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Poll:How many user missions in Missions,MPMissions & Campaign folder

How many user mission files in the Missions, MPMissions, Campaigns folders?  

42 members have voted

  1. 1. How many user mission files in the Missions, MPMissions, Campaigns folders?

    • 0-50
    • 50-100
    • 100-200
    • 200-400
    • >400

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How many missions are there currently in your Arma user missions and campaign folders? Have you played all of them? Do you delete content after you have finished playing?


151 SP Missions

236 MP Missions

13 Campaigns

Total 400 (exactly!)

I've played maybe 50% or less. I generally don't delete missions when done.

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Ok, why are you downloading those missions when you aren't playing them?

I have only a few missions in my folder. Only about 10 mission in the folder :D. But there is the best from arma community.

Edited by chicago

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It seems you forgot this folder:

C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA\MPMissionsCache

(Windows 7).

There are more MP missions inside which are available for selecting ingame. :D

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I keep the number low. Only those I currently play, since I HATE a cluttered missions-list.

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Same here, rather low number.

I only put files in MPMissions for testing purposes.

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7 sp missions

512 mp missions, ~95% coop.

Sadly I lost my ofp/arma1 missions. They were both in the hundreds too.

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Just Operation Cobalt.

I currently saved 75 missions measuring up to 25MB in the mission editor though, however not 1 is anywhere near a releasable state. I usually start working on some of the technical aspects and lose interest when i have to do more with the story then a rough idea of a setting, and actually think of some dialogue. Also, i am very lazy.

EDIT: I did recently reinstall, though i wouldnt have mattered much.

Edited by NeMeSiS

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I keep mine clean.

If you get too many it is just too hard when editing. too many mission showing up.

But I do create another folder called OLDER and I drag all my Edited MPmissions into it after I THINK I am done with them. It has come in handy.

So I never delete any missions.

Okay so I run a server so my GAMING system has


and ONE in MISSIONS -> dsl_mh6_practice_1-1.Takistan.pno

But I am an extractor fiddler with almost any mission so they never really go in there.

54 in my MPMissions folder for editing in Documents ARMA2

Back in the ARMA and OPF days it was ugly.

Too many missions, named horribly and just an absolute nightmare to use and sort.

I am older and... Um what was I saying.. :)

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Ok, why are you downloading those missions when you aren't playing them?

I have only a few missions in my folder. Only about 10 mission in the folder :D. But there is the best from arma community.

I tend to download anything and everything that catches my fancy. I also have things like Sander's mission packs (about 100 missions). I don't have too much trouble keeping track of which ones I've played and which I haven't. I guess I'm some kind of content-list savant. I've only been playing for about 6 months. I can generally play 3 or 4 missions a day now (still on recruit!), and I seem to be completing missions more and more quickly. Hopefully I'll get caught up in a few weeks and be able to clean out my folders! Some campaigns are so cool, that I can't bring myself to delete them, like the Seal Team Six Series. Deleting them would be like giving Capt Claymore a dishonorable discharge.

BTW, I've only just started playing with ACE/ACEX so I now have to start trying ACE missions.

It seems you forgot this folder:

C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA\MPMissionsCache

(Windows 7).

There are more MP missions inside which are available for selecting ingame. :D

I run Arma on XP, so I was not aware of that.

From the poll it looks like the community is split between 2 demographics - hoarders and neat freaks.

Edited by MissionCreep

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I keep the number low. Only those I currently play, since I HATE a cluttered missions-list.

But... I do have a nice collection, 1300+ missions that only require official content (A2,OA, BAF, PMC) all renamed to this standard

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Only 31 mp missions all built by me.

and I mostly play in the editors sp, and mp.

for sp editor or usermissions I have 314

and for mp usermission I have 496 most about 50% are test missions, to test various mods, and scripts, and my personal mod.

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Some times I get a SP kick and play a few missions, but I delete them when I am done so I dont have that many installed at the same time. I do have tons of mods I dont really use installed though. :)

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But... I do have a nice collection, 1300+ missions that only require official content (A2,OA, BAF, PMC) all renamed to this standard

HaHa! Just downloaded them!

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527 Multiplayer and single player missions

5 campaigns

and in my ArmA 2 Other Profiles/missions folders is 1364 folders, about 1300 are mine (templates, missions, or just test's that i didn't delete

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Hi, i've 33 MP missions stored on my "C:\Documents and Settings\whatever\My documents\ArmA 2\Saved\mpmissions" folder, the weird thing is that most of 'em are the same mission; each time that i play a mission it gets saved on my HD with all it's content (scripts, custom graphics and sounds etc), if i play the same mission 5mins after or the next day... it saves again the same MP mission, and i wonder if this is usefull. Why to store two times the same files instead overwrite 'em...?. I don't get it; could someone explain it's benefits to me?. Let's C ya

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