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About Kubicide

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  1. Bad info here... Something must have been wrong with your AMD setup. The 6970s CrossFired run great. Game runs perfectly smooth with absolutely no stutters or pauses. Tried some 3GB 580s and they were indeed very fast but had major micro-stutters and sometimes stalled / slowed requiring the infamous need to "shift - flush" after 30-40 minutes. Nvidia cards seem to have had this problem since the first ArmA release - I know from first hand frustration (remember the ALT-TAB thing?). AMD hasn't had this issue since around the release of their VPU feature - not sure if this is a factor or was a coincidence. AMD 6970s work very well with ArmA:OA, ArmA 2 and Armed Assault, and so does the 5870 or 6970 CrossFire setup.
  2. Kubicide

    Memory Speeds Are Important?

    :eek: ??? Installing the game on an SSD can make a huge difference in feeding textures to video cards faster. Net result is increased FPS.
  3. Crossfire working great here - no issues. Smooth, no anomolies or glitches. Using Cat 10.8's still. Have to wonder if the CPU is affecting some folks. I noticed quite a big jump in performance going from <3Ghz to >3.3Ghz...
  4. Kubicide

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 73643

    Yep, path is fine. But I'll try the newer/newest beta and reply... Edit: doh! had a typo in the path. Corrected and all is well. Thanks!
  5. Kubicide

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 73643

    Anyone else have start-up problem running crossfire with this beta? Other betas have been fine, but when I launch this one I get the old weird texture thing with no text and just odd colored boxes. Have to use Task Manager to end or close app.
  6. Try turning the view distance down - 2500M with (your) CPU isn't going to be smooth.
  7. Kubicide

    New beta for OA 71952

    Patch is working really well - much, much better than 71900 and the release exe. Multiplayer games are more fluid with far less stutter and desync issues. Crossfire is now making a major difference whereas it didn't help in the 71900 and release 1.52 version. System specs below... Keep it up BIS! This beta makes OA feel like Arma2 prior to 1.7!
  8. Hmm... I definitely see an increase with two 5870's versus one. Using 9.12HF with i7 @ 3.6GHz. ArmA2 can actually max out both GPUs at times according to GPUZ. Try using the training level for consistancy between tests. With one card ArmA2 can max out one GPU real fast; with Xfire enabled I need to crank up the AA in a thick forest for both GPUs to max out. (Oh ya, certain effects really come alive with Xfire enabled such as blasts in the distance - very realistic fast motion in the initial blast!) What I do notice is during MP at some servers I have very poor frames - decent ping ~70 or less but real lousy FPS. Yet other servers with similar ping are very fast and same FPS as running SP or training. Suspect there may be some sort of frame-lock or limit to keep MP gameplay 'even' when the server has issues or limited bandwidth, maybe? Something definately changes the FPS depending on the server...
  9. Kubicide

    Ati 4870x2 not working poperly.

    Breguinho - It's a single 4870x2. I don't have fraps loaded but can say that I'm definately impacted by the server I choose. With some the fps is real fast like single player/training. Other servers are dog slow; ping is good but the frames are slow and the game is choppy. Is CrossFire kicking in for you? Did you turn on the CCC indicator to verify? (BTW how did you disable xFire or do you have 2x cards?)
  10. Kubicide

    Ati 4870x2 not working poperly.

    Well, the 4870x2 (CrossFire) and Cat 9.11's works great here: Win 7 retail, i7 O/C, 6 gig ram... Game settings: all high except memory @ very high, AA @ normal and the processing on low. I'm picky about having smooth decent frame rates, and this combo is working well. One thing I noticed was a great improvement going to 3.3GHz from the stock 2.6GHz speed - eliminated all stuttering and slowness while increasing FPS. Oh ya, the SSD drive really helps solve the texture loading/drawing/popping issue.
  11. Kubicide

    Blurred game and menu bars

    If you have an ATI card it is the CC panel setting set to performance - change to "balanced".
  12. Kubicide

    Kind of disappointed with a 4870x2

    Yes, I had a 280 OCX and it was fast. Much better than the 8800 Ultra it was going to replace. But, all Nvidia's I have tried crash with ArmA. Now have a 4870X2 and it is the fastest of them all - running in crossfire mode with all settings highest except post process (the effects I don't like). Oh, and absolutely no crashes! Fantastic.
  13. Kubicide

    The Dreaded Lock-UP

    Add another confirmation that the freeze is related to Nvidia hardware or drivers. Just changed over to a 4870X2 and no more problems. Had a 280 and 8800Ultra before that - both would randomly freeze ever since the 1.14 patch. Before that it was the annoying 8007000 or whatever crash introduced with 1.07/1.08 patch. Always suspected it was Nvidia related and this confirms it for my setup. No fanboy-ism. I could care less who has the better card. Just want to have the best ArmA experience.
  14. Kubicide

    Kind of disappointed with a 4870x2

    My  two cents: Was running ArmA @ 1920x1200 with an 8800 Ultra most settings at high. Tried a 4870 and had lousy performance - very choppy with low fps even with normal settings. Then tried a 4870x2 and had worse performance than using the 8800. Finally, put a 280 in and it performs! Much faster than the 8800 Ultra. Haven't spent time trying to determine actual increase but it "feels" twice as fast with everything now at very high except AA (normal) and postprocess (low). And no more slow downs when staring at forests, scope sights, etc. Very happy now... Same thing happened with MS Flight Sim 9 and FSX - both apps improved alot; running 1920x1200@32bit measured 30-40% increase in fps using shift-x. The 4870's both ran poorly and far less than the 8800. But the audio had no occassional stutter when running the ATI cards - seems to be an Nvidia thing. Certain apps get along better with the Nvidia architechure, and I'd say ArmA is one that benefits more from Nvidia than ATI cards. (Hope the NV texture bug is gone. Haven't seen a crash yet.)
  15. Kubicide

    The Dreaded Lock-UP

    Head's up on the 4870x2: I just returned mine as it was dang slow and choppy compared to my 8800Ultra. We're talking about 20-25% slower frames, and choppy. Also had bad occasional interlace artifacts from the permanently enabled CrossFire on the x2. Was really hoping it would cure my woes with Nvidia and Arma but no... UPDATED: Got another 4780X2 and now have it working properly with ArmA. MultiGPU wasn't being enabled before - now it is, and it smokes! Also tried an overclocked 280 which still locked up at random times thanks to the 1.14 patch. But the 4870X2 is far better than both the Ultra and 280: no lock ups (so far), no Nvidia fog, no slow downs near trees, etc. Very happy now...