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Microlight aka Powered Paraglider

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Microlight WIP Topic

Im currently building my 1st ever aircraft addon from scratch. Its a 350cc Microlight aka a Powered Paraglider. Ive also got permission from CSJ to use part of his addon for this aircraft. So a very big thanks to CSJ for that :)

Heres a few pictures for you all to have a look at ;)

Picture 1 - Whole Model (WIP)

Picture 2 - Engine & Seat (WIP)

Picture 3 - In-game Testing (WIP)

I have no release date worked out either yet as im currently trying to make it fly in game. Even though picture 3 was a picture of it flying in game but it wasn't on my config, i had it on a working config to see if it was ok in game.

Hope you all like it :D

Also if anyone wants to help me scripting this model to fly in game then please give me a pm.

Thankyou :)


Edited by konyo

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awesome! can't wait to cruise around korengal valley in one of these :D could you add dropable grenades for a military version?

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awesome! can't wait to cruise around korengal valley in one of these :D could you add dropable grenades for a military version?

Thankyou :D and yeah was reading up on it and the military do use them apparently, so dont see why not :p

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Is this a double post? Just saw this someplace else.

Nope this is the only place ive posted it :confused: Where else you seen it?

EDIT: Opps yes sorry, that other thread was a mistake, didnt mean to post it. This is the proper thread.

Edited by konyo

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Sorry for double post, but if anyone wants to help me scripting this model to fly in game. Then please give me a pm. Thankyou :)

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Sweet, will be funny to fly arround with a paraglider, good luck for the scripting.

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I was duvious at first but now I've seen it ... It looks really kool. Good luck mate! They use them in the military ? :S ..... That is one unit not worth joining flying a noisy slow flying kite :P Good luck on this man!

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Thanks all and was reading it up on wikipedia and it says Military use them, ill have to look up on more info on why & where they use them :D

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I was duvious at first but now I've seen it ... It looks really kool. Good luck mate! They use them in the military ? :S ..... That is one unit not worth joining flying a noisy slow flying kite :P Good luck on this man!

Well, you could gain some height first and then turn off the engine and silently approach the target area.

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Powered by wind? Maybe add a jet engine behind for lulz

Like this lol :p


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Nice project!

And if you can, make some yellows, blue and red textures...

-Why I can't post comment on your website?

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Funny addon konyo,great work!

Can we get the Paragilder with the mini in your signature too? XD

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Nice project!

And if you can, make some yellows, blue and red textures...

-Why I can't post comment on your website?

Thankyou, Yeah ill will release a couple of parachute textures ill also maybe release the UV Mapping so people can design there own chutes. Should be good with this addon :D Just post & comment lol (Email is hidden when typed by the way)

Funny addon konyo,great work!

Can we get the Paragilder with the mini in your signature too? XD

Hmm i wish i could release a mini too, but im not that experianced in O2 to build such a big project like that. However i was searching google for free 3D max models and i did stumble across a mini :colgate:

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Yes, sorry it's because i'm on my mobile phone.

the pc version:

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Yes, sorry it's because i'm on my mobile phone.

the pc version:

Hmm intresting video, not sure if i take it on though, ill see about it after i finish this project.

A update on the microlight while im posting. It flys in game now, flys nicely but just needs more tweaking as i think it still has its parachute bones, because when its flying it suddnly stops responding to the controls like as if its gliding through the air like a normal parachute :/ Im currently building the view pilot lod which hopefuly wont take long. Then after that theres not much left to do. Ill post some pictures tomorrow of its newish model. Also i want to thank RKSL-Rock for his awsome help hes given me :D Couldnt have got this far without him :)

EDIT : Ive got the new WIP Pictures for you.

Theres only 2 though but it shows what things have been changed. The first one is of the coloured parachute which ive been working on, there is still a multicoloured and blue parachute to come. Still got to find right textures before those coloured parachute take place.

Yellow Parachute (WIP)

The second picture is of the new Engine Design which shows how ive now mounted the engine to the chair which is how it should be.

New Engine Design

Edited by konyo

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Glad you got it flying Konyo , looks great so far .

If you do a search in google images for powered parachute ...almost every one that comes up is in the 3 wheel type configuration


Yeah i based my model on the Microlights that fly over my house every summer, so did some research on those aircraft. Thanks for your search though, could see those microlight in a future update maybe :D

New WIP Update!

Ive now put a protected cage around the engine which is found on almost all Microlights. Heres 2 pictures for you to look at. Let me know what you think of it, still WIP so coloures will be cleaned up where the Alpha Channel removed them.



Edited by konyo

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Theres been a whole lot of work going on the microlight this past week. And im happy to say its now finished. Just 1 or 2 little things i need to tidy up but other than that the major work is done. Im going to release it to the community on Monday or Tuesday. So look out for then! :D

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