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[Island] NG-Studio present "Isola di Capraïa"

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Gamerz thanks this is really the best mod island, from all ! beautiful and very realistic and diverse design for missions to suit every taste!

if the work is still in the process 'll give you an idea to make the submarine base in the rock or sea fortress that is similar to the "Fort bayart" :p but has a dry dock inside !

Edited by zoldatpizdat

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Why not for another project but for capraia List of improve's tasks is done. But thx !

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Hi, are there any SP missions for Capraia that do not require loads of additional Addons? Has been roaming this amazing island, but now I need something to do, LOL. Simple missions, complex ones, does not matter.



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It is supported by the random mode of A&S ProMode. This game mode requires no addons

(except the given community world and optional modsets).

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Why not coming on a Multiplayer server ? "More we're crazy, more we laugh !" (FR citation)

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A few notes:

Why did you remove ?

midDetailTexture = "NGS\IsolaDiCapraia\data\Sand_2.paa";

Here is a fixed and improved config:



Please add tags to your HQ textures and its config classes!

Otherwise you can overwrite other people's work. :(

thanks :bounce3:

Edited by .kju [PvPscene]

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thank you for this remark is an unintentional oversight on my part. Regarding the HQ textures TAG, I do not understand what you mean, I look more closely at the files you sent me.

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What PvP is saying, that using some definitions that are the same as existing BIS or other addon makers terrain, your terrain can kill / destroy / break that other terrain.

There are a few addons already like that, released, but never fixed.

By prefixing your config definitions with your own TAG you don't accidently write over other prior works.

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Yeah - that's the idea, Gamerz...

If you have a file called "sand2.paa" AND another persons island also includes a texture called "sand2.paa" AND someone loads both islands at the same time - then weird stuff can happen... For that reason alone it's always a good idea to make everything a little distinctive... with a unique tag at the beginning...

This can be your own "nametag" - like "NGS_"... though watch out for if in the future you make another island, it also has sand - a different sand texture - and you call it "NGS_Sand2.paa" as well... In that case you'd have tagged your files OK, but you'd be conflicting with yourself! if you loaded both your islands at once :D...

I've fallen into that trap before...

For that reason, I DO tag all my files, but I use a tag specific to that project... eg:

"Capraia_Sand2.paa"... something like that - so this file is labelled as unique to this particular project... then there's no possibility of any conflict with either other peoples work - or your own future work...


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ok, understood ! I'll do that ! Thx for this information. if you have another tricks, don't hesitate !

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I've experienced a very strange problem with this island, i've ported a domination 2 by xeno v 2.54, i use the same template for all islands and for all of the domis i port on many different maps everithing working, side main etc, in this island is the only one wich make my non damaged mhq and lift chopper respawning even if they aren't damaged, the only place on all of the map where do this doesn't happens is the first hill between forte san giorgio and the red and white striped tower (don't remember its name right now), in the rest of the island my vehicles do respawn.....only here, i've ported on fallujah, panthera, lingor, duala the same domi and this issue doesn't happens....

I donno why

PS I really love this island, and i'd like to solve this problem, because this domination is very very nice on this island wich i consider the best arma2 island addon, panthera and all of the others are none in front of this one

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I wasn't going to dig up the thread, but I just had to tell you guys what an outstanding job you did with this island. It's stunning, really well designed. It's the most natural looking terrain I've seen in a user-made island. The setting has me even more pumped for Arma 3. Exceptionally well done.

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I have an important note about this map. The extension .iso is often blacklisted on FTPs, and the map name could make it difficult to host this through public servers. I would advice that the map extension is given a different named (anything that isn't --- 'iso' --- would avoid blacklisting).

Otherwise great map, currently (hopefully, if we can negate the above issue) being used for a campaign by 16AA.

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I think you can do it yourself? and if necessary repeat the pattern file (bisign and Bikey)

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Being unfamiliar with how islands are made, could you detail where this would be changeable?

Many thanks.

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rename the island's mod & repeat the pattern file (bisign and Bikey) => https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Addon_Signatures

---------- Post added at 02:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:29 AM ----------

Ok, now ! the support of this mod stop today ! sorry but i come here very rarely ! Nanucq_R3F or OldBear_ADO can maybe help you if you need.

Edited by Gamerz

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Maybe I renew it in arma 3 ;) maybe.....not ^^ I still thought

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