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Are seaplanes possible?

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I'm working on a chain of small islands and (in the real world) the only two ways of getting from one to the other is by boat or by float plane/seaplane (and helicopter)... The islands are too small, real estate too valuable, to make practical runways on each one.

This got me thinking... and yes, I've searched the forums!

Is it possible to have seaplanes and/or float planes in this engine? If the models existed is it possible to land and take off from water?

It would be cool if it was...

Thanks in advance.

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Curious on this one, how does one accomplish such? How is it config'd is the more direct question? Would be cool though, anyone ever made one?


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That's what I'd like to know. If anyone has tried it, how far they got, what solutions they found?

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Not an addon maker myself, but I'd imagine it's accomplished with a separate pontoon object that prevents the plane from coming in contact with water.

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Yeah I'm not a config expert yet, so I was wondering about how you'd define one object as a ship, and the other a plane. My favorite plane to fly in FSX was a Seaplane. Might have to do some testing in a couple months and see, after I get over the learning curve on my boat first.


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I'm very sure Gnat made a seaplane with pontoons that could land on water, I think with a constantly-generated roadway object that stay underneath it, not sure though

EDIT: Can't find the forum post but here's the video:


Edited by JDog

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Lol, awesome! Well then, now I know who to harass. Interesting idea, seems reasonable enough. Thanks for that JDog.


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The problem lies, I think with the basic class definitions

If you look for all land vehicle classes they have

canFloat = false;

Than means that you can use that config line (activating it later in a derived class from the car or tank clases) in another class that inherits from them.

In class air that config line is absent, so you cannot make a plane can canfloat = true;

I don't know if it is possible to edit the basic classes but if you could modify the basic classes (as defined in the Dta\bin.pbo) then you could make a seaplane or a couple more basic classes

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I am also waiting for a seaplane since ArmA for I had played a lot of mission on Malden with them ... in OFP era.

CSJ has once built a nice amphibious autogyro for ArmA : Auto Gyro (v Beta 3) - [3,46 MB]

I have already asked him and CheyenneAH56 - because of the CL-215 Canadair showing in his "Sécurité Civile" Mod- if they intend to build some seaplane for ArmA2 without success :(.

With all this water around it will be great to have more moving boats and seaplanes.

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@Old Bear - Check the 1st page last post. :) There were some very nice seaplanes made by Gachopin for ArmA1 that I linked to. (You were typing when mine was posted i think)

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I'm very sure Gnat made a seaplane with pontoons that could land on water, I think with a constantly-generated roadway object that stay underneath it, not sure though

EDIT: Can't find the forum post but here's the video:


That is AWESOME! Proof of concept anyway. Oh Gnat, where are Yooooouuuuuu

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