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ARMA 2, version 1.08 - Patch Released.

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So, I'm still getting suppression effects from my own rounds hitting walls nearby. Am I the only one?

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Hi, i also get the suppression effects from my own fire; i find it annoying and i understand it as a bug. The fact that the game imposes reactions on me, it shouldn't happen. Let's C ya

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I'd rather it was fixed as claimed, but it doesn't bother me too much. Go shoot a wall at point blank range and let me know if you flinch. Getting my hand sprayed with debris and possible bullet fragments would certainly mess up my aim.

Edit: And regarding the light effects added by 1.08.

It's nice that a burning car at night gives off a blinding glare (even with postprocessing disabled), but you really need the adjust the time of day the game regards as nighttime. When that light is given off at 6:30, long after sunrise, it looks like an alien movie. The red glare is badly out of place except in low light conditions.

Also, tracers behave no differently than they used to. You guys seem to have mixed items from your OA 1.55 changelog unto the 1.08 version.

Edited by maturin

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anyone else getting a nut-ton less grass in 1.08

BIS, WHYY????? why have you taken away my beautiful grass??? :mad:

EDIT: i just figured it out, the new patch kills PROPER mod and makes it take out all the grass (at least with me), something proper has never done before. Also the trees loaded weirdly.

anywho, problem solved, turn off PROPER. :yay:

Edited by SQB-SMA

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Hi, i use a mod to lower the grass height, improving the game's performance very much with it along with some other mods. Let's C ya

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Self-Suppression definitely seems fixed in OA(which is great, thanks BI), and unless 1.08 is the final patch for Arma 2, it will probably be included in a later patch.

Edited by sparks50

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When I load my own chopper mission built from previous patch, the choppers crash a lot!

They don't seem to care about tree anymore....

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Hi, i was playing in MP today and i'd found another bugged building, this one:

The Building:


After take a bit of damage from the DsHKM of a T72... shudently i wasn't unable to fire to outside the building anymore, seems that the AI didn't seen me neither after this (afther that the building had taken a bit of damage) or if they did... they wasn't able to shoot at me once inside the building; this happens too with other enterable buildings.

The Thing:


There are the impacts of my shots "hanging in the air", the impacts are the same ones than when you shoot at a window glass; the thing is too that if you keep firing... you'll take down a part of the building or the whole building, depends on which enterable building you're.

Also, depending on the angle that you're looking by the back doors... the threes and the other buildings dissapear, aswell as the vehicle wrecks, alive (on foot) units, and alive vehicles. Let's C ya

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Hi, i've seen today civilian AIs driving a pickup as the invisible man; the man with brown jacket and cosak hat that appears in the screenshot up there right in the corner.

I was as gunner in a M1A2, the man was at between 140 to 180m from me in his pickup, i only was able to see his hat & jacket; his skin parts (eyes, mouth etc included) was invisible.

Will be great if BIS could tell us if the ArmA2 is dead and they work only for the OA and have leave us to root. There're bugs so obvious and that has been there from the 1St day... that i can only think that BIS don't gonna work no more on the ArmA2, no bugs fixing, no code fixing, no models fixing.. nothing.

There're other silly bugs that still there that are more than annoying, like the binocs stances; this is the thing:

- Binocs (OR LD) on the hands and you're standing.

- Go to crawl, then you switch to the main binocs, then to your main weapon and finally to binocs (or LD) again.

- Try from crawl to prone and you'll get the same.

A silly forced secuence that don't makes any sense; other silly bug:

- Leaning; when you're leaning you can't sprint. You should be able of automaticaly stop leaning when you hit the Sprint key that should overwrite the leaning and allow you to sprint. This simple thing will save your life many times.

But... looking at the comercial policy of BIS regarding the ArmA2... i've loosen the hope of see some more work on the ArmA2; why..!? because they seem happy with the OA and the DLCs. I'd bought the ArmA2 for 9.99 bucks, and the OA for 21.99 and i only play to the ArmA2, haven't bought any LDC and don't gonna buy it.

Seems to me that's pointless to report about bugs on the ArmA2 other than to show how bad and whata few care BIS did put on the ArmA2. Damn, i want to hear something from BIS about what they gonna do with the ArmA2, is the v1.08 the last ArmA2 patch or not?, they gonna let the ArmA2 die and focus on their uggly money machine called OA & OA's DLCs?, how much we'll have to wait for a patch in case that they (by miracle) keep working on the ArmA2?, a year?, two years?, another life maybe?. Let's C ya

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Hi, another wonderfull bug still present on the v1.08! the C-135 whells clipp through the doors.


I still remember the moaning about the C-135's presence on the game... . Let's C ya

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Hi, another bug, this time... a weapon!:

- M16A2+M203.


The M16A2+M203 is not colimated right, the bullets hit above the tip of the aim point, this is not a problem if you shoot at less than 100m, but if you shoot beyond the 100m... then it's a real problem because you've to guess where's the impact point as the weapon is not well colimated; in fact... the problem could be that the M16A2 aim point is shorter than on the M16A2 or on the M16A4+M203, also shorter than on the M4 and M4A1 models. Let's C ya

---------- Post added at 09:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:42 PM ----------

Hi, another bugged structure, this one:


This wall looses all it's mass and becomes "a ghost wall" as you can see on the screenshot; the AI can see (and shoot) through it. This happens when the wall takes damage and it's destroyed, but it keeps it's shape for the human eye. Let's C ya

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Hi, two more bugs.

- The Standing Death:


After kill that Spetznat, he remained in the same possition that i'd killed him; this was in MP.

LAV-25III HQ Gunner Anims:


The hands are not connected to the M240D and it "free floats" when you're manning it, most of the time obstructing your view; the same happens on the UH-1Y & MH-60.

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Hi, another one that was suppossedly fixed already in the ArmA2 v1.08 Patch:

- The Marine with nine legs.


Is not a surprise to find a lie on a changelog, is very common this days, sad... pitiful... but not a crime i guess. Let's C ya

Edited by wipman

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Hi, i don't remember if i said it before but, there problems with the muzzle flash of some weapons.

- M16A4 series, the muzzle flash is the same one than the AK series instead the same than the M4 series.

- All the AKs wiz AK-74 muzzle breakers use the muzzle flash of the AKS-U/AKM series instead use their own (side flashes instead the circle one).

Earl & Suchey did it great back in the OFP times with their USMC 1.0 Addon, also with the AK-74 like weapons and their muzzle flashes. Let's C ya

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Do you know that it's impossible to install this patch over Combined Operations installation????? It's reports that my "Arma 2 is corrupted or not installed". So what should I do in this case??? Install OA patch 1.57 only?

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1.57 includes this patch...

If you had read, this patch is for people who only have Arma 2, not Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead nor Arma 2: Combined Operations.

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Hi, some more bugs.

- Squad Designated Marksman's Shadows.


- Officer's Cap.


It don't only don't have shadow LOD, it also haves a hole in V form on the model.

- M40A3 No Shadow In 1St person View.


- Gollum..! My tREAsuRE!!.


When unarmed and crouched... the character walks like Gollum.

- Granny Crewm@n.


The crewmen show/use the glasses that the user choose in his/her profile as a granny will.

More bugs to come... stay stoned!!. Let's C ya

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Hi, another one that's "less important" and maybe not a bug but a mistake for sure; i still think that's a bug anyways.

- Force Recon BDU vs The Granny Crewm@n.


As can be clearly seen on the screenshot... the crewmen woodland BDU pants are more used than the Force Recon's woodland BDU pants, not only that...

- the Force Recon's BDUs don't have treads of the knee reinforcements (don't even have knee reinforcements).

- the colours are closer to the spanish army BDU colours than to the yankee woodland.

I think that someone mistaken the extensions on the O2 and now we've what we've... in fact the way that the granny crewm@n wear the custom glasses may be related with the bug of the Force Recon FAC, that one that if you zoom out in 1St person... you see the glasses in the center of the screen.

I think that the Force Recons should use the crewmen's pants or at least their UV maps, in that way at least will look as if they had reinforcements on the knees or a real BDU. Let's C ya

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Hi, another bug, this time the SU-25 wheels.

- Wheels Out At +200m From Viewer:


I'd seen it yesterday when we had x3 SU-25s flying over our heads in MP; seems that the SU-25s do not engage on foot or motorized players when they depleet the ATG weapons and only have cannon ammo for attack/defence.

- I'd also seen more "standing dead" AIs too, i think that this happen with script made team leaders, i'd also seen a prone team leader that was permanenly crwaling like a snake but moving at the same speed than when you're sprinting and also as jogging; i'd killed him and remained in the same possition. It was also script created, and this thing seems to be very common. Let's C ya

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Hi, two bugs related to the overdone UV maps and the NVGs.

- Plasma:


If you walk near the shore with the water under your feet... you'll see weird moving things arround your character model and it's weapons, hollywood plasma style.


During the dawn, dusk and basicaly in any low light condition you see "the plasma thing" too, without NVGs too, because the unreal UV mapping that covers everything that shouldn't have a wet lube or glass shape, human skin, weapons, vehicles, plants, threes buildings and surfaces that IRL are not reflectant and are not covered in wet lube.

- It's Christ-Smash!!:


When you see a distant fence by night it looks like that, even without the fog, you can also see that weird effect shown on that house that belongs (again) to the overdone UV maps; it can be seen also without the NVGs, by night on most of the distant houses/buildings. Let's c ya

Edited by wipman

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Hi, an annoying bug that was pressent already on the ArmA:

- Commands/Keybinds That Don't Work.

- As commander of ground vehicles, the Slow and Fast orders don't work if they're setted on the Right Shift (slow), Right Ctrl (fast).

In the practic you only have Forward & Halt (on the arrow keys), Fast if you hit twice the up arrow key, you can live with this... but there many times where the Slow advancing speed will be more usefull to fire at scatered NME infantry, scann the area etc.

Aswell the direct Fast advancing speed order can minimize the damage of incoming RPGs and even aboid 'em at times; rightnow you can't advance slow in a vehicle so you can't scann properly for NMEs, pass by urban crossroads wiz care among many other things. I don't know if assign the Slow & Fast keybinds to other keys that don't be the Right Ctrl & Shift key will work... but having 'em binded to 'em don't works. Let's C ya

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Hi, another bug pressent on the v1.08.

- Tracers.

- Various things have/show/use much fatter tracers than others.

- Kord HMG.

- Fairchild A-10A Thunderbolt II.

There're more, but i don't remember 'em right now... on the Kord HMG they're so fat during the dawn or tusk that you don't see the target because the tracers diameter. Let's C ya

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Hi, a new one, the 1St time that i see it.

- What You've Under The Skirt baby?.


the 1St time that i see this on MP; i'd seen an incoming SU-34, it was only showing half of the hull, the nose, tails and wing tips plus all the weapons that it had. Then... one of our M1's (M1A2) was showing the belly part plus the wheels and tracks; the gunner on his seat and the driver too, they had a repair truck behind 'em and it looked like that. I didn't seen any other vehicle on the area, was during a EVO.

Also the ground vehicles (that M1A2 and the Rep. Truck) were jumping for no reason, several meters, like 4 or 5m but wizout get any damage after touch the ground; at least on the Rep. Truck... i'd seen the M1A2 crew jump off soon after this began to happen, but it may be because the SU-34 was firing the rockets at 'em. Let's C ya

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