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Guest Titanium

Did this admin act fairly?

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Guest Titanium

Okay, so I was just on this server. We were playing CTF plane Crazy. Anyway, I fly other to their base, steal the flag, score yaddi yaddi yadda. So when i fly back over to their base, 1 guy was flying a plane, and the other was trying to LAW my cessna. I knew the guy in the plane wasnt going to hit me because i dog fought him before and kicked his pidly little ass. So I aim at the infantry guy and start shooting for the sake of pissing him off. After a while i fianally get him. And the guy in the plane (the admin) was still chasing me. So I did a roll to turn 180 degrees, and flew back at him. To try and scare him, i flew right over his head. I turned quickly and saw him bugging out. Now i take my aim, If ire a few shots, 1 lands on him spinning him out of control. I turn, re-align, fire again and land a second shot onto him, He spun outta control and crashed. whenever we shot antoher plane down we would say "owned". So I said it and he replies with "well I F***** your mom last night"; "owned" were his 2 replies. he said the same thing when i took him out the first time, when i capped the flag, and now again. So I said "You are such a noob, you play well, but you act like a noob". (he did play well cause he shot down my teammate twice already. Then after that, he says "whats that? you think I'm a noob?". Next thing I know, im kicked. So i quickly returned to the server and said "YES!!!". Then left on my own. So was i wrong, was he wrong? Or should i never post something liek this again. Well you get my point, just thought id bring some discussion. so, REPLY!

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Basically I answered no, he did not act fairly because in my experience as an admin, you are a player first, admin second. You are one of the guys too, and he has to realise that, when you play a multiplayer game, you give shit to each other.

He wasn't a very professional admin, you do not say stuff like he said when you are running a server. You maintain profesionalism.

I live in Australia and admin an ofp server and I never kick for my own reasons. If someone gives me shit, I give it back, like any other player would. If I receive a abuse, or a player abuses another player to a point where playability of the game is compromised, then I warn him and kick him so he sits a game or two out.

Most admins who know how to run a server would do the same..

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Guest Titanium

I do admin work on several servers that I play on. I have senority there so they vote me to admin. I think the same thing, player first. And if they give shit, i give shit back, while at least mainting some maturity. But im happy someone agrees with me.

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Hmmm....people who call people noobs are generally assholes who think they are better than everyone...but in the example you give, I'm not so sure.

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if i had been admin on that server i more than likely would have bounced the dude that said he F*** your mum, there is no call for that in the game, ive been in games and killed many many times and never had to resort to insulting people. and calling someonea noob i think is no problem, i think the first thing i used to say when i joined a server was " hi im hilandor and im a noob", so that if i did accidently TK or cocked things up, then a little bit of forgiveness came my way.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Espectro @ April 30 2002,11:46)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I dont give two shits about your problems

tounge.gif<span id='postcolor'>

maybe having ur postin rights restricted will make u a more caring person smile.gif

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I would have said "I know you f***** my mom but she didn't enjoy it".

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I was at a comedy club a few weeks back and this heckler in the back yells to the overweight but funny as hell comic: "Why are you so fat?"  To which the comic replys "Because everytime I f*** your mom, she gives me a cookie."

I don't think the admin was right in kicking you.

-=Die Alive=-

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I have this funny burning sensation that i know which server it was but hey maybe thats just cystitas lol, anyway m8, i agree with what yer saying that was out of order, if you come and play with our squad you get no end of slagging off, but its ALWAYS with 100% good humour, i have been called a noob many a time no big deal, but kicking you for that was out of order in my book, my only thing i would say to you was that you should have shrugged it off, not gone back to say "Yes!", you just lowering yourself m8. Sometimes the admin thing can go to some peeps heads, it's a control thing, a bit like a little boy with a toy..............Also explain nOOb?, i never did understand that, i've been playing this game since a week after it was released so surely i cannot be a nOOb?, or is that just new to that particular area/server etc bla bla

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And there is a vote in the poll that reads I dont give two shits about your problems. Sure it sounds bad when your reply reads I dont give two shits about your problems, but it is one of the choices.

-=Die Alive=-

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Guest Titanium

I'm pretty sure he was a regular admin. His tag matched the server name.

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You can be a n00b when joining a new server even though you've played for months. Basically you are in a new environment and what may be permitted / done on another server isn't necessarily done there, and you get called a n00b.

Its not a major issue, it's totally understandable. I have some new players come all the time on our server and the bring in fresh tactics and ideas about things which is fantastic for the players. They keep learning and developing themselves.

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Are you sure the mission was CTF_Plane Crazy and not Plane Frenzy?

I'm just asking cause I just very recently (2 days ago) made one named Plane Crazy and I didn't realize other servers had it...I'm just making sure this didn't happen on my server. biggrin.gif

My server isn't named after a clan.

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Guest Titanium

It was plane something. East Starts off on Gastovskis island. (the one MW of maled) and West begind on the malden airstrip. The cessnas have 3mmcannons i believe.

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Was there Metallica playing in the background and soundbites from South Park like

"lick my balls"?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Hilandor @ May 01 2002,10:59)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Espectro @ April 30 2002,11:46)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I dont give two shits about your problems

tounge.gif<span id='postcolor'>

maybe having ur postin rights restricted will make u a more caring person smile.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Well, if u looked on the poll choises, i actually just copied one of the answers (the one i choose).

I dont think calling people names will help anything, no matter of they are rude or polite.

Saying that "you act as a n00b", wont help anything else than make yourself stand out as an idiot.

On the other hand, i dont kick people because of my own interest on a server when im an admin.

So.... my choise was:

"I dont give two shits about your problems"

If that sentence make you cry maybe you should ban the person who made a poll about it :/?

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Today I got killed by a teammate in the back not far away from our respawn. My obvious reaction was "WTF?". Then the guy asked how he could tell the difference between friendlies and enemies. He got called a n00b by like 3 people. He didnt like being called a n00b so he sayd "I will kill all of you f***ers". Be careful not to call the wrong person a n00b or U might start TK madness tounge.gif

I didnt call him a n00b, I just tried to explain to him how you can tell the difference. One little mistake isnt the end of the world...

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im put in no to simply beacuse u did nothing rong in my view i be admin sometimes (when Lt damage is not admin)and ive never done that the only time ive kicked someone is when they are taking along time to press START

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Guest Titanium

Whew, stakin my a long to to reply. I looked back through my Mp maps and it was Plane frenzy. My dsl/cable is currently down (it wont let me connect to anything!wink.gif and im lagging like hell on this 56k. Wow dont i sound like a nerd. But anyway, thanks for all your resonses, i dont know when i can read this again cause i dont like tieing up da phone line. cya all later.

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I hate the words noob, 1337, owned ect. They all remind me of the horrible Counter-strike community.

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all those words come from the US.. they love making up stupid words.. like "buff"

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I agree with Hovmand and Lt Damage. As soon as I see someone using these words I think of a pimply faced 13 year old cyber geek (net-kiddies)...

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