igneous01 19 Posted January 10, 2012 Here's the current beta for the workhorse at Chernarus conversion, which I dubbed 'hip hip hooray'. You fly a Hip MTV from Krasnostav airbase on the well known missions from workhorse, modified to reflect the Russian side. I've added a radio menu (0-8) to set the number of sorties per shift and a debug menu to switch between the original workhorse missions and the new ones. You can find the latest daily build here:http://tspindler.de/arma/missions/hiphiphooray/ It's my first attempt at mission modification, so any feedback is welcome. it would be interesting seeing this for the mi26 addon, that would allow more diverse slinging of loads and transport and what not. (maybe have one mission type that is to sling a chinook? :D) like so : QF5pqwFFik4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jedra 11 Posted January 10, 2012 Workhorse remains one of my favourite missions in Arma 2 - it's just so relaxing for some reason! TeTeT - I am only a couple of tasks in to your version and I am already mellow ;-) Great conversion! This would be an excellent addition to ToH - I guess all us budding mission makers are waiting for the new Java stuff before embarking on any major work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sxp2high 23 Posted January 10, 2012 Any further on a Workhorse 2 sxp2high .. with hundreds of missions ?Or failing that, a way to integrate it into other missions .... a workhorse module :) Well, yea, I actually started a while ago working on a "Workhorse 2", but lost the motivation short after. Maybe I'll continue at some point. But no plans yet. Guess I would make it for ToH though. (maybe have one mission type that is to sling a chinook? :D) like so : Ha! never seen that. The Workhorse looks quite small when being lifted by an elephant like that or the Super Stallion. :butbut: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted January 10, 2012 Guess I would make it for ToH though. Don't forget us *SNIFF* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TeTeT 1523 Posted January 11, 2012 Slightly off topic: I've had 'hip hip hooray' running using the heavy ION helo in ToH with all the arma stuff included. The arma helos themselves don't have engine sound in ToH, so a straight conversion is not that great - unless the sound gets fixed. On the Mi-26, should be easy to do on Chernarus, will give it a try eventually. On generating more missions, I've used 'include' directives in the UH1-H VTE / Unsung missions. It's different code from the Workhorse original, but follows the same game play. Take a look at Missions\Mission1.sqm for a simple example. @BTK: thanks for the kind words, really appreciate your feedback! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cochise 10 Posted September 25, 2014 This mission is hands down my favorite of all time in the ArmA series. Any chance this can be ported to Arma3 with the new upcoming DLC? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sxp2high 23 Posted September 28, 2014 Thank you :) Yes, there is definitely a chance. I would love to remake this for Arma 3 and I'm looking forward to the Helicopters DLC. So if I get the time, I will do it. But no promises yet. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mathias_eichinger 64 Posted January 22, 2017 Tried this one out only today, and I really like it. The Intro is a kind of "cool technical" one, with nice custom graphic effects, and working camera angles. The briefing is detailed and tells me everything I need to know. The mission is top notch - taks all work, they feel totally realistic, and the voiceovers add to immersion. Plus, you did not fall into the trap of just placing down a sh*tload of AAA and selling this unfair edge as "challenge". One of the few piloting missions I actually enjoyed and which will rest on my hard drive to be played again some day. :) 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sxp2high 23 Posted July 23, 2022 11 Years later... After the death of Armaholic I updated the download link. If you're still kicking Arma 2, make sure to check out this gem! 😊 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sxp2high 23 Posted July 25, 2022 Thanks for the compliment, I've spend a few weeks creating and perfecting it 🤗 but I have no idea about VR stufff.... Probably awesome but no idea! 😁 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4079 Posted July 25, 2022 43 minutes ago, sxp2high said: I've spend a few weeks creating and perfecting it sxp2high you playing Arma 3 at all?, Would you be interested porting your mission here to Arma 3? That would be cool as hell to see your mission in Arma 3! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites