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Afghan National Army - W.I.P.

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im working on creating an accurate representation of the ANA. i will only be creating new textures for the Takistan army soldiers. due to the takistani uniforms, i am slightly limited when it comes to 100% accuracy.

so far, ive got the base camo pat laid out as well as a new camo for the gear and chest rig. i plan on making a couple different uniforms. based on all the pictures i have seen and the research i have done, the digital camo is slowly being phased in. with that being said, there will be a half digital half woodland bdu version, and a full woodland bdu version.

later down the road, i may need some help from someone in the coding dept to create a full ANA faction and not just soldiers.


UPDATE 3/30/2011

No fancy graphic to display today, just plain ol screen shots.

Proof of concept. Why the shoulder velcro pockets will not work. They look awful and will not get any better. I know the alignment is off, but that is irrelevant. I will not be including the shoulder pockets. Unit patches and flags will be included on the shoulders in some sort of fashion.

21135157.th.jpg 91261213.th.jpg

Here are some screens of the full BDU version. Still needs adjustment of the hues and maybe better contrast between each individual shape of the camo pattern. For the BDU uniform, there will no longer be camo gear. Instead there is a slight tan-ish green

61627838.th.jpg 70820204.th.jpg

That's all for today, thanks for reading. More updates to come.

UPDATE 3/31/2011

View update on page 2.

Edited by TriTard
UPDATE - New images

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This camo look really good, congrats! :)

Btw, I can send you a BIS sample model replica and a MICH helmet so you only need to model the equipement (or just use the bis sample models).

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Nice picture! They look really awesome!

However I'd reduce the image size to max 100kB before a moderator come and keelhaul you ;)

Feel free to maintain a link to that high-res hotness though!

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This camo look really good, congrats!

Btw, I can send you a BIS sample model replica and a MICH helmet so you only need to model the equipement (or just use the bis sample models).

That helmet would be good for the afghan commandos but my skills are pretty limited. I'm a texture artist with very basic coding and no modeling skill.

I attempted the Velcro shoulder pockets but unfortunately they do not work with the current TK model and skin file. I will continue to try and make them work but I doubt they will work. The arms in the skin file are flattened a bit which make it awkward.

For now, I will not be doing a tiger stripe version. I am strictly basing this add-on off of official documents and photos. In the future, the ANA commandos may have a tiger stripe variant but as of right now, it will not be in the addon

As soon as I am able to access a computer, I will link the Inge rather than embed. It's hard to do that on my phone

Edited by TriTard

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Finally some ANA units!

This may be exactly what I need to get me back into playing OA...

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UPDATE 3/31/2011

got some more screens. this time, its the mixed uniform. half afghan forest digital, half bdu woodland. ive also made the gear more tan-ish and less green. i think it gives it a better look.

btw, i have updated the full bdu camo. altered the color of it a bit and sharpened the camo pat to make each shape more distinct. I have no new screens of this, but the mixed uniform has the BDU top.

66545381.th.jpg 41122456.th.jpg

i think this uniform and the full bdu look strange. opinions?

Thanks for reading, and thanks for all the comments so far!


Here are some in-game shots of the full BDU uniform. I'm still working on the shoulder patches so ignore what's currently there :)

45869584.th.jpg 92155826.th.jpg

Edited by TriTard

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Shoutout to ARMA 2 coders: I NEED YOUR HELP!

in order for this little addon to progress, i would like to bring someone else on board. someone with a strong coding skill set since i have none. eventually, if this addon gets enough popularity, i will release a second version with proper ANA models for the commandos, which i would need a modeler to help.

i can make the textures and release it, but i feel that wouldnt be "doing it right". so please, ARMA 2 community, can you help?

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I am modeler but i don´t know modeling characters and i really don´t know making textures. But i know coding addon´s configs for arma armed assault a things about setting models into game. So i can help if you want. I have started working on ANA for arma aa before but i had not anybody for help. So if want help just write me.

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I was working on the exact same some months ago. But somewhat lost interest and started other projects.

this is what I came up with back then.

Will have a look what models etc. I still have left on my HD.

Can't promise that will be soon, cause I'm really busy with real life atm.

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if you would like to contribute your models to this, that would be appreciated but do not feel obligated.

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BUMP - from the dead.

just to let you guys know, i havent given up on this little project. i have gotten a proper config put together and the ANA tag registered as mine. Working on deciding which weapons each soldier will have as well as other gear.

the skins have not changed much. i may tweak them a bit more but there is not a whole lot more i can do to the takistan models to make them more like ANA soldiers. still looking for volunteers to maybe help model some new gear/characters to make this a proper addon.

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just to let you guys know, i havent given up on this little project. i have gotten a proper config put together and the ANA tag registered as mine. Working on deciding which weapons each soldier will have as well as other gear. the skins have not changed much. i may tweak them a bit more but there is not a whole lot more i can do to the takistan models to make them more like ANA soldiers. still looking for volunteers to maybe help model some new gear/characters to make this a proper addon.

Glad to hear it's not dead. Your ANA guys are looking great from the screens.

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Nice, it'll be good to be able to TK and not have to apologize. :)

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