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thomas c

Zeitgeist: Moving Forward | Official Trailer-

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A new Zeitgeist that come's next January.

I saw the the first Zeitgeist and liked it,

I tend to like anything that make's you think, i.e no tabloids here.

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I liked the 2 other movies quite a lot. Some really great points and strategies in there.

Looking forward to "Moving Forward" alright. :)

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they made up some high school history facts in the first movie ( ancient egyptian and greek myths) and other things, sooo just another silly conspiracy movie.

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Zeitgeist is an excellent communicator of ideas.

Unfortunately his ideads are just conspiracy theories.

So no matter how persuasively, enjoyably or clearly he puts them across it is still just an exercise in make yourself stupider to watch them.


Watch this and become dumber.

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I'd rather watch Zeitgeist in the light of the politico-economical situation of the last 3 years, than to pay attention to the current home foreclosure dance.

Baff1, if a second Depression de jure sets in, what would your thoughts and actions be? I'm sure a lot of folks swallowed the GD I and then were marched off to a World War, which surprisingly for most people ended said Global meltdown of the first half of the XX Century.

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My actions in the result of a depression, something I have always endeavoured to be prepared for, are likely to include me spending less money. Living even more on the cheap than I already do.

It's not something I feel I have any direct control over, only an ability to spot the trends and respond to them as best I can.

Re-arming was a standard Keynesian approach to recession. Instead of Cash for Clunkers or a public health service, (not to mention a state enforced housing bubble in the form of Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac), Hitler built tanks and roads.

War can certainly re-invigorate economies. Open new trade routes, or at least redirect them to the winners country, or destroy rival industries and hence enable your own.

I expect that should people start being marched off to war anytime soon, that I would volunteer.

I can see that Zeitgeists anti-capitalist agenda is more relavent in the light of recent events, I recognise that it strikes a deeper cord today than it did say 6 years ago... but it was incorrect then just as it is now.

Being persuasive and being in tune with public sentiment, is not to be confused with being correct.

Whatever the solution is...if indeed there is a knowable solution, the one thing I can pretty much guarentee is that Zeitgeist doesn't have it.

Edited by Baff1

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Wow, these zeitgeist films are a load of horse shit. the first one was badly made and lacked little real fact or evidence for any of the shit it was peddling. The conspiracy theory crap about 9/11 has been disprove over and over again by respected peer reviewed articles and journals that you wonder why more people still believe 9/11 was some kind of inside job.

The first film was dishonest in the way that it used news footage from 9/11 and then replaced the audio with dialogue from conspiracy people to make it look like the news people where somehow sceptical at the time of the collapse of wtc of it being anything but what it was.

also the films lack any proper verifiable references for any of their claims.

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So long as there are conspiracy theorists, people like these will try to capitalize on them.

Edited by Zipper5

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I can't wait for some conspiracy nut to come in here and vehemently defend the first film. That will be fun to read.

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My brother was duped :( he took off to america to meet up with some other conspiracy nuts

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By the looks of it, around 900 million people were duped, seeing as Iraq has 2nd largest oil & gas reserves as of this October. Get my drift?

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I don't think it's healthy for the mind to constantly theorize what my government, or anyone and anything for that matter, is doing to undermine us.

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I don't think it's healthy for the mind to constantly theorize what my government, or anyone and anything for that matter, is doing to undermine us.

I'll see you when WW 3 takes off, then. No questions asked, only orders.

EDIT: Close this thread, forum's full of active or reserve military; wouldn't want anyone with possible PTSD going L.H. Oswald on the old man, if one were to find out that the war he fought was based on fraud & lies, provided, of course, he wasn't duly compensated by the United States of America.

Edited by Iroquois Pliskin

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If anything Zeitgeist was a real eye opener for me, makes me think alot differently of things, School sure as hell didnt want me nor my peers capable of critical thinking.

The system is broke.

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One film and a relatively small sample size of people saying the system is broken does not mean it is. Anyone who took basic level Law, or even History if you want to go way back to basics, knows that everything is a point of view.

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One film and a relatively small sample size of people saying the system is broken does not mean it is. Anyone who took basic level Law, or even History if you want to go way back to basics, knows that everything is a point of view.

History is against you, so is the former existence of Dachau and Auswitz, or the mere fact that half the population sat silently like the ignorant fucks they were, while the other half marched to war, resulting casualties in excess of 60 million Human beings.

With the attitude of 'Everyone has an opinion", you will get another world war at the very least.

You want to know the trends of today? Have you done your fucking math on 'basic level' concerning the health of the 'System'? Do you know how much debt is there in the 'System', which can not be dealt with in times of peace, or in a civil manner for that matter - not possible mathematically.

The stock markets as of 2008 have no resemblance to the real state of affairs of Western societies, same thing, same thing as the mid/late 1920s.

Edited by Iroquois Pliskin

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It seems, Iroquois, that you should not be sitting on a video game forum discussing conspiracy theories, or playing Modern Warfare 2 as suggested by your avatar, but rather out there protesting about something you so obviously feel very adamantly about. Your views are as meaningless on the internet as that of every other individual out of the millions who use it. I will never understand why conspiracy theorists think that by trying to prove their point to someone on the internet, they will actually change anything.

Also, why is the offtopic section suddenly being hit by a wave of conspiracies as of late? :confused:

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I'll see you when WW 3 takes off, then. No questions asked, only orders.

EDIT: Close this thread, forum's full of active or reserve military; wouldn't want anyone with possible PTSD going L.H. Oswald on the old man, if one were to find out that the war he fought was based on fraud & lies, provided, of course, he wasn't duly compensated by the United States of America.

Mate, the military or ex military on here probably aren't stupid enough to believe 9/11 was an inside job ad and would probably be offended by your stupidity. They might dislike George Bush (this is the old man you refer to?) for being a shit head idiot though.

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History is against you, so is the former existence of Dachau and Auswitz, or the mere fact that half the population sat silently like the ignorant fucks they were, while the other half marched to war, resulting casualties in excess of 60 million Human beings.


History teaches us nothing of the sort.

History teaches us that they were anything but silent, that they all cheered in the street.

History teaches us that once a gun was pinted at their heads and they were asked if they were Nazi's.... then they all went silent.

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history also taught us that when the people founf=d out about the atrocities and could do something about it they didnt just sit at home on their computers and go on forums to make their stupid claims

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There are also some more conspiracy theories eg: that the pyramides where build by aliens, the medieval age never happen and that the US government was behind the WTC attacks.

Its always good to see how conspiracy are designed and how many people believe in those theories without critical thinking. The psychology of human behaviour is interesting...

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the medieval age never happen

Ooh! I haven't heard this one before! Tell me more! :D

I -love- conspiracy theory nuts, they're just awesome. Imagine how wonderful it'd be if everything in the world was actually controlled by a giant conglomerate of all-seeing, all-knowing faceless dudes! We wouldn't need God or the Devil to explain why shit sucks any more!

Oh wait...


Anyway, woo Zeitgeist woo. Whatever else you might say about them, at least they generate discussion - which is a Good Thing. I don't agree with the -style- of reporting however (which is a basic emotions-based approach, same as pretty much any TV documentary or National Geographic/Discovery Channel tour of the blue oceans or whatever: presentation over content), since it makes my critical-thinking receptors buzz, but I do appreciate that it's an effective medium of communicating thoughts. Albeit rudimentary thoughts.

Where was I? :bored: Oh yes: generates discussion. Good stuff. Good on them. Carry on!



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My personal opinion on internet conspiracy movies is that

1. There is no conspiracy going on.

2. Governments are encouraging the production of conspiracy reports by giving out half-true information

3. By studying the reactions of the world communities to the various movies governments can develop theories what may happen should those movies become reality.

How often do you see politicians giving suggestions what they would like to change just to see reactions? Or the double bluff trick: suggest something twice as horrible as your real plans, then you still can go back by 50% without giving up anything you actually had in mind from the start.

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