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Added Uniform Disappears in Multiplayer

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I'm not sure tbh. It looks like you're using addons too. Have you tried your way without any addons? On another note, I haven't messed with cfgFunctions to store functions.

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I'm not sure tbh. It looks like you're using addons too. Have you tried your way without any addons? On another note, I haven't messed with cfgFunctions to store functions.

I have not tried yet without add ons , the strange thing is that in the editor all work fine and I have backpacks and vests filled .

The issue happen random in MP , some soldiers get stuff in vest others not and then second time you try the mission happen the contrary .

I'll try some of your suggestions and report back If I find a solution

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They loose their stuf if some other player joins or respawns.

yeah now that I retried I see that when I play in MP alone all is ok .

Just when my friends join I have this problem of items and weapons disappearing from backpack and vest

well .. do you know how to counter this issue ? : )

should we wait for official fix ?

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I didn't find any solution. I currently using the init commands. I tried to remove alle the "removeweapon..." But it didn't help. Only solution i can think of is create new units wich have the wished gear as default so you don't have to use init commands at all. Unfortunately i dont know how to do that.

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A problem is addUniform is not a global command: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=15298

addHeadgear => Global

addVest => Global

addBackpack => Global

removeHeadgear => Global

removeVest => Global

removeBackpack => Global

removeUniform => Global

addUniform => local

And oddly enough:

addBackpack => Local

removeBackpack => Local

Last edited by ProGamer; Today at 00:49.

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Yeah but most of the stuff that is in the vest and backpack dissapears also. Except medkits

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Also noticed another bug/issue with this now. When custom setup for AI, it breaks

them (depending on outfit) and they do crazy stuff. For example: One guy broke

out of his waypoints with custom uniform and took off running down the road. Zioks!

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well now I feel very confused lol

I just hope I have not wasted all that time making 15 custom soldiers from scratch :S making custom soldiers in Arma was already a pain but look like now is even worst

between I think the problem is not only about uniform being local , I have stuff disappearing from vest and backpacks as soon as my friend join the game , items and ammunitions remain only in the uniform and in radio , gps , map slots

Edited by HaZZarD

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Now it's "the uniforms make the ai do crazy stuff". :popcornsmilie:

Sorry to sound snide, but it did literally make me chuckle.

Edited by Iceman77

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Is there any tutorial out there how to create new unit, with custom gear? Or better a tool?

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For weeks now I try and try again from after the Ptach, but I can not find a solution.

on 'hint slot launch the command:


nul = [this] execVM "" equip \ mitragliere.sqf ""; this AddEventHandler ["" respawn "", "" _this execVM 'equip \ mitragliere.sqf' ""];

this is my file:

// 2RGT OBERST per ARMA3 //

// Personaggio MITRAGLIERE//

if (isServer) then {

waitUntil {!isNull _unit};


_unit = _this select 0;

// Remove original equipment

removeAllWeapons _unit;

removeUniform _unit;

removeHeadgear _unit;

removeVest _unit;

removeBackpack _unit;

removeallassigneditems _unit;

// Aggiunta giberna tattica, mimetica e backpack

_unit addVest "V_PlateCarrier1_PMC_rgr";

_unit addUniform "U_PMC_CombatUniformLS_IndPBSBB";

_unit addHeadgear "H_mas_it_Woolhat";

_unit addbackpack "B_Carryall_oli";

// configurazione arma primaria

_unit addMagazines ["200Rnd_65x39_cased_Box", 5];

_unit addMagazines ["200Rnd_65x39_cased_Box_Tracer", 2];

_unit addWeapon "LMG_Mk200_MRCO_F";

_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight";

_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Arco";

//_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "muzzle_snds_M";

// configurazione arma secondaria

_unit addMagazines ["9Rnd_45ACP_Mag", 2];

_unit addWeapon "hgun_ACPC2_snds_F";

// equipaggiamento soldato

_unit addMagazines ["handgrenade", 4];

_unit addMagazines ["smokeshell", 2];

//_unit addMagazines ["SmokeShellGreen", 1];

//_unit addMagazines ["SmokeShellBlue", 2];

//_unit addItem "nvgoggles";

_unit addItem "ItemCompass";

_unit addItem "itemgps";

_unit addItem "itemmap";

//_unit addItem "ACRE_PRC148";

_unit addItem "ACRE_PRC343";

_unit addItem "itemwatch";

_unit addWeapon "Rangefinder";

_unit addGoggles "G_Tactical_Black";

//_unit assignitem "nvgoggles";

_unit assignitem "itemcompass";

_unit assignitem "itemgps";

_unit assignitem "itemmap";

_unit assignitem "ACRE_PRC343";

_unit assignitem "itemwatch";

// oggetti nel backpack

(unitBackpack _unit) additemCargo ["FirstAidKit",10];

(unitBackpack _unit) addmagazineCargo ["200Rnd_65x39_cased_Box", 6];

if(true) exitWith{};

it has always worked before the patch and now I'm in my underwear when I play in MP :(

---------- Post added at 18:49 ---------- Previous post was at 17:34 ----------

tonight I try this solution as suggested Iceman77:

Grenadier =


_unit = _this select 0;

removeAllWeapons _unit;

removeHeadgear _unit;

removeVest _unit;

removeUniform _unit;

removeBackPack _unit;

_unit addHeadgear "H_Cap_tan_pmc";

_unit addUniform "U_PMC_BrnPolo_BgPants";

_unit addVest "V_PlateCarrier1_PMC_blk";

_unit addBackPack "B_mas_Kitbag_black";

_unit addWeapon "rangefinder";

_unit addItem "optic_holosight";

_unit addWeapon "itemGps";

(unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["handgrenade",5];

(unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell",10];

(unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_SmokeOrange_Grenade_shell",2];

(unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag",5];

(unitBackpack _unit) additemCargo ["FirstAidKit",6];

[_unit, "arifle_MX_GL_blk_ACO_F" ,10 ,"30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;

[_unit, "hgun_pistol_heavy_01_F" ,3 ,"11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;

_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Aco";

_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight";


Marksman =


_unit = _this select 0;

removeAllWeapons _unit;

removeHeadgear _unit;

removeVest _unit;

removeUniform _unit;

removeBackPack _unit;

_unit addHeadgear "H_Booniehat_rgr";

_unit addUniform "U_PMC_CombatUniformLS_GSSPBB";

_unit addVest "V_PlateCarrier1_PMC_rgr";

_unit addBackPack "B_AssaultPack_rgr";

_unit addWeapon "rangefinder";

_unit addWeapon "itemGps";

_unit addItem "ACRE_PRC119";

_unit addItem "ACRE_PRC343";

_unit assignitem "ACRE_PRC343";

(unitBackpack _unit) additemCargo ["FirstAidKit",10];

(unitBackpack _unit) addmagazineCargo ["handgrenade", 3];

(unitBackpack _unit) addmagazineCargo ["7Rnd_408_Mag", 5];

[_unit, "srifle_LRR_F" ,10 ,"7Rnd_408_Mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;

[_unit, "hgun_pistol_heavy_01_F" ,3 ,"11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;

_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_SOS";

_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight";




_unit = _this select 0;

removeAllWeapons _unit;

removeHeadgear _unit;

removeVest _unit;

removeUniform _unit;

removeBackPack _unit;

_unit addHeadgear "H_mas_it_Woolhat";

_unit addUniform "U_PMC_CombatUniformLS_IndPBSBB";

_unit addVest "V_PlateCarrier1_PMC_rgr";

_unit addbackpack "B_Carryall_oli";

_unit addWeapon "rangefinder";

_unit addWeapon "itemGps";

(unitBackpack _unit) additemCargo ["FirstAidKit",10];

(unitBackpack _unit) addmagazineCargo ["200Rnd_65x39_cased_Box", 6];

[_unit, "LMG_Mk200_MRCO_F" ,7 ,"200Rnd_65x39_cased_Box"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;

[_unit, "hgun_pistol_heavy_01_F" ,3 ,"11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;

_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight";

_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Arco";


Demolitore =


_unit = _this select 0;

removeAllWeapons _unit;

removeHeadgear _unit;

removeVest _unit;

removeUniform _unit;

removeBackPack _unit;

_unit addHeadgear "H_Cap_khaki_specops_UK";

_unit addUniform "U_PMC_CombatUniformLS_BSGPBB";

_unit addVest "V_PlateCarrier1_PMC_blk";

_unit addbackpack "B_Carryall_oli";

_unit addWeapon "rangefinder";

_unit addWeapon "itemGps";

(unitBackpack _unit) additemCargo ["FirstAidKit",10];

(unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag",2];

(unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["ClaymoreDirectionalMine_Remote_Mag",2];

[_unit, "arifle_MX_MRCO_blk_F" ,8 ,"30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;

[_unit, "hgun_pistol_heavy_01_F" ,3 ,"11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;

_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight";

_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Aco";


Fuciliere =


_unit = _this select 0;

removeAllWeapons _unit;

removeHeadgear _unit;

removeVest _unit;

removeUniform _unit;

removeBackPack _unit;

_unit addHeadgear "H_Cap_tan_pmc";

_unit addUniform "U_PMC_BrnPolo_BluPants";

_unit addVest "V_PlateCarrier1_PMC_khki";

_unit addbackpack "B_mas_Kitbag_rng";

_unit addWeapon "rangefinder";

_unit addWeapon "itemGps";

(unitBackpack _unit) additemCargo ["FirstAidKit",10];

(unitBackpack _unit) addmagazineCargo ["SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag", 1];

(unitBackpack _unit) addmagazineCargo ["handgrenade", 3];

(unitBackpack _unit) addmagazineCargo ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", 5];

(unitBackpack _unit) addmagazineCargo ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Red", 3];

[_unit, "arifle_Mk20_F" ,8 ,"30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;

[_unit, "hgun_pistol_heavy_01_F" ,3 ,"11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;

_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight";

_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Aco";


Medico =


_unit = _this select 0;

removeAllWeapons _unit;

removeHeadgear _unit;

removeVest _unit;

removeUniform _unit;

removeBackPack _unit;

_unit addHeadgear "H_Cap_pmc_headphones";

_unit addUniform "U_PMC_BlkTShirt_DJeans";

_unit addVest "V_PlateCarrier1_PMC_marpat";

_unit addbackpack "B_Carryall_mcamo";

_unit addWeapon "rangefinder";

_unit addWeapon "itemGps";

(unitBackpack _unit) additemCargo ["FirstAidKit",10];

(unitBackpack _unit) additemCargo ["Medikit", 2];

(unitBackpack _unit) addmagazineCargo ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag", 4];

(unitBackpack _unit) addmagazineCargo ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", 3];

[_unit, "arifle_MX_MRCO_blk_F" ,7 ,"30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;

[_unit, "hgun_pistol_heavy_01_F" ,3 ,"11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;

_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight";

_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Aco";


Spotter =


_unit = _this select 0;

removeAllWeapons _unit;

removeHeadgear _unit;

removeVest _unit;

removeUniform _unit;

removeBackPack _unit;

_unit addHeadgear "H_mas_it_Cap_headphones_v";

_unit addUniform "U_PMC_CombatUniformRS_IndPBSBB";

_unit addVest "V_PlateCarrier1_PMC_rgr";

_unit addbackpack "B_Carryall_oli";

_unit addWeapon "rangefinder";

_unit addWeapon "itemGps";

_unit addItem "ACRE_PRC119";

_unit addItem "ACRE_PRC343";

_unit assignitem "ACRE_PRC119";

(unitBackpack _unit) additemCargo ["FirstAidKit",10];

(unitBackpack _unit) additemCargo ["Medikit", 2];

(unitBackpack _unit) addmagazineCargo ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", 4];

(unitBackpack _unit) addmagazineCargo ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Red", 3];

[_unit, "arifle_Mk20_GL_F" ,7 ,"30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;

[_unit, "hgun_pistol_heavy_01_F" ,3 ,"11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;

_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight";

_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Arco";


TL =


_unit = _this select 0;

removeAllWeapons _unit;

removeHeadgear _unit;

removeVest _unit;

removeUniform _unit;

removeBackPack _unit;

_unit addHeadgear "H_Cap_pmc";

_unit addUniform "U_PMC_CombatUniformLS_SSBPBB";

_unit addVest "V_PlateCarrier1_PMC_khki";

_unit addbackpack "B_AssaultPack_blk";

_unit addWeapon "rangefinder";

_unit addWeapon "itemGps";

_unit addItem "ACRE_PRC119";

_unit addItem "ACRE_PRC343";

_unit assignitem "ACRE_PRC119";

(unitBackpack _unit) additemCargo ["FirstAidKit",10];

(unitBackpack _unit) addmagazineCargo ["handgrenade", 2];

(unitBackpack _unit) addmagazineCargo ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag", 7];

[_unit, "arifle_MX_MRCO_blk_F" ,7 ,"30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;

[_unit, "hgun_pistol_heavy_01_F" ,3 ,"11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;

_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight";

_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Aco";


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tonight I try this solution as suggested Iceman77:

I also don't run the functions from the units init lines. I call compile preprocess the file on the client and then call one of the loadout functions, passing the player to the function. Not sure if that's the best way!! But I've absolutely no problems so far.

If (!IsDedicated) Then {
 waitUntil { !IsNull Player };
     if (local player) then {

       waitUntil { time > 1 };

       switch (faction player) do {
              case "BLU_F":{[] call compile preprocessFile "digitalLoadout\LoadoutsBlu.sqf";};
              case "BLU_G_F":{[] call compile preprocessFile "digitalLoadout\LoadoutsFia.sqf";};
              case "IND_F":{[] call compile preprocessFile "digitalLoadout\LoadoutsInd.sqf";};
              case "OPF_F":{[] call compile preprocessFile "digitalLoadout\LoadoutsOpf.sqf";};

             [player] call TAG_FNC_Rifleman; // then call a loadout now, for example




TAG_FNC_Rifleman = 
 _unit = _this select 0;

  removeAllWeapons _unit;
  removeHeadgear _unit;
  removeVest _unit;
  removeUniform _unit;
  removeBackPack _unit;

 _unit addHeadgear "H_HelmetB";
 _unit addUniform "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam";
 _unit addVest "V_PlateCarrier1_rgr";
 _Unit addBackPack "B_AssaultPack_blk";

 _unit addWeapon "rangefinder";
 _unit addWeapon "itemGps";
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["smokeshell",1];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["HandGrenade",3]; 
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_blue",5];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Green",5]; 
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Yellow",5]; 
 [_unit, "arifle_MX_F" ,10 ,"30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 [_unit, "hgun_pistol_heavy_01_F" ,6 ,"11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Aco";
 _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";

TAG_FNC_Grenadier = 
 _unit = _this select 0;

 removeAllWeapons _unit;
 removeHeadgear _unit;
 removeVest _unit;
 removeUniform _unit;
 removeBackPack _unit;

 _unit addHeadgear "H_HelmetB";
 _unit addUniform "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam";
 _unit addVest "V_PlateCarrier1_rgr";
 _Unit addBackPack "B_AssaultPack_blk";

 _unit addWeapon "rangefinder";
 _unit addItem "optic_holosight";
 _unit addWeapon "itemGps";
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["smokeshell",1];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell",10];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_blue",5];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Green",5]; 
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Yellow",5]; 
 [_unit, "arifle_MX_GL_F" ,10 ,"30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 [_unit, "hgun_pistol_heavy_01_F" ,6 ,"11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Aco";
 _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";

TAG_FNC_Engineer = 
 _unit = _this select 0;

 removeAllWeapons _unit;
 removeHeadgear _unit;
 removeVest _unit;
 removeUniform _unit;
 removeBackPack _unit;

 _unit addHeadgear "H_HelmetB_paint";
 _unit addUniform "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_vest";
 _unit addVest "V_Chestrig_rgr";
 _Unit addBackPack "B_Kitbag_mcamo_Eng";
 clearAllItemsFromBackpack _unit;

 _unit addWeapon "itemGps";
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["ATMine_Range_Mag",1]; 
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["SLAMDirectionalMine_Wire_Mag",1];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["APERSMine_Range_Mag",1];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["APERSBoundingMine_Range_Mag",1];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_blue",5];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Green",5]; 
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Yellow",5]; 
 _unit addWeapon "rangefinder";
 _unit addMagazine "smokeshell";
 [_unit, "arifle_MXC_F" ,7 ,"30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 [_unit, "hgun_pistol_heavy_01_F" ,6 ,"11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Aco";
 _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";

TAG_FNC_AutoRifleman = 
 _unit = _this select 0;

 removeAllWeapons _unit;
 removeHeadgear _unit;
 removeVest _unit;
 removeUniform _unit;
 removeBackPack _unit;

 _unit addHeadgear "H_HelmetB_paint";
 _unit addUniform "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam";
 _unit addVest "V_PlateCarrier1_rgr";
 _Unit addbackpack "B_AssaultPack_mcamo_Ammo";
 clearAllItemsFromBackpack _unit; 

 _unit addWeapon "rangefinder";
 _unit addWeapon "itemGps";
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["smokeshell",1];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_blue",5];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Green",5]; 
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Yellow",5]; 
 [_unit, "arifle_MX_SW_Pointer_F" ,8 ,"100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 [_unit, "hgun_pistol_heavy_01_F" ,6 ,"11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_holosight";

TAG_FNC_AT_Light = 
 _unit = _this select 0;

 removeAllWeapons _unit;
 removeHeadgear _unit;
 removeVest _unit;
 removeUniform _unit;
 removeBackPack _unit;

 _unit addHeadgear "H_HelmetB_light";
 _unit addUniform "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam";
 _unit addVest "V_PlateCarrier2_rgr";
 _Unit addBackPack "B_AssaultPack_rgr_LAT";

 _unit addWeapon "rangefinder";
 _unit addWeapon "itemGps";
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["smokeshell",1];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_blue",5];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Green",5]; 
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Yellow",5]; 
 [_unit, "arifle_MX_F" ,9 ,"30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 [_unit, "launch_NLAW_F" ,2 ,"NLAW_F"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 [_unit, "hgun_pistol_heavy_01_F" ,6 ,"11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Aco";
 _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";

TAG_FNC_Pilot = 
 _unit = _this select 0;

 removeAllWeapons _unit;
 removeHeadgear _unit;
 removeVest _unit;
 removeUniform _unit;
 removeBackPack _unit;

 _unit addHeadgear "H_pilothelmetfighter_B";
 _unit addUniform "U_B_pilotcoveralls";
 _Unit addBackPack "B_parachute";

 _unit addWeapon "rangefinder";
 _unit addWeapon "itemGps";
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["smokeshell",1];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_blue",5];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Green",5]; 
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Yellow",5]; 
 [_unit, "arifle_MX_F" ,7 ,"30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 [_unit, "hgun_pistol_heavy_01_F" ,6 ,"11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
  _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Aco";
  _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";

 _unit = _this select 0;

 removeAllWeapons _unit;
 removeHeadgear _unit;
 removeVest _unit;
 removeUniform _unit;
 removeBackPack _unit;

 _unit addHeadgear "H_HelmetB";
 _unit addUniform "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam";
 _unit addVest "V_PlateCarrierSpec_rgr";
 _Unit addBackPack "B_AssaultPack_mcamo_AA";

 _unit addWeapon "rangefinder";
 _unit addWeapon "itemGps";
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["smokeshell",1];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_blue",5];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Green",5]; 
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Yellow",5]; 
 [_unit, "arifle_MX_F" ,9 ,"30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 [_unit, "launch_B_Titan_F" ,1 ,"Titan_AA"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 [_unit, "hgun_pistol_heavy_01_F" ,6 ,"11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Aco";
 _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";

TAG_FNC_SpecialF = 
 _unit = _this select 0;

 removeAllWeapons _unit;
 removeHeadgear _unit;
 removeVest _unit;
 removeUniform _unit;
 removeBackPack _unit;

 _unit addHeadgear "H_HelmetB";
 _unit addUniform "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam";
 _unit addVest "V_PlateCarrier1_rgr";
 _Unit addBackPack "B_AssaultPack_blk";

 _unit addWeapon "rangefinder";
 _unit addWeapon "itemGps";
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["handGrenade",5];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["smokeshell",2];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_blue",5];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Green",5]; 
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Yellow",5]; 
 [_unit, "srifle_EBR_F" ,8 ,"20Rnd_762x51_mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 [_unit, "hgun_pistol_heavy_01_F" ,6 ,"11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Hamr";
 _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";
 _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "muzzle_snds_B";

TAG_FNC_AT_Heavy = 
 _unit = _this select 0;

 removeAllWeapons _unit;
 removeHeadgear _unit;
 removeVest _unit;
 removeUniform _unit;
 removeBackPack _unit;

 _unit addHeadgear "H_HelmetB";
 _unit addUniform "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam";
 _unit addVest "V_PlateCarrierSpec_rgr";
 _Unit addBackPack "B_AssaultPack_mcamo_AT";

 _unit addWeapon "rangefinder";
 _unit addWeapon "itemGps";
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["smokeshell",1];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_blue",5];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Green",5]; 
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Yellow",5]; 
 [_unit, "arifle_MX_F" ,9 ,"30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 [_unit, "launch_B_Titan_short_F" ,1 ,"Titan_AT"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 [_unit, "hgun_pistol_heavy_01_F" ,6 ,"11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Aco";
 _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";

TAG_FNC_Marksman = 
 _unit = _this select 0;

 removeAllWeapons _unit;
 removeHeadgear _unit;
 removeVest _unit;
 removeUniform _unit;
 removeBackPack _unit;

 _unit addHeadgear "H_HelmetB";
 _unit addUniform "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam";
 _unit addVest "V_PlateCarrier1_rgr";
 _Unit addBackPack "B_AssaultPack_blk";

 _unit addWeapon "rangefinder";
 _unit addWeapon "itemGps";
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["smokeshell",1];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_blue",5];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Green",5]; 
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Yellow",5]; 
 [_unit, "srifle_EBR_F" ,10 ,"20Rnd_762x51_mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 [_unit, "hgun_pistol_heavy_01_F" ,6 ,"11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_DMS";
 _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";


TAG_FNC_Rifleman = 
 _unit = _this select 0;

  removeAllWeapons _unit;
  removeHeadgear _unit;
  removeVest _unit;
  removeUniform _unit;
  removeBackPack _unit;

 _unit addHeadgear "H_HelmetO_ocamo";
 _unit addUniform "U_O_CombatUniform_ocamo";
 _unit addVest "V_harnessO_brn";
 _Unit addBackPack "B_Fieldpack_cbr";

 _unit addWeapon "binocular";
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["smokeshell",1];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["HandGrenade",3]; 
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_red",5];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Green",5]; 
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Yellow",5]; 
 [_unit, "arifle_Katiba_F" ,10 ,"30Rnd_65x39_caseless_Green"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 [_unit, "hgun_pistol_heavy_02_F" ,6 ,"6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_ACO_grn";
 _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";

TAG_FNC_Grenadier = 
 _unit = _this select 0;

 removeAllWeapons _unit;
 removeHeadgear _unit;
 removeVest _unit;
 removeUniform _unit;
 removeBackPack _unit;

 _unit addHeadgear "H_HelmetO_ocamo";
 _unit addUniform "U_O_CombatUniform_ocamo";
 _unit addVest "V_harnessO_brn";
 _Unit addBackPack "B_Fieldpack_cbr";

 _unit addWeapon "binocular";
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["smokeshell",1];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell",10];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Red",5];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Green",5]; 
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Yellow",5]; 
 [_unit, "arifle_Katiba_GL_F" ,10 ,"30Rnd_65x39_caseless_Green"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 [_unit, "hgun_pistol_heavy_02_F" ,6 ,"6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_ACO_grn";
 _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";

TAG_FNC_Engineer = 
 _unit = _this select 0;

 removeAllWeapons _unit;
 removeHeadgear _unit;
 removeVest _unit;
 removeUniform _unit;
 removeBackPack _unit;

 _unit addHeadgear "H_HelmetO_ocamo";
 _unit addUniform "U_O_CombatUniform_ocamo";
 _unit addVest "V_harnessO_brn";
 _Unit addBackPack "B_Carryall_ocamo_Eng";
 clearAllItemsFromBackpack _unit; 

 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["ATMine_Range_Mag",1]; 
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["SLAMDirectionalMine_Wire_Mag",1];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["APERSMine_Range_Mag",1];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["APERSBoundingMine_Range_Mag",1];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_red",5];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Green",5]; 
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Yellow",5]; 
 _unit addWeapon "binocular";
 _unit addMagazine "smokeshell";
 [_unit, "arifle_katiba_F" ,7 ,"30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 [_unit, "hgun_pistol_heavy_02_F" ,6 ,"6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_ACO_grn";
 _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";

TAG_FNC_AutoRifleman = 
 _unit = _this select 0;

 removeAllWeapons _unit;
 removeHeadgear _unit;
 removeVest _unit;
 removeUniform _unit;
 removeBackPack _unit;

 _unit addHeadgear "H_HelmetO_ocamo";
 _unit addUniform "U_O_CombatUniform_ocamo";
 _unit addVest "V_harnessO_brn";
 _Unit addBackPack "B_Fieldpack_cbr";

 _unit addWeapon "binocular";
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["smokeshell",1];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_red",5];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Green",5]; 
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Yellow",5]; 
 [_unit, "LMG_Zafir_F" ,8 ,"150Rnd_762x51_box"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 [_unit, "hgun_pistol_heavy_02_F" ,6 ,"6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_ACO_grn";

TAG_FNC_AT_Light = 
 _unit = _this select 0;

 removeAllWeapons _unit;
 removeHeadgear _unit;
 removeVest _unit;
 removeUniform _unit;
 removeBackPack _unit;

 _unit addHeadgear "H_HelmetO_ocamo";
 _unit addUniform "U_O_CombatUniform_ocamo";
 _unit addVest "V_TacVest_khk";
 _Unit addBackPack "B_FieldPack_cbr_LAT";

 _unit addWeapon "binocular";
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["smokeshell",1];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_red",5];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Green",5]; 
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Yellow",5]; 
 [_unit, "arifle_katiba_F" ,9 ,"30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 [_unit, "launch_RPG32_F" ,2 ,"RPG32_F"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 [_unit, "hgun_pistol_heavy_02_F" ,6 ,"6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_ACO_grn";
 _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";

TAG_FNC_Pilot = 
 _unit = _this select 0;

 removeAllWeapons _unit;
 removeHeadgear _unit;
 removeVest _unit;
 removeUniform _unit;
 removeBackPack _unit;

 _unit addHeadgear "H_pilothelmetfighter_O";
 _unit addUniform "U_O_pilotcoveralls";
 _Unit addBackPack "B_parachute";

 _unit addWeapon "binocular";
 _unit addWeapon "itemGps";
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["smokeshell",1];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_blue",5];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Green",5]; 
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Yellow",5]; 
 [_unit, "arifle_katiba_F" ,7 ,"30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 [_unit, "hgun_pistol_heavy_02_F" ,6 ,"6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
  _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_ACO_grn";
  _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";

TAG_FNC_SpecialF = 
 _unit = _this select 0;

 removeAllWeapons _unit;
 removeHeadgear _unit;
 removeVest _unit;
 removeUniform _unit;
 removeBackPack _unit;

 _unit addHeadgear "H_HelmetO_ocamo";
 _unit addUniform "U_O_CombatUniform_ocamo";
 _unit addVest "V_harnessO_brn";
 _Unit addBackPack "B_Fieldpack_cbr";

 _unit addWeapon "rangefinder";
 _unit addWeapon "itemGps";
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["smokeshell",2];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["handGrenade",5];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_red",5];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Green",5]; 
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Yellow",5]; 
 [_unit, "srifle_EBR_F" ,10 ,"20Rnd_762x51_mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 [_unit, "hgun_pistol_heavy_02_F" ,6 ,"6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_MRCO";
 _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "muzzle_snds_B";
 _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";

 _unit = _this select 0;

 removeAllWeapons _unit;
 removeHeadgear _unit;
 removeVest _unit;
 removeUniform _unit;
 removeBackPack _unit;

 _unit addHeadgear "H_HelmetO_ocamo";
 _unit addUniform "U_O_CombatUniform_ocamo";
 _unit addVest "V_harnessO_brn";
 _Unit addBackPack "B_FieldPack_ocamo_AA";

 _unit addWeapon "binocular";
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["smokeshell",1];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_red",5];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Green",5]; 
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Yellow",5]; 
 [_unit, "arifle_katiba_F" ,9 ,"30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 [_unit, "launch_B_Titan_F" ,2 ,"Titan_AA"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 [_unit, "hgun_pistol_heavy_02_F" ,6 ,"6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_ACO_grn";
 _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";

TAG_FNC_AT_Heavy = 
 _unit = _this select 0;

 removeAllWeapons _unit;
 removeHeadgear _unit;
 removeVest _unit;
 removeUniform _unit;
 removeBackPack _unit;

 _unit addHeadgear "H_HelmetO_ocamo";
 _unit addUniform "U_O_CombatUniform_ocamo";
 _unit addVest "V_TacVest_khk";
 _Unit addBackPack "B_FieldPack_cbr_AT";

 _unit addWeapon "binocular";
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["smokeshell",1];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_red",5];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Green",5]; 
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Yellow",5]; 
 [_unit, "arifle_katiba_F" ,7 ,"30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 [_unit, "hgun_pistol_heavy_02_F" ,6 ,"6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 [_unit, "launch_B_Titan_short_F" ,2 ,"Titan_AT"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_ACO_grn";
 _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";

TAG_FNC_Marksman = 
 _unit = _this select 0;

 removeAllWeapons _unit;
 removeHeadgear _unit;
 removeVest _unit;
 removeUniform _unit;
 removeBackPack _unit;

 _unit addHeadgear "H_HelmetO_ocamo";
 _unit addUniform "U_O_CombatUniform_ocamo";
 _unit addVest "V_harnessO_brn";
 _Unit addBackPack "B_Fieldpack_cbr";

 _unit addWeapon "rangefinder";
 _unit addWeapon "itemGps";
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["smokeshell",1];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_red",5];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Green",5]; 
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Yellow",5]; 
 [_unit, "srifle_DMR_01_F" ,7 ,"10Rnd_762x51_mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 [_unit, "hgun_pistol_heavy_02_F" ,6 ,"6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_DMS";
 _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";

Edited by Iceman77

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nothing ... I tried, but does not take anything, as if he could see the file

call unit slot:

_nul = [this] call Grenadier;


call compile preprocessFile "equip\Loadouts.sqf";


Grenadier =


_unit = _this select 0;

removeAllWeapons _unit;

removeHeadgear _unit;

removeVest _unit;

removeUniform _unit;

removeBackPack _unit;

_unit addHeadgear "H_Cap_tan_pmc";

_unit addUniform "U_PMC_BrnPolo_BgPants";

_unit addVest "V_PlateCarrier1_PMC_blk";

_unit addBackPack "B_mas_Kitbag_black";

_unit addWeapon "rangefinder";

_unit addItem "optic_holosight";

_unit addWeapon "itemGps";

(unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["handgrenade",5];

(unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell",10];

(unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_SmokeOrange_Grenade_shell",2];

(unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag",5];

(unitBackpack _unit) additemCargo ["FirstAidKit",6];

[_unit, "arifle_MX_GL_blk_ACO_F" ,10 ,"30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;

[_unit, "hgun_pistol_heavy_01_F" ,3 ,"11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;

_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Aco";

_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight";


Marksman =


_unit = _this select 0;

removeAllWeapons _unit;

removeHeadgear _unit;

removeVest _unit;

removeUniform _unit;

removeBackPack _unit;

_unit addHeadgear "H_Booniehat_rgr";

_unit addUniform "U_PMC_CombatUniformLS_GSSPBB";

_unit addVest "V_PlateCarrier1_PMC_rgr";

_unit addBackPack "B_AssaultPack_rgr";

_unit addWeapon "rangefinder";

_unit addWeapon "itemGps";

_unit addItem "ACRE_PRC119";

_unit addItem "ACRE_PRC343";

_unit assignitem "ACRE_PRC343";

(unitBackpack _unit) additemCargo ["FirstAidKit",10];

(unitBackpack _unit) addmagazineCargo ["handgrenade", 3];

(unitBackpack _unit) addmagazineCargo ["7Rnd_408_Mag", 5];

[_unit, "srifle_LRR_F" ,10 ,"7Rnd_408_Mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;

[_unit, "hgun_pistol_heavy_01_F" ,3 ,"11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;

_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_SOS";

_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight";




_unit = _this select 0;

removeAllWeapons _unit;

removeHeadgear _unit;

removeVest _unit;

removeUniform _unit;

removeBackPack _unit;

_unit addHeadgear "H_mas_it_Woolhat";

_unit addUniform "U_PMC_CombatUniformLS_IndPBSBB";

_unit addVest "V_PlateCarrier1_PMC_rgr";

_unit addbackpack "B_Carryall_oli";

_unit addWeapon "rangefinder";

_unit addWeapon "itemGps";

(unitBackpack _unit) additemCargo ["FirstAidKit",10];

(unitBackpack _unit) addmagazineCargo ["200Rnd_65x39_cased_Box", 6];

[_unit, "LMG_Mk200_MRCO_F" ,7 ,"200Rnd_65x39_cased_Box"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;

[_unit, "hgun_pistol_heavy_01_F" ,3 ,"11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;

_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight";

_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Arco";


Demolitore =


_unit = _this select 0;

removeAllWeapons _unit;

removeHeadgear _unit;

removeVest _unit;

removeUniform _unit;

removeBackPack _unit;

_unit addHeadgear "H_Cap_khaki_specops_UK";

_unit addUniform "U_PMC_CombatUniformLS_BSGPBB";

_unit addVest "V_PlateCarrier1_PMC_blk";

_unit addbackpack "B_Carryall_oli";

_unit addWeapon "rangefinder";

_unit addWeapon "itemGps";

(unitBackpack _unit) additemCargo ["FirstAidKit",10];

(unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag",2];

(unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["ClaymoreDirectionalMine_Remote_Mag",2];

[_unit, "arifle_MX_MRCO_blk_F" ,8 ,"30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;

[_unit, "hgun_pistol_heavy_01_F" ,3 ,"11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;

_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight";

_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Aco";


Fuciliere =


_unit = _this select 0;

removeAllWeapons _unit;

removeHeadgear _unit;

removeVest _unit;

removeUniform _unit;

removeBackPack _unit;

_unit addHeadgear "H_Cap_tan_pmc";

_unit addUniform "U_PMC_BrnPolo_BluPants";

_unit addVest "V_PlateCarrier1_PMC_khki";

_unit addbackpack "B_mas_Kitbag_rng";

_unit addWeapon "rangefinder";

_unit addWeapon "itemGps";

(unitBackpack _unit) additemCargo ["FirstAidKit",10];

(unitBackpack _unit) addmagazineCargo ["SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag", 1];

(unitBackpack _unit) addmagazineCargo ["handgrenade", 3];

(unitBackpack _unit) addmagazineCargo ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", 5];

(unitBackpack _unit) addmagazineCargo ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Red", 3];

[_unit, "arifle_Mk20_F" ,8 ,"30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;

[_unit, "hgun_pistol_heavy_01_F" ,3 ,"11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;

_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight";

_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Aco";


Medico =


_unit = _this select 0;

removeAllWeapons _unit;

removeHeadgear _unit;

removeVest _unit;

removeUniform _unit;

removeBackPack _unit;

_unit addHeadgear "H_Cap_pmc_headphones";

_unit addUniform "U_PMC_BlkTShirt_DJeans";

_unit addVest "V_PlateCarrier1_PMC_marpat";

_unit addbackpack "B_Carryall_mcamo";

_unit addWeapon "rangefinder";

_unit addWeapon "itemGps";

(unitBackpack _unit) additemCargo ["FirstAidKit",10];

(unitBackpack _unit) additemCargo ["Medikit", 2];

(unitBackpack _unit) addmagazineCargo ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag", 4];

(unitBackpack _unit) addmagazineCargo ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", 3];

[_unit, "arifle_MX_MRCO_blk_F" ,7 ,"30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;

[_unit, "hgun_pistol_heavy_01_F" ,3 ,"11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;

_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight";

_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Aco";


Spotter =


_unit = _this select 0;

removeAllWeapons _unit;

removeHeadgear _unit;

removeVest _unit;

removeUniform _unit;

removeBackPack _unit;

_unit addHeadgear "H_mas_it_Cap_headphones_v";

_unit addUniform "U_PMC_CombatUniformRS_IndPBSBB";

_unit addVest "V_PlateCarrier1_PMC_rgr";

_unit addbackpack "B_Carryall_oli";

_unit addWeapon "rangefinder";

_unit addWeapon "itemGps";

_unit addItem "ACRE_PRC119";

_unit addItem "ACRE_PRC343";

_unit assignitem "ACRE_PRC119";

(unitBackpack _unit) additemCargo ["FirstAidKit",10];

(unitBackpack _unit) additemCargo ["Medikit", 2];

(unitBackpack _unit) addmagazineCargo ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", 4];

(unitBackpack _unit) addmagazineCargo ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Red", 3];

[_unit, "arifle_Mk20_GL_F" ,7 ,"30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;

[_unit, "hgun_pistol_heavy_01_F" ,3 ,"11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;

_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight";

_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Arco";


TL =


_unit = _this select 0;

removeAllWeapons _unit;

removeHeadgear _unit;

removeVest _unit;

removeUniform _unit;

removeBackPack _unit;

_unit addHeadgear "H_Cap_pmc";

_unit addUniform "U_PMC_CombatUniformLS_SSBPBB";

_unit addVest "V_PlateCarrier1_PMC_khki";

_unit addbackpack "B_AssaultPack_blk";

_unit addWeapon "rangefinder";

_unit addWeapon "itemGps";

_unit addItem "ACRE_PRC119";

_unit addItem "ACRE_PRC343";

_unit assignitem "ACRE_PRC119";

(unitBackpack _unit) additemCargo ["FirstAidKit",10];

(unitBackpack _unit) addmagazineCargo ["handgrenade", 2];

(unitBackpack _unit) addmagazineCargo ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag", 7];

[_unit, "arifle_MX_MRCO_blk_F" ,7 ,"30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;

[_unit, "hgun_pistol_heavy_01_F" ,3 ,"11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;

_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight";

_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Aco";


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That's probably because the unit init line(s) is being ran before the function is loaded. Call the function after you know it's loaded. In any case, this isn't a stab in the dark or anything, I gave you code from a fully working scenario. Go back and look closer at how I did things. In fact I explicitly said don't call the function from the units init lines lol.

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I tried to modify my method but I come back with a defeat :S I still have problems with loadouts in MP

so I erased all and I want to restart from zero

before starting I have one question

where should I put this code ?

If (!IsDedicated) Then {
 waitUntil { !IsNull Player };
     if (local player) then {

       waitUntil { time > 1 };

       switch (faction player) do {
              case "BLU_F":{[] call compile preprocessFile "digitalLoadout\LoadoutsBlu.sqf";};
              case "BLU_G_F":{[] call compile preprocessFile "digitalLoadout\LoadoutsFia.sqf";};
              case "IND_F":{[] call compile preprocessFile "digitalLoadout\LoadoutsInd.sqf";};
              case "OPF_F":{[] call compile preprocessFile "digitalLoadout\LoadoutsOpf.sqf";};

             [player] call TAG_FNC_Rifleman; // then call a loadout now, for example



if you make a template or upload your mission you will be remembered in eternity XD I' am so screwed with the loadouts failing in MP that I stopped making MP missions :S I have all in hold until I have a 100% working solution.

"arma III editor will be easy" they said ..... ;(

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probably in the file Description.ext

---------- Post added at 23:06 ---------- Previous post was at 23:04 ----------

That's probably because the unit init line(s) is being ran before the function is loaded. Call the function after you know it's loaded. In any case, this isn't a stab in the dark or anything, I gave you code from a fully working scenario. Go back and look closer at how I did things. In fact I explicitly said don't call the function from the units init lines lol.

I did not say that does not work, I've done something wrong to write;)

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Example Mission. Look and see the client.sqf file. Where the loadouts on the player take place.


---------- Post added at 14:08 ---------- Previous post was at 14:06 ----------

For respawn, you can simply add a respawn eventhandler that calls the desired loadout (function).

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Example Mission. Look and see the client.sqf file. Where the loadouts on the player take place.


---------- Post added at 14:08 ---------- Previous post was at 14:06 ----------

For respawn, you can simply add a respawn eventhandler that calls the desired loadout (function).



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No problem. You can also use a switch case to determine which unit the player is controlling and then give the desired loadout.

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Example Mission. Look and see the client.sqf file. Where the loadouts on the player take place.


---------- Post added at 14:08 ---------- Previous post was at 14:06 ----------

For respawn, you can simply add a respawn eventhandler that calls the desired loadout (function).

:cheers: downloading now

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works perfectly. A question ... how do I assign each player the switch of the class?

eg oberst [player] call TAG_FNC_Rifleman; Iceman77 [player] call TAG_FNC_Grenadier .... etc. etc.

---------- Post added at 23:25 ---------- Previous post was at 23:20 ----------

in 'init editor? Granadier slot: this call TAG_FNC_Grenadier

Edited by 2rgt oberst

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Just one more question ( I hope :D) will this work with respawn side too ?

it works great for the vanilla factions , the problem now is that my spetsnaz soldiers are not considered

  case "OPF_F"

you know where can I get the case for modded factions too ? :)

Edited by HaZZarD

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