.Taffy 10 Posted May 9, 2011 I noticed something with regard to the files. Maybe it's nothing. Filename Password No filename No Password (_.txt) name ignorance sound think stop draw difference statue fools animal nothing thing The pairs appear to be unrelated directly except _.txt and nothing/thing. However, those pairings would appear to indicate that the files names and passwords have more importance than just that. Also, the fact that the files names and extensions were reversed seems to draw attention to them. I agree there's more to this. 'Greek' on it's own is not much of a clue compared to previous ones. I'd say there is a good chance that those files are more closely linked to the passwords. Though no connection jumps out at me right now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
max power 21 Posted May 9, 2011 I had some pairs backwards in the list so I corrected them after your replied, just a heads up. edit: I replaced the 'passwords' with the 'file names' in the original sentence and came up with nothing. You sound you can draw us? You sound it will make any statue? You are animal who know thing and the PBHB will not be stopped by your name! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
max power 21 Posted May 9, 2011 (edited) +1My words. I don't think that they should reward the poor spamming behaviour with information. Plus, that would be a kick in the face to all of us who are actively working in this thread or behind the scenes on the wiki to actually solve the puzzles. It would reward the people who are not playing the game and punishing the people who are actually getting something out of the hard work they put in to creating it. Edited May 9, 2011 by Max Power Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darkiron 1 Posted May 9, 2011 maybe the hack of the day is nothing Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FBX 10 Posted May 9, 2011 Maybe separate threads for "Speculation" and "Analysing" are required, as I believe it has been mentioned. We would have to start fresh though, as 3820 posts is way more than the mods should have to deal with. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mattxr 9 Posted May 9, 2011 (edited) Information that may or may not be useful... Prominent issues in Greek foreign policy include the enduring dispute over Cyprus and differences with Turkey over the Aegean, the dispute over the name of the Republic of Macedonia (recognized by Greece under the provisional denomination the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia), and relations with the United States. Aegean dispute Main article: Aegean dispute Other issues dividing Greece and Turkey involve the delimitation of the continental shelf in the Aegean Sea, territorial waters and airspace. In March 1987 a dispute concerning oil drilling rights, almost led to war between the countries with Greece advocating the dispute to be decided by the International Court of Justice. In early 1988, the Turkish and Greek Prime Ministers met at Davos, Switzerland, and later in Brussels. They agreed on various measures to reduce bilateral tensions and to encourage cooperation. Tensions over the Aegean Sea surfaced again in November 1994, when Greece claimed under the Law of the Sea Treaty states which both countries are signatories, that it reserved the right to declare an expansion of its continental shelf from 6 to 12 nautical miles (11–22 km; 7–14 mi) around its Aegean islands. Turkey which has itself expanded its continental shelf in the Black Sea shore, stated that it would consider any such action a cause for war. New technical-level bilateral discussions began in 1994 but soon fizzled-out. In January 1996, Greece and Turkey came close to an armed confrontation over the question of which country had sovereignty over an islet in the Aegean. In July 1997, on the sidelines of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) summit in Madrid, Greek and Turkish leaders reached agreement on six principles to govern their bilateral relations. Within a few months, however, the two countries were again at odds over Aegean airspace and sovereignty issues. Tensions remained high for months, although various confidence-building measures were discussed to reduce the risk of military accidents or conflict in the Aegean, under the auspices of the NATO Secretary General. A lot of navel activity in that information...Greece, UK and Cold War USA / Soviets... The Greek Civil War and the Truman Doctrine Main articles: Truman Doctrine and Greek Civil War Both East and West regarded Greece as a nation well within the sphere of influence of Britain. Stalin had respected his agreement with Winston Churchill to not intervene, but Yugoslavia and Albania defied the USSR's advice and sent supplies during the Greek Civil War to the partisan forces of the Communist Party of Greece, the ELAS (National Popular Liberation Army). The UK had given aid to the royalist Greek forces and ELAS leaders who, failing to realize that there would be no Soviet aid and having boycotted the elections, were at a disadvantaged position. However, by 1947, the near-bankrupt British government could no longer maintain its massive overseas commitments. In addition to granting independence to India and handing back the Palestinian Mandate to the United Nations, the British government decided to withdraw from both Greece and nearby Turkey. This would have left the two nations, in particular Greece, on the brink of a communist-led revolution. Notified that British aid to Greece and Turkey would end in less than six weeks, and already hostile towards and suspicious of Soviet intentions, because of their reluctance to withdraw from Iran, the Truman administration decided that additional action was necessary. With Congress solidly in Republican hands, and with isolationist sentiment strong among the U.S. public, Truman adopted an ideological approach. In a meeting with congressional leaders, the argument of "apples in a barrel infected by one rotten one" was used to convince them of the significance in supporting Greece and Turkey. It was to become the "domino theory". On the morning of March 12, 1947, President Harry S. Truman appeared before Congress to ask for $400 million of aid to Greece and Turkey. Calling on congressional approval for the United States to "support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures," or in short a policy of "containment", Truman articulated a presentation of the ideological struggle that became known as the "Truman Doctrine." Although based on a simplistic analysis of internal strife in Greece and Turkey, it became the single dominating influence over U.S. policy until at least the Vietnam War. Truman's speech had a tremendous effect. The anti-communist feelings that had just begun to hatch in the U.S. were given a great boost, and a silenced Congress voted overwhelmingly in approval of aid. The United States would not withdraw back to the Western Hemisphere as it had after World War I. From then on, the U.S. actively engaged any communist threats anywhere in the globe under the ostensible causes of "freedom", "democracy" and "human rights." The U.S. brandished its role as the leader of the "free world." Meanwhile, the Soviet Union brandished its position as the leader of the "progressive" and "anti-imperialist" camp.[/Quote] i know its a lot of information to read and might be totaly pointless but its a bit of history from the untrust worthy wikipedia lool ^^ Edited May 9, 2011 by MattXR Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
max power 21 Posted May 9, 2011 I guess we haven't really yet linked the information from one hack with another one, have we? It seems like the hacks themselves are fairly stand alone, or they are difficult to connect. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
markocro 66 Posted May 9, 2011 I guess we haven't really yet linked the information from one hack with another one, have we? It seems like the hacks themselves are fairly stand alone, or they are difficult to connect. and the last one ridles was hard to conect, the one with choper simulator Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Daniel 0 Posted May 9, 2011 (edited) I guess we haven't really yet linked the information from one hack with another one, have we? It seems like the hacks themselves are fairly stand alone, or they are difficult to connect. I thought we'd have more links by now, but we do have some. There's the ongoing Persian theme throughout the hacks. There's the possible Astute and SBS link between hacks 2 and 3. The Greek aspect is a bit of a curveball, unless we try and tie it to the Persian theme (literally ancient history), or the map from the first hack. Unless someone has a eureka between now and Wednesday, i'm hoping the next hack provides some more links. Otherwise it really will start to look all very standalone. Nobody mention the TimeBorer. Edited May 9, 2011 by Daniel Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CriminalMinds 10 Posted May 9, 2011 So if we solved todays hack, why isn't AAN-Online updated. I mean after each successful solved hack the site was immediately updated. Common' think.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FBX 10 Posted May 9, 2011 Filename-Password name - ignorance sound - think draw - stop statue - difference animal - fools thing - nothing As previously said, the filenames and passwords seem to be linked, but somehow inexplicably. Get on it guys!:bounce3: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blackmamba 0 Posted May 9, 2011 (edited) thats no battle plan, more like they tryin to commit suicide cuz they are too stupid. You think you can stop us? You think it will make any difference? You are fools who know nothing and the PBHB will not be stopped by your ignorance! __________________ _.:| p3R51An 8lacK Hat5 8oy5 |:._ blackhat boys they stole that from backseat boys not very original.... must be dumb dprk again. someday in u lifetime learn how to drive on the right side of the roads. Edited May 9, 2011 by blackmamba Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pandasyl 11 Posted May 9, 2011 I'm thinking of basic questions: Why does Iranians hackers have to do with that ? They must be fighting for something, but what does it have to do with greece ? damn ! Those clues are going in all directions xD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Enigma85 2 Posted May 9, 2011 Spam Surely the pointing out of spam with more spam is rather pointless. And yes, I'm aware of the irony that my post in fact,Is also spam, Spam, Spam pointing out spam, Spam pointing out how posting spam to point out spam is in fact more spam. Enough with the spam And back to the game, These clues are beginning to get more convoluted and less of a hint towards anything. I hope that the next 'hack' will point to something with a bit more meaning. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
I_NoFu_I 0 Posted May 9, 2011 As previously said, the filenames and passwords seem to be linked, but somehow inexplicably. Get on it guys!:bounce3: where is the last piece of the puzzle? :confused_o: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
qwertyalex11 10 Posted May 9, 2011 I haz an idea about what the new stuff from Arma-enigma mean: The damage ASCII Mean that the next BIS Product (ARMA III anyone? :D) will have realistic damage, the organ music means we get new soundtracks for the next product. The dedicated server items and the AI related mean that we're getting a new AI system, The ACE mission means either the ACE Team is on mission making duty, or we might be even getting integrated ACE :D. The mapping and 3DS Items mean that maybe we're getting a easier SDK or maybe integrated 3DS Support instead of using O2 or the new SDK, and the Dedi stuff and the connection might mean that we're getting a new Multi hosting thing that makes it less laggy! Post what you think to my (Slightly ACE Biased) hypothesis! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
max power 21 Posted May 9, 2011 We should make a list of unsolved clues or suspicious bits of information in their contexts. I'm not exactly sure what the best way to do that is in the current structure of the armaenigma wiki. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
purepassion 22 Posted May 9, 2011 ok "blackmamba" well.... i would really like to post something like pufu but no i will stay calm and nice and explain it to you "black hat" is not stolen from backseat boys.... it means "they" ( the ones who do all this are not real hackers in case you dont know) are "hackers"that want to harm certain parties in opposite of "white hats" which are "good" hackers so this just means "they" are "evil" got it? ok!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Paladin- 10 Posted May 9, 2011 stop ignorance, think fools, nothing diffrence? building sentnce with pw or bringing the pw with pic in line? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
archer-brad 10 Posted May 9, 2011 Tensions are wearing thin, let's hope some one doesn't go crazy and kill the forum server... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darkiron 1 Posted May 9, 2011 a good weapon: confusion. I sure the hack is today is distraction stop ignorance, think fools, nothing diffrence means a lot of sense Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Richey79 10 Posted May 9, 2011 Surely A3 shouldnt be coming out yet, so much life left in A2 and OA, and PC's are only just capable of running it looking really nice now. And I just switched to ATI after years with Nvidia :j: Amidst all the white noise, two posts I can heartily agree with. The whole marketing campaign is just getting frustrating now. Yes, copy the good aspects of Valve, but this silliness is to Arma what hats are to TF2. Less ARG and more ARGH! If Bis have gone with an Nvidia gimmick, they'll be throwing away a good proportion of their customers, many, many of whom upgraded their machines specifically to run Arma 2 decently well. Come on, Bis, don't let us down with the reveal... . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Daniel 0 Posted May 9, 2011 We should make a list of unsolved clues or suspicious bits of information in their contexts. I'm not exactly sure what the best way to do that is in the current structure of the armaenigma wiki. Right, i've tried to get the ball rolling, check the main wiki page. Good idea/bad idea? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pandasyl 11 Posted May 9, 2011 yeah 42 hours is too much, once a day would be better, Living in France I have to wait until wenesday at 6 am :( I'm going to find those hackers and kick their butts so hard that there will be one hack every minute after that Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
markocro 66 Posted May 9, 2011 Amidst all the white noise, two posts I can heartily agree with. The whole marketing campaign is just getting frustrating now. Yes, copy the good aspects of Valve, but this silliness is to Arma what hats are to TF2. Less ARG and more ARGH! If Bis have gone with an Nvidia gimmick, they'll be throwing away a good proportion of their customers, many, many of whom upgraded their machines specifically to run Arma 2 decently well. Come on, Bis, don't let us down with the reveal... . this is just funny guys that you thinking that bis gona ignore ATI, cmon, would you do that if you were them?? ofcourse not Share this post Link to post Share on other sites