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  1. After long period of efforts finally HAFM Naval mod came to a point that I and my friend Devastator_cm dreamed. Version 2.0 practically is a totally new mod replacing the previous 1.5 version (in case both versions will be used at same time there will be incompatibility issue). Bringing new ships, weapons, actions and capabilities, as much as possible like in the real life without breaking the game fun was our goal. We believe that we approached it by the best possible way so far. This mod is coming after the successful Submarines mod, in order to complete another aspect of Naval warfare in ArmA 3. For compatibility reasons we decided and split these two mods using another one as Common part/mod for Core and Weapon parts. Due to this, the Common part/mod (Core & Weapons) together with CBA are required for Submarines and Ships mods as base, without a direct dependency between Submarines and Ships (Ships does not need Submarines to work neither Submarines need Ships). Ships mod consists by six new Ships plus two from the old mod. New Ships are: Turkish NAVY - Barbaros class MEKO200TN Frigate - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbaros-class_frigate Greek NAVY - Hydra class MEKO200HN Frigate - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydra-class_frigate French NAVY - FREMM class Frigate - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FREMM_multipurpose_frigate Russian NAVY - Admiral Grigorovich class Frigate - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Admiral_Grigorovich-class_frigate Russian NAVY - BUYAN-M class Corvette - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buyan-class_corvette A replenishment ship for each BLUFOR and OPFOR sides. Also a variety of weapons - missiles - torpedoes - cruise missiles - countermeasures, together with defense systems, are included in order to make things more realistic. So these Ships will also include: - Active Radar Console (same as submarines but for shorter distances) - Anti Ship Weapons Console (Torpedoes - CIWS - Missiles) - Anti Missile Defense Console (CIWS - Missiles) - Torpedoes Console (for Ships and Submarines) - Countermeasures for incoming torpedoes (same as Submarines have) - Cruise Missile Console (for deep strikes) - Artillery Weapon (Artillery Cannon) - Boats for leaving/entering the Ships (mainly for missions) - Helicopter Landing (half-scripted - almost all helicopters can be land - unload cargo into Ship - load cargo from Ship - leave landing deck - etc) - AI logic (in case ships are controlled solely by AIs, will perform evasive maneuvers and auto-defend or fire against targets) - TFAR compatibility - Replenishment Ship, with options to rearm - refuel - repair any same side Ship will be close to it (by the meaning of some minimum distance) - Flags on ships (user can choose default flag texture or add his own through eden attributes) Finally, in order to support mission makers and ensure compatibility for missions that have been build using the old mod version, there is an Optional part/addon which mission makers can use in order to be able to rework their missions in ArmA 3 editor, updating with new ships (with this addon any old mission can be loaded in editor and old ships will auto-replaced by new ones). Ofcourse, a detailed operations manual is coming with that mod, explaining the most parts of it as well as a text file with classnames. Required addons/mods for either Submarines or Ships: CBA_A3 HAFM NAVY Core & Weapons - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1523363834 Optional (for missions build using older ships version): Helper addon - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1523395341 Pre-release forum Ships discussion thread: Submarines release forum thread: Submarines Steam download link : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1362114638 Submarines Armaholic download link : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=33913 Ships Steam download link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1118982882 HAFM NAVY Collection : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1543583710 Core & Weapons Steam download link (will be downloaded anyway with subs or ships - REQUIRED): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1523363834 Helper addon for missions made using the old version ships (optional): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1523395341 Operations manual (also included) external link: Press here Bugs tracker: https://github.com/Aplion/Navy---Ships/issues
  2. MOD current version 5.3.5 Hellenic Armed Forces Mod - (HAFM) ... as known this is my primary mod which was started during ArmA 1 era and is continuous till now for ArmA 3 Stable Branch only. This version consisted by Aircrafts, Helicopters, Ground Vehicles (Wheeled & Armored), Units & Weapons, trying to reflect parts of real Greek Armed Forces. Current version of the mod is version 5.5.2 and the only requirement / dependency is the use of CBA_A3 addon (Community Base addon). For anyone have already installed any previous version of the mod, you must to completely delete the old folder and install the new one in order to avoid any conflicts. The mod have been tested only in vanilla game, using CBA_A3, so I'm not responsible for any conflicts might be occur using other mods. A Classnames.txt file is also provided for mission makers use. Also note that this mod is playable on both Blufor and Indep sides. REQUIREMENTS : CBA_A3 Steam Workshop : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=862564410 Optional ACE compatibility addon : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2817213357
  3. HAFM Submarines This is version 1.0 of a completely working Submarines set for ArmA 3. A long time effort for a MilSim part that I believe that was missing from this game and which would not been possible to be achieved without my friend Devastator_cm which did all scripting dirty work on it. On this mod you will have the opportunity to complete use some of the main Submarines stations as Commander, Weapons Officer, Sonar Officer, Driver, as well to use it as Cargo for your missions. Also there are scripts that control AIs behavior, in case Submarine is controlled by them, as even new waypoints and EDEN attributes in order to help the user more. This mod is coming with an Operations Manual which is a "must" for user to read prior use the mod. On this stage the mod persisted by 4 submarines, 3 of them are on NATO side, 2 on Independent side and one on OPFOR side. Some of them have more capabilities that others and everything is explained in manual. These Submarines are capable to shot Torpedoes, Harpoon Missiles, Cruise Missiles and Decoys in order to defend themselves. Generally I'll not write much more for this mod, I'll let you try it and see what can be offer to ArmA. Again, all credits goes to Devastator_cm for his work and to BIS for the game. NOTE: just one of these Submarines but with same usage and everything else, is into Devastator_cm "DEVAS_TAF" mod for Turkish Forces. NOTE 2: No permission for re-texture or any change to models and scripts of this mod it is given to anyone. Only permission to include it AS IS in servers is permitted by the authors. NOTE 3: There is no PhysX on these Submarines as so far game engine does not allow this. NOTE 4: This mod needs the CBA_A3 addon in order to work properly (dependency). Version 1.0 Classnames Steam download link : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1362114638 Armaholic download link : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=33913 HAFM NAVY Collection : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1543583710
  4. I'm opening here a new discussion - presentation thread about future HAFM NAVY mods which includes the Submarines (as released already) and Ships (authors - me and Devastator_cm). Current versions links: Submarines: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1362114638 Ships: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1118982882 On next (upcoming) version, Ships part will be totally replaced by new one which will include new vessels and similar functions as Submarines, plus a common mod which will be a requirement between the Submarines and Ships. Main Ships which will be included on the new version: MEKO 200 class Frigate (a Turkish and a Greek version) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MEKO_200 FREMM multipurpose frigate (basically the French version) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FREMM_multipurpose_frigate Admiral Grigorovich class frigate https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Admiral_Grigorovich-class_frigate Buyan-M class corvette https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buyan-class_corvette Plus a Gun Boat based on HSY-56A https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osprey_HSY-56A-class_gunboat as well as a CB90 Fast Attack Boat https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CB90-class_fast_assault_craft And a common (different textures) Replenishment ships for both BLUFOR and OPFOR sides. These Ships will include: - Active Radar Console (same as submarines but - Anti Ship Weapons Console (Torpedoes - CIWS - Missiles) - Anti Missile Defense Console (CIWS - Missiles) - Torpedoes Console (For Ships and Submarines) - Countermeasures for incoming torpedoes (same as Submarines have) - Cruise Missile Console (for deep strikes) - Artillery Weapon (Artillery Cannon) - Boats for leaving/entering the Ships (mainly for missions) - Helicopter Landing (Scripted - almost all helicopters can be land - unload cargo into Ship - load cargo from Ship - leave landing deck - etc) - AI logic (in case ships are controlled solely by AIs, will perform evasive maneuvers and auto-defend or fire toward targets) - TFAR compatibility - For Replenishment Ship, will have options to rearm - refuel - repair any same side Ship will be close to it by the meaning of a minimum distance. - Flags on ships (user can choose default flag texture or add his own through eden attributes) (In case I forgot something I'll add it later). A detailed manual will also be delivered with mod upon release.
  5. This is the latest update of my Naval mod (version 1.5) On this update many issues have been fixed and the addition of two more ships raise the number to seven. Most of the ships that have boats attached on them, now have the option for player to detach them and move as crew into them. I'll not post any detailed changelog as I worked so many hours on this mod that I'm not sure of what I've changed after all. One is sure, that all ships are working fine and still are deadly using their weapons even if the AI are controlling them. This mod has been tested only in vanilla game, using CBA_A3 (which is required), so I'm not responsible for any conflicts that might occur using other mods. The mod is coming as modfolder ready and all files are properly signed. Also a server key is included, plus a classnames.txt file for mission makers help. Original Download Link : https://www.dropbox.com/s/4aztxzghw6ayo9f/%40HAFM_NAVY_1_55.rar?dl=0 Steam Workshop Link : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1118982882 Armaholic Link : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=32207
  6. This is my first release of the HAFM NAVY mod. This mod has nothing to do with my basic one for Hellenic (Greek) Armed Forces mod and I'm releasing it as an individual part. The mod is consisted by 5 ships for the moment (2 Frigates, 1 Corvette, 1 Missile Boat and 1 Patrol Boat), which are fully functional. Also all ships have similar weapons capabilities and they are using PhysX engine. There are no other mods/addons dependencies and don't blame me in case of any conficts with other mods (tested using vanilla settings). Please keep in mind that this mod is still on beta version as ArmA 3 engine produces many issues on naval addons/mods. The mod is comming as modfolder ready and all files are properly signed. Also a server key is included, plus a .txt file with all classnames. UPDATED to v1.1 Download Link (primary): https://www.dropbox.com/s/gh8fnrs92m0g7o2/%40HAFM_NAVY_v1_1.rar?dl=0 Armaholic Link: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=32207 Changelog v1.1 Crew is no longer leaving ships or been killed when any ship is placed on EDEN editor. Ships speed and acceleration as also their generall behavior tweaked. Ships armor reduced to be more easily destructable. Frigates and Corvette front guns have changed ammo type to 127mm and 100mm (AI using them now). Added lights plus collision and markerlights. Some improvements on models and configs. Known Issues Big ships are still not following directly the waypoints especially if they are to close on them. Aplion
  7. Hi everyone recently, i try to make skin on arma 3, i reskin the mirage 2000 from hellenic Armed Force Mod ^^ I have change image pnj to paa, build addon etc... in game the mod have been correctly loaded but when I going to eden editor, I can't find my plane and the name of mod didn't appear in the search barre Anyone can check my config and tell me what is wrong please ^^ https://pastebin.com/1PH9EgB2 thank you very much !
  8. After a long time of tweaking and adding new stuff, it is finally the time for a global update of my Hellenic Armed Forces MOD. In this release you will find Units, Weapons, Crates, Accessories, Aircrafts, Land Vehicles (Armored and Cars) all in one with all previous reported issues fixed (at least I hope). What is new : Two more categories have been added, one for Armored Vehicles and one for non-Armored Vehicles (cars), which are including the Leopard 2A6HEL MBT, the Leonidas2 APC, the Mercedes GD240 car and the Steyr 680M truck. Also another weapon has been added, the G3A3 in four versions for my Hellenic Army Units. Classnames : All classnames are included in a .txt file. General info : this update will replace any previous files and it is modfolder ready. All units and vehicles (Air and Ground) are playable on both Independent and BLUFOR sides. Also all parts of my mod are properly signed and a server key is included. NOTE : into this update are included the Aircrafts, Units, Weapons, Accessories, Crates, Armored and non-Armored Vehicles but not any of my recently released Hellicopters (NH90 and EC635 - you can find these as seperate addons) or any of the imported from ArmA 2 vehicles. Requirements : ASDG Joint Rails by Robalo - Armaholic Link Primary Download Link : CLICK HERE - File size ~245 MB Armaholic Download Link : CLICK HERE Aplion