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Overclocking CPU

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I finally decided to buy the GTX 570 and to keep my current CPU AMD PHENOM 965.

Currently I have box performance at 3.4 Ghz in every core but I heard that there are alot of space to increase the speed of the processors.

I believe that 3.8 Ghz is a good and stable overclock for my CPU.

The problem I encounter is though that I havent a clue how to overclock my system. So I wonder if anyone can help the easy way and explain step by step how to proceed here.

I would be most thankfull if anyone can help me.

Thanks in advance :)

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Generally speaking, and in your case specifically, I'd be surprised if you couldn't find a tutorial or several articles regarding this by googling. Which is also probably your best option, as there is stuff to learn. Toms Hardware has many a good guide, overclock.net is a good resource.

Honestly, overclocking discussions should probably be held somewhere that handles that stuff all the time. There are many nuances to the process. And yes, theres plenty of room for increase with that chip, again many other factors to consider. Fully recommend dedicating some serious reading time to it.


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If you don't have a clue about over-clocking firstly look at AMD OverDrive as it is a 'safer' way of overclocking your AMD system with built in functions to stability test and you also may have to disable AMD Cool'n Quiet in the BIOS as it won't overclock properly as Cool'n Quiet will not run your CPU at the box speed unless required to keep it cooler and quieter.

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If you don't have a clue about over-clocking firstly look at AMD OverDrive as it is a 'safer' way of overclocking your AMD system with built in functions to stability test and you also may have to disable AMD Cool'n Quiet in the BIOS as it won't overclock properly as Cool'n Quiet will not run your CPU at the box speed unless required to keep it cooler and quieter.

My Power options in W7 over rides CNQ.;)

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One thing to also consider with overclocking is stability and what You actualy gain.Your not going to see a world of difference between 3.4 and 3.8 IMO.I wonder if you will see much if any difference in game.I'm not saying this knowing for fact but I played with my I7 2700k from 3.8 to 4.4ghz and in arma2 there was barely a difference that I could detect. As a Matter of fact the game plays much better on the system I have now at 3.0ghz- 3.3ghz.That is mostly the gtx580 doing the work but I tried it with the 6970 before I sent it back and I just didn't notice a world of difference until I changed the video card.I am mostly clueless with overclocking as well and will probably do more research to try and safely bump mine up but there are a lot of things to consider like component life,Heat buildup,etc,etc. I question if its worth it.

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Thanks for all the answers guys

I decided not to overclock my CPU and instead upgrade my GPU from GTX 275 to GTX 570. I believe that I can gain 10 more FPS ingame. Thats enough for me.

I just hope there will be no bottleneck /:

Edited by Nikiforos

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I just hope there will be no bottleneck /:

It should be fine, and as mentioned above, AMD Overdrive is designed to oc "your amd" cpu. It's really easy to use.

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Thanks for all the answers guys

I decided not to overclock my CPU and instead upgrade my GPU from GTX 275 to GTX 570. I believe that I can gain 10 more FPS ingame. Thats enough for me.

I just hope there will be no bottleneck /:

You have a fast processor.I can't imagine any possible bottlenecks.That should work realy good .I'm no expert but From benchmarks I have seen that 570 should be realy good.

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In some situations the cpu will always be the bottleneck, and in some the gpu. A new gpu should improve your fps in most missions (also depends on settings ofcourse) but if you have a mission with massive ammounts of units (like benchmark mission 2) it wont do much.

If you want to do a test try running arma benchmark missions with anti aliasing off, and with high/very high anti-aliasing. This only puts extra stress on the gpu.

Overclocking with a BE processor should be pretty easy, but try to know what you're doing

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Going from 3.6GHz to 4.1GHz on my i7 960 made a huge difference. Especially while in Cherno and while playing scenarios like "Seize the Village". When you call in airsupport, that'll put your CPU to the test. Check the spoiler for my rig if you want.

The 570 is a nice card btw. Is it the FTW?

Edited by Sintacks

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Just google it, "How to overclock (CPU Model) on (Motherboard Model)"

1 thing I don't get it is

I have box performance at 3.4 Ghz in every core

It should be 3.4Ghz on 4 CPUs (Total)

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Just google it, "How to overclock (CPU Model) on (Motherboard Model)"

1 thing I don't get it is

It should be 3.4Ghz on 4 CPUs (Total)

Sounds like he has 1 quad core cpu, not 4 cpu's.

And yes, they (cores) can run at the same speed/s or, like my setup, coolnquite is enabled, if i set windows power options to "recommended", each core can run from 1ghz up to 3ghz independently. With power option set to "performance" all cores stay at 3ghz.

My ArmA game runs at it's best with power option set to performance.

Edited by SWAT_BigBear

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I finally decided to buy the GTX 570 and to keep my current CPU AMD PHENOM 965.

Currently I have box performance at 3.4 Ghz in every core but I heard that there are alot of space to increase the speed of the processors.

I believe that 3.8 Ghz is a good and stable overclock for my CPU.

The problem I encounter is though that I havent a clue how to overclock my system. So I wonder if anyone can help the easy way and explain step by step how to proceed here.

I would be most thankfull if anyone can help me.

Thanks in advance :)

Still worth overclocking that CPU. I've got a 955BE and overclocked it to 3.6Ghz on stock voltage (from 3.2 in my chip's case). If you want max stability and safety stick with stock voltage, switch off the cool n quiet stuff in the BIOS and wind up the CPU multiplier only (3800Mhz is a x19 multiplier - it will do that no sweat at all) That's the great thing about these unlocked CPUs no need to upset the clock rate of anything else in your system.

I would buy a new CPU cooler before you start. I bought a ThermalTake Contac 29 which was cheap and could be retro-fitted easily without taking the motherboard out. My CPU temps are now 10 deg C cooler overclocked, versus stock speed with stock cooler. Pretty good result. Even if you don't overclock I'd still recommend that cooler, much cooler running CPU under full load and a lot quieter than stock cooler.

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Not for AMD but since the thread title doesnt suggest a brand i'll post this Intel i7 beginners guide to OC'ing. Very easy and few steps. The guide is about the 920 but they explain what to do if you got any other i7 above (CPU Ratio Setting needs to be set to 21). The guide takes you to 3,36GHz, 3,8GHz and 4GHz.

***Please be careful if you never overclocked a CPU before***

LINK i7 OC Beginners Guide

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Sounds great thank you for all great info guys.

I will try this out soon in a few day but first I have to buy a new cooler for my CPU :).

One last thing though and Its about voltage. Right now I have 1.393 core voltage. If I overclock to 3,7 what should the voltage be then? Do I have to do anything or is this going to change automatically?

This is the only thing I dont understand.

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Normally there's no need to increase the voltage for 3.8GHz. Although every CPU differs a bit in stability/need for higher voltage after OCing it.

Me and two other from our squad did the OC for 3.8GHz without increasing nothing but the multiplier though.

After this stage, you have to use a higher voltage mostly to get it run stable.

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I have a Corsair 650 W PSU. Is this enough to handle an overclocking of 3,8 and a new GPU GTX 570? A single card though I dont plan for SLI.


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I have a Corsair 650 W PSU. Is this enough to handle an overclocking of 3,8 and a new GPU GTX 570? A single card though I dont plan for SLI.


Your PSU is fine for that config

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650 PSU is not to bad, but an 570 vid card and OC your CPU will use it up as you set your preformence. Im useing an Intel 8400 OC at 3.8GHz, gots an 570 GTX also, and a 750 PSU. Dont know much about AMD's but im sure there about the same as Intel, so more speed more power. Lower voltage is always good when it comes to OC cause the higher your voltage the higher the temps in the system. If your at 1.393v you should try that out with 3.8 OC, if you see some errors in Prime 95 or the system just dont boot you know you need more voltage. Took me an while to get 3.8 and stable, iv got it at 4.0GHz befor but my temps where getting to high and was not as stable as 3.8 for me. It all goes very different ways for most CPU OC.

Make sure you have an core temp monitor running also. Real Temp is an good system monitor as well as Evga OC tool for your 570 GTX. Make sure you run that Prime 95 to see if your CPU is really OC and useing its cores right.

Edited by 1in1class

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I actually measured my pc's power draw with an overclocked Q6600@1.4V 3.6Ghz, + significantly overclocked gtx 260 with the OCCT psu test (that's basically intel burnin test + furmark at the same time). It didn't go over 460 Watt. And that's AC, DC it's about a 415W draw.

Saying a slight oc on the cpu and a gtx 570 wil "use up" a corsair 650W (which can actually deliver 650W sustained) is complete bullcrap.

Besides, while gaming the cpu rarely gets up to full load and the gpu isn't on 100% all the time as well. A 650W corsair psu is more than enough for that setup + overclock on cpu and gpu.

Edited by Leon86

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Ok Leon thank you I got the same answer from people I know . 650 PSU is enough as long as I dont use SLI GTX 570 (not in my plans to expensive).

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