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Gossamer's Warfare --- Variant of Warfare BE

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Yeah nice. Testing right now @ TV2 - 2 OA/CO Warfare #vote




- love the new upgrade menu, very usefull informations, no more questionmarks above new players heads when it comes to upgrades, excellent!

- no more missions, nice! they werent needed really, didnt add anything important to the gameplay, replaced by the parameters display nice

- love the warfare statistics in the client menu, maybe replace the parameter menu with the warfare statistics menu: parameter to client menu, warfare stats to main warfare menu

- player xyz joined the game message, nice! *edit* can you write which team someone joined? blufor or opfor?

- you get back your loadout when you disconnect from the server and come back in, nice!

- money when taking a town and being not close to town center should be increased (got 475 $)

continuing test

Edited by Ginger McAle

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- love the new upgrade menu, very usefull informations, no more questionmarks above new players heads when it comes to upgrades, excellent!

Yeah I knew this was something that I had to do for this version. I've had so many questions about what upgrade does what.

- love the warfare statistics in the client menu, maybe replace the parameter menu with the warfare statistics menu: parameter to client menu, warfare stats to main warfare menu

Funny you should say that, I had warfare stats there originally and parameters in the client menu, but I swapped them around for the first pre-release test :) I'll swap them back around.

- player xyz joined the game message, nice! *edit* can you write which team someone joined? blufor or opfor?

Good suggestion, I'll add that.

- you get back your loadout when you disconnect from the server and come back in, nice!

This is something that used to piss me off a lot, especially because after running ArmA for a few hours, performance starts to degrade so I liked restarting my pc... but then I'd come back to the default loadouts.

- money when taking a town and being not close to town center should be increased (got 475 $)

I'm going to increase the radius for the $5000 reward as opposed to increasing the cash for "nearby" people. The point of the $5000 reward vs the $475 is somebody actually helping vs somebody standing on the outskirts doing shit all for the money.

continuing test

Get your feedback in which, I don't have much more time before having the release this version.

BTW, did any late joiners get the duplicated Warfare Menu/Advanced Repair action menu entries? I did a few tweaks and I'm not fully sure if they worked or not.

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Nice to read your thoughts to my feedback. Thanks.

I was late-joiner today and joined a ongoing warfare match i think 6-7 times. Didnt have the duplicate menu bug. But i must say i didnt had it often before this version too.

- antiteamstack script need maybe an exception for people that already were playing on the server.


I crashed right now while playing, and then i join the server again, its late game, many people of the opposing side have given up or are gone to bed, i cant join the game because of anti-teamstack script > our side has two times more players then the opposing side. But i was already playing on this side and have to join it again cause the anti-teamswap script would sent me back to lobby if i would try to join the opposing side.

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Alright, I've asked a few people's opinions on the subject and I'll allow people to rejoin their team.

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Just a small suggestion Gossamer, maybe add a upgrade for "Advanced Anti-Tank weaponry". I think this would make it more balanced so not everybody is pulling out a Metis or a Javelin out instantly.

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Just a small suggestion Gossamer, maybe add a upgrade for "Advanced Anti-Tank weaponry". I think this would make it more balanced so not everybody is pulling out a Metis or a Javelin out instantly.

Its the nature of the beast, try be more tactful in your tank ie infantry support etc

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Pre-Release 3.04 is up on both TGW servers and I passed the link out to both the TV2 and Riot server admins.

Have the missions disappeared in 3.04?

Just a small suggestion Gossamer, maybe add a upgrade for "Advanced Anti-Tank weaponry". I think this would make it more balanced so not everybody is pulling out a Metis or a Javelin out instantly.

I agree that having everyone sporting advanced AT weapons (and sniper rifles) at all times is rather ridiculous... On the other hand: By nerfing mobile AT only you risk overpowering tanks beyond any reasonable sense - it's a fine line. Also, by limiting Advanced AT availability through updates the problem is only delayed and not solved IMHO.

If I would know how to script it I would try addressing this problem differently: Make infantry carrying any kind of heavy weapons unable to run/sprint for more than 50m without having to recover from loss of stamina.

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yes, missions have been removed. They shared the same bounty as regular capturing for a few versions now, was redundant.

The way the gear menu is currently coded (along with it's configs), it doesn't support upgrades nor does it support only showing the ammo for the selected weapon. Since both would require a re-write and I have 0 time for that, it won't be happening for now.

They are good ideas, but I just don't have time to do that.

For the stamina thing, I don't really like that idea, seems more of a hassle than anything else.

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It's a nice gimmick but i don't think the game needs that.

IMHO "superweapons" that can't be really detected, countered or evaded should be banned from a PvP game - no matter how much cash or supply points they cost.

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It's a nice gimmick but i don't think the game needs that.

IMHO "superweapons" that can't be really detected, countered or evaded should be banned from a PvP game - no matter how much cash or supply points they cost.

It's pretty much available only in endgame. I'll put it in and play a test round with my community and see how it rolls.

There will ALWAYS be the option to disable it for those who really don't like it.

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So I've made some more changes since the last pre-release test:

- New Stats: Unit Build Costs and Gear Costs

- Teamstack parameter doesn't affect rejoiners

- Teamstack parameter can be modified to change the player threshold before it is considered a "team stack"

- Further prevention of duplicated Warfare Menu and Advanced Repair action menu entries (hoping this means the bug is fully squashed now)

- Decreased volumes of Mando Warning Sounds (incoming missile, radar lock)

I'll probably be releasing 3.04 tonight if there's nothing else wrong that I can fix quick enough. Work on 3.05 will start whenever I have time and 3.05 will include some Optimizations/Performance fixes. If you want to see any new features, please make use of the Dev Heaven reporting page and it'll be looked at for 3.05: http://dev-heaven.net/projects/gosswf/issues/new

EDIT: 3.04 released


Bug #16446: Killing friendly targets with Mando Missiles awards bounty

Bug #17611: Attached Vehicles Catching Fire

Bug #17707: Disband destroys the vehicle the unit is in

Bug #17736: Town Defense AI Not guarding towns

Bug #17749: Disbanded units stay in the group

Bug #17864: Major supply miscalculation

Bug #18020: Various Mando HUD files missing

Bug #18193: "City Under Attack" Radio isn't localized for Germans

Bug #18421: JIP Initialization Bug

Bug #18933: Teamswap Kick broken in 1.59

Bug #19083: Militia Strike soldiers do not provide bounty

Bug #19168: HALO Action does not work

Bug #19732: Ammo Dump was in the East Defenses Construction as well

Bug #19743: Asset Timeouts were affecting each other

Bug #20073: Unit build times overlap each other on Warfare HUD

Bug #20103: Duplicate Warfare Menu

Bug #20145: Fixed Wing/Rotary Wing Assets do not patrol designated area

Bug #20147: Mi-24p Wasn't rearming with full ammo

Feature #16685: Show Delay before next Asset Allowed in Menus

Feature #16689: In-Game Statistics

Feature #17174: Anti-Teamstack

Feature #17563: Rank/Cash is bound to Player ID

Feature #17584: Add Missing M4 to Equipment Menu

Feature #17704: Parameter: Team Swap Auto-Kick

Feature #17901: Choose Different types of Payloads from SCUD Launcher

Feature #17971: MMA Quick Help Menu Action

Feature #17978: New Playable Island: Tora Bora

Feature #17999: Parameter: Income Levels

Feature #18019: Parameter: Squad Sizes

Feature #18032: When enemies are near a camp, you will not be able to spawn at it

Feature #18167: Parameter: Camp Contesting

Feature #18168: Parameter: Friendly Fire Buildings

Feature #18188: "Disband All" Button in Team Menu

Feature #18452: New Mando Flares Sound

Feature #18495: Parameter: Camp Respawn

Feature #18599: Weapon/Inventory Bound to PlayerID

Feature #18762: New Playable Island: Duala

Feature #18763: New Playable Island: Jade Groove

Feature #19992: Parameter: Building Strength

Feature #20008: Display Parameters

Feature #20033: Ability to "Rearm" the SCUD Platform

Feature #20165: Upgrade Descriptions

Feature #20226: Parameter: Asset Warning Smoke

Feature #20230: Package Selection

Support #17900: Dev Mode: Unlock all Upgrades fixed

Task #16070: Update Mando Missile Mod to v2.4b97

Task #17693: Raise prices of Militia Strike

Task #17751: Ambulances are not affected by Empty Vehicle Timer anymore

Task #17784: Increase amount of counter measures on aircraft

Task #17972: Town Capture Cash Reward Raised

Task #17974: Increase Camp Capture Distance

Task #17977: Vehicles can now Capture Camps

Task #18018: Increase cool down times for all assets

Task #18078: Add seperate "reload flares" button to support menu

Task #18142: More "Respawn Bug" Prevention

Task #18143: Tweak AI Skill values

Task #18207: Support trucks aren't affected by the idle vehicle timeout

Task #18481: Raise prices of Anti-Tank Infantry

Task #18712: Reprice Small Arms

Task #18764: Remove countermeasures from Gunner's seat

Task #19741: Reduce cost of Field Hospital and Ammo Dump

Task #19996: Engineer Starting Weapon MP5 replaced with M4A1

Task #20071: Refined Processing multipliers decreased

Task #20072: Mass Conscription multipliers decreased

Task #20139: Change Mi-24d's Falanga Targetting System

Task #20140: Remove Debug message in Militia Strike script

Task #20203: Reduce times required for Upgrades

Task #20223: Increase Delay before Militia Strike begins attack

Task #20232: Better Rsc Management

Task #20313: Decrease volume of mando warning sound

Downloads are in usual places as well as: http://thegamewardens.net/index.php?action=downloads;sa=downfile&id=39

Edited by GossamerSolid

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Anybody get a chance to test 3.04 release out yet? Please give feedback.

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I can't find new features which excluded in BE edition. Does this release has something new excluding MandoMissiles mod too? :)

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I can't find new features which excluded in BE edition. Does this release has something new excluding MandoMissiles mod too? :)

- Upgrades tree on GW is much larger

- Geared more towards PvP (no AI team leaders/commander)

- Warfare/FPS HUD

There's not many differences on paper, but when you play you'll see the differences. For the record, I had Mando way before Warfare BE did :)

Benny and I seem to get the same great ideas so we both implement all these features at one point or another.

Regarding the Duplicated Warfare Menu/Advanced Repair action menu items. I've found the cause, it's the late joiner spawn selection. I've temporarily removed it and now the issue is gone. I'll re-release 3.04 as 3.04a and use that as the stable version.

Once I can fix the issues with the late joiner spawn selection, I'll put it back in.

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Version 3.04b is now available

Only changes over 3.04a:

+ Fixed disappearing Warfare Menu action item

+ Fixed a few german stringtables

+ Introduced a couple of new german strings.

EDIT: forgot dl link :p


Edited by GossamerSolid

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3DArtist released a new version of his Gossamer Warfare modification. He did a real nice work on the graphical presentation, check it out:


Maybe ask him if you can use him work too? (if you like it)

Hehe lol , we stay in touch in skype.

Hud is already implemented in GW :) We just have to make few twitches,with safezone for hud.

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Yep 3DArtist will be handling HUD design for the next few versions. Just gotta take some time to tweak a few of the menus.

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(...) for the next few versions.

I'm glad to know there will be more versions at all :) - A couple of postings back it sounded a lot like 3.04 could be the last one... I hope that's not the case.

Anyway, speaking of future updates: I'm not sure if the following has been considered before but what would you think of a group respawning feature? The basic premise here is to be given the option to respawn as one of your AI team members after you get killed.

I already commented on the idea proposed in the Warfare BE thread. I think this would be an awesome addition but I have no idea if it can be done easily e.g. without conflicting too much with the core scripts.

I guess the main benefit would be a smoother and more natural game flow removing potential frustration caused by having to micro-manage your remaining AI team from 5 miles away... On the other hand it would reduce the "death penalty" somewhat but I don't think that's too big of an issue.

I'm curious to know about your opinion on this one.


Actually - in theory - the whole idea could be taken one step further by allowing seamless "switching" between any of your AI team members at any given time. Would be quite handy to resolve potential path finding problems, too ;)

Edited by daikan

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i remember the old unit switch in older cti version when i started out with arma2. was pretty cool

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I'm definetly thinking of doing squad/group spawning, I've had the idea for a bit, but I kinda forgot about it. Thanks for reminding me :)

I'm trying to think on how the unit switching would work, but I'll probably stick to the group spawn first, then move on.

I wasn't planning on making more versions for a bit, but there was somewhat of a renewed interest by a few people, so it has encouraged me to continue working. Plus 3DArtist made some sweet new guis, gotta implement those :)

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Plus 3DArtist made some sweet new guis, gotta implement those smile.gif

:butbut: dont tell me your mission also will be a 16MB mission file.

i liked the gui. but maybe decrease the quality of the pictures so the mission dosent become so large.

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