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Plz help 6870 crossfire ARMA 2 OA Bad FPS

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It's not a fanboy thing and I try to tell people this all the time, AMD's drivers are garbage.

Great hardware, great prices, pathetic driver support. They fix one thing and break another.

I would buy ATI again (probably), but this is so true.

I have wasted so much time trying to sort out issues, many of them caused by trying to strip out remnants of drivers just in order to update.

I know BIS has encouraged us to poke ATI about crossfire issues with OA and I have. But am confused why they cannot put more pressure on the ATI folks as well, could anyone explain that?

You would think it would work that way, at least for the big games companies. I would expect every AAA title to have CrossFire / SLI profiles sorted well before release. But the problems go much deeper, and we have block-buster games released that have artefacting, strobing, terrible stuttering, obscenely long loading times... and then wait months for a fix (in the case of ATI).

It just makes no sense from a PR perspective. You'd think ATI would break their asses to support the most recent cards (not talking about mine) and have them working to the best of the hardware's ability, both with and without a multi-card setup.

This happens so often that the blame cannot be laid at the feet of the software developers - all of whom I'm sure want their games to work the best they can with the widest range of hardware.

Let's be honest, ATI and Nvidia just see PC gamers as walking pockets who are there to prop up their R&D departments. They're only really interested in developing the hardware so that their cards will be chosen for the next generation of consoles and they won't have to foot the bill for R&D all at once or on their own.

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Time to phone AMD Sunnyvale office, switch to The Voice, and have a "discussion" with some VPs to get them at bit more motivated.

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This happens so often that the blame cannot be laid at the feet of the software developers - all of whom I'm sure want their games to work the best they can with the widest range of hardware.


Nvidia has AMD against a wall in terms of developer relationships, it has been this way for a long time.

Things like programmable profiles are an absolute must for enthusiasts and AMD still hasn't produced them.

I'd like to be able recommend AMD but I can't at this point, not as far as GPUs go anyway.

Edited by BangTail

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Time to phone AMD Sunnyvale office, switch to The Voice, and have a "discussion" with some VPs to get them at bit more motivated.

Let me know how you get on, i'm in a similar position. Arma 2 is totally borked for me with Crossfire enabled.

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Yeah, i've got that. It's just a case of know what settings to use though, that's the problem.

Even with that and knowing what settings to use, CF is still problematic.

AMD don't even have a properly working official driver for the 6870 - all you've got is the promise that 10.12 will fix many of the problems.

Great /sarcasm off

Edited by BangTail

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Even with that and knowing what settings to use, CF is still problematic.

AMD don't even have a properly working official driver for the 6870 - all you've got is the promise that 10.12 will fix many of the problems.

Great /sarcasm off

Tell me about it. When they work though, they are amazing. Absolutely awesome.

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Right got 10.12,all settings set to very high,aa set to normal.

FPS 45-23 look up at the sky 154fps but in towns,and lots of trees 30 23 Fps.

NOT GOOD! Lol GPU load is 67% on each GPU,well crossfire works now but it's not very good on this game hope it gets better.

Who has a 6870 crossfire set up and what FPS are you getting ?

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I've a HD 5970 (Dual GPU -> crossfire), but just so you know what you should be able to expect: on 1600x1200 without any AA, all details highest, 3000km view distance I get 50FPS in Strelka.

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My last ATI card did the same thing. It was a HD5970. I would turn around and see stick figures, green blobs for trees and brown blocks for tanks. What a piece of crap that card was. I fixed it by switching back to Nvidia.

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My last ATI card did the same thing. It was a HD5970. I would turn around and see stick figures, green blobs for trees and brown blocks for tanks. What a piece of crap that card was. I fixed it by switching back to Nvidia.

Hmm copy paste much? Most if not all the slow load issues where addressed with the 1.56 and new Patches.

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Hmm copy paste much? Most if not all the slow load issues where addressed with the 1.56 and new Patches.

Totally not addressed at least in my case. And yes..Why type when you can paste?

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My last ATI card did the same thing. It was a HD5970. I would turn around and see stick figures, green blobs for trees and brown blocks for tanks. What a piece of crap that card was. I fixed it by switching back to Nvidia.

Seconded, the 5970 is among the worst cards I have ever owned.

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Interesting ... I'm quite satisfied with it, seldom have problems at all (Arma2 and other games)

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Crossfire working great here - no issues. Smooth, no anomolies or glitches. Using Cat 10.8's still. Have to wonder if the CPU is affecting some folks. I noticed quite a big jump in performance going from <3Ghz to >3.3Ghz...

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Seconded, the 5970 is among the worst cards I have ever owned.

Good to see another has felt my pain :D... NICE RIG btw!!

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I found 5870 CF was the best of my CF experiences tbh.

I'm guessing people's experience with specific cards whether single GPU, dual GPU or crossfire will vary depending on their PC spec as a whole. There are so many different components out there which can have an infinite number of combinations.

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Some people might call me stupid for that, but once in a while it is simply an issue with the power supply being either too weak / surging / too old

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I'm guessing people's experience with specific cards whether single GPU, dual GPU or crossfire will vary depending on their PC spec as a whole. There are so many different components out there which can have an infinite number of combinations.

Nah, it's just that the 5970 isn't a great card.

I had 5870CF on the same rig and it was fine.

Multi GPU cards have been problematic from both camps.

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Some people might call me stupid for that, but once in a while it is simply an issue with the power supply being either too weak / surging / too old

If there's a problem with the PSU the whole system is likely to crash/restart/BSOD

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Well the new patch 1.57 for OA has been a bit better ,on the benchmark I get 67FPS. B4 I got 42 but still there is parts of the game that only use 32% of each gpu? What Fps are peeps seeing with this new patch.

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