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A.C.R.E - Advanced Combat Radio Environment - 1.1 Stable - Release Thread

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Good work as always Jaynus, this mod is tops!

Is it a known issue that rear channels are not used with direct comms? It makes some communications hard to pin-point for obvious reasons. I'm currently using the 1.2.5 beta on the UO server with a 5.1 surround sound system.

This wasn't always the case either... It's only in the recent builds that the speech is limited to the front channels.

I'm happy to make a ticket for you if that would help. Thanks again for all your hard work!

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After installing ACRE, I had the following window pop-up. Maybe a false positive but I thought I would let you know...

Plus did anyone else get this ??

Yes, this is a false positive. No problems found with the file here. (Comodo + ThreatFire)

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Love ACRE, always have. The new iteration is MUCH more reliable and easy to set up. TFB is officially hooked on it now. Thanks for all the hard work and the amazing addon, ACRE team.

Looking forward to radios in vehicles, mostly so I don't have to lug the 119 around everywhere I go in ACE. :p


What's the story for the PRC-152? Is that new since the stand alone? I don't see any documentation on it in the Wiki.

You could always use a 117F instead of a 119, way better radio anyways. Not sure why everyone uses the 119; the thing sucks, its no better than a 148.

The 152 is a new radio. Look it up on the webs :) I havn't written any new documentation for all the new stuff in 1.2 yet. The operator manual is in the manuals page tho :P

---------- Post added at 10:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:05 AM ----------

Good work as always Jaynus, this mod is tops!

Is it a known issue that rear channels are not used with direct comms? It makes some communications hard to pin-point for obvious reasons. I'm currently using the 1.2.5 beta on the UO server with a 5.1 surround sound system.

This is a known issue with TS3.


---------- Post added at 10:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:08 AM ----------

After installing ACRE, I had the following window pop-up. Maybe a false positive but I thought I would let you know...

Plus did anyone else get this ??

Thats a crappy algorithm-detector for "possible unknown" malware.

Basically, it flags error_report.exe as a virus because it gathers information (for the dump files).

Nothing to worry about. Its also been reported to the TS3 dev's.

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You could always use a 117F instead of a 119, way better radio anyways. Not sure why everyone uses the 119; the thing sucks, its no better than a 148.

In a vehicle, the 119 is better. I could talk to a guy down on the coast of Chernarus from the main airfield with the 119, but he couldn't talk back with the 117. Then again, he could have neglected to change the power settings. Not to mention, I like the interface of the 119 better.

Semi-related question; Does the squelch on the 119 work?

The 152 is a new radio. Look it up on the webs :) I havn't written any new documentation for all the new stuff in 1.2 yet. The operator manual is in the manuals page tho :P

I did look it up on the web, found an operators manual. :p Fiddling around with it, I noticed not all of the functionality of the options menu was there. Namely everything that isn't the power setting. (The LED screen on the radio would go blank and default to the power setting if any additional buttons were pushed.) Are those going to be implemented in the future?


Is there going to be a GPS version of the 152?


Is the 152 a multiband radio right now? I read that there are multiband antennas that come standard. (Usually covering 30–512 MHz)

Edited by b00ce

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very nice mod love it, small thing on the mbitr though you guys have the 2 nobs mixed up on the top the left one is to turn it on and change volume and the one in center is to change the channel you can also change channel or channel name in mode or do a freq overwrite aswell. thanks for the hard work and awesome mod guys.

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very nice mod love it, small thing on the mbitr though you guys have the 2 nobs mixed up on the top the left one is to turn it on and change volume and the one in center is to change the channel you can also change channel or channel name in mode or do a freq overwrite aswell. thanks for the hard work and awesome mod guys.


The 148 is the one radio we cannot obtain operators manuals for, for some weird reason. So we are having to work off of replica specs. Sorry :|

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The 148 is the one radio we cannot obtain operators manuals for, for some weird reason. So we are having to work off of replica specs. Sorry :|

This is not a real manual - just a video. Can you use this for something?

Edited by Boxter.dk

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Cool sh*t!

Got it to work after a while. Didn't work when put in a different folder than Arma 2: OA like other mods do. No big deal.

Will try out this more in a more combat/battle situation.

Again, thanks for this cool mod! And keep up the good work. :)

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Quick question: Currently player's presence in a vehicle is completely ignored? I know realistically implemented vehicle radios are planned, which is great, but was wondering how it currently works - That is, if there's anything that treats vehicles or if being inside/outside a vehicle is completely meaningless at the moment.

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The 148 is the one radio we cannot obtain operators manuals for, for some weird reason. So we are having to work off of replica specs. Sorry :|

thats understandable mate i just got assigned platoon rto about 2 weeks ago and got like a day training and being in the militaryt its still a very hard task for me to try and get that manual wich im still waiting on s6 to send me, i think they like it under lock and key, but very good mod thanks again for the hard work!:yay:

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Quick question: Currently player's presence in a vehicle is completely ignored? I know realistically implemented vehicle radios are planned, which is great, but was wondering how it currently works - That is, if there's anything that treats vehicles or if being inside/outside a vehicle is completely meaningless at the moment.

What do you mean?

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Quick question: Currently player's presence in a vehicle is completely ignored? I know realistically implemented vehicle radios are planned, which is great, but was wondering how it currently works - That is, if there's anything that treats vehicles or if being inside/outside a vehicle is completely meaningless at the moment.

With the PRC-119, you can only use PA mode while in a vehicle.

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Can you change the hotkeys to switch between radios? Becasue when I play as Radio Operator I use 2 radios, 119 and 148, and in the middle of a firefight if I need to switch coms my character stands up and then Im an easy target just standing there. I cant change the stance hotkeys because I played always with those key settings.

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Can you change the hotkeys to switch between radios? Becasue when I play as Radio Operator I use 2 radios, 119 and 148, and in the middle of a firefight if I need to switch coms my character stands up and then Im an easy target just standing there. I cant change the stance hotkeys because I played always with those key settings.

Yes, look at your userconfig folder, you can change the keys in there.

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What do you mean?

What I mean is: What is the difference between being in a vehicle and being out of vehicle? What is actually simulated/implemented and what is not?

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What I mean is: What is the difference between being in a vehicle and being out of vehicle? What is actually simulated/implemented and what is not?

We implemented the 119 prior to our plan on fully implementing VRCs.

We are only 2 guys, and some shit just takes a while to get done and we throw in things that we have to get rid of eventually as mistakes. Its as simple as that :)

As far as what that "simulates": It simluates PA mode on a radio, e.g. being hooked into a VRC. cic prior statement about before we planned on doing actually VRC's

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Yes, look at your userconfig folder, you can change the keys in there.

Thank you!

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This wasn't criticism, I know you guys are working on everything, just needed to know exactly what works and what doesn't so I can make/plan missions accordingly.

Which radios have that PA mode simulated? And in which vehicles?

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It worked great testing it out with a friend.

I'm running W7 64bit but 32 bit Acre plugin and 32 bit Teamspeak. Differences in stability? Should I switch to 64-bit?

My friend's TS crasched one time.

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Just an update for everyone:

We've gone stable with the new TS3, versioned at This version will be the exact same code we'll release when TS3 releases its final version. Excluding any simple changes (Like they will probably increment the API version number, which requires a rebuild from us) this code really is it.

Although we don't want to push a entirely new thread for it yet until TS3 officially updates, we do want to provide it here for communities that have been using the TS3 beta's with us and following our versions.

We are going to begin new feature development again, which means going back into the unstable territory. On that same note though, our bug tracker is starting to look kind of empty in regards to feature requests and suggestions. So feel free to keep putting them up :)

Heres the final 1.2.6 changelog. This is all the way from 1.1.1 to 1.2.6:

-- 1.2.6 STABLE --
* Added: Game disruption features implemented. Read http://dev-heaven.net/issues/11318#note-10 for usage
* Added: JayArmA2Lib and dsound.dll verbose error reporting (and annoying beeps when your install of them is bad)
* Added: ACRE now fades in and out in sync with ACE wounds; people also cant hear you when you fade out.
* Change: ACE combatdeaf now makes TS3 volume fade just like in game volume
* Fixed: ACE on-back now works and doesn't cause CTDs. It works 100% now
* Fixed: Certain scenarios where when you died values didnt get reset correctly
* Fixed: Radio's disappearing or not working with certain respawn scripts
* Fixed: Performance internal fixes related to death and respawn
* Fixed: XEH PostInit timely fashion error
* Fixed: Whoever made the BMD/BMP models did not properly name their turned out animations. This is now compensated for by ACRE. 
* Fixed: Issue where randomly radio's would stop working until you dropped it and picked it up.
* Fixed: Crash/hang issue for Windows XP Users
* Fixed: ACE uncon/deaf would allow you to hear everyone

-- 1.2.5 RC3 --
* Changed: Direct volume tweaked slightly for close distances
* Fixed: Memory leak concerning TS3 plugin messages
* Fixed: Issue where you would stop transmitting on radio with VAD if you took a breath
* Fixed: ACE Earplugs in/out a bunch of times decreased TS3 volume permenently (HOW THE FUCK WOULD SSG(hi pelle) EVEN FIND THIS BUG!??!!?)
* Fixed: Apparently ACE Combat deaf did not make you deaf with ACRE and no one bothered to tell me. This is not true anymore.
* Fixed: ACE wounds overhaul system now supported. ACRE now fades with unconciousness fading

-- 1.2.5 RC2 --
* Changed: Direct volume attenuation finalized
* Fixed: Squawk volumes finalized
* Fixed: Error code now reports for duplicate pipe error. Please provide error code in popup

-- 1.2.5 RC1 --
* Added: API function to change what the default replacement for ItemRadio is
* Added: isSpeaking API now works on the local player, you can check if he is speaking and/or on radio
* Added: acre_api_fnc_setRadioVolume and acre_api_fnc_getRadioVolume for manipulating radio volumes
* Changed: Increased timeout times to compensate for low FPS disconnects
* Changed: Squawks are now spatialized and volume attenuated correctly for your receiving radio
* Changed: Picking up a new radio will no longer set it as active if you already have a radio
* Fixed: Squawks would sometimes not hit for squawk on or off of a remote transmission
* Fixed: You could not hear other players talk on radio OR direct while you were talking (when on same freq)
* Fixed: Robot voices / static when you are dead and waiting to respawn AND players are far away from you
* Fixed: API Spectator flag wasnt being respected.
* Fixed: Picking up a radio would not set your active radio correctly

--- 1.2.4 ---
* Fixed: Issue where radio transmissions would not be recieved
* Fixed: MPPT spatialization now does not lag

--- 1.2.3 ---
* Added: Multi-PTT system re-enabled and fixed
- Still uses the userconfig PTTAlternative configurations. Defaulted to shift+ctrl+1/2/3
- Known Issue: When receiving a MPPT Transmission, spatialization currently lags ~20ms
* Added: PTT key modifers are now respected in TS3 (You can now use shift/ctrt/alt combinations in userconfig)
* Changed: Direct volume re-worked to a scaled down inverse-square 
* Fixed: Spatializing radio is now 100% to your left or right ear. 
* Fixed: Misc. hang fixes
* Fixed: PRC-343 CH8 & CH9 were the same frequency
* Fixed: load/unload ACRE & mission-end bug's hopefully fixed
* Fixed: The "beta-man bug" is officially destroyed. Beta can now play with us. Rejoice!
* Fixed: Mitigated "cut out" mid-sentance bug
* Fixed: Issue where sometimes you couldn't use/hear radio transmissions after respawns
* Fixed: Hang at the end of a mission or on disconnect fixed
* Fixed: Lower/Raise Headset now appears in *all* vehicles
* Fixed: Fixed a memory leak causing TS3 to peak at ~150mb memory usage

-- 1.2.2 -- 
* Fixed: Fuckup release fix
* Fixed: TS3 now resets correctly at end of a map
* Fixed: Random muting is now gone again. woops. sorry guys. I suck :(
* Fixed: Hanging at mission reset fixed
* Fixed: Load/unload plugin wasnt working

-- 1.2.1 --
* Changed: 3d Attenuation was too quiet. Its now been turned up
* Changed: Radio volume was too quiet. Its now been turned up
* Fixed: Squawks on's should now only happen for channels your actually listening to
* Fixed: Dead channel caused global voices and robot voices
* Fixed: (Asthetic) sometimes you would be muting yourself in TeamSpeak.
* Fixed: Sometimes at the end of game random muting would occur. This should be fixed
* Fixed: You could not hear a person on direct talking on a different radio frequency.
* Fixed: Version mismatch popup should now not happen
* Fixed: TS3 would hang if you had internet connectivity issues

-- 1.2 --
* Added: New hand-held radio, the AN/PRC-152 (By Steffen Frandsen, thanks!)
* Added: Debug version of ACRE with a debug dialog. May/may not be released public
* Changed and WTF: Full and complete plugin overhaul in expectancy of new TS3
- New TS3 is probably going to suck ass, so we expanded support with B36
- Approximately a 70% code re-write for stability and design
- New Distortion engine (complete overhaul)
- new, flexible internals allows for faster and stable feature dev in future
- This code is epic. Should be much, much, much more stable
* Changed: Left/Right ear radios should now be louder
* Removed: Multi-PTT has been disabled again until it can be re-worked
* Fixed: due to plugin re-write, death muting and JIP muting should be much more stable
* Fixed: No more 15-second reset timer
* Fixed: if your radio volume is 0, you just hear a person on direct
* Fixed: You can now raise/lower your headset in a vehicle
* Fixed: Wheeled APC's had incorrect attenuation class
* Fixed: Clientside CBA post-init warning
* Fixed: Dropping radios would not actually make the radio go away 100%
* Fixed: Switching the 117f to 'off' would cause wierd results
* FINALLY! Actually fixed the TS3 permission issue. No longer have to run as admin. Swear to god.
* Fixed: Inconsistenty in PRC-117F volume display
* Added: Integrated PRC-343 volume knob images, thanks gmt2001!

Heres the installs (again, use at own risk since we don't want to "officially" support the beta for the entire community):


Again - frankly, this release deserves its own thread. But until TS3 officially updates, we really don't want to deal with the "herp derp" of using a beta TS3 and the bug reports that come to us which turn out to be TS3 bugs; not to mention the idea of running a beta of TS3 already makes people "meh".

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Just an update for everyone:

We've gone stable with the new TS3, versioned at This version will be the exact same code we'll release when TS3 releases its final version. Excluding any simple changes (Like they will probably increment the API version number, which requires a rebuild from us) this code really is it.

Although we don't want to push a entirely new thread for it yet until TS3 officially updates, we do want to provide it here for communities that have been using the TS3 beta's with us and following our versions.

We are going to begin new feature development again, which means going back into the unstable territory. On that same note though, our bug tracker is starting to look kind of empty in regards to feature requests and suggestions. So feel free to keep putting them up :)

Heres the final 1.2.6 changelog. This is all the way from 1.1.1 to 1.2.6:

-- 1.2.6 STABLE --
* Added: Game disruption features implemented. Read http://dev-heaven.net/issues/11318#note-10 for usage
* Added: JayArmA2Lib and dsound.dll verbose error reporting (and annoying beeps when your install of them is bad)
* Added: ACRE now fades in and out in sync with ACE wounds; people also cant hear you when you fade out.
* Change: ACE combatdeaf now makes TS3 volume fade just like in game volume
* Fixed: ACE on-back now works and doesn't cause CTDs. It works 100% now
* Fixed: Certain scenarios where when you died values didnt get reset correctly
* Fixed: Radio's disappearing or not working with certain respawn scripts
* Fixed: Performance internal fixes related to death and respawn
* Fixed: XEH PostInit timely fashion error
* Fixed: Whoever made the BMD/BMP models did not properly name their turned out animations. This is now compensated for by ACRE. 
* Fixed: Issue where randomly radio's would stop working until you dropped it and picked it up.
* Fixed: Crash/hang issue for Windows XP Users
* Fixed: ACE uncon/deaf would allow you to hear everyone

-- 1.2.5 RC3 --
* Changed: Direct volume tweaked slightly for close distances
* Fixed: Memory leak concerning TS3 plugin messages
* Fixed: Issue where you would stop transmitting on radio with VAD if you took a breath
* Fixed: ACE Earplugs in/out a bunch of times decreased TS3 volume permenently (HOW THE FUCK WOULD SSG(hi pelle) EVEN FIND THIS BUG!??!!?)
* Fixed: Apparently ACE Combat deaf did not make you deaf with ACRE and no one bothered to tell me. This is not true anymore.
* Fixed: ACE wounds overhaul system now supported. ACRE now fades with unconciousness fading

-- 1.2.5 RC2 --
* Changed: Direct volume attenuation finalized
* Fixed: Squawk volumes finalized
* Fixed: Error code now reports for duplicate pipe error. Please provide error code in popup

-- 1.2.5 RC1 --
* Added: API function to change what the default replacement for ItemRadio is
* Added: isSpeaking API now works on the local player, you can check if he is speaking and/or on radio
* Added: acre_api_fnc_setRadioVolume and acre_api_fnc_getRadioVolume for manipulating radio volumes
* Changed: Increased timeout times to compensate for low FPS disconnects
* Changed: Squawks are now spatialized and volume attenuated correctly for your receiving radio
* Changed: Picking up a new radio will no longer set it as active if you already have a radio
* Fixed: Squawks would sometimes not hit for squawk on or off of a remote transmission
* Fixed: You could not hear other players talk on radio OR direct while you were talking (when on same freq)
* Fixed: Robot voices / static when you are dead and waiting to respawn AND players are far away from you
* Fixed: API Spectator flag wasnt being respected.
* Fixed: Picking up a radio would not set your active radio correctly

--- 1.2.4 ---
* Fixed: Issue where radio transmissions would not be recieved
* Fixed: MPPT spatialization now does not lag

--- 1.2.3 ---
* Added: Multi-PTT system re-enabled and fixed
- Still uses the userconfig PTTAlternative configurations. Defaulted to shift+ctrl+1/2/3
- Known Issue: When receiving a MPPT Transmission, spatialization currently lags ~20ms
* Added: PTT key modifers are now respected in TS3 (You can now use shift/ctrt/alt combinations in userconfig)
* Changed: Direct volume re-worked to a scaled down inverse-square 
* Fixed: Spatializing radio is now 100% to your left or right ear. 
* Fixed: Misc. hang fixes
* Fixed: PRC-343 CH8 & CH9 were the same frequency
* Fixed: load/unload ACRE & mission-end bug's hopefully fixed
* Fixed: The "beta-man bug" is officially destroyed. Beta can now play with us. Rejoice!
* Fixed: Mitigated "cut out" mid-sentance bug
* Fixed: Issue where sometimes you couldn't use/hear radio transmissions after respawns
* Fixed: Hang at the end of a mission or on disconnect fixed
* Fixed: Lower/Raise Headset now appears in *all* vehicles
* Fixed: Fixed a memory leak causing TS3 to peak at ~150mb memory usage

-- 1.2.2 -- 
* Fixed: Fuckup release fix
* Fixed: TS3 now resets correctly at end of a map
* Fixed: Random muting is now gone again. woops. sorry guys. I suck :(
* Fixed: Hanging at mission reset fixed
* Fixed: Load/unload plugin wasnt working

-- 1.2.1 --
* Changed: 3d Attenuation was too quiet. Its now been turned up
* Changed: Radio volume was too quiet. Its now been turned up
* Fixed: Squawks on's should now only happen for channels your actually listening to
* Fixed: Dead channel caused global voices and robot voices
* Fixed: (Asthetic) sometimes you would be muting yourself in TeamSpeak.
* Fixed: Sometimes at the end of game random muting would occur. This should be fixed
* Fixed: You could not hear a person on direct talking on a different radio frequency.
* Fixed: Version mismatch popup should now not happen
* Fixed: TS3 would hang if you had internet connectivity issues

-- 1.2 --
* Added: New hand-held radio, the AN/PRC-152 (By Steffen Frandsen, thanks!)
* Added: Debug version of ACRE with a debug dialog. May/may not be released public
* Changed and WTF: Full and complete plugin overhaul in expectancy of new TS3
- New TS3 is probably going to suck ass, so we expanded support with B36
- Approximately a 70% code re-write for stability and design
- New Distortion engine (complete overhaul)
- new, flexible internals allows for faster and stable feature dev in future
- This code is epic. Should be much, much, much more stable
* Changed: Left/Right ear radios should now be louder
* Removed: Multi-PTT has been disabled again until it can be re-worked
* Fixed: due to plugin re-write, death muting and JIP muting should be much more stable
* Fixed: No more 15-second reset timer
* Fixed: if your radio volume is 0, you just hear a person on direct
* Fixed: You can now raise/lower your headset in a vehicle
* Fixed: Wheeled APC's had incorrect attenuation class
* Fixed: Clientside CBA post-init warning
* Fixed: Dropping radios would not actually make the radio go away 100%
* Fixed: Switching the 117f to 'off' would cause wierd results
* FINALLY! Actually fixed the TS3 permission issue. No longer have to run as admin. Swear to god.
* Fixed: Inconsistenty in PRC-117F volume display
* Added: Integrated PRC-343 volume knob images, thanks gmt2001!

Heres the installs (again, use at own risk since we don't want to "officially" support the beta for the entire community):


Again - frankly, this release deserves its own thread. But until TS3 officially updates, we really don't want to deal with the "herp derp" of using a beta TS3 and the bug reports that come to us which turn out to be TS3 bugs; not to mention the idea of running a beta of TS3 already makes people "meh".

Nice One....Just one Question..is the 1.26 playable with 1.59RC?

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Nice One....Just one Question..is the 1.26 playable with 1.59RC?

No. 1.59 final should be coming any day now though.

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Hey jaynus,

can you say somethings about ACRE in the latest stable Version and ArmA2 1.09 compatibility?

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Hey jaynus,

can you say somethings about ACRE in the latest stable Version and ArmA2 1.09 compatibility?

ACRE has required OA for a long time now if you are asking if it will work with just ArmA2 1.09.

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