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ASR AI Rearming

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;1766352']Now THAT sounds interesting...

And as a follow up..ACE...

Is that something you are considdering?

Now' date=' im just asking poiltly here..:bounce3:[/quote']

Taking stuff out of ACE packs ? Yes, will do.

Just noticed I somehow broke the weapon scavenging in 0.94.

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I tested your latest releases the past 2 nights, and am really satisfied with it.

As it is a definate AI enhancement, could you imagine to collaborate togehter with Zeus?

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AI's don't take any ACE medical stuff from tents. Even when their pistol slots are empty.

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Updated to 0.95 in first post.

Fixed bugs, more optimizations, added rearming from ACE packs in addition to the OA packs, taking supplies from field hospitals (useful for ACE meds) too.

Sorry for the buggy previous release, did some changes in before packing without proper testing. Also discovered I was using a BIS function without initialising the Functions module which led to mixed results depending on the mission/ mix of mods.

Known bugs: AI still wants to grab stuff dropped in water. Apparently "isWaterSurface position _something" does not work for a weaponholder and I don't know how to fix that yet.

Kroky: works in 0.95, thanks for noticing !

Nephris: did not test yet with Zeus but I see no reason why it would clash with it (or any other mod)


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Updated to 0.95 in first post.

Fixed bugs, more optimizations, added rearming from ACE packs in addition to the OA packs, taking supplies from field hospitals (useful for ACE meds) too.

Wow!!!!! Thank you!

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Guess you can say the Assistant MG/AT/etc role now works for the AI too :)

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Is it possible to restrict AI, like "Hold" order or something.

And then "Rearm" instead of scavegin?

IE: Ai in squad shouts "Out´i ammo", i say "Rearm from 3"

You say Assistant role is working, does that mean if i have

Heavy MG AI and Ammobarer AI the MG will rearm from Assistant?

Talking ACE now, sorry...

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Andersson: please read first post, it should answer all your questions. Anyway:

You can always order the AI in your group to stop. It's a default game feature.

You can also use comms menu to pause the rearming feature globally.

And yes the MG guy will take mags from his assistant's pack automatically when needed (assuming the assistant has one with useful stuff in it).

A thing I don't like about ACE, it takes the OA backpacks away from the default units and does not give them anything instead, leaving more work to be done for the mission maker.

Also, I'm not interested in adding any micromanaging features, the purpose of this addon is rather to teach the AI to act on their own.

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Are checks run for all members of a squad at the same time?

Maybe if you separated each individual soldier's check by a pause of a certain # of seconds?

I'm running a quadcore and have the following switches "-exthreads=7 -cpucount=4", but I did notice a serious stuttering when near dead bodies after a firefight. (It was very cool to watch A.I. resupply without being told, though.)

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Are checks run for all members of a squad at the same time?

Maybe if you separated each individual soldier's check by a pause of a certain # of seconds?

I'm running a quadcore and have the following switches "-exthreads=7 -cpucount=4", but I did notice a serious stuttering when near dead bodies after a firefight. (It was very cool to watch A.I. resupply without being told, though.)

Each unit's loop is already set to 10 + random 10 seconds to prevent them from dancing in sync. I'll keep an eye out for that stutter, haven't noticed it yet.

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Does this addon work in conjunction with custom weapons- ie, taking the correct magazines for a 3rd party gun?

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Does this addon work in conjunction with custom weapons- ie, taking the correct magazines for a 3rd party gun?

Yep, custom weapon mods are supported. There are a few hard-coded bits though, like the list of grenades, smoke shells and allowed-for-all rocket launchers. Also, defining which type a primary weapon is, like, if it's a machinegun, AR or sniper rifle might be needed for some of the custom mods.

But the ammo needed is automatically detected regardless.

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Update 0.96 in first post. Fixed a bug with counting GL rounds. Looks like I might call this stable 1.0 soon.

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Thank you, much appreciated addon and updates!

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This appears to be turning out really well Rob. Tested again today with loads of AI while dinking around with the latest DAC release.

Performance looks much better than when I tested before (few beta's back i think), and of course the "pause" option is a great solution for those insane unit count battles. Pretty sweet stuff :)

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Robalo, how about this?

If a unit runs out of ammunition for his primary, he can get another mag from a squad member using the same ammo?

If a unit doesn't have any weapons, and there are no crates, dead bodies, trucks, etc., nearby, he can get one from a friendly soldier from his side? (Here, use my pistol.)

I would also like to see an addon where if a squad runs out of ammo for all of their effective weapons, they can be taken prisoner by running up on them.

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If a unit runs out of ammunition for his primary, he can get another mag from a squad member using the same ammo?

If a unit doesn't have any weapons, and there are no crates, dead bodies, trucks, etc., nearby, he can get one from a friendly soldier from his side? (Here, use my pistol.)

Sounds good, can't say I ran into a lot of cases where this would be needed though, not sure the extra scripting/load is worth. Will keep that in mind, as with the mag sharing.

I would also like to see an addon where if a squad runs out of ammo for all of their effective weapons, they can be taken prisoner by running up on them.

Sounds like a feature for the surrendering module. Isn't that already implemented ? Might be hard to tell as it's an optional module, not a default feature.

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Is there a way to stop a particular unit from spontaneous rearming? Something like "unit exec "fnc_Equipment_AI.sqf" but with the opposite command... Anyone tested this? BTW Robalo, what is the initial script that starts the whole process of rearming?

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Is there a way to stop a particular unit from spontaneous rearming? Something like "unit exec "fnc_Equipment_AI.sqf" but with the opposite command... Anyone tested this? BTW Robalo, what is the initial script that starts the whole process of rearming?

Yes you can order the unit to stop,hide or change it's behaviour to combat or stealth.

Everything starts from the init EH of class CAManBase:

init = "[_this select 0] spawn asr_sys_airearming_fnc_Equipment_AI"

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Was running this on an Invasion1944 500 AI battle last night in MP, no performance hit at all. :) Though I dropped some ammo for a mate and a whole squad of vultures came and took it before he got the chance.

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Yes you can order the unit to stop,hide or change it's behaviour to combat or stealth.

Everything starts from the init EH of class CAManBase:

init = "[_this select 0] spawn asr_sys_airearming_fnc_Equipment_AI"

Thanks for the hint, oh and is this possible to disable rearming system for a particular mission for every unit?

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Yes, see variables in the userconfig file. You can set asr_vfai_run to 0 (disable) or 1 (enable) in the mission's init.sqf or any time later via triggers if you need to.

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