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Extracting PBOs after 1.05 patch

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Is anyone else having trouble extracting pbo files after the 1.05 patch? It changed the association of pbo files to actually open them in arma. When I switched them back to be opened with cpbo it no longer extracts the pbo file. Anyone know a way to fix this?

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Rocko told me this...it worked.

[8:51:00 AM] Rocko: i aproximately installed 20 times cpbo.exe

then deleted .pbo file assoc in registry, after that it suddenly worked again

[8:51:10 AM] Rocko: wait i look for the key

[8:52:25 AM] Rocko: hkey_users\...\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.pbo

Basically, go into your registry and delete any association with .pbo, then run cpbo again.

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Yea, Cpbo went down the crapper after 1.05 for me too.

I was gonna try Eliteness but I'm buggering up the install somehow. Pbo View works fine for me however.

Will try Rocko's fix though, as I'd prefer to use Cpbo again.

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You have to really delete everything with .pbo in the registry to get cpbo working again, but it did the trick. Make sure you click on "my computer" at the top and search there, as it will find all the .pbo's throughout the registry. Thanks for the help Binkowski & Rocko!

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Right clicking a .pbo and then "open with.." -> "cpbo" still works for me.

For a direkt file association it might help to tick the "always open with.." option in the selection window - haven´t tried that yet as i wanted to take a closer look at BI´s new file launcher thingie first :D

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Hmm, Eliteness seems to work ok for me, as Mr Burns says would have thought "open with" works

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Is it just me, or is Double Clicking a PBO since 1.05 means ArmA2 starts up and a new special in-game menu appears allowing you to use that PBO, no matter where it was located in the file system?

..... neat !

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how to open pbo after install patch 1.05 ?

arma2 icon on pbo file and this windows in game :


trying to delete pbo file extention in registry but game crash :confused:

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Gnat;1522816']Is it just me' date=' or is Double Clicking a PBO since 1.05 means ArmA2 starts up and a new special in-game menu appears allowing you to use that PBO, no matter where it was located in the file system?

..... neat ![/quote']

I noticed that! I find it quite useful and neat as well.

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I tried doing that registry editing script and that failed to work (I get an error saying that it's not a registry script).

Does anyone have an idiots guide for dummies on how to edit the registry files. I think the last time I did anything like that was in Windows 98 so please forgive my lack of computer skills. I just don't want to erase the wrong files from the wrong folder. I tried running regedit and I can't find anything dealing with .pbo files. But there are so many folders, I have no idea where it would even be or how they should be edited. I tried also using the search function on my C directory and no joy finding any reg files when searching for .pbo or pbo. I am using Windows Vista and simply doing "right click and open with .cpbo" doesn't work. So any help on this would be nice, otherwise no more addon editing for me and no more conversions of my mod's stuff from OFP and ArmA I.

EDIT: Nevermind. I got it to work using another version of the reg script (or I copy and pasted something wrong). Running this worked:


Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

Team Leader of the Lost Brothers Mod

Edited by Miles Teg

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