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How to enjoy ArmAII to the fullest

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I'm experiencing a lull right now. ArmA 2 is becoming increasingly boring. I can't play multiplayer (minimum 200 ping) because I'm in China, I make missions in the editor, but without anyone to play them with it is kinda depressing, so I have nothing to do. Any suggestions?

I figure anybody else that gets bored can refer to this thread in the future

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Dont worry everyone goes through these from time to time.

Ive just managed to pull myself outa a lull so heres whats helped.

SO, since i dont have the time to make gigantic missions (like i could in the OFP days) ive used a mod called DAC (Dynamic AI Creator?) which saves huge amounts of time placing enemys and friendlys. It also adds a great deal of random-isation such as random counter attacks and renforcment etc, to the mission which is something i thrive for (otherwise you know what to expect)

Hope it helps :)

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Yeah DAC is kinda fun, do you know any SP missions that are any fun? Maybe a good Oceania clan might work for MP, I need to look into that.

Edited by MichaelCO

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Learn how to make SP missions, and get to tinkering! With all the addons out there, plus the opportunities in scripting and editing, there's no time to be bored :)



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Learn how to make SP missions, and get to tinkering! With all the addons out there, plus the opportunities in scripting and editing, there's no time to be bored :)



Yeah, I play my own SP missions exclusively. I think that's because making them is as fun as playing.

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Play Dragon Rising for 5 minutes, then fire up ArmA.

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mhh a stupid problem. just search fo chinese arma forums etc. i only now a JPN server try to filter for chinese.

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Dude, you think I haven't done that? The servers don't exist. I don't mean to sound rude, sorry. I totally agree about the SP missions thing, I love playing my own stuff and making things work, but I feel like my only companions are "50 METERS FRONT ENEMY MAN" Whatever though, I'll just add cool music and voice acting haha. Thanks for the answers guys. Are there any cool things to try? In terms of SP missions. I've been making a bunch of SF missions focused around one theme or another.

Edited by MichaelCO
I sounded really rude

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Play Dragon Rising for 5 minutes, then fire up ArmA.

+1. Can't belive I didn't return DR in time.And I only played it for 10 min!

Make your own missions, but, implement as many triggers and scrips you can. The time you may spend debugging it, certanly will strech its life out a bit.

Edited by alext223

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Play Dragon Rising for 5 minutes, then fire up ArmA.

I lol'ed.


I can´t believe there is no servers there.... Even here, where the game isn´t distributed (nor even close), importing it its very expensive (taxes......),digital buying isn´t a option for everybody (lack of ICC) and the rent of a server is very expensive we have at least 2 server and will have at least +1 on A2:PR release.

Well, try to make MP missions and share. When (if) the feedback comes, good or bad, you will feel stimulated.

Or find a squad over there..

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Bah, I'm in Shanghai 25mil population, but nobody plays ArmA

In 25 million people you can probably find a co-op buddy, if not a MP community.

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Well, I know there isn't an MP community. ArmA 2 is already a niche game, and the chinese pirate most of their games, ArmA has FADE. So an originally small community has become non-existant.

The OFP:DR thing is absolutely true. If ArmA 2 is soulless then OFP:DR is a fucking zombie.

A friend of mine is getting OA tomorrow, but he is talking about crashing planes, doing flips, and other silly things, so I don't know how that will work out.

Hey ffur! Want to play a game sometime? What servers do you use?

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hi idd almost say just join us on our Dutch hosted server for an EVO of Warfaregame, the ping will be something like 300 if you are lucky but this does not mean it will be unplayable. We have members from South Africa to the west coats of the US but every game is playable not much trouble we even had a Australian guess last week with a ping of 400 but we had a great game nothing to say about that. Also Holland is working on a Fiber to home network right now that will up the bandwidth quite a lot very soon (200Mbit up/down 130€) this will not change the ping but will make it easier to play nice games and set an example for the rest of the world! So don't let it discourage you and keep looking!

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Well, I know there isn't an MP community. ArmA 2 is already a niche game, and the chinese pirate most of their games, ArmA has FADE. So an originally small community has become non-existant.

The OFP:DR thing is absolutely true. If ArmA 2 is soulless then OFP:DR is a fucking zombie.

A friend of mine is getting OA tomorrow, but he is talking about crashing planes, doing flips, and other silly things, so I don't know how that will work out.

Hey ffur! Want to play a game sometime? What servers do you use?

Actually, I just facing the same situation as you, very large ping and I have to quit multiplayer. Now I'm just learning scripting quite hard and I'm concentrating on SP scenario editing. The current program I'm working at is Red Shadow 2.

Though there're a lot of frustrations when i was scripting, I still feel delight once I overcomed those problems. I'll release it as soon as possible and don't forget to download it after my releasing if you're interest in it.:D

Btw, which district you live in Shanghai?

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I'm in Hongqiao, near Gubei, on the same street as the zoo. Your project sounds pretty cool, like a russian campaign or something. I agree on the scripting stuff, sometimes you'll be pulling your hair out trying to fix a problem and when you succeed it feels awesome.

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I'm in Hongqiao, near Gubei, on the same street as the zoo. Your project sounds pretty cool, like a russian campaign or something. I agree on the scripting stuff, sometimes you'll be pulling your hair out trying to fix a problem and when you succeed it feels awesome.


I feel quite appreciate to find a friend here from Shanghai. I live in PuTuo district and start playing BIS series at 2001.

It's seems that you've played RedShadow in OFP, it's really an awesome mission and I'm still not able to work it out.:D

Btw, How long have you played BIS series game and do you have an IP in Chinavme?

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Putuo is about 20mins away from me, cool. I don't know what Chinavme is, sorry. I dabbled in OFP a month ago, but I started ArmA 2 in August. It has been my all consuming hobby since then. If you have time maybe we could play one of your missions, or mine.

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Putuo is about 20mins away from me, cool. I don't know what Chinavme is, sorry. I dabbled in OFP a month ago, but I started ArmA 2 in August. It has been my all consuming hobby since then. If you have time maybe we could play one of your missions, or mine.

That's great, hope you like this game and persist in playing it. I've seen a lot of AA2 new players join in and quit quite often because they're lack of persistence to a game they really love. Hope you can be active in this forum and visit it frequently, if you've made some missions, don't forget to notice me!

Btw, www.Chinavme.com is the largest scale forum talking about BIS series in China.(However, the number of threads that posted in Chinavme can't be compared with official forum.) You can take a visit on how ArmA2 in China if you're interested in it.

ffur2007slx2_5@126.com is my mailbox. What is yours?

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Hey Michael, I'm in China too, Henan province to be exact.

I haven't played ARMA2 in a month but when I did I was able to connect to a couple of servers from here with a half decent ping (75-150) there were also some from Hong Kong, Japan and Korea that were no problem to play on.

I'm busy with my newborn at the moment but in a month or so (if your still in China) when things have quietened down a bit for me I'd be very interested in playing through some missions online with you.

Good luck anyway:)

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