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[CAMP/OA] Operation Mighty Justice

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Chesty Puller:

If I remember correctly, there is this russian artillery that is supposed to get blown up by a arty strike in the Mission where you play as a lonely sniper=> doesn´t work

Last Mission: The arty srike that destroys the last village you have to take=> doesn´t work

Pirog: In Mission 2, where you have to capture the Mortar Hill, there should be this arty strike on Krasnostav at the beginning of the Mission, but there isn´t any.

Didn´t test if further, but I think all Arty Strikes in these Campaigns are broken. Maybe its because I play with Combined Operations. The OA Arty System is different from the Arma 2 system.

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The first two is a script, what create shells in the air and they just fall down and explode. I thought something worng with that script. But the third one (mortar hill) is a very regular, BIS-style, on-map artillery: those mortars fires, what you supposed to destroy. So I don't know. I tested Pirog only with base ArmA2. When I got OA, I focused to Mighty Justice.

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@Kommiekat: SaOk from ofpec made more typo-fixing a few weeks ago on Mighty. If you know where is that string what you need to re-edit, please specify and I'll check it. Or I can send you the stringtables again, if it's easier to you.

Oh good. I'm glad to see someone is onto that.

I'm sure he knows what he's doing.

You know those computer graphic movies like Toy Story or Shrek where the actors do the voices with the movie playing on the screen in front of them to give them some idea?

I wish writing up the strings was like that, with the game going on at the same time to get a better idea of things.

But it sure was fun!;)

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Don´t you play Combined Operations bardosy?

And even more important, are you working to a sequel of mighty justice?

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A sequel sounds just right by now... the Mohammed guy still at large planning some nasty bits.

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Yes, go for a tough anti insurgency campaign, with house searchings and hunting bad guys and ambushes, IEDs and all that stuff

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Thnak you guys for the support, but...

1. now I'm on other games (eg. I'm proud to be selected for a close beta-testing of an other wargame, what also have a very good mission editor, so I'm busy with that right now)

2. I'm not good in an anti-insurgency mission design. What I do well is the traditional (symmetric as far as can) infantry warfare with arty and armor support...

3. my next plan in ArmA2 is returning to Chernoruss and create a much more story-driven campaign about guerilla warfare (like OFP Resistance was). I know, it's the opposit what I told in paragraph 2 and I know it could be hard to do, but Resistance is a very nice memory of me, so I love to do that.

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A Resistance liek Campaign? I also have wonderfull meories of that game. I would gladly help you with the mission design. Just feel free to ask

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after some time off I've come back to play and proceed in mighty justice. what a great experience !

but unfortunately

I'm stuck atm in Ravanay (mission "civil service", the task after having spoken with the elder @market who speaks about robbers and looters, and team's wondering if that might be a trap and so on) where the task is to secure the village and to find out what happened to the civies. I've cleared -at least I think so 'cause no guerilla's around anymore since a certain time- the village from all enemy, my team and me walking around, no trigger, no text, no clue what to do now - I've even been back to the market where I had once been spoken to the elder, the one who asks for support and sends you off to Ravanay ... but there's no AI around, too , anymore (kind of ghost towns, right now) ... I guess I have to find out now the circumstances why the civies have been murdered, but where to look

who could give me a hint ;) ?

Edited by langgis08

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Did some reinforcements arrive after the battle? You should speak to them

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Tonci, two bradleys arrived already during the battle, but one went off in flames during enemy fire, the other just turret damage, so I got in and drove it into "centre" of ravanay where my squad's waiting, but no one to ask, just my squad.

are those bradleys the reinforcement to ask ?

bradleys' crew seems to be dead or kind of "gone" ... in this case I might have to start this mission all over or return to a savepoint before battle begins (if I still have one), right ? maybe I'll take another look around first before restarting

EDIT: got into back of bradley: crew dead, "sitting" on the benches with heads hung low down on their chests :eek:

Edited by langgis08

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If my memories serves me right, the last mission will need you to travel to the town ahead after your meeting with the local elder, where you will encounter enemy fire. The reinforcement is just a trigger to end the mission.

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thx for your answers, guys

so if the reinforcements are the end-of-mission-trigger, my trigger is dead and I cannot end mission on the normal way I guess !

so "shift minus endmission" is no self-cheating, in this case ;)

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Or replay the mission. The Battle was fun, wasn´t it?^^

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yes, indeed, fighting for ravanay was fun ... and challenging for tactics (first beeing surrounded, then feeling like "oh oh" ... no way out except breaking out to the hills for cover and some breath taking, re-organised my squad, then snipering, slowly moving back to town, no chance for attacking directly ...)


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I let my squad dig in the town and perform a 360° defense. The HMMWVs have been incredibly usefull. Sadly one of them was hit by an RPG during the firefight. This was my only casualty. I spend the whole time positioning my squad and firing off an insane ammount of ammo at the enmy to supress them, hoping that the reinforcements finally arrive.

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@langgis08: Thanks to report this. It's a bug. Probably I didn't handle this event, if reinforcement guys die before meet with you. I put this to the checklist, what I have to fix, when I'll return to ArmA.

And sorry for the problem!

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@bardosy: it's very realistic that reinforcements bite the dust aswell as player/squad, so whatever you're planning to do you should keep that option of reinf's complete death ;)

what about implementing a branch for the case that all reinf AND all enemy are dead so that the story will logical continue, maybe via another radio dialogue with "victor quebec" which will build the bridge to mission's end with a smart saying.

(btw sayings: very funny that dialogue while squad was being transferred and had to listen to some oldies *lol).

but don't hurry, care for your actual projects :) of course !

because like Tonci87 truly says it's always fun playing your campaigns over again ;)

Edited by langgis08

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Overall: I ordered the Reinforcemnets at the weekend and while it will arrived, I started to play with Op Mighty Justice. :)

First I found what you all report: at the airport there is an enemy BTR, what is "neutral" for my side and they didn't engage it and I'm the only one who can destroy it. I'm comletly unsure why it's happened. Now I deleted this BTR and put a new one in his place. I hope it will solve this.

The other problem I found in Javelin valley mission, when I retreat to the checkpont, the very handy MG humvee just left the checkpoint and left us alone... :( Maybe it's a better AI since patches and they wanted to help us near the Suribachi top?

@langgis08: it's not easy to handle when that last ambush is ended. I don1t prefer "all enemy dead" triggers, because it's many time caused an infinit, annoying search for the last noob. But I'll figured out something, if the reinforcements are dead or unable to contact with the player.

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Does that mean a new version of Op mighty justice is on the way? Can you use the latest UPSMON script?

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Can you use the latest UPSMON script?

Thanks to mentioned it! It didn't even know about it. When I designed the Mighty campaign I found Monsada left the community and stop develop this brilliant script. But if he retuned and there is new version, I'll check it up defenatly!!!

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excellent campaign. i'm on the airfield assault mission where your're a sniper, just got owned. gotta try it again. works great with the very good default bis 1.59 ai and ACE.

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@Zorg: thanks!

@Muahaha: I replaced the UPSMON in mission #4 (when checzish are) and it's works without problem. But I didn't seen huge differences. I hope monsada fixed few bugs.

So I'll replace upsmon in every mission. Thanks for the info!

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