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PMC11: Termination

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Here's some feedback about PMC campaign's last mission.

There's mortar in NTA Camp (the one in the south) but I can't seem to use it.

It comes in two pieces: mortar and tripod but it's impossible to deploy the tripod.

Is it a bug? I also found the Stinger in the other camp and when I took it, an optional task was succeeded.


Edited by Lonestar

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Maybe it is ,but you dont need mortar ,but keep the stinger ;)

Did you finished this mission? if yes , i finished it with only xm8 and nothing else :D

Edited by RobertHammer

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I finished the campaign yea, Stinger is really a must have asset for the end.

I was just wondering what went wrong and if anybody else managed to use the mortar.

It looks like something didn't trigger when it should and the mortar is just a useless piece of heavy gear whereas it could have played a key role.

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I was actually going to ask about this, if there was some more advanced way of finishing this mission. All I did was drive the SUV through the fence around the palace, sneak up past the helicopter and into the place, up the stairs, killing all the dudes, and finally knocking over Reynolds. Piece of cake. :) Although I did figure there had to be a less 'direct' way of doing this as well...



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I had a champion time finishing this mission. I started off by bombarding the base, then basically hell-for-leather'd the SUV with Asano inside. Punted him out and told him to watch the secondary compound. Then I flanked right around the radar tower, put a couple of holes in some meandering guards and lay in wait by the chopper.

Out comes Reynolds, jumps in the pilots seat, just in time for me to stand up, insert Dixon's AA-12 through the side door and ventilate his skull. Absolutely beautiful stuff. :D

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btw i was waiting at entrance of the base where i killed one guard and i was surprised when Reynolds tryes to escape (in that second i was thinking about mission fail)and then i shot down the helicopter with Xm8 - what a lucky shot that was :D

Edited by RobertHammer

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I used the mortar to destroy the helicopter (I knew where it was) and to destroy the villa (that crashed on Raynolds, killing him). Then some other mortar shells around the house to kill the guards. Then a nice trip to the house to collect the evidence and kill survivors ;-)

To deploy the mortar: http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1662940&postcount=2

Edited by Speedle

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The mortar works fine in my case (and I don't know how Renolds survive the big holes maked in ion QG, fortunatly I also had the stinger :) ). You need to lay down the mortar canon and have the tripod in the backpack, mounting is not the default action.

Strings for radio miss when using the mortar. I obtain the STR_blabla_effectued, STR_blabl_cannot_do

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Ok guys, I managed to use the M252 mortar.

Did you get an optional task added to your briefing when you found it?

What I like in this game is that you can achieve a mission in many different ways ;)

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Ive shot him down but when he dies it says retrieve materials, when I go to his brief case it does not do anything and I get no options to pick it up. Plus I also did not get to use the mortar.

Also the guy with the shot gun, on my first attempt he died and I got a task to check his body, on my game now he didnt die he killed all the team, so I supose thats whats messed up my current game.

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Ive shot him down but when he dies it says retrieve materials, when I go to his brief case it does not do anything...

It was the same with me - I executed him and the mission completed.

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It was the same with me - I executed him and the mission completed.

I tried that aswell but still the same, I guess its another level re-start, there lucky its a easy mission and dont take hours!

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One single FN-FAL round through a window did it for me.

All the way from the southern vantage point! Beautiful shot!

... now I just have to deal with the damn APC that wants to chew on me now.

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I checked on Dixon (he was dead) and grabbed a bunch of ammo from the dead contractors. Then I headed for the NTA camps, nabbing the stinger and the mortar.

I went to the southern vantage point where I set up the mortar (drop tripod and with M258 on back simply aim at the tripod pack on the ground to assemble with quick menu). Then I randomly spammed some shells into the villa compound. I don't know what I hit, but there was plenty of fire and explosions. Then Reynolds tried to escape with the chopper, but it was easily dispatched with the stinger.

I drove over and grabbed the case and victory was mine.

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