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Tryin to build pbo (MakePbo.exe) without mission and config.cpp, but looks like -J now working, how to ignore Ignore lack of mission.sqm or config.cpp?

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Here are the rules:

There are two kinds of pbo:
+A mission.pbo : contains a mission.sqm intended for use in mission space
+An addon.pbo which uses engine space addressing.

a config.cpp is required because of it's contents and because the engine must know the name of this addon. (the file name is irrelevant).
>every addon requires <
class cfgPatches
   class NameOfPbo

The reason for the change is that people are looking for my watermark signature inside a pbo to check if the addon is 'good'. If found, they look elsewhere for basic issues knowing that my tools have covered the usual errors.

people were  using my tools as a stamp of authority that their addons were 'good', without having to do any work to ensure that they were.


You can no longer use my tools to make 'wyswig' (-N) pbos. because wyswig doesn't look for errors. Great for you, terrible for the user of your addon.


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I have the same problem as others:  rapify cannot be found.  


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Hi Mikero,


You have mentioned that the subscriber version of your tools will 'allow' unbinarised config.cpps to be the pbo in the next release. Can you let us know when will that be?

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early this week, am putting some finishing touches in other areas and testing all of them first.

the major reason for cpp of course is to now 'allow' >and detect<!!! that the config is using evals that can only be known at game load time. Most are normal and can be binarised, but there's a trend these days towards using statements like scope=__EVAL(something strange;};


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On 8/31/2020 at 12:10 AM, mikero said:

early this week, am putting some finishing touches in other areas and testing all of them first.

the major reason for cpp of course is to now 'allow' >and detect<!!! that the config is using evals that can only be known at game load time. Most are normal and can be binarised, but there's a trend these days towards using statements like scope=__EVAL(something strange;};



As soon as you have done it please let us know.


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latest releases of pboProject and the dll 'allow' text config.cpp and mission.sqms. Irrespective, the files themselves are still checked for errors before being accepted.


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On 9/13/2020 at 6:45 PM, bhcluster said:



10 hours ago, mikero said:

not even going to bother answering that.


Might be useful to update the link in your first post. I know it's obvious and easy to Google but yeah.

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2 hours ago, HazJ said:



Might be useful to update the link in your first post. I know it's obvious and easy to Google but yeah.


That's why I asked, cos the link on the front page didn't work and on google I got that one.

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Hello to all! I have a problem packing mod with mikero tools. more precisely: makepbo failed with error code -1073740940 ,  tried reinstalling all software but also get: makepbo failed with error code -1073740940

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Just now, Mr Bullet said:

Hello to all! I have a problem packing mod with mikero tools. more precisely: makepbo failed with error code -1073740940 ,  tried reinstalling all software but also get: makepbo failed with error code -1073740940


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Hi everyone,


Does anyone know how to fix this error?




pboProject v2.80.7.76

Environment Variables... PATH is set correctly

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5 hours ago, bhcluster said:

Hi everyone,


Does anyone know how to fix this error?




pboProject v2.80.7.76

Environment Variables... PATH is set correctly

complete reinstallation of mikero tools and arma 3 tols, it helped me a lot once

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I faced a similar situation yesterday, but a complete reinstallation did not help them. But the main thing is after removal.

1 minute ago, Mr Bullet said:

complete reinstallation of mikero tools and arma 3 tols, it helped me a lot once

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assuming you're using the subscriber version of my tools Mr Bullet, simply download the auto updater from your personal webpage (it's the blue download button). It will indicate Any tool that's out of date and give you the option to upgrade it.


the error message you display above always happens when my dll is not compatible with the exe tool you want to use


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@bhcluster. apologies. The url on the first page have been updated.


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Help with DePbo . this error is in the log.


rapify x64UnicodeVersion 1.79, Dll 6.32 "config. cpp"
Min depbo dll version required is 6.78, is 6.32

there is a DePbo installation file with version 6.78

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Having a serious headache to this


I have the subsciber tools, have no errors during install, Rapify is found and I have read all the documentation multiple times....


"rapify -Pe  "Vending\config.cpp" "P:\temp\Vending\config.bin""
'rapify' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Every time, nothing I do changed this,


I see lots of people talking about it, is there a common fix?

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There should no longer be any issues with my tools on win10 systems. Just check you are using the latest tool set from bytex. Subscriber AND free are both fixed.

That said, I have no doubt you have some problem with them.

the best thing you can do is ADD to the PATH variable in your user environ string:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Mikero\DePboTools\bin

There are splash screens of the settings on this page or page 14

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I am getting this error in pboProject: In File \mpmissions\SaltyDog.126map\Headers\descriptionEXT\missionParams.hpp: Line 45 bad eval/exec

The code in misisonParams.hpp is

__EXEC(_savedParams = [profileNamespace getVariable "BLWK_savedMissionParameters",createHashMap] select call compile "profileNamespace getVariable ['BLWK_savedMissionParameters',[]] isEqualType []");
#define GET_DEFAULT_PARAM(NAME,DEFAULT_VALUE) default = __EVAL(_savedParams getOrDefault [#NAME,DEFAULT_VALUE]);

Does anyone know why _EXEC is a bad call? I couldn't find answers in the pboProject Readme. It only mentions (the file is called through description.ext):



The dll always temporarily rapifes description.ext in order to check for errors.

Special checks are made that EXEC/EVAL statements, if present, are valid. Only a small handful of sqX commands are legal in description.ext (they must all produce constants at run time)

Thanks for your time 🙂

The complete file is here:

description.ext call:

class Params
    #include "Headers\descriptionEXT\missionParams.hpp"



#define OFF_OR_ON {"OFF","ON"}
#define NO_OR_YES {"NO","YES"}
#define ZERO_OR_ONE {0,1}

#define ZERO_TO_TEN {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}
#define ZERO_TO_TEN_STRINGS {"0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10"}

    class NAME##_LABEL \
    { \
        title = ======= ##NAME## Settings =======; \
        values[] = {0}; \
        texts[] = {""}; \
        default = 0; \
#define A_SPACE(NAME)\
    class NAME##_SPACE \
    { \
        title = " "; \
        values[] = {0}; \
        texts[] = {""}; \
        default = 0; \

#include "Faction Headers\Define Factions.hpp"

/* // prior to 0.8 parameter getting
__EXEC(_savedParams = profileNamespace getVariable ["BLWK_savedMissionParameters",[]]);
#define FIND_CODE(PARAM) __EXEC(_findParamCode = compile "_x select 0 == "#PARAM"");
#define GET_PARAM_INDEX __EXEC(_paramIndex = _savedParams findIf _findParamCode);
#define FOUND_COMPILE call compile (["(_savedParams select _paramIndex) select 1","-1"] select (_savedParams isEqualTo []))


// prior to 0.9, used arrays instead of hashes. Since params are auto loaded, in order to avoid errors on previous parameter saves,
/// this will create an empty hash if an array is present in BLWK_savedMissionParameters or if nothing has been saved yet.
/// ultimately allowing the use of the getOrDefault command for hashes
__EXEC(_savedParams = [profileNamespace getVariable "BLWK_savedMissionParameters",createHashMap] select call compile "profileNamespace getVariable ['BLWK_savedMissionParameters',[]] isEqualType []");
#define GET_DEFAULT_PARAM(NAME,DEFAULT_VALUE) default = __EVAL(_savedParams getOrDefault [#NAME,DEFAULT_VALUE]);

#define WAVE_STEPS_VALUES values[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20, 25, 9999};
#define WAVE_STEPS_TEXTS texts[] = {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "20", "25", "Never"};

// waves

class BLWK_maxNumWaves
    title = "How Many Waves";
    values[] = {10, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 125, 150, 999999};
    texts[] = {"10", "20", "25", "30", "40","50","60","70","80","90","100", "125", "150", "Infinite"};
class BLWK_timeBetweenRounds
    title = "Time between rounds";
    values[] = {0, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240, 300};
    texts[] = {"0", "15 Seconds", "30 Seconds", "1 Minute", "1 Minute 30 Seconds", "2 Minutes", "3 Minutes", "4 Minutes", "5 Minutes"};
class BLWK_vehicleStartWave
    title = "Vehicles can spawn after wave";
class BLWK_specialWavesStartAt
    title = "Special Wave Possibility Starts At Wave";
class BLWK_maxEnemyInfantryAtOnce
    title = "Max Enemy Infantry At Once (AI will wait in a queue until there is room)";
    values[] = {10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50};
    texts[] = {"10","15","20","25","30","35","40","45","50"};
class BLWK_randomizeEnemyWeapons
    title = "Randomize Hostile Weapons";
    values[] = ZERO_OR_ONE;
    texts[] = NO_OR_YES;
class BLWK_maxPistolOnlyWaves
    title = "Hostiles only use pistols until wave";
    values[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
    texts[] = {"Start Fully Armed", "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five"};
class BLWK_enemiesPerWaveMultiplier
    title = "Enemies Per Wave Multiplier";
    values[] = {5,10,15,20,25,30};
    texts[] = {"0.5","1","1.5","2","2.5","3"};
// CIPHER COMMENT: The utility of this value should be replaced with a simple: add this number of enemies per round per player in addition to the number already spawned
class BLWK_enemiesPerPlayerMultiplier
    title = "Extra Enemies Per Player";
    values[] = {5, 10, 15, 20};
    texts[] = {"0.5", "1", "1.5", "2"};
class BLWK_roundsBeforeBodyDeletion
    title = "Dead bodies remain for how many waves (dead bodies impact perfomance)";
    values[] = {0, 1, 2};
    texts[] = {"0 (until next round begins)", "1", "2"};
class BLWK_minRoundsSinceVehicleSpawned
    title = "The minimum number of waves between vehicle spawns";
    values[] = {0, 1, 2};
    texts[] = {"0", "1", "2"};

// Players
class BLWK_friendlyFireOn
    title = "Friendly Fire";
    values[] = ZERO_OR_ONE;
    texts[] = OFF_OR_ON;
class BLWK_fallDamageOn
    title = "Fall Damage (Not ACE Medical Compatabile)";
    values[] = ZERO_OR_ONE;
    texts[] = OFF_OR_ON;
class BLWK_staminaEnabled
    title = "Enable stamina (Not ACE Compatabile)";
    values[] = ZERO_OR_ONE;
    texts[] = NO_OR_YES;
class BLWK_weaponSwayCoef
    title = "Weaponsway coefficient (zero means no sway)";
    values[] = {0, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100};
    texts[] = {"0", "0.1", "0.15", "0.2", "0.25", "0.3", "0.4", "0.5", "0.6", "0.7", "0.8", "0.9", "1"};

// start

class BLWK_startingWaveNumber
    title = "Start from wave number (should be less then max wave)";
    values[] = {0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50};
    texts[] = {"0", "5", "10", "15", "20", "25", "30", "35", "40", "45", "50"};
class BLWK_startingKillPoints
    title = "Kill points players start with";
    values[] = {0, 250, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000, 10000};
    texts[] = {"0", "250", "500", "1000", "2500", "5000", "10000"};
class BLWK_startingCommunityKillPoints
    title = "Community starting points";
    values[] = {0, 250, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000, 10000, 15000, 20000};
    texts[] = {"0", "250", "500", "1000", "2500", "5000", "10000", "15000", "20000"};
class BLWK_supportDishFound
    title = "Find Satellite Dish to Unlock Supports";
    values[] = ZERO_OR_ONE;
    texts[] = {"Yes, find the Satellite Dish to unlock the Support Menu", "No, Supports are available from the begining of the mission"};
class BLWK_numMedKits
    title = "Medikits in The Crate";
    values[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8};
    texts[] = {"None", "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight"};
class BLWK_playersStartWith_map
    title = "Start with map";
    values[] = ZERO_OR_ONE;
    texts[] = NO_OR_YES;
class BLWK_playersStartWith_compass
    title = "Start with compass";
    values[] = ZERO_OR_ONE;
    texts[] = NO_OR_YES;
class BLWK_playersStartWith_radio
    title = "Start with a radio (TFAR & ACRE Compatabile) (You must have one to get support radio messages)";
    values[] = ZERO_OR_ONE;
    texts[] = NO_OR_YES;
class BLWK_playersStartWith_mineDetector
    title = "Start with a mine detector";
    values[] = ZERO_OR_ONE;
    texts[] = NO_OR_YES;
class BLWK_playersStartWith_pistol
    title = "Start with a pistol";
    values[] = ZERO_OR_ONE;
    texts[] = NO_OR_YES;
class BLWK_playersStartWith_NVGs
    title = "Start with NVGs";
    values[] = ZERO_OR_ONE;
    texts[] = NO_OR_YES;

// area

class BLWK_customPlayLocation
    title = "Would you like to select a custom location to play?";
    values[] = ZERO_OR_ONE;
    texts[] = NO_OR_YES;
class BLWK_playAreaRadius
    title = "Mission area size";
    values[] = {50, 100, 150, 200, 250};
    texts[] = {"(50m) Tiny", "(100m) Small", "(150m) Normal", "(200m) Large", "(250m) Huge"};
class BLWK_minNumberOfHousesInArea
    title = "Minimum number of buildings in the play area radius";
    values[] = {5, 10, 15, 20, 30};
    texts[] = {"5","10","15","20","30"};
class BLWK_loot_cityDistribution
    title = "Loot City distribution";
    values[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
    texts[] = {"Every building", "Every second building", "Every third building", "Every fourth building"};
class BLWK_loot_roomDistribution
    title = "Loot Within Building Distribution";
    values[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
    texts[] = {"Every location", "Every second location", "Every third location", "Every fourth location"};
class BLWK_loot_whiteListMode
    title = "Loot Whitelist Mode";
    values[] = {0,1,2};
    texts[] = {"OFF","Only Whitelist Items will spawn as loot","Whitelist items get added to existing loot (increases the chance of loot spawning)"};
class BLWK_buildingsNearTheCrateAreIndestructable_radius
    title = "The radius of indestructable buildings around The Crate";
    values[] = {0,5,10,15,20,25,30};
    texts[] = {"OFF","5m","10m","15m","20m","25m","30m"};

// ambient
class BLWK_timeOfDay
    title = "The Time Of Day";
    values[] = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22};
    texts[] = {"0200","0400","0600","0800","1000","1200", "1400", "1600", "1800", "2000", "2200"};
// weather
#include "paramWeather.hpp"

// Points
class BLWK_showHitPoints
    title = "Point Hitmarkers on HUD";
    values[] = ZERO_OR_ONE;
    texts[] = NO_OR_YES;
class BLWK_pointsForKill
    title = "Base Points For Kill";
    values[] = {10, 50, 100, 125, 150, 200, 300};
    texts[] = {"10","50","100","125","150","200","300"};
class BLWK_pointsForHit
    title = "Base Points per Hit";
    values[] = {0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100};
    texts[] = {"0","10","20","30","40","50","60","70","80","90","100"};
class BLWK_pointsMultiForDamage
    title = "Damage bonus points";
    values[] = {0, 10, 20, 50, 100};
    texts[] = {"0","10","20","50","100"};

// respawn
class BLWK_numRespawnTickets
    title = "Respawn Tickets";
    values[] = {0, 5, 10, 15, 20};
    texts[] = {"0", "5", "10", "15", "20"};

class BLWK_saveRespawnLoadout
    title = "Players Get Their Loadout If They Respawn";
    values[] = ZERO_OR_ONE;
    texts[] = OFF_OR_ON;

#include "reviveParams.hpp"

class BLWK_friendlyFaction
    title = "Friendly Faction";
    values[] = {FACTION_COUNT};
    texts[] = {FACTION_STRINGS};
    default = 0; // NATO

class BLWK_level1Faction
    title = "Level 1 Enemy Faction";
    values[] = {FACTION_COUNT};
    texts[] = {FACTION_STRINGS};
    default = 2; // FIA

class BLWK_level2Faction
    title = "Level 2 Enemy Faction";
    values[] = {FACTION_COUNT};
    texts[] = {FACTION_STRINGS};
    default = 1; // AAF

class BLWK_level3Faction
    title = "Level 3 Enemy Faction";
    values[] = {FACTION_COUNT};
    texts[] = {FACTION_STRINGS};
    default = 3; // CSAT

class BLWK_level4Faction
    title = "Level 4 Enemy Faction";
    values[] = {FACTION_COUNT};
    texts[] = {FACTION_STRINGS};
    default = 4; // CSAT Urban

class BLWK_level5Faction
    title = "Level 5 Enemy Faction";
    values[] = {FACTION_COUNT};
    texts[] = {FACTION_STRINGS};
    default = 13; // Contact Spetsnaz

class BLWK_baseVehicleSpawnLikelihood
    title = "Base Vehicle Spawn Likelihood";
    values[] = ZERO_TO_TEN;
    texts[] = ZERO_TO_TEN_STRINGS;
class BLWK_lightCarLikelihood
    title = "Enemy Light Car Likelihood";
    values[] = ZERO_TO_TEN;
    texts[] = ZERO_TO_TEN_STRINGS;
class BLWK_heavyCarLikelihood
    title = "Enemy Heavy Car Likelihood";
    values[] = ZERO_TO_TEN;
    texts[] = ZERO_TO_TEN_STRINGS;
class BLWK_lightArmorLikelihood
    title = "Enemy Light Armor Likelihood";
    values[] = ZERO_TO_TEN;
    texts[] = ZERO_TO_TEN_STRINGS;
class BLWK_heavyArmorLikelihood
    title = "Enemy Heavy Armor Likelihood";
    values[] = ZERO_TO_TEN;
    texts[] = ZERO_TO_TEN_STRINGS;
class BLWK_transportHeliLikelihood
    title = "Enemy Door Gunner Likelihood";
    values[] = ZERO_TO_TEN;
    texts[] = ZERO_TO_TEN_STRINGS;
class BLWK_attackHeliLikelihood
    title = "Enemy Attack Helicopter Likelihood";
    values[] = ZERO_TO_TEN;
    texts[] = ZERO_TO_TEN_STRINGS;

// AI

class BLWK_doDetectCollision
    title = "Run Enemy AI Collision Script? (If you plan to be in a mostly rural environment, possibly turn off)";
    values[] = ZERO_OR_ONE;
    texts[] = NO_OR_YES;
class BLWK_doDetectMines
    title = "Enemy AI Mine Detection";
    values[] = ZERO_OR_ONE;
    texts[] = OFF_OR_ON;
class BLWK_suppressionEnabled
    title = "Enemy AI Suppression (OFF for more aggressive/less cautious AI)";
    values[] = ZERO_OR_ONE;
    texts[] = OFF_OR_ON;
class BLWK_autocombatEnabled
    title = "Enemy AI AutoCombat (OFF for more aggressive/less cautious AI)";
    values[] = ZERO_OR_ONE;
    texts[] = OFF_OR_ON;

// Other

class BLWK_multipleLootReveals
    title = "Show all loot with reveal?";
    values[] = ZERO_OR_ONE;
    texts[] = {"Show all","Choose what type to show"};
class BLWK_aircraftGunnerLifetime
    title = "How many waves should gunner supports last?";
    values[] = {1,2,3,4,5};
    texts[] = {"1","2","3","4","5"};
class BLWK_magRepackEnabled
    title = "Enable Vanilla QS MagRepack Rewrite (Ctrl + R)";
    values[] = ZERO_OR_ONE;
    texts[] = NO_OR_YES;
class BLWK_faksToMakeMedkit
    title = "How many FAKs make a Medkit?";
    values[] = {5, 10, 15};
    texts[] = {"5", "10", "15"};
class BLWK_deleteDroppedItemsEvery
    title = "How often should dropped items cleared?";
    values[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 999999};
    texts[] = {"Every Round", "Every 2 Rounds", "Every 3 Rounds", "Every 4 Rounds", "Every 5 Rounds", "NEVER"};


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the syntax of the sqf expression inside the EXEC call is faulty. a missing ; ,or ), or whatever. Or, it's not possible to use a specific sqf function during game load.

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