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TacOps Server

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Here are some screenshots from the TacOps Coop nights:

That hard to kill 50cal gunner:



Anguis providing fire support with the PKM on a water tower:



Enemy insurgents taking up fire positions:


Enemy 50cal Humvee:


Slaughter on the rooftop. Again....


Pulverizer advancing using smoke screen:


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That was one hard truck to kill for sure.

Here are some shots from past sessions.



Viking and Hoopmoy I think


Defeat of that mg site...finally


Ouch, it looks like that hurt


Anguis and Viking picking over the dead bones


Praying to that almighty shrine of divine ammo


Me and what can I say...dam mines


Edited by Zulu1

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:391: Overlord....You must be confused with that PCAT 286 that you play on :angel:

????? I even have a [TURBO] switch which actually double my CPU MHz, from 4 to 8!! :218:

Now, how can you beat that one??

@Marto: you still make those "mission impossible"?

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Alright, folks - I have a problem with the server:

During connecting to the server, I get the infamous hang-up at the "Wait for Server" screen. It's frustrating b/c the welcome message scrolls and I can see myself in the players list.

Does anyone know both what would cause this behavior and any solutions?

The log shows that someone was able to get a game started this morning (didn't last long), but after that, it looks like folks have been trying to log in, repeatedly, presumably b/c of the hang.

Thanks for any help!

Edit: I don't know if this info would help, but my TS2 server, on the same account as the WGL server, runs fine.

Edit 2: The basic admin commands (#vote admin, #login, #logout) seem to work, except for "#missions".

Edit 3: There is no default mission set up in server.cfg (never has been).

Edited by Anguis
additional info

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It can be frustrating, especialy running Linux.

1. Have you tried to shut down TS to see if that helps?

2. Have you checked the server config to see if addons are loading correctly?

3. Are the addon folders all intact? You had odd folders show up in your missions folder before.

4. Have you made any changes to missions or addons?

When you get to the players screen don't login in, just type #vote missions. The missions folder might be knarfed up again.

When I was first setting up my server I got that endless waiting for server. I had to filter through my missions until I found a group that worked. Try moving all misions to another folder except a few and see what happens. If the server works ok then slowly add back in the missions in small groups and keep checking if it still works. It's a pain but you've got to do it to trouble shoot whats going on.

When Incubus moved his server to another provider, missions that worked before suddenly needed the addons section edited to stop the nagging missing addons messages that prevented missions from starting.

I'll have some time at night this week if you need help with anything.

Edited by Zulu1

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You guys should sovle that problem and run next saturday night, i want to get some coop with good team after 2 weeks of waiting :) i believe in your abilities :)

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We do have a backup server that should be good for a co-op night. More info on that when the time is right. In th meantime, if you see it up in the server browser, give it a try!

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Did you (or someone else) add a mission with one or more CAPitaL letter(s)?

"Wait for server" is fairly normal if no default mission is added to config, but usually it let you into mission selection.

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Hi, folks,

The server is back up and running. It looks like there were two missions that were causing problems, one of which seemed to work, previously (the other was new, I'm not sure it was ever tested on the server) - I'm not sure what happened. I'll see if we can get these two 'fixed' (assuming they really need to be, this could be some weird OFP issue). I did a test to see if we had reached an upper limit for files in the mpmissions folder (2025 in there right now), but it seems that that was not the case. Does anyone know whether or not there actually is an upper limit to files in mpmissions?

Edited by Anguis

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Hi, folks,

My nephews are over for some fun with their cousins - the server will be down, intermittently, for the next 36 hours, or so (though, it should be up during the night over here).

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Just FYI, I'll be looking into moving the server to 1.99.

Edit: I had mentioned the above thinking that it was a patch. Now, I understand that it's a standalone game! I'll still be checking it out to see how it'll work w/ WGL (client and server). Hopefully the WGL server work-around will still do the trick!

Edit 2: No Linux server. Ah, well. . .

Edited by Anguis

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i hope someone will play tonight it is 21:12 eastern standard on a friday june 24th.....join pls at the designated time

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I stated my server (Zulu's WGL Coop Server)

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Cant see Zulu server right now, but usual WGL server is up. I think i missed smth :(

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Small crash but server back up now - join in!

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Some random screens from "Zulu Foot Patrol"

Fireteam "Red" (Anguis, Zulu, daefte)


Fireteam "Blue" (Viking, Marto, bugs, Frenzy)


Marto calling for steel rain


bugs targeting the MG nest overlooking Zuluistan


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Nice pics Ferenczi!

Zulustan stays unconquered.......

Good to see Overlord join in too!

Some fun missions.

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You haven't lost the touch on the mortar since last Marto, quite the opposite :)

Nice game

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Well Anguis seems to be occupied with other things tonight. I tried to get Overlord to start the backup server, but he hasn't answered yet.

In the meantime if anyone wants to play I started my server.

Edited by Zulu1

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Will the server stay on 1.96 or will it update to 1.99 (A:CWA patch)?

Z: You have been going on ghost quite a long time, if you can, show up to talk later on :P

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The offical TacOps server will have to stay on 1.96 since it's Linux based. If they release a CWA linux sever you might see it change.

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Hi, guys,

I'm out of town a little longer than I had thought I'd be. As a result, I've learned how to remotely shut down a Linux machine. I had planned on being back in time to fire up the server for tonight, but that'll have to wait for a few hours more.

If a CWA Linux server is released, I definitely will test it out. I intend to buy my brothers copies of the game and I'd like to see BI get the money. If a Linux server isn't offered, then I'll have go with Amazon for OFP copies for my bros and keep the server at 1.96.

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Hi, folks,

Just a 'heads up': the TacOps WGL ans TS2 servers will be off-line from 7/8 through 7/16. I'll try to have the backup WGL server running for the Friday and Saturday night game times.


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