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Satellite view (SATCOM)

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Satellite view (SATCOM)

by Pixel Art Studio



It is long time what I released this addon on armaholic.com but now I decide to release it here for large spectrum of users. SATCOM is addon of satellite view for Operation Arrowhead, Combined Operations and ArmaA 2. The first addon of satellite view I already released for ArmaA 1 and the basis for new version is the same with a lot of improvements and new functions. Now you can use thermo mod view (FLIR), night mod view and it is SP, MP and ACE 2 compatible. Furthermore, OA version includes a SatCom Operator unit and SatCom terminal backpack.


In version 1.5 there was added SWAC module

Version: 1.51

Version history:


- fixed problems with ACE2

- updated the example mission


- added new packages (script versions)

- added SWAC module

- updated function for activation / deactivation of the SATCOM system

- updated manuals


- two different version (for OA and A2)

- add SatCom terminal (backpack)

- add SatCom Operator

- add function for activation/deactivation of SatCom system

- modified controls

- next code optimalization and improvement


- used FLIR (thermovision) from Operation Arrowhead

- add night vision

- fixed interface (widescreen supported)

- code optimalization


- fixed distance bug

- improved brightness

- lauched on-line manual with videos


- fixed repeated clicking at a map

- fixed LON coordinate

- improved sharpness of image


- first public release



(the loading of this website can take longer time)

Easy installation guide

(This is a basic installation guide for simple copy/paste usage in pdf file)

Preview video:


Satellite view for OA, CO (addon version), v1.51

Satellite view for OA, CO (script version), v1.51

Satellite view for A2 (addon version), v1.51

Satellite view for A2 (script version), v1.51

Edited by chicago

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It's an interesting addon. :smile:

Is it available as script too?

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Nice :D Would be great for Special Operations :D

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I am kind of new to getting these things working...according to your OA manual


You show place the files here C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\Arma 2\AddOns

Can I also just make a folder within my Arma install called @SATCOM and place the files there then call it up from the icon or a launcher or do it *have* to go in the Arma AddOns folder?

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Is it available as script too?

No, because it is a complex of more scripts. And I don't think that it is necessary to release it like script.

---------- Post added at 02:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:07 PM ----------


I am kind of new to getting these things working...according to your OA manual


You show place the files here C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\Arma 2\AddOns

Can I also just make a folder within my Arma install called @SATCOM and place the files there then call it up from the icon or a launcher or do it *have* to go in the Arma AddOns folder?

Thanks. And yes you can paste these files into your folder it´s possible. My way in the manual was only example.

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Thanks for the update, great stuff!


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Well, I would like announced here I launched the thematic website for this add-on. Furthermore, I am working on new version of satcom. The new version will be include a console for mission-makers and I hope the console for artillery support too. I will upload here some video from development later.

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well done. nice page :)

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This sounds VERY intriguing. Does anyone have a short clip resuming its integration (editor), field (in-game) deployment and operations (player use) ?

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I would like to see a script version. Just personal preference for my missions. I like to keep the amount of required AddOns down to a minimum, even with small ones like this.

Thanks for releasing this for A2OA. I enjoyed the A1 version a lot.

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I am glad that I can announce a new release of satellite view in version 1.5. There is a bit of changes but as the main change I added a new module called SWAC (satellite view with automatic camera - non user control camera). More information about this module you can read in the new manual or you can see it on my youtube chanel. This release includes four different versions, for A2, OA and CO in addon versions and newly in script versions. Unfortunately, this release doesn't include the artillery support but I hope in next release it will be include.

Change list:


- added new packages (script versions)

- added SWAC module

- updated function for activation / deactivation of the SATCOM system

- updated manuals



(the loading of this website can take longer time)

Preview video:


Satellite view for OA, CO (addon version), v1.5

Satellite view for OA, CO (script version), v1.5

Satellite view for A2 (addon version), v1.5

Satellite view for A2 (script version), v1.5

Edited by chicago

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I am just trying the script version (demo). There seem to be a couple of issues...

1. Error Undefined variable in expression: pxs_satelliteactive - Doesn't seem to have been declared anywhere.

2. I get 'Nil Override' warnings when I run the demo and then lots of errors where you are checking for 'nil' but because it was overriden, it then kicks out error messages....

OA log portion....

Error in expression <(isNil "_id") then {
(findDisplay 46) displayRemoveEventHandler [_key, _id];
 Error position: <displayRemoveEventHandler [_key, _id];
 Error Type Script, expected Number
File x\cba\addons\events\XEH_preClientInit.sqf, line 36
[b]WARNING: NIL VARIABLE OVERRIDEN; Please fix Mission or loaded addon-scripts[/b]
Error in expression <ype = _this select 0;

ppEffectDestroy PXS_ppColor;
ppEffectDestroy PXS_ppInver>
 Error position: <PXS_ppColor;
ppEffectDestroy PXS_ppInver>
 Error Undefined variable in expression: pxs_ppcolor
File C:\Users\Brian Hunt\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\Jedra\missions\pxs_swacm_example.Takistan\pxs_satcom_oa\adjustCamera.sqf, line 6
Error in expression <mera;
createDialog "PXS_RscSatellite";

 Error position: <nil;>
 Error Undefined variable in expression: nil
File C:\Users\Brian Hunt\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\Jedra\missions\pxs_swacm_example.Takistan\pxs_satcom_oa\console_interface_show.sqf, line 17
Error in expression <OOM %1",(round (100 * (_zoom)))/100]];

 Error position: <nil;>
 Error Undefined variable in expression: nil
File C:\Users\Brian Hunt\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\Jedra\missions\pxs_swacm_example.Takistan\pxs_satcom_oa\console_update_static.sqf, line 31
Error in expression <e = _values select _i;

call _code;

 Error position: <nil; 
 Error Undefined variable in expression: nil
File x\cba\addons\hashes\fnc_hashEachPair.sqf, line 27

I do have a few mods loaded, so I will try again with a cut down profile - but these look specific to the demo to me!

Looks nice though, so it will be great to get it working!

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Good to see you're still working on your addon :)

Thanks for the update :)

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I do have a few mods loaded, so I will try again with a cut down profile - but these look specific to the demo to me!

Well, I need to know what mods do you have loaded? Then I will try to fix it.

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@ Jedra

As I can see you are using scripted version for AO combined

so cancel the init file and write this : nil = [player,"ON" ] execVM "pxs_satcom_oa\init_satellite.sqf" in a radio trigger, and it works very good :)

I've just tested.

It's a good thing to a scripted version because I am going to use them for my campaign :yay:

Edited by panda123

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I have run again with just the ACE stuff loaded (ACE, ACEX, ACEX_RU, ACEX_SM, ACEX_USNavy, CBA) and the mission still squirts out errors. Here's the report file;

SetFace error: class CfgFaces.Man.WBJ not found
Error: Error during SetFace - class CfgFaces.Man.WBJ not found
[16629,250.808,0,"XEH: PreInit Started. v3.0.6"]
[16629,262.927,0,"XEH: PreInit Finished"]
[16629,262.942,0,"XEH: VehicleCrewInit: 0"]
Error in expression <\time_view.sqf"
while {true} do
if (!(PXS_SatelliteActive)) exitWith {};

 Error position: <PXS_SatelliteActive)) exitWith {};

 Error Undefined variable in expression: pxs_satelliteactive
File C:\Users\Brian Hunt\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\Jedra\missions\pxs_swacm_example.Takistan\pxs_satcom_oa\time_view.sqf, line 3
[16769,265.352,0,"XEH: PostInit Started"]
[16769,265.795,0,"XEH: PostInit Finished; [true,false,false,true,false,true,true,true,true,false]"]
Error in expression <(isNil "_id") then {
(findDisplay 46) displayRemoveEventHandler [_key, _id];
 Error position: <displayRemoveEventHandler [_key, _id];
 Error Type Script, expected Number
File x\cba\addons\events\XEH_preClientInit.sqf, line 36
Error in expression <\time_view.sqf"
while {true} do
if (!(PXS_SatelliteActive)) exitWith {};

 Error position: <PXS_SatelliteActive)) exitWith {};

 Error Undefined variable in expression: pxs_satelliteactive
File C:\Users\Brian Hunt\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\Jedra\missions\pxs_swacm_example.Takistan\pxs_satcom_oa\time_view.sqf, line 3
Error in expression <\time_view.sqf"
while {true} do
if (!(PXS_SatelliteActive)) exitWith {};

 Error position: <PXS_SatelliteActive)) exitWith {};

 Error Undefined variable in expression: pxs_satelliteactive
File C:\Users\Brian Hunt\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\Jedra\missions\pxs_swacm_example.Takistan\pxs_satcom_oa\time_view.sqf, line 3
Error in expression <\time_view.sqf"
while {true} do
if (!(PXS_SatelliteActive)) exitWith {};

 Error position: <PXS_SatelliteActive)) exitWith {};

 Error Undefined variable in expression: pxs_satelliteactive
File C:\Users\Brian Hunt\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\Jedra\missions\pxs_swacm_example.Takistan\pxs_satcom_oa\time_view.sqf, line 3
Error in expression <\time_view.sqf"
while {true} do
if (!(PXS_SatelliteActive)) exitWith {};

 Error position: <PXS_SatelliteActive)) exitWith {};

 Error Undefined variable in expression: pxs_satelliteactive
File C:\Users\Brian Hunt\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\Jedra\missions\pxs_swacm_example.Takistan\pxs_satcom_oa\time_view.sqf, line 3
Error in expression <\time_view.sqf"
while {true} do
if (!(PXS_SatelliteActive)) exitWith {};

 Error position: <PXS_SatelliteActive)) exitWith {};

 Error Undefined variable in expression: pxs_satelliteactive
File C:\Users\Brian Hunt\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\Jedra\missions\pxs_swacm_example.Takistan\pxs_satcom_oa\time_view.sqf, line 3
Error in expression <\time_view.sqf"
while {true} do
if (!(PXS_SatelliteActive)) exitWith {};

 Error position: <PXS_SatelliteActive)) exitWith {};

 Error Undefined variable in expression: pxs_satelliteactive
File C:\Users\Brian Hunt\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\Jedra\missions\pxs_swacm_example.Takistan\pxs_satcom_oa\time_view.sqf, line 3
Error in expression <\time_view.sqf"
while {true} do
if (!(PXS_SatelliteActive)) exitWith {};

 Error position: <PXS_SatelliteActive)) exitWith {};

 Error Undefined variable in expression: pxs_satelliteactive
File C:\Users\Brian Hunt\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\Jedra\missions\pxs_swacm_example.Takistan\pxs_satcom_oa\time_view.sqf, line 3
Error in expression <\time_view.sqf"
while {true} do
if (!(PXS_SatelliteActive)) exitWith {};

 Error position: <PXS_SatelliteActive)) exitWith {};

 Error Undefined variable in expression: pxs_satelliteactive
File C:\Users\Brian Hunt\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\Jedra\missions\pxs_swacm_example.Takistan\pxs_satcom_oa\time_view.sqf, line 3
WARNING: NIL VARIABLE OVERRIDEN; Please fix Mission or loaded addon-scripts
Error in expression <\time_view.sqf"
while {true} do
if (!(PXS_SatelliteActive)) exitWith {};

 Error position: <PXS_SatelliteActive)) exitWith {};

 Error Undefined variable in expression: pxs_satelliteactive
File C:\Users\Brian Hunt\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\Jedra\missions\pxs_swacm_example.Takistan\pxs_satcom_oa\time_view.sqf, line 3
Error in expression <\time_view.sqf"
while {true} do
if (!(PXS_SatelliteActive)) exitWith {};

 Error position: <PXS_SatelliteActive)) exitWith {};

 Error Undefined variable in expression: pxs_satelliteactive
File C:\Users\Brian Hunt\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\Jedra\missions\pxs_swacm_example.Takistan\pxs_satcom_oa\time_view.sqf, line 3
Error in expression <\time_view.sqf"
while {true} do
if (!(PXS_SatelliteActive)) exitWith {};

 Error position: <PXS_SatelliteActive)) exitWith {};

 Error Undefined variable in expression: pxs_satelliteactive
File C:\Users\Brian Hunt\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\Jedra\missions\pxs_swacm_example.Takistan\pxs_satcom_oa\time_view.sqf, line 3
Error in expression <\time_view.sqf"
while {true} do
if (!(PXS_SatelliteActive)) exitWith {};

 Error position: <PXS_SatelliteActive)) exitWith {};

 Error Undefined variable in expression: pxs_satelliteactive
File C:\Users\Brian Hunt\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\Jedra\missions\pxs_swacm_example.Takistan\pxs_satcom_oa\time_view.sqf, line 3
Error in expression <\time_view.sqf"
while {true} do
if (!(PXS_SatelliteActive)) exitWith {};

 Error position: <PXS_SatelliteActive)) exitWith {};

 Error Undefined variable in expression: pxs_satelliteactive
File C:\Users\Brian Hunt\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\Jedra\missions\pxs_swacm_example.Takistan\pxs_satcom_oa\time_view.sqf, line 3
Error in expression <\time_view.sqf"
while {true} do
if (!(PXS_SatelliteActive)) exitWith {};

 Error position: <PXS_SatelliteActive)) exitWith {};

 Error Undefined variable in expression: pxs_satelliteactive
File C:\Users\Brian Hunt\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\Jedra\missions\pxs_swacm_example.Takistan\pxs_satcom_oa\time_view.sqf, line 3
Error in expression <\time_view.sqf"
while {true} do
if (!(PXS_SatelliteActive)) exitWith {};

 Error position: <PXS_SatelliteActive)) exitWith {};

 Error Undefined variable in expression: pxs_satelliteactive
File C:\Users\Brian Hunt\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\Jedra\missions\pxs_swacm_example.Takistan\pxs_satcom_oa\time_view.sqf, line 3
Error in expression <\time_view.sqf"
while {true} do
if (!(PXS_SatelliteActive)) exitWith {};

 Error position: <PXS_SatelliteActive)) exitWith {};


Using Panda's suggestion, I still get the 'nil override' warnings and then I get script errors with 'undefine variable expression: nil'

report file is :

SetFace error: class CfgFaces.Man.WBJ not found
Error: Error during SetFace - class CfgFaces.Man.WBJ not found
[31190,698.137,0,"XEH: PreInit Started. v3.0.6"]
[31190,708.015,0,"XEH: PreInit Finished"]
[31190,708.031,0,"XEH: VehicleCrewInit: 0"]
[31207,708.545,0,"XEH: PostInit Started"]
[31207,708.961,0,"XEH: PostInit Finished; [true,false,false,true,false,true,true,true,true,false]"]
WARNING: NIL VARIABLE OVERRIDEN; Please fix Mission or loaded addon-scripts
Error in expression <e = _values select _i;

call _code;

 Error position: <nil; 
 Error Undefined variable in expression: nil
File x\cba\addons\hashes\fnc_hashEachPair.sqf, line 27
Error in expression <e = _values select _i;

call _code;

 Error position: <nil; 
 Error Undefined variable in expression: nil
File x\cba\addons\hashes\fnc_hashEachPair.sqf, line 27

Now, just run again in complete vanilla OA. Your mission still has the undefined variable, but there are no 'nil' warnings. Then running again using panda's suggestion everything works great.

So, it seems to me that ACE performs a check on Nil Overrides which then prevents the script from operating correctly?

If there is a workaround (other than not using ACE!!) then that would be great as I have a mission in a campaign I am making that is screaming 'Satellite View'!!!! This does look really good!

EDIT ---->

I have fixed my copy of the script by changing all references to nil to something that isn't a reserved word (I used nilval). This seems to make ACE a lot happier!

Edited by Jedra

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Beautiful! I appreciate the script version! Thank you!


So, it seems to me that ACE performs a check on Nil Overrides which then prevents the script from operating correctly?

If there is a workaround (other than not using ACE!!) then that would be great as I have a mission in a campaign I am making that is screaming 'Satellite View'!!!! This does look really good!

EDIT ---->

I have fixed my copy of the script by changing all references to nil to something that isn't a reserved word (I used nilval). This seems to make ACE a lot happier!

Never use nil. Nul is what I usually use. Yes ACE2 doesn't like it. Nice to see changing nil worked.

Edited by Manzilla

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I downloaded your test mission. My RPT is spammed with this:

Error in expression <\time_view.sqf"
while {true} do
if (!(PXS_SatelliteActive)) exitWith {};

 Error position: <PXS_SatelliteActive)) exitWith {};

 Error Undefined variable in expression: pxs_satelliteactive
File C:\Users\GossamerSolid\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\pxs_swacm_example.Takistan\pxs_satcom_oa\time_view.sqf, line 3

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@ Manzilla - yep works a treat now!

@chicago - nice set of scripts - already being worked into my mission - it's exactly what I needed!!

@GossamerSolid - yeah you have to set pxs_satelliteactive to true at the top of the init.sql - the first script that uses it assumes it has been defined. You will also get a couple of others...

PXS_ppcolor not defined and

PXS_ppInversion not defined

It looks like chigaco had these effects running at one point and took them out of the release script. You can get rid of the messages by deleting the lines..

ppEffectDestroy PXS_ppColor;

ppEffectDestroy PXS_ppInversion;


adjustCamera.sqf and


It worked for me anyway!!

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@All: Thank you for your reports. At the weekend I am going to repair it.

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Hey m8!

Fantastic addon, really thx for this one! I just implemented it in a MSO - easy going. One question tough if i may: Which code i should alter best if i wanna limit the possible movement-radius in the console (fe. move max. 1500mtrs North, 1500mtrs South, 1500mtrs East, 1500 mtrs West).

i got this need since much is done with unit caching and it would be great to just have the sat-pos and sat-target on the player, who then can move the satellite around freely within a radius and is save not to see nou-cached units. i have a workaround by letting him not move (disabled keys) at all and spawn onmaclick only in a radius of 1500mtrs.

would be nice if you can gimme a hint!

GJ, again :)

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i found a possibility to my upper question in key_function.sqf by performing a distance-check on player/sat-target. so my former posting is obsolete!


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