yes the model is from Vilas.

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@MMCNosferatu Just to give you a heads up the Takistanis are one of the poorest middle eastern countrys out their. The Takistan army is only provided with middle era (1950 - 70) soviet equipment

but IT IS ALL UP TO WLD427 on what hes adding so let him make the choices.

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What WLD is doing here is giving the mission maker options. Sure the takis are poor and not as well equipped as a first world military, but it's not beyond the realms of possibility they might get hold of an odd '80 or two.

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