spirit6 51 Posted January 7, 2011 Glad to hear: was driving me potty!As you suggest, this doesn't affect your own faction when you spawn them. One other small issue I noticed: British units are classified under (East) side. I didn't check whether this was the BAF units or the UKF ones, though. Waiting in for the plumber to fix the damage done to our boiler system by the cold weather, so it's kept me busy fiddling with this :p. Looking forward to the update. The side is determined automaticly by the config file. MCC holds no information about factions itself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spirit6 51 Posted January 7, 2011 (edited) As promised a fixed zip for the missions. This will solve the surrender behavior we experienced. It also includes chernarus. *edit* -> All download links updated, also thanks to Foxhound of armaholic to update his link. First post link also updated. this should be 1.5 final version for public release. If you downloaded the missions yesterday on january 6 then please download them again and enjoy. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=13138&a=dl Edited January 7, 2011 by spirit6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mtuckner 10 Posted January 7, 2011 Is it possible to release an MCC version for the maps Tora Bora and Helmand Valley? Two great maps that have a modern and relevant feel. ---------- Post added at 01:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:43 PM ---------- Another question. How do I get RTE to integrate with this. RTE makes me launch from their shortcut after I ran the installer and it appears to be vanilla Arma 2 and I can't access my mods like ACE. It didn't create an @RTE but instead it's own little app. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sleep 10 Posted January 7, 2011 Is it possible to release an MCC version for the maps Tora Bora and Helmand Valley? Two great maps that have a modern and relevant feel. just rename the end of the mission pbo from .chernarus to .torabora and that should do it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mtuckner 10 Posted January 7, 2011 I renamed it but it doesn't let me play it, it's missing content from the map that it was originally named to. It needs it's own pbo it seems. ---------- Post added at 01:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:35 PM ---------- Okay, loving it with the fix in there for the hands up thing. I have a question. I play a lot of two to three player coop, usually a fireteam of AI for each player. Is there a way for the players to each pick a different squad and have a small AI team assigned to them, while I be the game master? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sleep 10 Posted January 7, 2011 (edited) I dont think you can assign ai to you with mcc alone, but maybe with rte you can. also theres no missing content in missions from map to map, if you have the map then you have the content. Are you sure you named it correctly, I think torabora is ToraBora, caps might matter. I have put this mission into every map that we have at 506th many times ( i add the pmc playable characters to ours) and have never run into an issue like that. try opening it in the mission editor or simply making sure the island name is exactly like your islands pbo name. Edited January 7, 2011 by Sleep Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spirit6 51 Posted January 7, 2011 (edited) I renamed it but it doesn't let me play it, it's missing content from the map that it was originally named to. It needs it's own pbo it seems.---------- Post added at 01:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:35 PM ---------- Okay, loving it with the fix in there for the hands up thing. I have a question. I play a lot of two to three player coop, usually a fireteam of AI for each player. Is there a way for the players to each pick a different squad and have a small AI team assigned to them, while I be the game master? MCC is not designed to play along with AI directly in your group to contol. That said you can trick it (but dont tell shay i told you ;) ). From your own faction spawn them as hostage next to you from what ever you unit you like. Then simple walk over them and recruit them in your group. Voila. :) Keep in mind that the above is just a coincident,it is not designed functionality. Its basicly abusing the "free hostage" functionality. For that i know its not ideal but its also not supported and will most likely also not be supported by MCC in the (near) future. MCC is great to organise small and large scale pvp or coop missions. But using AI directly in your group to control is no part of it. You can ofcourse spawn AI as a seperate group to play along witht he players. Edited January 7, 2011 by spirit6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sleep 10 Posted January 7, 2011 MCC is not designed to play along with AI directly in your group to contol. That said you can trick it (but dont tell shay i told you ;) ).From your own faction spawn them as hostage next to you from what ever you unit you like. Then simple walk over them and recruit them in your group. Voila. :) haha i forgot about that, Ive actually made the hostages fly for me (russian or w/e) while i keep making more of the mission for the other players. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Richey79 10 Posted January 7, 2011 :ok: All working well, thanks for the hard work! What I like about this is that you've got all those cool features right at your fingertips on the fly. All those times you've set up a mission and realised - too late - that arty support or a supply drop would have made it even more fun... now you can just add it on the go. I'm sure there are other addons that can do this, but this one's very user friendly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mtuckner 10 Posted January 7, 2011 Okay, thanks for the hostage tip. We will do that. I can't get myself involved in those big clans so much these days, too many bad experiences in the long haul with ego centric issues. A great game to me is 4 or 5 friends with each a fireteam given tasks and what not. Also, I named the file after my @folder name and not the pbo. Silly me! Also, I cannot get RTE to work in game. I tried the newest version with that downloader and it just launches arma 2 with RTE running and not with my mods and such. I went back to the previous version with just the @RTE and I put the pbo into it's addons folder. Do I need any of the other various files it contains to get it to work. It tries to go during the MCC but has an error when I use it and then it just sits and I have to esc back out. Thanks for the help guys. I think this is a fantastic deal you have going here! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shay_gman 272 Posted January 7, 2011 (edited) Sleep;1829553']just rename the end of the mission pbo from .chernarus to .torabora and that should do it No probs. I'll get into it soon. BTW if you want to migrate the mission to a new island all you need is: 1. extract the PBO. 2. rename the directory end to the new island name like: MCC_SandboxV15.Chenarus to MCC SandboxV15.NewIslandName. 3. open the mission.sqm' date=' change in the addons part the name of the old island to the new one. 4. open the mission in the editor. re place the units and the LHD. save and PBO the mission again. Enjoy. I'll take care of Torabora MCC is not designed to play along with AI directly in your group to contol. That said you can trick it (but dont tell shay i told you ;) ). Oh you naughty naughty Spirit :) But if you know a bit about mission editing just Unpbo open the description file and change disableAI= true; to disableAI = false; and you'll get all the AI back. don't forget to disable ai from the button in the lobby and enable only the one you need or u'll get 300 mens fighting each other at the start of the mission. Also, I cannot get RTE to work in game. Mmm I think u are not starting RTE correctly, try get some info from the the RTE thread. Edited January 7, 2011 by shay_gman Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spirit6 51 Posted January 7, 2011 :ok:All working well, thanks for the hard work! What I like about this is that you've got all those cool features right at your fingertips on the fly. All those times you've set up a mission and realised - too late - that arty support or a supply drop would have made it even more fun... now you can just add it on the go. I'm sure there are other addons that can do this, but this one's very user friendly. Thanks for your kind words. The words i placed in bold mean a lot to me and Shay. We want to achieve that any normal person is able to make nice missions without scripting knowledge. Apart from our main goal ofcourse: deliver a never ending mission experience with never ending idea's to play and work out with. Also if you just play 4 or 5 friends, or even 2. Trust me we play also on that amounts every now and then. Nothing more fun then go SF and sneak with some friends throught the forest with a beer on your left hand and a mouse on your right :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BWF-Patryn 10 Posted January 7, 2011 Hi, Impressive tool , Great works . I have few questions , maybe answers are available in the related documentation provided but my english is bad and i maybe have missed it . if so , i'm sorry in advance . 1) How to remove zone , units ? 2) Unit created with the MCC interface cannot be manipulated with the RTE ? 3) How to know wich unit is related to wich zone and the composition of the group ? 4) How to manipulate unit created in RTE with the MCC interface ? 5) RTE unit can be removed in RTE interface , MCC unit cannot be remove nor edited in RTE interface . MCC unit cannot be removed or edited only the spawing zone ? 6) How to change the behavior of already spawned unit ? In fact all my questions circle around the same things : how to mody/remove the things created ? It's not clear for me . Thank you very much Best Regards Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spirit6 51 Posted January 7, 2011 (edited) Hi, Impressive tool , Great works . I have few questions , maybe answers are available in the related documentation provided but my english is bad and i maybe have missed it . if so , i'm sorry in advance . 1) How to remove zone , units ? 2) Unit created with the MCC interface cannot be manipulated with the RTE ? 3) How to know wich unit is related to wich zone and the composition of the group ? 4) How to manipulate unit created in RTE with the MCC interface ? 5) RTE unit can be removed in RTE interface , MCC unit cannot be remove nor edited in RTE interface . MCC unit cannot be removed or edited only the spawing zone ? 6) How to change the behavior of already spawned unit ? In fact all my questions circle around the same things : how to mody/remove the things created ? It's not clear for me . Thank you very much Best Regards Thanks for your words mate. And here are your answers: 1) Zones ones in place are not removed. However, they can be moved and or relocated. Hence, they can even be re-used. 2) No MCC supports starting up RTE but they do not interface between each other, other then MCC supporting init for RTE (see manual). 3) If you open up map there is an option to click on MCC. It has a TAB for each zone and shows what is spawned into it. (same place as where you see your unit members). 4) See 2. 5) yes indeed. RTE is unit manupilation and MCC is zone manupilation. RTE and MCC do not interact. 6) There isnt and i dont think there will be. Behavior settings are initial for the intend of your mission. To clarify. RTE is just an extra thing provided to start up. Its not meant to fully work together but simple just a possibility if you want to. I hope that solves the questions a bit, dont hesitate to ask if you need more and have fun there. Spirit ps I am also not natural english speaking so limited also, but i think ur english is just fine mate. I think our manual greatly shows we are not natural english speaking. We could do perfect dutch or hebrew ;) Edited January 7, 2011 by spirit6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BWF-Patryn 10 Posted January 7, 2011 Thanks you very much for your answer . But how to remove units if i made something wrong ? in order to relief the server workload and keep things "clean and ordered" along the mission ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spirit6 51 Posted January 7, 2011 (edited) Thanks you very much for your answer . But how to remove units if i made something wrong ? in order to relief the server workload and keep things "clean and ordered" along the mission ? No there is no direct way to remove or delete, however we have discussed this functionality so it might be a nice thing to add a "recall option" in later versions. In this version there is not. As said, there is no direct way. There is however a indirect one. After you "saved" your mission, the whole mission is in the clipboard. You can paste it into notepad(++) and you will see that all requests are bundled together. You an easily see what you want out and delete that whole statement. Taht however requires a bit of knowledge and is not covered by the manual. Taht said, it is possible. All you do then is load it back up with MCC and continue where you left off. Everything will be rebuild on your mission making screen, including the zones. Hope that helps. Spirit Edited January 8, 2011 by spirit6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BWF-Patryn 10 Posted January 7, 2011 Yes it helps .. Thank you very much . great works . If i may , i would suggest to add theses functionnality in a potential next released : 1) removing ( because some times , to be a good GM is to know when "more is bad and less is more" ) 2) Modifying (because some times it's good to allow a situation to evolved) behavior 3) tracking unit in map windows and again , good job . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shay_gman 272 Posted January 8, 2011 Hi BWF 1. Removing - we'll add deleting vehicles/units option. 2. Modifying? not sure what you mean there. 3. You can track units just change the tracking to on instead of off. Well but don't miss the actual point of MCC. If you like to micromanagment your units/group. Just spawn the guys on RTE. You can give them WP there and basiclly do all the 2d editor options there in RL. The MCC itself is more of a high level command. You spawn the guys and you tell them how to behave but not what to do. So they will suprise you as the mission maker. We do like the mission maker to have fun (usually he takes the corpsman slot) and he sometimes suprised that as the rest with AI behavior. So remeber: 1. RTE for micromangment. 2. MCC for high level. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BWF-Patryn 10 Posted January 8, 2011 Yes i understand , your addon's purpose is to allow the mission maker to take part of the action if i understand well . By modifying i mean to change group behavior on fly . from careless to combat for example . Best regards . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shay_gman 272 Posted January 8, 2011 (edited) Ye, the mission purpose is to allow the mission maker to play in the mission. About modifying: you can set 2 attributes to each spawn group/unit (from UPSMON). All units have a share distance, lets call it radio :so if one unit see the enemy all the other units in 800 meters radius will know about him too and will react acording to thier behavior. Also keep in mind that when the spotting unit is dead or not seeing the enemy anymore the rest of the "radio controled" units around will regard the last known position of the enemy. Now what will happened when we know about enemy (either seeing him or getting radio messege about his location). Behavior: 1. Agressive: The units will randomly patrol the spawn zone. The units will move away from the zone to engage known threat. 2. Defensive: The units will randomly patrol the spawn zone. The units will stay in the spawn zone. 3. Passive: The units will stand when they spawn. They will change behavior to agrresive once under fire or enemy is known in the vacinity. 4. Fortify: The units will get inside near buildings and fortify there. They will act as defensive. 5. Ambush: The units will search for nearby roads, place mines on the roads and go prone near the roads to ambush crossing enemy's units. If there are no roads they will randomly ambush positions. Awerness means how aware the units spawned are. But this will change once enemy is known. So it is just the basic spawn. Here is an example: I want to create a small SF mission of infiling an insurgent base snatching a warlord and exfiling quick out. I want that the player will do it fast before the reinforcment will come. So I would make a small zone. spawn some fortify/careless and passive/careless units. This should be the resedent of the camp busy in everyday living in a para-military base. They shouldbe careless at the begining. Becasue this mission is behind enemies lines. Then i'll make a bigger zone and put some units on defensive/aware. Spawn a couple of patrols. Well someone need to guard this place. The third zone should be around 700 meters aways. I'll spawn the reinforcment at agressive/aware, and drop some empty civilian vehicles around. when the units in the camp spot the players this units will automaticlly come to aid (less then 800 meters) because the distance is more the 500 meters they will use the civilian cars, oh the suprise on the players faces when a bounch of insurgents will jump out of a lada. Then i'll spawn the HVT (i'll go with armed civilian, I want him to put up a fight). Then for the atmoshphere i'll connect the first zone to an alarm sound on West detected. Now make an infil exfil (whatever you like: HALO, Chopper taxi, Fastrope). and go. Hopes that help. Here is the example mission for Takistan, just copy it to clipboard (ctrl+c) and press load once in MCC Sandbox in Takistan. The tasks are allready there, I believe this can be done with one SF team. mcc_zone_number=1; mcc_zone_marker_X=50; mcc_zone_marker_Y=50; mcc_zone_markername='1'; mcc_zone_size set [mcc_zone_number,[mcc_zone_marker_X,mcc_zone_marker_Y]]; mcc_markerposition=[6963.94,4983.39,-329.546]; script_handler = [0] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\mcc_make_the_marker.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; mcc_spawntype=''; mcc_classtype=''; mcc_isnewzone=true; mcc_spawnwithcrew=true; mcc_spawnname=''; mcc_spawnfaction=''; mcc_zone_number=1; mcc_zoneinform='NOTHING'; mcc_zone_markername='1'; mcc_spawnbehavior='MOVE'; mcc_grouptype =''; mcc_spawndisplayname =''; mcc_track_units = false; mcc_awareness = 'DEFAULT'; mcc_sidename = 'any'; script_handler = [0] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\mcc_SpawnStuff.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; mcc_zone_number=1; mcc_zone_marker_X=50; mcc_zone_marker_Y=50; mcc_zone_markername='1'; mcc_zone_size set [mcc_zone_number,[mcc_zone_marker_X,mcc_zone_marker_Y]]; mcc_markerposition=[6979.64,5042.82,-347.552]; script_handler = [0] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\mcc_make_the_marker.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; mcc_spawntype=''; mcc_classtype=''; mcc_isnewzone=true; mcc_spawnwithcrew=true; mcc_spawnname=''; mcc_spawnfaction=''; mcc_zone_number=1; mcc_zoneinform='NOTHING'; mcc_zone_markername='1'; mcc_spawnbehavior='MOVE'; mcc_grouptype =''; mcc_spawndisplayname =''; mcc_track_units = false; mcc_awareness = 'DEFAULT'; mcc_sidename = 'any'; script_handler = [0] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\mcc_SpawnStuff.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; mcc_spawntype='DOC'; mcc_classtype='LAND'; mcc_isnewzone=false; mcc_spawnwithcrew=true; mcc_spawnname='SmallBase'; mcc_spawnfaction='USMC'; mcc_zone_number=1; mcc_zoneinform='NOTHING'; mcc_zone_markername='1'; mcc_spawnbehavior='MOVE'; mcc_grouptype =''; mcc_spawndisplayname ='Small base'; mcc_track_units = false; mcc_awareness = 'default'; mcc_sidename = 'WEST'; script_handler = [0] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\mcc_SpawnStuff.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; mcc_spawntype='GROUP'; mcc_classtype='LAND'; mcc_isnewzone=false; mcc_spawnwithcrew=true; mcc_spawnname='US_RifleSquad'; mcc_spawnfaction='configFile >> "CfgGroups" >>"West">>"BIS_US">>"Infantry">>"US_RifleSquad" '; mcc_zone_number=1; mcc_zoneinform='NOTHING'; mcc_zone_markername='1'; mcc_spawnbehavior='FORTIFY'; mcc_grouptype =''; mcc_spawndisplayname ='Rifle Squad'; mcc_track_units = false; mcc_awareness = 'default'; mcc_sidename = 'WEST'; script_handler = [0] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\mcc_SpawnStuff.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; mcc_spawntype='VEHICLE'; mcc_classtype='LAND'; mcc_isnewzone=false; mcc_spawnwithcrew=false; mcc_spawnname='HMMWV_DES_EP1'; mcc_spawnfaction='WEST'; mcc_zone_number=1; mcc_zoneinform='NOTHING'; mcc_zone_markername='1'; mcc_spawnbehavior='FORTIFY'; mcc_grouptype =''; mcc_spawndisplayname ='["M1025 HMMWV","\Ca\wheeled\data\ico\HMMWV_CA.paa"]'; mcc_track_units = false; mcc_awareness = 'default'; mcc_sidename = 'WEST'; script_handler = [0] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\mcc_SpawnStuff.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; mcc_spawntype='VEHICLE'; mcc_classtype='LAND'; mcc_isnewzone=false; mcc_spawnwithcrew=false; mcc_spawnname='ATV_US_EP1'; mcc_spawnfaction='WEST'; mcc_zone_number=1; mcc_zoneinform='NOTHING'; mcc_zone_markername='1'; mcc_spawnbehavior='FORTIFY'; mcc_grouptype =''; mcc_spawndisplayname ='["ATV","\CA\wheeled_e\Data\UI\Picture_atv_CA.paa"]'; mcc_track_units = false; mcc_awareness = 'default'; mcc_sidename = 'WEST'; script_handler = [0] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\mcc_SpawnStuff.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; mcc_spawntype='VEHICLE'; mcc_classtype='LAND'; mcc_isnewzone=false; mcc_spawnwithcrew=false; mcc_spawnname='ATV_US_EP1'; mcc_spawnfaction='WEST'; mcc_zone_number=1; mcc_zoneinform='NOTHING'; mcc_zone_markername='1'; mcc_spawnbehavior='FORTIFY'; mcc_grouptype =''; mcc_spawndisplayname ='["ATV","\CA\wheeled_e\Data\UI\Picture_atv_CA.paa"]'; mcc_track_units = false; mcc_awareness = 'default'; mcc_sidename = 'WEST'; script_handler = [0] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\mcc_SpawnStuff.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; mcc_spawntype='VEHICLE'; mcc_classtype='LAND'; mcc_isnewzone=false; mcc_spawnwithcrew=false; mcc_spawnname='MtvrSalvage_DES_EP1'; mcc_spawnfaction='WEST'; mcc_zone_number=1; mcc_zoneinform='NOTHING'; mcc_zone_markername='1'; mcc_spawnbehavior='FORTIFY'; mcc_grouptype =''; mcc_spawndisplayname ='["Salvage Truck","\Ca\wheeled2\data\UI\Picture_MTVR_repair_CA.paa"]'; mcc_track_units = false; mcc_awareness = 'default'; mcc_sidename = 'WEST'; script_handler = [0] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\mcc_SpawnStuff.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; MCC_START_WEST = [6972.36,5010.62,-329.388]; publicVariable 'MCC_START_WEST'; mcc_flagteleport setpos ([([6972.36,5010.62,-329.388]),1,10,1,0,900,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos); _case=0; _color='ColorWhite'; _size=[10,10]; _shape = 'RECTANGLE'; _brush='Solid'; _type='Faction_USA_EP1'; _text='Camp Liberty'; _pos = [6969.93,5042.41,-345.413]; ['marker', [_case, _color, _size, _shape, _brush, _type, _text, _pos]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent; _case=1; _color='ColorRed'; _size=[500,500]; _shape = 'ELLIPSE'; _brush='BDiagonal'; _type='Faction_USA_EP1'; _text='hot zone'; _pos = [10426.9,6420.99,-256.974]; ['marker', [_case, _color, _size, _shape, _brush, _type, _text, _pos]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent; _case=0; _color='ColorWhite'; _size=[500,500]; _shape = 'ELLIPSE'; _brush='BDiagonal'; _type='Faction_TKM_EP1'; _text='Al Mochtab Base'; _pos = [10410.9,6415.58,-256.303]; ['marker', [_case, _color, _size, _shape, _brush, _type, _text, _pos]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent;_type=0; _stringName='Snatch the warlord'; _stringDescription='Snatch Eibtahim Al Mochtab from his base'; _pos = []; ['tasks', [_type, _stringName, _stringDescription, _pos]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent; sleep 1;_type=1; _stringName='Snatch the warlord'; _stringDescription=0; _pos = [10448.1,6422.51,-258.102]; mcc_tasks select _stringDescription select 1 setSimpleTaskDestination _pos; deleteMarker _stringName; _markerstr = createMarker[_stringName,_pos]; _markerstr setMarkerShape 'ICON'; _stringName setMarkerType 'Warning'; sleep 1; month=8; day=10; hour=5; minute=0; script_handler = [0] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\time.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; _weather=[0.5,0.5,0.5]; script_handler = [1,_weather] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\time.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; month=8; day=10; hour=4; minute=0; script_handler = [0] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\time.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; _case=1; _color='ColorRed'; _size=[500,500]; _shape = 'ELLIPSE'; _brush='BDiagonal'; _type='Faction_USA_EP1'; _text='hot zone'; _pos = [10426.9,6420.99,-256.974]; ['marker', [_case, _color, _size, _shape, _brush, _type, _text, _pos]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent; _case=0; _color='ColorWhite'; _size=[10,10]; _shape = 'RECTANGLE'; _brush='Solid'; _type='Faction_USA_EP1'; _text='Camp Liberty'; _pos = [6969.93,5042.41,-345.413]; ['marker', [_case, _color, _size, _shape, _brush, _type, _text, _pos]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent; _case=0; _color='ColorWhite'; _size=[500,500]; _shape = 'ELLIPSE'; _brush='BDiagonal'; _type='Faction_TKM_EP1'; _text='Al Mochtab Base'; _pos = [10410.9,6415.58,-256.303]; ['marker', [_case, _color, _size, _shape, _brush, _type, _text, _pos]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent; month=8; day=10; hour=5; minute=0; script_handler = [0] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\time.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; _weather=[0.5,0.5,0.5]; script_handler = [1,_weather] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\time.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; month=8; day=10; hour=4; minute=0; script_handler = [0] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\time.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; mcc_zone_number=2; mcc_zone_marker_X=50; mcc_zone_marker_Y=50; mcc_zone_markername='2'; mcc_zone_size set [mcc_zone_number,[mcc_zone_marker_X,mcc_zone_marker_Y]]; mcc_markerposition=[10398.4,6433.16,-256.707]; script_handler = [0] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\mcc_make_the_marker.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; mcc_spawntype=''; mcc_classtype=''; mcc_isnewzone=true; mcc_spawnwithcrew=false; mcc_spawnname=''; mcc_spawnfaction=''; mcc_zone_number=2; mcc_zoneinform='NOTHING'; mcc_zone_markername='2'; mcc_spawnbehavior='FORTIFY'; mcc_grouptype =''; mcc_spawndisplayname ='["Salvage Truck","\Ca\wheeled2\data\UI\Picture_MTVR_repair_CA.paa"]'; mcc_track_units = false; mcc_awareness = 'default'; mcc_sidename = 'EAST'; script_handler = [0] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\mcc_SpawnStuff.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; mcc_zone_number=2; mcc_zone_marker_X=100; mcc_zone_marker_Y=50; mcc_zone_markername='2'; mcc_zone_size set [mcc_zone_number,[mcc_zone_marker_X,mcc_zone_marker_Y]]; mcc_markerposition=[10399.1,6434.54,-256.77]; script_handler = [0] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\mcc_make_the_marker.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; mcc_spawntype=''; mcc_classtype=''; mcc_isnewzone=true; mcc_spawnwithcrew=false; mcc_spawnname=''; mcc_spawnfaction=''; mcc_zone_number=2; mcc_zoneinform='NOTHING'; mcc_zone_markername='2'; mcc_spawnbehavior='FORTIFY'; mcc_grouptype =''; mcc_spawndisplayname ='["Salvage Truck","\Ca\wheeled2\data\UI\Picture_MTVR_repair_CA.paa"]'; mcc_track_units = false; mcc_awareness = 'default'; mcc_sidename = 'EAST'; script_handler = [0] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\mcc_SpawnStuff.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; mcc_spawntype='MAN'; mcc_classtype='LAND'; mcc_isnewzone=false; mcc_spawnwithcrew=true; mcc_spawnname='TK_INS_Soldier_EP1'; mcc_spawnfaction='EAST'; mcc_zone_number=2; mcc_zoneinform='NOTHING'; mcc_zone_markername='2'; mcc_spawnbehavior='NOMOVE'; mcc_grouptype =''; mcc_spawndisplayname ='["Militiaman (AK-74)","\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa"]'; mcc_track_units = false; mcc_awareness = 'Careless'; mcc_sidename = 'EAST'; script_handler = [0] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\mcc_SpawnStuff.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; mcc_spawntype='MAN'; mcc_classtype='LAND'; mcc_isnewzone=false; mcc_spawnwithcrew=true; mcc_spawnname='TK_INS_Soldier_EP1'; mcc_spawnfaction='EAST'; mcc_zone_number=2; mcc_zoneinform='NOTHING'; mcc_zone_markername='2'; mcc_spawnbehavior='NOMOVE'; mcc_grouptype =''; mcc_spawndisplayname ='["Militiaman (AK-74)","\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa"]'; mcc_track_units = false; mcc_awareness = 'Careless'; mcc_sidename = 'EAST'; script_handler = [0] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\mcc_SpawnStuff.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; mcc_spawntype='MAN'; mcc_classtype='LAND'; mcc_isnewzone=false; mcc_spawnwithcrew=true; mcc_spawnname='TK_INS_Soldier_EP1'; mcc_spawnfaction='EAST'; mcc_zone_number=2; mcc_zoneinform='NOTHING'; mcc_zone_markername='2'; mcc_spawnbehavior='NOMOVE'; mcc_grouptype =''; mcc_spawndisplayname ='["Militiaman (AK-74)","\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa"]'; mcc_track_units = false; mcc_awareness = 'Careless'; mcc_sidename = 'EAST'; script_handler = [0] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\mcc_SpawnStuff.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; mcc_spawntype='MAN'; mcc_classtype='LAND'; mcc_isnewzone=false; mcc_spawnwithcrew=true; mcc_spawnname='TK_INS_Soldier_4_EP1'; mcc_spawnfaction='EAST'; mcc_zone_number=2; mcc_zoneinform='NOTHING'; mcc_zone_markername='2'; mcc_spawnbehavior='NOMOVE'; mcc_grouptype =''; mcc_spawndisplayname ='["Militiaman (FN FAL)","\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa"]'; mcc_track_units = false; mcc_awareness = 'Careless'; mcc_sidename = 'EAST'; script_handler = [0] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\mcc_SpawnStuff.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; mcc_spawntype='MAN'; mcc_classtype='LAND'; mcc_isnewzone=false; mcc_spawnwithcrew=true; mcc_spawnname='TK_INS_Soldier_TL_EP1'; mcc_spawnfaction='EAST'; mcc_zone_number=2; mcc_zoneinform='NOTHING'; mcc_zone_markername='2'; mcc_spawnbehavior='NOMOVE'; mcc_grouptype =''; mcc_spawndisplayname ='["Team Leader","\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa"]'; mcc_track_units = false; mcc_awareness = 'Careless'; mcc_sidename = 'EAST'; script_handler = [0] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\mcc_SpawnStuff.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; mcc_spawntype='MAN'; mcc_classtype='LAND'; mcc_isnewzone=false; mcc_spawnwithcrew=true; mcc_spawnname='TK_INS_Soldier_EP1'; mcc_spawnfaction='EAST'; mcc_zone_number=2; mcc_zoneinform='NOTHING'; mcc_zone_markername='2'; mcc_spawnbehavior='FORTIFY'; mcc_grouptype =''; mcc_spawndisplayname ='["Militiaman (AK-74)","\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa"]'; mcc_track_units = false; mcc_awareness = 'Careless'; mcc_sidename = 'EAST'; script_handler = [0] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\mcc_SpawnStuff.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; mcc_spawntype='MAN'; mcc_classtype='LAND'; mcc_isnewzone=false; mcc_spawnwithcrew=true; mcc_spawnname='TK_INS_Soldier_EP1'; mcc_spawnfaction='EAST'; mcc_zone_number=2; mcc_zoneinform='NOTHING'; mcc_zone_markername='2'; mcc_spawnbehavior='FORTIFY'; mcc_grouptype =''; mcc_spawndisplayname ='["Militiaman (AK-74)","\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa"]'; mcc_track_units = false; mcc_awareness = 'Careless'; mcc_sidename = 'EAST'; script_handler = [0] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\mcc_SpawnStuff.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; mcc_spawntype='MAN'; mcc_classtype='LAND'; mcc_isnewzone=false; mcc_spawnwithcrew=true; mcc_spawnname='TK_INS_Soldier_EP1'; mcc_spawnfaction='EAST'; mcc_zone_number=2; mcc_zoneinform='NOTHING'; mcc_zone_markername='2'; mcc_spawnbehavior='FORTIFY'; mcc_grouptype =''; mcc_spawndisplayname ='["Militiaman (AK-74)","\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa"]'; mcc_track_units = false; mcc_awareness = 'Careless'; mcc_sidename = 'EAST'; script_handler = [0] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\mcc_SpawnStuff.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; mcc_spawntype='MAN'; mcc_classtype='LAND'; mcc_isnewzone=false; mcc_spawnwithcrew=true; mcc_spawnname='TK_INS_Soldier_4_EP1'; mcc_spawnfaction='EAST'; mcc_zone_number=2; mcc_zoneinform='NOTHING'; mcc_zone_markername='2'; mcc_spawnbehavior='FORTIFY'; mcc_grouptype =''; mcc_spawndisplayname ='["Militiaman (FN FAL)","\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa"]'; mcc_track_units = false; mcc_awareness = 'Careless'; mcc_sidename = 'EAST'; script_handler = [0] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\mcc_SpawnStuff.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; mcc_spawntype='MAN'; mcc_classtype='LAND'; mcc_isnewzone=false; mcc_spawnwithcrew=true; mcc_spawnname='TK_INS_Soldier_4_EP1'; mcc_spawnfaction='EAST'; mcc_zone_number=2; mcc_zoneinform='NOTHING'; mcc_zone_markername='2'; mcc_spawnbehavior='FORTIFY'; mcc_grouptype =''; mcc_spawndisplayname ='["Militiaman (FN FAL)","\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa"]'; mcc_track_units = false; mcc_awareness = 'Careless'; mcc_sidename = 'EAST'; script_handler = [0] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\mcc_SpawnStuff.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; mcc_zone_number=3; mcc_zone_marker_X=400; mcc_zone_marker_Y=200; mcc_zone_markername='3'; mcc_zone_size set [mcc_zone_number,[mcc_zone_marker_X,mcc_zone_marker_Y]]; mcc_markerposition=[10415.4,6415.5,-256.403]; script_handler = [0] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\mcc_make_the_marker.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; mcc_spawntype=''; mcc_classtype=''; mcc_isnewzone=true; mcc_spawnwithcrew=true; mcc_spawnname=''; mcc_spawnfaction=''; mcc_zone_number=3; mcc_zoneinform='NOTHING'; mcc_zone_markername='3'; mcc_spawnbehavior='FORTIFY'; mcc_grouptype =''; mcc_spawndisplayname ='["Militiaman (FN FAL)","\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa"]'; mcc_track_units = false; mcc_awareness = 'Careless'; mcc_sidename = 'EAST'; script_handler = [0] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\mcc_SpawnStuff.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; mcc_spawntype='GROUP'; mcc_classtype='LAND'; mcc_isnewzone=false; mcc_spawnwithcrew=true; mcc_spawnname='TK_INS_ATTeam'; mcc_spawnfaction='configFile >> "CfgGroups" >>"East">>"BIS_TK_INS">>"Infantry">>"TK_INS_ATTeam" '; mcc_zone_number=3; mcc_zoneinform='NOTHING'; mcc_zone_markername='3'; mcc_spawnbehavior='NOFOLLOW'; mcc_grouptype =''; mcc_spawndisplayname ='Militia Team (AT)'; mcc_track_units = false; mcc_awareness = 'Aware'; mcc_sidename = 'EAST'; script_handler = [0] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\mcc_SpawnStuff.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; mcc_spawntype='GROUP'; mcc_classtype='LAND'; mcc_isnewzone=false; mcc_spawnwithcrew=true; mcc_spawnname='TK_INS_Patrol'; mcc_spawnfaction='configFile >> "CfgGroups" >>"East">>"BIS_TK_INS">>"Infantry">>"TK_INS_Patrol" '; mcc_zone_number=3; mcc_zoneinform='NOTHING'; mcc_zone_markername='3'; mcc_spawnbehavior='NOFOLLOW'; mcc_grouptype =''; mcc_spawndisplayname ='Militia Patrol'; mcc_track_units = false; mcc_awareness = 'Aware'; mcc_sidename = 'EAST'; script_handler = [0] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\mcc_SpawnStuff.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; ["AC_single", [[10302,6428.91,-253.308] , ["TK_INS_Warlord_EP1"] select 0, WEST , ["Armed_Civilian_1"] select 0]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent; sleep 1; _eib_marker = createMarkerlocal [["Armed_Civilian_1"] select 0 ,[10302,6428.91,-253.308]]; _eib_marker setMarkerTypelocal "selector_selectedMission"; _eib_marker setMarkerColorlocal "ColorBlue"; _eib_marker setMarkerTextlocal (["Armed_Civilian_1"] select 0); _zone=2; _zonePos=[10399.1,6434.54,0]; _zoneX=100; _zoneY=50; _activate='WEST'; _cond='WEST D'; _track='AlarmSfx'; jukeboxMusic=false; ['music_trigger',[_zone, _zonePos, _zoneX, _zoneY, _activate, _cond,_track,jukeboxMusic ]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent; sleep 1; mcc_zone_number=4; mcc_zone_marker_X=25; mcc_zone_marker_Y=25; mcc_zone_markername='4'; mcc_zone_size set [mcc_zone_number,[mcc_zone_marker_X,mcc_zone_marker_Y]]; mcc_markerposition=[8610.78,7395.53,-184.956]; script_handler = [0] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\mcc_make_the_marker.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; mcc_spawntype=''; mcc_classtype=''; mcc_isnewzone=true; mcc_spawnwithcrew=true; mcc_spawnname=''; mcc_spawnfaction=''; mcc_zone_number=4; mcc_zoneinform='NOTHING'; mcc_zone_markername='4'; mcc_spawnbehavior='NOFOLLOW'; mcc_grouptype =''; mcc_spawndisplayname ='Militia Patrol'; mcc_track_units = false; mcc_awareness = 'Aware'; mcc_sidename = 'EAST'; script_handler = [0] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\mcc_SpawnStuff.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; mcc_spawntype='GROUP'; mcc_classtype='LAND'; mcc_isnewzone=false; mcc_spawnwithcrew=true; mcc_spawnname='TK_INS_Patrol'; mcc_spawnfaction='configFile >> "CfgGroups" >>"East">>"BIS_TK_INS">>"Infantry">>"TK_INS_Patrol" '; mcc_zone_number=4; mcc_zoneinform='NOTHING'; mcc_zone_markername='4'; mcc_spawnbehavior='MOVE'; mcc_grouptype =''; mcc_spawndisplayname ='Militia Patrol'; mcc_track_units = false; mcc_awareness = 'Aware'; mcc_sidename = 'EAST'; script_handler = [0] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\mcc_SpawnStuff.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; mcc_spawntype='GROUP'; mcc_classtype='LAND'; mcc_isnewzone=false; mcc_spawnwithcrew=true; mcc_spawnname='TK_INS_Patrol'; mcc_spawnfaction='configFile >> "CfgGroups" >>"East">>"BIS_TK_INS">>"Infantry">>"TK_INS_Patrol" '; mcc_zone_number=4; mcc_zoneinform='NOTHING'; mcc_zone_markername='4'; mcc_spawnbehavior='MOVE'; mcc_grouptype =''; mcc_spawndisplayname ='Militia Patrol'; mcc_track_units = false; mcc_awareness = 'Aware'; mcc_sidename = 'EAST'; script_handler = [0] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\mcc_SpawnStuff.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; mcc_spawntype='GROUP'; mcc_classtype='LAND'; mcc_isnewzone=false; mcc_spawnwithcrew=true; mcc_spawnname='TK_INS_Patrol'; mcc_spawnfaction='configFile >> "CfgGroups" >>"East">>"BIS_TK_INS">>"Infantry">>"TK_INS_Patrol" '; mcc_zone_number=4; mcc_zoneinform='NOTHING'; mcc_zone_markername='4'; mcc_spawnbehavior='MOVE'; mcc_grouptype =''; mcc_spawndisplayname ='Militia Patrol'; mcc_track_units = false; mcc_awareness = 'Aware'; mcc_sidename = 'EAST'; script_handler = [0] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\mcc_SpawnStuff.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; mcc_spawntype='VEHICLE'; mcc_classtype='LAND'; mcc_isnewzone=false; mcc_spawnwithcrew=false; mcc_spawnname='Lada2_TK_CIV_EP1'; mcc_spawnfaction='CIV'; mcc_zone_number=4; mcc_zoneinform='NOTHING'; mcc_zone_markername='4'; mcc_spawnbehavior='MOVE'; mcc_grouptype =''; mcc_spawndisplayname ='["Lada (decorated)","\Ca\wheeled2\data\UI\Picture_lada_ca.paa"]'; mcc_track_units = false; mcc_awareness = 'Aware'; mcc_sidename = 'CIV'; script_handler = [0] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\mcc_SpawnStuff.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; mcc_spawntype='VEHICLE'; mcc_classtype='LAND'; mcc_isnewzone=false; mcc_spawnwithcrew=false; mcc_spawnname='Ikarus_TK_CIV_EP1'; mcc_spawnfaction='CIV'; mcc_zone_number=4; mcc_zoneinform='NOTHING'; mcc_zone_markername='4'; mcc_spawnbehavior='MOVE'; mcc_grouptype =''; mcc_spawndisplayname ='["Ikarus 260","\Ca\wheeled\data\ico\bus_city_CA.paa"]'; mcc_track_units = false; mcc_awareness = 'Aware'; mcc_sidename = 'CIV'; script_handler = [0] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\mcc_SpawnStuff.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; mcc_spawntype='VEHICLE'; mcc_classtype='LAND'; mcc_isnewzone=false; mcc_spawnwithcrew=false; mcc_spawnname='hilux1_civil_3_open_EP1'; mcc_spawnfaction='CIV'; mcc_zone_number=4; mcc_zoneinform='NOTHING'; mcc_zone_markername='4'; mcc_spawnbehavior='MOVE'; mcc_grouptype =''; mcc_spawndisplayname ='["Pickup","\Ca\wheeled\data\ico\hilux1_civil_3_open_CA.paa"]'; mcc_track_units = false; mcc_awareness = 'Aware'; mcc_sidename = 'CIV'; script_handler = [0] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\mcc_SpawnStuff.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; mcc_spawntype='VEHICLE'; mcc_classtype='LAND'; mcc_isnewzone=false; mcc_spawnwithcrew=false; mcc_spawnname='Lada1_TK_CIV_EP1'; mcc_spawnfaction='CIV'; mcc_zone_number=4; mcc_zoneinform='NOTHING'; mcc_zone_markername='4'; mcc_spawnbehavior='MOVE'; mcc_grouptype =''; mcc_spawndisplayname ='["Lada","\Ca\wheeled2\data\UI\Picture_lada_ca.paa"]'; mcc_track_units = false; mcc_awareness = 'Aware'; mcc_sidename = 'CIV'; script_handler = [0] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\mcc_SpawnStuff.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; mcc_spawntype='VEHICLE'; mcc_classtype='LAND'; mcc_isnewzone=false; mcc_spawnwithcrew=false; mcc_spawnname='VolhaLimo_TK_CIV_EP1'; mcc_spawnfaction='CIV'; mcc_zone_number=4; mcc_zoneinform='NOTHING'; mcc_zone_markername='4'; mcc_spawnbehavior='MOVE'; mcc_grouptype =''; mcc_spawndisplayname ='["Black Volga","\CA\wheeled_e\Data\UI\Picture_volha_CA.paa"]'; mcc_track_units = false; mcc_awareness = 'Aware'; mcc_sidename = 'CIV'; script_handler = [0] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\mcc_SpawnStuff.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; mcc_capture_var = ' mcc_zone_number=4; mcc_zone_marker_X=100; mcc_zone_marker_Y=100; mcc_zone_markername="4"; mcc_zone_size set [mcc_zone_number,[mcc_zone_marker_X,mcc_zone_marker_Y]]; mcc_markerposition=[10391.1,6374.77,-257.143]; script_handler = [3] execVM "mcc\general_scripts\mcc_make_the_marker.sqf"; '; script_handler = [0, [10405.4,6422.49,-256.343], 100, 100, 'WEST', 'WEST D', 0, 'RECTANGLE', 'Detect', mcc_capture_var] execvm 'mcc\general_scripts\triggers\triggers_execute.sqf'; waitUntil {scriptDone script_handler}; Edited January 8, 2011 by shay_gman Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mtuckner 10 Posted January 8, 2011 No probs. I'll get into it soon.BTW if you want to migrate the mission to a new island all you need is: 1. extract the PBO. 2. rename the directory end to the new island name like: MCC_SandboxV15.Chenarus to MCC SandboxV15.NewIslandName. 3. open the mission.sqm, change in the addons part the name of the old island to the new one. 4. open the mission in the editor. re place the units and the LHD. save and PBO the mission again. Enjoy. I'll take care of Torabora Oh you naughty naughty Spirit :) But if you know a bit about mission editing just Unpbo open the description file and change disableAI= true; to disableAI = false; and you'll get all the AI back. don't forget to disable ai from the button in the lobby and enable only the one you need or u'll get 300 mens fighting each other at the start of the mission. Mmm I think u are not starting RTE correctly, try get some info from the the RTE thread. I'm trying to convert tora bora over. I unpacked the PBO and put the files where the mission editor can see them. I changed the top folder name to CO_MCC_SANDBOX_V15.torabora and then I opened the mission.sqm and under "addons" I changed the name of the previous map aiaktalik to torabora and then under "addonsauto" I did the same. Then I try to open it up in the Mission Editor and it gives me an error saying that it depends upon content that has been deleted.aiaktalik. Also, sorry for being so noob, but I still can't get RTE to work in it. I downloaded the latest version with the installer. Now what?! Thanks so much for the help on this guys. Maybe there are others that the RTE question can answer. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spirit6 51 Posted January 8, 2011 (edited) I'm trying to convert tora bora over.I unpacked the PBO and put the files where the mission editor can see them. I changed the top folder name to CO_MCC_SANDBOX_V15.torabora and then I opened the mission.sqm and under "addons" I changed the name of the previous map aiaktalik to torabora and then under "addonsauto" I did the same. Then I try to open it up in the Mission Editor and it gives me an error saying that it depends upon content that has been deleted.aiaktalik. Also, sorry for being so noob, but I still can't get RTE to work in it. I downloaded the latest version with the installer. Now what?! Thanks so much for the help on this guys. Maybe there are others that the RTE question can answer. RTE is not part of MCC mate. It just holds a button to fire it up. There is no secret on RTE other then that you need that mod if you want to use it. Its totaly optional as mcc does not need rte. I see a lot of RTE questions and receive a lot of it. It may seem like we hold some secret on RTE but its not. All we ahve is a button to start RTE and infact RTE is no part of the core functionality of MCC. Apart from above info mate, there wont be indepth information on how to port missions to other maps by us. Its not a big deal for us to copy it to another map. We will make it available on next zip allright. There is a list of islands as long as my grandmother to play MCC on. Start there and just CHILL (wasnt that the creator of the island you suggest, HI CHILL! )out, we will port it to other islands on next release. ;) Edited January 8, 2011 by spirit6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mtuckner 10 Posted January 8, 2011 I got RTE to work now. I totally removed it and reinstalled it this time, the first time the @RTE didn't install in the same directory, user error. Pity I can't get on Tora Bora today :( LOL, thanks for the help though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
galzohar 31 Posted January 8, 2011 Easier way to port is copy paste everything from the editor to a new mission on the new island, then set all units to playable (either by search and replace in mission.sqm or 1 by 1 in the editor), save the mission and then copy all files except mission.sqm into the new mission folder. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mtuckner 10 Posted January 8, 2011 I'll try that galzohar. THanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites